testCreateDataSourceCleanupThreads() JIRA DBCP-93: If an SQLException occurs after the GenericObjectPool is
initialized in createDataSource, the evictor task is not cleaned up.
testPropertyTestOnReturn() Bugzilla Bug 29054:
The BasicDataSource.setTestOnReturn(boolean) is not carried through to
the GenericObjectPool variable _testOnReturn.
public void
testRollbackReadOnly() Bugzilla Bug 29055: AutoCommit and ReadOnly
The DaffodilDB driver throws an SQLException if
trying to commit or rollback a readOnly connection.
Bugzilla Bug 29832: Broken behaviour for BasicDataSource.setMaxActive(0)
MaxActive == 0 should throw SQLException on getConnection.
Results from Bug 29863 in commons-pool.
public void testNoAccessToUnderlyingConnectionAllowed() throws Exception(Code)