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public class Collection extends AbstractCollection implements SCOCollection,SCOMtoN,Cloneable,Queryable,
A mutable second-class Collection object. This class extends Collection, using that class to contain the current objects, and the backing CollectionStore to be the interface to the datastore. A "backing store" is not present for datastores that dont use DatastoreClass, or if the container is serialised or non-persistent.

Modes of Operation

The user can operate the list in 2 modes. The cached mode will use an internal cache of the elements (in the "delegate") reading them at the first opportunity and then using the cache thereafter. The non-cached mode will just go direct to the "backing store" each call.


When the "backing store" is present any updates are passed direct to the datastore as well as to the "delegate". If the "backing store" isn't present the changes are made to the "delegate" only.


When any accessor method is invoked, it typically checks whether the container has been loaded from its "backing store" (where present) and does this as necessary. Some methods (size()) just check if everything is loaded and use the delegate if possible, otherwise going direct to the datastore.
   $Revision: 1.92 $

Field Summary
final protected static  LocaliserLOCALISER
protected  booleanallowNulls
protected  CollectionStorebackingStore
     The "backing store" (for use when not serialised).
protected  java.util.Collectiondelegate
     The internal "delegate".
protected  ClasselementType
protected  StringfieldName
protected  intfieldNumber
protected  booleanisCacheLoaded
     Status flag whether the collection is loaded into the cache.
protected  Objectowner
protected  StateManagerownerSM
     Whether the SCO is in "direct" or "queued" mode.
protected  booleanuseCache
     Whether to use "delegate" caching.

Constructor Summary
public  Collection(StateManager ownerSM, String fieldName)

Method Summary
public synchronized  booleanadd(Object element)
     Method to add an element to the Collection.
public synchronized  booleanaddAll(java.util.Collection c)
     Method to add a collection of elements.
  c - The collection of elements to add.
protected  voidaddQueuedOperation(QueuedOperation op)
     Convenience method to add a queued operation to the operations we perform at commit.
public  voidattachCopy(Object value)
     Method to return an attached copy of the passed (detached) value.
public synchronized  voidclear()
     Method to clear the Collection.
public  Objectclone()
     Creates and returns a copy of this object.

Mutable second-class Objects are required to provide a public clone method in order to allow for copying PersistenceCapable objects.

public synchronized  booleancontains(Object element)
     Accessor for whether an element is contained in the Collection.
public synchronized  booleancontainsAll(java.util.Collection c)
     Accessor for whether a collection of elements are contained here.
  c - The collection of elements.
public  ObjectdetachCopy(FetchPlanState state)
     Method to return a detached copy of the container.
public synchronized  booleanequals(Object o)
     Equality operator.
  o - The object to compare against.
public  voidflush()
     Method to flush the changes to the datastore when operating in queued mode.
public  ClassgetElementType()
     Accessor for the element type.
public  StringgetFieldName()
     Accessor for the field name.
public  ObjectgetOwner()
     Accessor for the owner object.
public  ObjectgetValue()
     Accessor for the unwrapped value that we are wrapping.
public synchronized  inthashCode()
     Hashcode operator.
public  voidinitialise(Object o, boolean forInsert, boolean forUpdate)
     Method to initialise the SCO from an existing value.
public  voidinitialise()
     Method to initialise the SCO for use.
public synchronized  booleanisEmpty()
     Accessor for whether the Collection is empty.
public synchronized  Iteratoriterator()
     Accessor for an iterator for the Collection.
public  voidload()
     Method to effect the load of the data in the SCO.
protected  voidloadFromStore()
     Method to load all elements from the "backing store" where appropriate.
public  voidmakeDirty()
public synchronized  QueryExpressionnewQueryStatement()
     Method to generate a QueryStatement for the SCO.
public synchronized  QueryExpressionnewQueryStatement(Class candidateClass, DatastoreIdentifier candidateAlias)
     Method to return a QueryStatement, using the specified candidate class.
public synchronized  ResultObjectFactorynewResultObjectFactory(QueryExpression stmt, boolean ignoreCache, Class resultClass, boolean useFetchPlan)
     Method to return a ResultObjectFactory for the SCO.
public synchronized  booleanremove(Object element)
     Method to remove an element from the Collection.
public  booleanremove(Object element, boolean allowCascadeDelete)
     Method to remove an element from the collection, and observe the flag for whether to allow cascade delete.
public synchronized  booleanremoveAll(java.util.Collection c)
     Method to remove a Collection of elements.
public synchronized  booleanretainAll(java.util.Collection c)
     Method to retain a Collection of elements (and remove all others).
public synchronized  intsize()
     Accessor for the size of the Collection.
public synchronized  Object[]toArray()
     Method to return the Collection as an array.
public synchronized  Object[]toArray(Object a)
     Method to return the Collection as an array.
public  StringtoString()
     Method to return the Collection as a String.
public synchronized  voidunsetOwner()
     Method to unset the owner and field information.
public  voidupdateEmbeddedElement(Object element, int fieldNumber, Object value)
     Method to update an embedded element in this collection.
protected  ObjectwriteReplace()
     The writeReplace method is called when ObjectOutputStream is preparing to write the object to the stream.

Field Detail
final protected static Localiser LOCALISER(Code)

protected boolean allowNulls(Code)

protected CollectionStore backingStore(Code)
The "backing store" (for use when not serialised).

protected java.util.Collection delegate(Code)
The internal "delegate".

protected Class elementType(Code)

protected String fieldName(Code)

protected int fieldNumber(Code)

protected boolean isCacheLoaded(Code)
Status flag whether the collection is loaded into the cache.

protected Object owner(Code)

protected StateManager ownerSM(Code)

boolean queued(Code)
Whether the SCO is in "direct" or "queued" mode.

protected boolean useCache(Code)
Whether to use "delegate" caching.

Constructor Detail
public Collection(StateManager ownerSM, String fieldName)(Code)
Constructor. Called from CollectionMapping.
  ownerSM - The State Manager for this collection.
  fieldName - Name of the field

Method Detail
public synchronized boolean add(Object element)(Code)
Method to add an element to the Collection.
  element - The element to add Whether it was added successfully.

public synchronized boolean addAll(java.util.Collection c)(Code)
Method to add a collection of elements.
  c - The collection of elements to add. Whether they were added successfully.

protected void addQueuedOperation(QueuedOperation op)(Code)
Convenience method to add a queued operation to the operations we perform at commit.
  op - The operation

public void attachCopy(Object value)(Code)
Method to return an attached copy of the passed (detached) value. The returned attached copy is a SCO wrapper. Goes through the existing elements in the store for this owner field and removes ones no longer present, and adds new elements. All elements in the (detached) value are attached.
  value - The new (collection) value

public synchronized void clear()(Code)
Method to clear the Collection.

public Object clone()(Code)
Creates and returns a copy of this object.

Mutable second-class Objects are required to provide a public clone method in order to allow for copying PersistenceCapable objects. In contrast to Object.clone(), this method must not throw a CloneNotSupportedException. A clone of the object

public synchronized boolean contains(Object element)(Code)
Accessor for whether an element is contained in the Collection.
  element - The element Whether the element is contained here

public synchronized boolean containsAll(java.util.Collection c)(Code)
Accessor for whether a collection of elements are contained here.
  c - The collection of elements. Whether they are contained.

public Object detachCopy(FetchPlanState state)(Code)
Method to return a detached copy of the container. Recurses through the elements so that they are likewise detached.
  state - State for detachment process The detached container

public synchronized boolean equals(Object o)(Code)
Equality operator.
  o - The object to compare against. Whether this object is the same.

public void flush()(Code)
Method to flush the changes to the datastore when operating in queued mode. Does nothing in "direct" mode.

public Class getElementType()(Code)
Accessor for the element type. the element type contained in the collection

public String getFieldName()(Code)
Accessor for the field name. The field name

public Object getOwner()(Code)
Accessor for the owner object. The owner object

public Object getValue()(Code)
Accessor for the unwrapped value that we are wrapping. The unwrapped value

public synchronized int hashCode()(Code)
Hashcode operator. The Hash code.

public void initialise(Object o, boolean forInsert, boolean forUpdate)(Code)
Method to initialise the SCO from an existing value.
  o - The object to set from
  forInsert - Whether the object needs inserting in the datastore with this value
  forUpdate - Whether to update the object in the datastore with this value

public void initialise()(Code)
Method to initialise the SCO for use.

public synchronized boolean isEmpty()(Code)
Accessor for whether the Collection is empty. Whether it is empty.

public synchronized Iterator iterator()(Code)
Accessor for an iterator for the Collection. The iterator

public void load()(Code)
Method to effect the load of the data in the SCO. Used when the SCO supports lazy-loading to tell it to load all now.

protected void loadFromStore()(Code)
Method to load all elements from the "backing store" where appropriate.

public void makeDirty()(Code)
Utility to mark the object as dirty

public synchronized QueryExpression newQueryStatement()(Code)
Method to generate a QueryStatement for the SCO. The QueryStatement

public synchronized QueryExpression newQueryStatement(Class candidateClass, DatastoreIdentifier candidateAlias)(Code)
Method to return a QueryStatement, using the specified candidate class.
  candidateClass - the candidate class
  candidateAlias - Alias for the candidate The QueryStatement

public synchronized ResultObjectFactory newResultObjectFactory(QueryExpression stmt, boolean ignoreCache, Class resultClass, boolean useFetchPlan)(Code)
Method to return a ResultObjectFactory for the SCO.
  stmt - The QueryStatement
  ignoreCache - Whether to ignore the cache
  resultClass - Whether to create objects of a particular class
  useFetchPlan - whether to use the fetch plan to retrieve fields in the same query The ResultObjectFactory

public synchronized boolean remove(Object element)(Code)
Method to remove an element from the Collection.
  element - The Element to remove Whether it was removed successfully.

public boolean remove(Object element, boolean allowCascadeDelete)(Code)
Method to remove an element from the collection, and observe the flag for whether to allow cascade delete.
  element - The element
  allowCascadeDelete - Whether to allow cascade delete

public synchronized boolean removeAll(java.util.Collection c)(Code)
Method to remove a Collection of elements.
  c - The collection to remove Whether they were removed successfully.

public synchronized boolean retainAll(java.util.Collection c)(Code)
Method to retain a Collection of elements (and remove all others).
  c - The collection to retain Whether they were retained successfully.

public synchronized int size()(Code)
Accessor for the size of the Collection. The size

public synchronized Object[] toArray()(Code)
Method to return the Collection as an array. The array

public synchronized Object[] toArray(Object a)(Code)
Method to return the Collection as an array.
  a - The array to write the results to The array

public String toString()(Code)
Method to return the Collection as a String. The string form

public synchronized void unsetOwner()(Code)
Method to unset the owner and field information.

public void updateEmbeddedElement(Object element, int fieldNumber, Object value)(Code)
Method to update an embedded element in this collection.
  element - The element
  fieldNumber - Number of field in the element
  value - New value for this field

protected Object writeReplace() throws ObjectStreamException(Code)
The writeReplace method is called when ObjectOutputStream is preparing to write the object to the stream. The ObjectOutputStream checks whether the class defines the writeReplace method. If the method is defined, the writeReplace method is called to allow the object to designate its replacement in the stream. The object returned should be either of the same type as the object passed in or an object that when read and resolved will result in an object of a type that is compatible with all references to the object. the replaced object
  ObjectStreamException -

Methods inherited from java.util.AbstractCollection
public boolean add(E e)(Code)(Java Doc)
public boolean addAll(Collection<? extends E> c)(Code)(Java Doc)
public void clear()(Code)(Java Doc)
public boolean contains(Object o)(Code)(Java Doc)
public boolean containsAll(Collection c)(Code)(Java Doc)
public boolean isEmpty()(Code)(Java Doc)
abstract public Iterator<E> iterator()(Code)(Java Doc)
public boolean remove(Object o)(Code)(Java Doc)
public boolean removeAll(Collection c)(Code)(Java Doc)
public boolean retainAll(Collection c)(Code)(Java Doc)
abstract public int size()(Code)(Java Doc)
public Object[] toArray()(Code)(Java Doc)
public T[] toArray(T[] a)(Code)(Java Doc)
public String toString()(Code)(Java Doc)

Methods inherited from java.lang.Object
native protected Object clone() throws CloneNotSupportedException(Code)(Java Doc)
public boolean equals(Object obj)(Code)(Java Doc)
protected void finalize() throws Throwable(Code)(Java Doc)
final native public Class getClass()(Code)(Java Doc)
native public int hashCode()(Code)(Java Doc)
final native public void notify()(Code)(Java Doc)
final native public void notifyAll()(Code)(Java Doc)
public String toString()(Code)(Java Doc)
final native public void wait(long timeout) throws InterruptedException(Code)(Java Doc)
final public void wait(long timeout, int nanos) throws InterruptedException(Code)(Java Doc)
final public void wait() throws InterruptedException(Code)(Java Doc) | Contact Us
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