testReportQueryGroupByExtents1() ReportQuery returning rows with summed stock and price per article group
The selected class has the extents.
The query returns summed values for each row, so there may be multiple rows
for one productgroup because one query for each extent is executed.
Simple ReportQuery returning rows with 2 columns of Person
public void testReportQueryGroupByExtents1()(Code)
ReportQuery returning rows with summed stock and price per article group
The selected class has the extents.
The query returns summed values for each row, so there may be multiple rows
for one productgroup because one query for each extent is executed.
public void testReportQueryGroupByExtents2()(Code)
ReportQuery returning rows with summed stock and price per article group
The selected columns point to a class having extents.
The query produces a wrong sql, selecting only rows of the top-class
public void testReportQueryGroupByNonSelectColumns()(Code)
Simple ReportQuery returning rows with max(id) of Person grouped by not selected columns
test Subquery get all product groups with more than 10 articles, uses
attribute as value ! see testSubQuery4 for a better way
test may fail if db does not support sub queries