Method Summary |
public void | addAction(Action action) Add an action. |
public void | addAlias(String alias, String column) Add a column alias. |
public void | addAttribute(Attribute attribute) Add a new attribute. |
public void | addColumn(String colName, int sqlType) Add a column at the end of the sequential list of named columns. |
public void | addConstraint(String column, FieldConstraint constraint) Add a constraint. |
public void | addPKColumn(String colName) Add a key column to the sequential list of the key columns. |
protected void | clearCache() Clear the cache (not used for now). |
public boolean | delete(Map<String, Object> values) Delete a row based on (key) values. |
public boolean | delete(String keyValue) Delete a row based on the unique key string value. |
public boolean | delete(Number keyValue) Delete a row based on the unique key string value. |
public String | deobfuscate(Object value) De-obfuscate given value. |
public Instance | fetch(List<Object> values) Fetch an instance from key values stored in a List in natural order. |
public Instance | fetch(Map<String, Object> values) Fetch an instance from key values stored in a Map. |
public Instance | fetch(String keyValue) Fetch an instance from its key value as a string. |
public Instance | fetch(Number keyValue) Fetch an instance from its key value specified as a Number. |
public Object | filterID(Long id) Obfuscate this id value if needed. |
public Object | filterIncomingValue(String column, Object value) |
public ExportedKey | findExportedKey(Entity fkEntity, List<String> fkCols) Check for the existence of an exported key with the same columns. |
public ImportedKey | findImportedKey(Entity pkEntity, List<String> fkCols) Check for the existence of an imported key with the same columns. |
public Action | getAction(String property) get an action. |
public Attribute | getAttribute(String property) Get a named attribute. |
public List<String> | getColumns() Getter for the list of column names. |
public Database | getDB() Get the database connection. |
public String | getFetchQuery() Get the SQL query string used to fetch one instance of this query. |
public String | getName() Getter for the name of this entity. |
public List<String> | getPKCols() Getter for the list of key column names. |
public String | getTableName() Get the name of the mapped table. |
public boolean | hasLocalizedColumns() |
public boolean | insert(Map<String, Object> values) Insert a new row based on values of a map. |
public void | invalidateInstance(Map<String, Object> instance) Invalidate an instance in the cache. |
public boolean | isColumn(String name) |
public boolean | isLocalized(String column) Returns whether the given column is obfuscated. |
public boolean | isObfuscated(String column) Returns whether the given column is obfuscated. |
public boolean | isReadOnly() |
public Instance | newInstance() Create a new realisation of this entity. |
public Instance | newInstance(Map<String, Object> values) Build a new instance from a Map object. |
public Instance | newInstance(Map<String, Object> values, boolean useSQLnames) Build a new instance from a Map object. |
public String | obfuscate(Object value) Obfuscate given value. |
public RowIterator | query() Issue a query to iterate though all instances of this entity. |
public RowIterator | query(List refineCriteria, String order) Issue a query to iterate thought instances of this entity, with a facultative refining criteria and a facultative order by clause. |
public String | resolveName(String alias) Translates an alias to its column name. |
public void | reverseEnginered() Used by the framework to notify this entity that its reverse enginering is over. |
public void | setCachingMethod(int caching) Specify the caching method. |
public void | setInstanceClass(String className) Specify a custom class to use when instanciating this entity. |
public void | setLocalized(List columns) Indicates a column as being localized. |
public void | setObfuscated(List<String> columns) Indicates a column as being obfuscated. |
public void | setReadOnly(boolean readOnly) Set this entity to be read-only or read-write. |
public void | setTableName(String table) set the name of the table mapped by this entity. |
public boolean | update(Map<String, Object> values) Update a row based on a set of values that must contain key values. |
public boolean | validate(Map<String, Object> row) Validate a set of values. |