| java.lang.Object simpleorm.core.SDriver simpleorm.core.SDriverMySQL
SDriverMySQL | public class SDriverMySQL extends SDriver (Code) | | This contains MySQL specific code.
CHAR/VARCHAR max size 255(!) Thence TEXT.
### pierrea@email.com suggests:- (Needs testing)
- SDriverMysql should have its own quoteIdentifier using ` instead
of " (the character next to the 1 button above the tab button on a
std US keyboard). The double quotation fails for the tablenames.
- SDriverMysql should be updated with a new driverName: MySQL-AB
JDBC Driver. This is the driver name for all mysql jdbc drivers as
posted on Mysql developer section. It might be worthwhile to change
the driverName function to return an array of possible names instead
of a single name, either that or subclass SDriverMysql to
SDriverMMMysql and then include both.
indexKeySQL | protected String indexKeySQL(SRecordMeta meta)(Code) | | Returns INDEX (KCOL)
Apparantly MySQL needs the index to be created as part of the Create Table statement or it generates
errors. I don't think any other DBs support INDEX clauses.
author: Joseph Greenwood |
postTablePostParenSQL | protected String postTablePostParenSQL(SRecordMeta meta)(Code) | | Any other text to be added after the final ")"
supportsLocking | public boolean supportsLocking()(Code) | | ### This assuems their "innoDB" mode. Not true for traditional
MySQL. Needs work.
Methods inherited from simpleorm.core.SDriver | protected void aReferenceSQL(SFieldReference topRef, SFieldReference fldRef, StringBuffer sbFkey, StringBuffer sbRefed)(Code)(Java Doc) protected void addNull(StringBuffer sql, SFieldMeta fld)(Code)(Java Doc) public String alterTableAddColumnSQL(SFieldMeta field)(Code)(Java Doc) public String alterTableDropColumnSQL(SFieldMeta field)(Code)(Java Doc) protected boolean canResultSetAbsolute()(Code)(Java Doc) protected String clauseSeparator(String indent)(Code)(Java Doc) protected String columnTypeSQL(SFieldMeta field)(Code)(Java Doc) protected String createSequenceDDL(String name)(Code)(Java Doc) public String createTableSQL(SRecordMeta meta)(Code)(Java Doc) protected String deleteSQL(SRecordMeta from, SArrayList where, SRecordInstance instance, Object[] keyMetaValues)(Code)(Java Doc) protected String driverName()(Code)(Java Doc) protected String dropSequenceDDL(String name)(Code)(Java Doc) public void dropTableNoError(String table)(Code)(Java Doc) protected String forUpdateSQL(boolean forUpdate)(Code)(Java Doc) protected String foreignKeysSQL(SRecordMeta meta)(Code)(Java Doc) protected String fromSQL(SRecordMeta from, SRecordMeta[] joinTables)(Code)(Java Doc) protected long generateKeySelectMax(SRecordMeta rec, SFieldMeta keyFld)(Code)(Java Doc) protected long generateKeySequence(SRecordMeta rec, SFieldMeta keyFld)(Code)(Java Doc) protected String indexKeySQL(SRecordMeta meta)(Code)(Java Doc) protected void initResultSet(SResultSet srs)(Code)(Java Doc) protected String insertSQL(SArrayList updates, SRecordMeta from)(Code)(Java Doc) protected void makeForeignKeyIndexSQL(SRecordMeta meta, int fx, SFieldReference fldRef, StringBuffer sbFkey, StringBuffer sbRefed, StringBuffer fkey)(Code)(Java Doc) protected String mapForeignKeys(SRecordMeta meta, boolean foreignKey)(Code)(Java Doc) public int maxIdentNameLength()(Code)(Java Doc) static SDriver newSDriver(java.sql.Connection con, String driverName)(Code)(Java Doc) protected String postColumnSQL(SFieldMeta field)(Code)(Java Doc) protected String postFromSQL(boolean forUpdate, boolean unrepeatableRead)(Code)(Java Doc) protected String postTablePostParenSQL(SRecordMeta meta)(Code)(Java Doc) protected String postTablePreParenSQL(SRecordMeta meta)(Code)(Java Doc) protected String primaryKeySQL(SRecordMeta meta)(Code)(Java Doc) public String quoteColumn(String ident)(Code)(Java Doc) public String quoteConstraint(String ident)(Code)(Java Doc) public String quoteIdentifier(String ident)(Code)(Java Doc) public String quoteTable(String ident)(Code)(Java Doc) public void registerDriver()(Code)(Java Doc) protected String selectSQL(SFieldMeta[] select, SRecordMeta from, SFieldMeta[] where, String orderBy, boolean forUpdate, boolean unrepeatableRead, SPreparedStatement sps)(Code)(Java Doc) protected String selectSQL(SFieldMeta[] select, SRecordMeta from, String where, String orderBy, boolean forUpdate, boolean unrepeatableRead, SPreparedStatement sps)(Code)(Java Doc) public boolean supportsKeySequences()(Code)(Java Doc) public boolean supportsLocking()(Code)(Java Doc) protected String updateSQL(SArrayList updates, SRecordMeta from, SArrayList where, SRecordInstance instance, Object[] keyMetaValues)(Code)(Java Doc) protected void whereSQL(StringBuffer ret, SArrayList where, SRecordInstance instance, Object[] keyMetaValues)(Code)(Java Doc) protected String wholeColumnSQL(SFieldMeta fld)(Code)(Java Doc)