Method Summary |
boolean | escapeText() Whether backslashes (\) should be escaped in explicit SQL strings.
If true is returned, a BACKSLASH will be changed to "\\". |
void | generateLimits(Query query, int offset, int limit) This method is used to generate the database specific query
extension to limit the number of record returned. |
String | getBooleanString(Boolean b) This method is used to format a boolean string. |
String | getDateString(Date date) This method is used to format any date string. |
String | getIDMethodSQL(Object obj) Returns SQL used to get the most recently inserted primary key.
Databases which have no support for this return
null .
Parameters: obj - Information used for key generation. |
String | getIDMethodType() Returns the constant from the
org.apache.torque.adapter.IDMethod interface denoting which
type of primary key generation method this type of RDBMS uses. |
int | getLimitStyle() This method is used to check whether the database supports
limiting the size of the resultset. |
char | getStringDelimiter() Returns the character used to indicate the beginning and end of
a piece of text used in a SQL statement (generally a single
quote). |
String | ignoreCase(String in) Modifies a SQL snippet such that its case is ignored by the database.
The SQL snippet can be a column name (like AURHOR.NAME), an
quoted explicit sql string (like 'abc') or any other sql value (like a
number etc.).
Parameters: in - The SQL snippet whose case to ignore. |
String | ignoreCaseInOrderBy(String in) This method is used to ignore case in an ORDER BY clause.
Usually it is the same as ignoreCase, but some databases
(Interbase for example) does not use the same SQL in ORDER BY
and other clauses.
Parameters: in - The string whose case to ignore. |
void | lockTable(Connection con, String table) Locks the specified table. |
boolean | supportsNativeLimit() This method is used to check whether the database natively
supports limiting the size of the resultset. |
boolean | supportsNativeOffset() This method is used to check whether the database natively
supports returning results starting at an offset position other
than 0. |
String | toUpperCase(String in) This method is used to ignore case.
Parameters: in - The string to transform to upper case. |
void | unlockTable(Connection con, String table) Unlocks the specified table. |
boolean | useEscapeClauseForLike() Whether an escape clause in like should be used. |
boolean | useIlike() Whether ILIKE should be used for case insensitive like clauses. |