The Castor implementation of specific XML Schema Types
This package contains the implementation of the date/time datatypes defined in W3C XML Schema 1.0 Recommendation. Those types are needed by the marshalling framework and the source generator.
The date type is derived from time period by setting up the facet:
Note: This datatype is not included in any recommendation.
The validation of the date/time fields is done in the set methods and follows the ISO8601 Date and Time Format.
Note: the Castor date/time types are mutable, unlike the date/time types of the JDK in Java2.
The date type is derived from time period by setting up the facet :
The validation of the date fields is done in the set methods and follows the ISO8601 Date and Time Format
It is possible to omit higher components by using '-'.
The format is defined by W3C XML Schema Recommendation and ISO8601 i.e hh:mm:ss.sss(Z|(+|-)hh:mm)
Deep support of fractional seconds is not implemented.
This representation does not support the decimal fraction for the lowest order item.
The time period type is derived from recurringDuration by setting up the facet:
Describe an XML schema Year.