Method Summary |
public void | clearBuffer() Clears the response buffer. |
public void | clearClose() Clears the close. |
public void | close() Closes the response stream. |
public void | flush() Flushes the buffered response to the output stream. |
public void | flushBuffer() Flushes the buffer. |
protected void | flushByteBuffer() Flushes the buffered response to the output stream. |
protected void | flushCharBuffer() Converts the char buffer. |
public byte[] | getBuffer() Returns the byte buffer. |
protected int | getBufferLength() Returns the remaining value left. |
public int | getBufferOffset() Returns the byte offset. |
public int | getBufferSize() Returns the buffer capacity. |
public char[] | getCharBuffer() Returns the char buffer. |
public int | getCharOffset() Returns the char offset. |
public int | getRemaining() Returns the remaining value left. |
public boolean | isCauchoResponseStream() Returns true for a caucho response stream. |
public byte[] | nextBuffer(int offset) Returns the next byte buffer. |
public char[] | nextCharBuffer(int offset) Converts the char buffer. |
public void | print(int ch) Writes a character to the output. |
public void | print(char[] buffer, int offset, int length) Writes a char array to the output. |
public void | setBufferOffset(int offset) Sets the byte offset. |
public void | setBufferSize(int size) Sets the buffer capacity. |
public void | setCharOffset(int offset) Sets the char offset. |
public void | setEncoding(String encoding) Sets the encoding. |
public void | setHead() Sets the head. |
public void | setLocale(Locale locale) Sets the locale. |
public void | setOutputStreamOnly(boolean isOutputStreamOnly) |
public void | start() Initializes the Buffered Response stream at the beginning of a request. |
public void | write(int ch) Writes a character to the output. |
public void | write(byte[] buffer, int offset, int length) Writes a chunk of bytes to the stream. |
abstract protected void | writeNext(byte[] buffer, int offset, int length, boolean isEnd) Writes the chunk to the downward stream. |