Method Summary |
abstract public long | getAdapterTime(Timestamp time) Utility to return the adapter time in case there are rounding issues with
millisecs etc. |
abstract public int | getDatastoreMajorVersion() Accessor for the datastore major version number. |
abstract public int | getDatastoreMinorVersion() Accessor for the datastore minor version number. |
abstract public String | getIdentifierQuoteString() Accessor for the quote string to use when quoting identifiers. |
abstract public JavaTypeMapping | getMapping(Class c, StoreManager storeMgr) Accessor for the mapping for the specified class assuming that the type is not serialised and not embedded. |
abstract public JavaTypeMapping | getMapping(Class c, StoreManager storeMgr, boolean serialised, boolean embedded, String fieldName) Accessor for the mapping for the specified class. |
abstract public JavaTypeMapping | getMapping(Class c, StoreManager storeMgr, ClassLoaderResolver clr) Accessor for the mapping for the specified class assuming that the type is not serialised and not embedded. |
abstract public JavaTypeMapping | getMapping(Class c, StoreManager storeMgr, ClassLoaderResolver clr, boolean serialised, boolean embedded) Accessor for the mapping for the specified class. |
abstract public MappingManager | getMappingManager() Accessor for the Mapping Manager for field mapping management. |
abstract public String | getVendorID() Accessor for the Vendor ID for this datastore. |
abstract public void | initialiseDatastore(Object conn) |
boolean | isBitReallyBoolean() Accessor for whether bit is really mapped in the datastore to boolean. |
boolean | isIdentityFieldDataType(String columnDef) Verifies if the given columnDef is an identity field type for the datastore. |
abstract public boolean | isReservedKeyword(String word) Method to check if a word is reserved for this datastore. |
public boolean | isStoresLowerCaseIdentifiers() Accessor for whether this adapter stores lower case identifiers. |
public boolean | isStoresLowerCaseQuotedIdentifiers() Accessor for whether this adapter stores "lowercase" identifiers. |
public boolean | isStoresMixedCaseIdentifiers() Accessor for whether this adapter stores MixedCase identifiers. |
public boolean | isStoresMixedCaseQuotedIdentifiers() Accessor for whether this adapter "MixedCase" identifiers. |
public boolean | isStoresUpperCaseIdentifiers() Accessor for whether this adapter stores UPPERCASE identifiers. |
public boolean | isStoresUpperCaseQuotedIdentifiers() Accessor for whether this adapter stores "UPPERCASE" identifiers. |
public void | loadDatastoreMapping(PluginManager mgr, ClassLoaderResolver clr) |
abstract public NumericExpression | modOperator(ScalarExpression operand1, ScalarExpression operand2) Method to generate a modulus expression. |
abstract public QueryExpression | newQueryStatement(DatastoreContainerObject container, ClassLoaderResolver clr) Accessor for a new query statement. |
abstract public QueryExpression | newQueryStatement(DatastoreContainerObject container, DatastoreIdentifier rangeVar, ClassLoaderResolver clr) Accessor for a new query statement. |
abstract public boolean | supportsIdentityFields() Whether this datastore adapter support identity fields. |
boolean | supportsQueryFetchSize(int size) Whether the datastore will support setting the query fetch size to the supplied value. |
abstract public boolean | supportsSequences() Whether this datastore adapter supports sequences. |
abstract public String | toString() Method to return this object as a string. |