| org.apache.geronimo.jetty6.JettyEJBWebServiceContext
JettyEJBWebServiceContext | public class JettyEJBWebServiceContext extends ContextHandler (Code) | | Delegates requests to a WebServiceContainer which is presumably for an EJB WebService.
WebServiceContainer delegates to an EJBContainer that will ultimately provide the JNDI,
TX, and Security services for this web service.
Nothing stopping us from using this for POJOs or other types of webservices if shared
Context (JNDI, tx, security) wasn't required to be supplied by the web context.
From a 10,000 foot view the Jetty architecture has:
Container -> Context -> Holder -> Servlet
A Container has multiple Contexts, typically webapps
A Context provides the JNDI, TX, and Security for the webapp and has many Holders
A Holder simply wraps each Servlet
The POJO Web Service architecture on Jetty looks like this:
Container -> WebApp Context -> JettyPOJOWebServiceHolder -> POJOWebServiceServlet
The EJB Web Service architecure, on the other hand, creates one Context for each EJB:
Container -> JettyEJBWebServiceContext
version: $Rev: 549825 $ $Date: 2007-06-22 07:17:31 -0700 (Fri, 22 Jun 2007) $ |
getSecurityRealmName | public String getSecurityRealmName()(Code) | | |