Method Summary |
public void | addBatch(String sql) Delgates calls to the statement; SQLExceptions thrown from the statement
will cause an event to be fired on the connection pool listeners. |
public void | cancel() Delgates calls to the statement; SQLExceptions thrown from the statement
will cause an event to be fired on the connection pool listeners. |
public void | clearBatch() Delgates calls to the statement; SQLExceptions thrown from the statement
will cause an event to be fired on the connection pool listeners. |
public void | clearWarnings() Delgates calls to the statement; SQLExceptions thrown from the statement
will cause an event to be fired on the connection pool listeners. |
public void | close() Delgates calls to the statement; SQLExceptions thrown from the statement
will cause an event to be fired on the connection pool listeners. |
public boolean | execute(String sql) Delgates calls to the statement; SQLExceptions thrown from the statement
will cause an event to be fired on the connection pool listeners. |
public boolean | execute(String sql, int autoGeneratedKeys) Delgates calls to the statement; SQLExceptions thrown from the statement
will cause an event to be fired on the connection pool listeners. |
public boolean | execute(String sql, int[] columnIndexes) Delgates calls to the statement; SQLExceptions thrown from the statement
will cause an event to be fired on the connection pool listeners. |
public boolean | execute(String sql, String[] columnNames) Delgates calls to the statement; SQLExceptions thrown from the statement
will cause an event to be fired on the connection pool listeners. |
public int[] | executeBatch() Delgates calls to the statement; SQLExceptions thrown from the statement
will cause an event to be fired on the connection pool listeners. |
public ResultSet | executeQuery(String sql) Delgates calls to the statement; SQLExceptions thrown from the statement
will cause an event to be fired on the connection pool listeners. |
public int | executeUpdate(String sql) Delgates calls to the statement; SQLExceptions thrown from the statement
will cause an event to be fired on the connection pool listeners. |
public int | executeUpdate(String sql, int autoGeneratedKeys) Delgates calls to the statement; SQLExceptions thrown from the statement
will cause an event to be fired on the connection pool listeners. |
public int | executeUpdate(String sql, int[] columnIndexes) Delgates calls to the statement; SQLExceptions thrown from the statement
will cause an event to be fired on the connection pool listeners. |
public int | executeUpdate(String sql, String[] columnNames) Delgates calls to the statement; SQLExceptions thrown from the statement
will cause an event to be fired on the connection pool listeners. |
public Connection | getConnection() Delgates calls to the statement; SQLExceptions thrown from the statement
will cause an event to be fired on the connection pool listeners. |
public int | getFetchDirection() Delgates calls to the statement; SQLExceptions thrown from the statement
will cause an event to be fired on the connection pool listeners. |
public int | getFetchSize() Delgates calls to the statement; SQLExceptions thrown from the statement
will cause an event to be fired on the connection pool listeners. |
public ResultSet | getGeneratedKeys() Delgates calls to the statement; SQLExceptions thrown from the statement
will cause an event to be fired on the connection pool listeners. |
public int | getMaxFieldSize() Delgates calls to the statement; SQLExceptions thrown from the statement
will cause an event to be fired on the connection pool listeners. |
public int | getMaxRows() Delgates calls to the statement; SQLExceptions thrown from the statement
will cause an event to be fired on the connection pool listeners. |
public boolean | getMoreResults() Delgates calls to the statement; SQLExceptions thrown from the statement
will cause an event to be fired on the connection pool listeners. |
public boolean | getMoreResults(int current) Delgates calls to the statement; SQLExceptions thrown from the statement
will cause an event to be fired on the connection pool listeners. |
public int | getQueryTimeout() Delgates calls to the statement; SQLExceptions thrown from the statement
will cause an event to be fired on the connection pool listeners. |
public ResultSet | getResultSet() Delgates calls to the statement; SQLExceptions thrown from the statement
will cause an event to be fired on the connection pool listeners. |
public int | getResultSetConcurrency() Delgates calls to the statement; SQLExceptions thrown from the statement
will cause an event to be fired on the connection pool listeners. |
public int | getResultSetHoldability() Delgates calls to the statement; SQLExceptions thrown from the statement
will cause an event to be fired on the connection pool listeners. |
public int | getResultSetType() Delgates calls to the statement; SQLExceptions thrown from the statement
will cause an event to be fired on the connection pool listeners. |
public int | getUpdateCount() Delgates calls to the statement; SQLExceptions thrown from the statement
will cause an event to be fired on the connection pool listeners. |
public SQLWarning | getWarnings() Delgates calls to the statement; SQLExceptions thrown from the statement
will cause an event to be fired on the connection pool listeners. |
protected void | processSQLException(SQLException sqlException) Processes SQLExceptions. |
public void | setCursorName(String name) Delgates calls to the statement; SQLExceptions thrown from the statement
will cause an event to be fired on the connection pool listeners. |
public void | setEscapeProcessing(boolean enable) Delgates calls to the statement; SQLExceptions thrown from the statement
will cause an event to be fired on the connection pool listeners. |
public void | setFetchDirection(int direction) Delgates calls to the statement; SQLExceptions thrown from the statement
will cause an event to be fired on the connection pool listeners. |
public void | setFetchSize(int rows) Delgates calls to the statement; SQLExceptions thrown from the statement
will cause an event to be fired on the connection pool listeners. |
public void | setMaxFieldSize(int max) Delgates calls to the statement; SQLExceptions thrown from the statement
will cause an event to be fired on the connection pool listeners. |
public void | setMaxRows(int max) Delgates calls to the statement; SQLExceptions thrown from the statement
will cause an event to be fired on the connection pool listeners. |
public void | setQueryTimeout(int seconds) Delgates calls to the statement; SQLExceptions thrown from the statement
will cause an event to be fired on the connection pool listeners. |
protected void | validateConnection() Validates the connection state. |