Method Summary |
abstract public void | disableStreamingResults() Resets this statements fetch size and result set type to the values
they had before enableStreamingResults() was called. |
abstract public void | enableStreamingResults() Workaround for containers that 'check' for sane values of
Statement.setFetchSize() so that applications can use
the Java variant of libmysql's mysql_use_result() behavior. |
abstract public InputStream | getLocalInfileInputStream() Returns the InputStream instance that will be used to send
data in response to a "LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE" statement. |
abstract public void | setLocalInfileInputStream(InputStream stream) Sets an InputStream instance that will be used to send data
to the MySQL server for a "LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE" statement
rather than a FileInputStream or URLInputStream that represents
the path given as an argument to the statement. |
public void | setPingTarget(PingTarget pingTarget) |