Method Summary |
public void | addColumn(ColumnMetaData colmd) |
public boolean | calcIsSecondClassMutable() Calculate wether this field should be a second class mutable field.
This calculation is a bit expensive.
Please note that this data will be cached in
AbstractClassMetaData.scoMutableMemberFlags . |
public int | compareTo(Object o) Comparator method. |
public boolean | fieldBelongsToClass() Accessor for whether the field is for a superclass, and not for this class. |
public int | getAbsoluteFieldNumber() |
public AbstractClassMetaData | getAbstractClassMetaData() Convenience accessor for the MetaData of the parent class. |
public ArrayMetaData | getArray() Accessor for an array container for this field. |
public String | getCatalog() |
public String | getClassName() Accessor for the fully-qualified class name owning this field. |
public String | getClassName(boolean fully_qualified) Convenience to return the class name that this a field of.
Parameters: fully_qualified - Whether the name should be fully qualified. |
public CollectionMetaData | getCollection() Accessor for a collection container for this field. |
final public String | getColumn() |
final public ColumnMetaData[] | getColumnMetaData() |
public ContainerMetaData | getContainer() Accessor for the container for this field. |
final public ElementMetaData | getElementMetaData() |
final public EmbeddedMetaData | getEmbeddedMetaData() |
public int | getFieldId() Accessor for the field id. |
final public String[] | getFieldTypes() Accessor for the implementation type(s) that can be stored in this field when it is a reference type. |
final public ForeignKeyMetaData | getForeignKeyMetaData() |
public String | getFullFieldName() Accessor for the full field name. |
final public IndexMetaData | getIndexMetaData() |
public byte | getJdoFieldFlag() |
final public JoinMetaData | getJoinMetaData() |
final public KeyMetaData | getKeyMetaData() |
public String | getLoadFetchGroup() |
public MapMetaData | getMap() Accessor for a map container for this field. |
final public String | getMappedBy() |
public MetaDataManager | getMetaDataManager() Convenience accessor for the MetaData Manager in use. |
public String | getName() |
public NullValue | getNullValue() |
final public OrderMetaData | getOrderMetaData() |
protected MetaData | getOverallParentClassMetaData(MetaData metadata) Convenience method to navigate back through the parents to find the overall
ClassMetaData handling this object. |
public FieldPersistenceModifier | getPersistenceModifier() |
public int | getRecursionDepth() |
void | getReferencedClassMetaData(List orderedCMDs, Set referencedCMDs, String dba_vendor_id, ClassLoaderResolver clr) Accessor for all ClassMetaData referenced by this Field.
Part of the "persistence-by-reachability" concept. |
public AbstractMemberMetaData[] | getRelatedMemberMetaData(ClassLoaderResolver clr) Accessor for the FieldMetaData of any related field/property (where this field is part of a
bidirectional relation). |
public AbstractMemberMetaData | getRelatedMemberMetaDataForObject(ClassLoaderResolver clr, Object thisPC, Object otherPC) Convenience accessor for the MetaData for the field/property at the other side of the bidirectional
relation given the objects at this side and the other side. |
public int | getRelationType(ClassLoaderResolver clr) Accessor for the relation type for this field. |
public String | getSchema() |
public String | getSequence() If the value-strategy is sequence, the sequence attribute specifies the
name of the sequence to use to automatically generate a value for the
field. |
public String | getTable() |
public Class | getType() |
public String | getTypeName() |
final public UniqueMetaData | getUniqueMetaData() |
public String | getValueGeneratorName() Name of a (user-provided) value generator to override the default JPOX generator for this strategy. |
final public ValueMetaData | getValueMetaData() |
public IdentityStrategy | getValueStrategy() The value-strategy attribute specifies the strategy used to generate
values for the field. |
public boolean | hasArray() |
public boolean | hasCollection() |
public boolean | hasContainer() Accessor for whether the field has a container. |
public boolean | hasMap() Accessor for whether the field has a map. |
public synchronized void | initialise() Initialisation method. |
public boolean | isAbstract() Convenience method to return if this field represents an abstract property. |
public boolean | isCascadeDelete() |
public boolean | isCascadePersist() |
public boolean | isCascadeRefresh() |
public boolean | isCascadeUpdate() |
public boolean | isDefaultFetchGroup() |
public boolean | isDependent() Accessor for the dependent attribute indicates that the field contains a
reference that is to be deleted from the datastore if the referring
instance in which the field is declared is deleted, or if the referring
field is nullified. |
public boolean | isEmbedded() Accessor for the embedded tag value. |
public boolean | isFieldArrayTypePersistable() Utility to return if this array field has elements that are Persistable.
Not valid for use by the enhancer. |
public boolean | isFieldTypePersistable() Utility to return if this field is persistable.
Not valid for use by the enhancer. |
public boolean | isFinal() Convenience method to return if this field/property is final. |
public boolean | isJdoField() Accessor for whether the field is to be managed by JPOX. |
public boolean | isPrimaryKey() Accessor for the primary-key tag value. |
public boolean | isPrivate() Convenience method to return if this field/property is private. |
abstract public boolean | isProperty() |
public boolean | isProtected() Convenience method to return if this field/property is protected. |
public boolean | isPublic() Convenience method to return if this field/property is public. |
public boolean | isRelationOwner(ClassLoaderResolver clr) Convenience method for whether this field is the owner of the relation. |
public boolean | isSerialized() |
public boolean | isStatic() Convenience method to return if this field/property is static. |
public boolean | isTransient() Convenience method to return if this field/property is transient. |
public synchronized void | populate(ClassLoaderResolver clr, Field field, Method method, ClassLoader primary) Method to provide the details of the field being represented by this MetaData hence populating
certain parts of the MetaData. |
public void | setCascadeDelete(boolean cascade) Mutator for the cascading of delete operations on this field. |
public void | setCascadePersist(boolean cascade) Mutator for the cascading of persist operations on this field. |
public void | setCascadeRefresh(boolean cascade) Mutator for the cascading of refresh operations on this field. |
public void | setCascadeUpdate(boolean cascade) Mutator for the cascading of update operations on this field. |
public void | setCatalog(String catalog) |
void | setClassName(String className) Convenience method so that ClassMetaData can update the name of the superclass
to which this field belongs. |
public void | setContainer(ContainerMetaData conmd) Method to set the container for this field (if this field represents a
container (collection, map, array). |
public void | setDefaultFetchGroup(boolean dfg) Convenience method to set the DFG if needing setting after construction. |
public void | setDependent(boolean dependent) Mutator for dependent attribute. |
final public void | setElementMetaData(ElementMetaData elementMetaData) |
final public void | setEmbeddedMetaData(EmbeddedMetaData embeddedMetaData) |
void | setFieldId(int field_id) Mutator for the field id. |
final public void | setForeignKeyMetaData(ForeignKeyMetaData foreignKeyMetaData) |
final public void | setIndexMetaData(IndexMetaData indexMetaData) |
final public void | setJoinMetaData(JoinMetaData joinMetaData) |
final public void | setKeyMetaData(KeyMetaData keyMetaData) |
public void | setLoadFetchGroup(String loadFetchGroup) Convenience method to set the load fetch group if required after construction. |
public void | setMappedBy(String mappedby) |
public void | setNotPersistent() Convenience method to mark this field as not-persistent. |
final public void | setOrderMetaData(OrderMetaData orderMetaData) |
public void | setOrdered() Mutator for whether the collection stored in this field is ordered. |
public void | setPrimaryKey() Convenience method to make this field (part of) the primary key. |
protected void | setRelation(ClassLoaderResolver clr) Convenience method that sets up the relation type of this field, and the reference to
any related field when it is bidirectional. |
public void | setSchema(String schema) |
public void | setSequence(String sequence) If the value-strategy is sequence, the sequence attribute specifies the
name of the sequence to use to automatically generate a value for the field. |
public void | setSerialised() Convenience method to mark this field to be stored serialised. |
public void | setStoreInLob() Mutator for whetehr to store as a "lob". |
public void | setTable(String table) |
public void | setTargetClassName(String target) Mutator for the target class name. |
public void | setTransactional() Convenience method to mark this field as transactional. |
final public void | setUniqueMetaData(UniqueMetaData uniqueMetaData) |
public void | setValueGeneratorName(String generator) Mutator for the name of the value generator to use for this strategy. |
final public void | setValueMetaData(ValueMetaData valueMetaData) |
public void | setValueStrategy(IdentityStrategy valueStrategy) The value-strategy attribute specifies the strategy used to generate
values for the field. |
public String | toString(String prefix, String indent) Returns a string representation of the object using a prefix
This can be used as part of a facility to output a MetaData file. |