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abstract public class PathWrapper extends Path (Code)
Wraps a path object.

Field Summary
final protected static  L10NL

Constructor Summary
protected  PathWrapper(Path path)
     Creates a new Path object.

Method Summary
public  voidbind(Path context)
     Binds the context to the current path.
public  booleancanRead()
     Tests if the file can be read.
public  booleancanWrite()
     Tests if the file can be written.
public  booleanchangeGroup(int gid)
public  booleanchangeGroup(String groupName)
public  booleanchangeOwner(int uid)
public  booleanchangeOwner(String ownerName)
public  booleanchmod(int value)
public  booleancreateNewFile()
     Creates the file named by this Path and returns true if the file is new.
public  PathcreateRoot()
     Creates a restricted root, like the Unix chroot call.
public  PathcreateRoot(SchemeMap schemeMap)
public  PathcreateTempFile(String prefix, String suffix)
     Creates a unique temporary file as a child of this directory.
public  booleanequals(Object o)
public  booleanexists()
     Tests if the file exists.
public  ObjectgetAttribute(String name)
     Gets an attribute of the object.
public  IteratorgetAttributeNames()
     Returns a iterator of all attribute names set for this object.
public  StringgetContentType()
     Returns the mime-type of the file.
public  longgetCrc64()
     Returns the crc64 code.
public  longgetCreateTime()
     Returns the create time of the file.
public  longgetDiskSpaceFree()
public  longgetDiskSpaceTotal()
public  StringgetFullPath()
     Returns the full path, including the restricted root.
public  intgetGroup()
public  StringgetHost()
public  longgetInode()
public  longgetLastAccessTime()
     Returns the last access time of the file.
public  longgetLastModified()
     Returns the last modified time of the file.
public  longgetLength()
     Returns the length of the file in bytes.
public  StringgetNativePath()
     Returns the native representation of the path.
public  ObjectgetObject()
     Returns the object at this path.
public  intgetOwner()
public  PathgetParent()
     Returns the parent path.
public  StringgetPath()
     Returns the path.
public  intgetPort()
     Returns the port.
public  StringgetQuery()
     Returns the query string of the path.
public  StringgetRelativePath()
     For union paths like MergePath, return the relative path into that path.
public  ArrayList<Path>getResources(String name)
     Looks up all the resources matching a name.
public  ArrayList<Path>getResources()
     Looks up all the existing resources.
public  StringgetScheme()
public  StringgetTail()
     Returns the last segment of the path.


public  StringgetURL()
     Returns the full url for the given path.
public  StringgetUserPath()
     Returns the last string used as a lookup, if available.
public  ObjectgetValue()
     Gets the object at the path.
public  PathgetWrappedPath()
     Returns the wrapped path.
public  inthashCode()
public  booleanisDirectory()
     Tests if the path refers to a directory.
public  booleanisExecutable()
public  booleanisFile()
     Tests if the path refers to a file.
public  booleanisObject()
     Tests if the path refers to an object.
public  Iterator<String>iterator()
     Returns a jdk1.2 Iterator for the contents of this directory.
public  String[]list()
public  Pathlookup(String userPath, Map<String, Object> newAttributes)
     Returns a new path relative to the current one.

Path only handles scheme:xxx.

public  PathlookupImpl(String userPath, Map<String, Object> newAttributes)
     Returns a new path relative to the current one.

Path only handles scheme:xxx.

public  PathlookupNative(String name, Map<String, Object> attributes)
     Looks up a native path, adding attributes.
public  booleanmkdir()
     Creates the directory named by this path.
public  booleanmkdirs()
     Creates the directory named by this path and any parent directories.
public  WriteStreamopenAppend()
     Opens a resin stream for appending.
public  StreamImplopenAppendImpl()
public  RandomAccessStreamopenRandomAccess()
     Opens a random-access stream.
public  StreamImplopenReadImpl()
public  ReadWritePairopenReadWrite()
     Opens a resin ReadWritePair for reading and writing.
public  voidopenReadWrite(ReadStream is, WriteStream os)
     Opens a resin ReadWritePair for reading and writing.
public  StreamImplopenReadWriteImpl()
public  StreamImplopenWriteImpl()
public  booleanremove()
     Removes the file or directory named by this path.
public  booleanremoveAll()
     Removes the all files and directories below this path.
public  booleanrenameTo(Path path)
     Renames the file or directory to the name given by the path.
protected  PathschemeWalk(String userPath, Map<String, Object> newAttributes, String newPath, int offset)
     Path-specific lookup.
public  booleansetExecutable(boolean isExecutable)
public  voidsetLastModified(long time)
public  voidsetObject(Object obj)
     Sets the object at this path.
public  voidsetUserPath(String userPath)
     Sets the user path.
public  voidsetValue(Object obj)
     Sets the object at the path.

Normal filesystems will generally do nothing.

public  StringtoString()
public  voidunbind()
     unbinds a link.
public  voidwriteToStream(OutputStream os)
     Utility to write the contents of this path to the destination stream.
public  voidwriteToStream(OutputStreamWithBuffer os)
     Utility to write the contents of this path to the destination stream.

Field Detail
final protected static L10N L(Code)

Constructor Detail
protected PathWrapper(Path path)(Code)
Creates a new Path object.
  path - the new Path root.

Method Detail
public void bind(Path context)(Code)
Binds the context to the current path. Later lookups will return the new context instead of the current path. Essentially, this is a software symbolic link.

public boolean canRead()(Code)
Tests if the file can be read.

public boolean canWrite()(Code)
Tests if the file can be written.

public boolean changeGroup(int gid) throws IOException(Code)

public boolean changeGroup(String groupName) throws IOException(Code)

public boolean changeOwner(int uid) throws IOException(Code)

public boolean changeOwner(String ownerName) throws IOException(Code)

public boolean chmod(int value)(Code)
Changes the permissions

public boolean createNewFile() throws IOException(Code)
Creates the file named by this Path and returns true if the file is new.

public Path createRoot()(Code)
Creates a restricted root, like the Unix chroot call. Restricted roots cannot access schemes, so file:/etc/passwd cannot be used.

createRoot is useful for restricting JavaScript scripts without resorting to the dreadfully slow security manager.

public Path createRoot(SchemeMap schemeMap)(Code)

public Path createTempFile(String prefix, String suffix) throws IOException(Code)
Creates a unique temporary file as a child of this directory.
  prefix - filename prefix
  suffix - filename suffix, defaults to .tmp Path to the new file.

public boolean equals(Object o)(Code)

public boolean exists()(Code)
Tests if the file exists.

public Object getAttribute(String name) throws IOException(Code)
Gets an attribute of the object.

public Iterator getAttributeNames() throws IOException(Code)
Returns a iterator of all attribute names set for this object. null if path has no attributes.

public String getContentType()(Code)
Returns the mime-type of the file.

Mime-type ignorant filesystems return 'application/octet-stream'

public long getCrc64()(Code)
Returns the crc64 code.

public long getCreateTime()(Code)
Returns the create time of the file. 0 for non-files.

public long getDiskSpaceFree()(Code)

public long getDiskSpaceTotal()(Code)

public String getFullPath()(Code)
Returns the full path, including the restricted root.

For the following, path.getPath() returns '/file.html', while path.getFullPath() returns '/chroot/file.html'.

 Path chroot = Pwd.lookup("/chroot").createRoot();
 Path path = chroot.lookup("/file.html");

public int getGroup()(Code)

public String getHost()(Code)
Returns the hostname

public long getInode()(Code)

public long getLastAccessTime()(Code)
Returns the last access time of the file. 0 for non-files.

public long getLastModified()(Code)
Returns the last modified time of the file. According to the jdk, this may not correspond to the system time. 0 for non-files.

public long getLength()(Code)
Returns the length of the file in bytes. 0 for non-files

public String getNativePath()(Code)
Returns the native representation of the path. On Windows, getNativePath() returns 'd:\\foo\bar.html', getPath() returns '/d:/foo/bar.html'

public Object getObject() throws IOException(Code)
Returns the object at this path. Normally, only paths like JNDI will support this.

public int getOwner()(Code)

public Path getParent()(Code)
Returns the parent path.

public String getPath()(Code)
Returns the path. e.g. for HTTP, returns the part after the host and port.

public int getPort()(Code)
Returns the port.

public String getQuery()(Code)
Returns the query string of the path.

public String getRelativePath()(Code)
For union paths like MergePath, return the relative path into that path.

public ArrayList<Path> getResources(String name)(Code)
Looks up all the resources matching a name. (Generally only useful with MergePath.

public ArrayList<Path> getResources()(Code)
Looks up all the existing resources. (Generally only useful with MergePath.

public String getScheme()(Code)
Returns the url scheme

public String getTail()(Code)
Returns the last segment of the path.

e.g. for, getTail() returns 'index.html'

public String getURL()(Code)
Returns the full url for the given path.

public String getUserPath()(Code)
Returns the last string used as a lookup, if available. This allows parsers to give intelligent error messages, with the user's path instead of the whole path. The following will print '../test.html':
 Path path = Pwd.lookup("/some/dir").lookup("../test.html");

public Object getValue() throws Exception(Code)
Gets the object at the path. Normal filesystems will generally typically return null.

A bean filesystem or a mime-type aware filesystem could deserialize the contents of the file.

public Path getWrappedPath()(Code)
Returns the wrapped path.

public int hashCode()(Code)

public boolean isDirectory()(Code)
Tests if the path refers to a directory.

public boolean isExecutable()(Code)

public boolean isFile()(Code)
Tests if the path refers to a file.

public boolean isObject()(Code)
Tests if the path refers to an object.

public Iterator<String> iterator() throws IOException(Code)
Returns a jdk1.2 Iterator for the contents of this directory.

public String[] list() throws IOException(Code)
The contents of this directory or null if the path does notrefer to a directory.

public Path lookup(String userPath, Map<String, Object> newAttributes)(Code)
Returns a new path relative to the current one.

Path only handles scheme:xxx. Subclasses of Path will specialize the xxx.
  userPath - relative or absolute path, essentially any url.
  newAttributes - attributes for the new path. the new path or null if the scheme doesn't exist

public Path lookupImpl(String userPath, Map<String, Object> newAttributes)(Code)
Returns a new path relative to the current one.

Path only handles scheme:xxx. Subclasses of Path will specialize the xxx.
  userPath - relative or absolute path, essentially any url.
  newAttributes - attributes for the new path. the new path or null if the scheme doesn't exist

public Path lookupNative(String name, Map<String, Object> attributes)(Code)
Looks up a native path, adding attributes.

public boolean mkdir() throws IOException(Code)
Creates the directory named by this path. true if successful.

public boolean mkdirs() throws IOException(Code)
Creates the directory named by this path and any parent directories. true if successful.

public WriteStream openAppend() throws IOException(Code)
Opens a resin stream for appending.

public StreamImpl openAppendImpl() throws IOException(Code)

public RandomAccessStream openRandomAccess() throws IOException(Code)
Opens a random-access stream.

public StreamImpl openReadImpl() throws IOException(Code)

public ReadWritePair openReadWrite() throws IOException(Code)
Opens a resin ReadWritePair for reading and writing.

A chat channel, for example, would open its socket using this interface.

public void openReadWrite(ReadStream is, WriteStream os) throws IOException(Code)
Opens a resin ReadWritePair for reading and writing.

A chat channel, for example, would open its socket using this interface.
  is - pre-allocated ReadStream to be initialized
  os - pre-allocated WriteStream to be initialized

public StreamImpl openReadWriteImpl() throws IOException(Code)

public StreamImpl openWriteImpl() throws IOException(Code)

public boolean remove() throws IOException(Code)
Removes the file or directory named by this path. true if successful.

public boolean removeAll() throws IOException(Code)
Removes the all files and directories below this path. true if successful.

public boolean renameTo(Path path) throws IOException(Code)
Renames the file or directory to the name given by the path. true if successful

protected Path schemeWalk(String userPath, Map<String, Object> newAttributes, String newPath, int offset)(Code)
Path-specific lookup. Path implementations will override this.
  userPath - the user's lookup() path.
  newAttributes - the attributes for the new path.
  newPath - the lookup() path
  offset - offset into newPath to start lookup. the found path

public boolean setExecutable(boolean isExecutable)(Code)

public void setLastModified(long time)(Code)

public void setObject(Object obj) throws IOException(Code)
Sets the object at this path. Normally, only paths like JNDI will support this.

public void setUserPath(String userPath)(Code)
Sets the user path. Useful for temporary files caching another URL.

public void setValue(Object obj) throws Exception(Code)
Sets the object at the path.

Normal filesystems will generally do nothing. However, a bean filesystem or a mime-type aware filesystem could serialize the object and store it.

public String toString()(Code)

public void unbind()(Code)
unbinds a link.

public void writeToStream(OutputStream os) throws IOException(Code)
Utility to write the contents of this path to the destination stream.
  os - destination stream.

public void writeToStream(OutputStreamWithBuffer os) throws IOException(Code)
Utility to write the contents of this path to the destination stream.
  os - destination stream.

Fields inherited from com.caucho.vfs.Path
final protected static L10N L(Code)(Java Doc)
protected static char _pathSeparatorChar(Code)(Java Doc)
protected SchemeMap _schemeMap(Code)(Java Doc)
protected static char _separatorChar(Code)(Java Doc)
static long _startTime(Code)(Java Doc)

Methods inherited from com.caucho.vfs.Path
public void bind(Path context)(Code)(Java Doc)
protected Path cacheCopy()(Code)(Java Doc)
public boolean canExecute()(Code)(Java Doc)
public boolean canRead()(Code)(Java Doc)
public boolean canWrite()(Code)(Java Doc)
public boolean changeGroup(int gid) throws IOException(Code)(Java Doc)
public boolean changeGroup(String groupName) throws IOException(Code)(Java Doc)
public boolean changeOwner(int uid) throws IOException(Code)(Java Doc)
public boolean changeOwner(String ownerName) throws IOException(Code)(Java Doc)
public boolean chmod(int value)(Code)(Java Doc)
protected Path copy()(Code)(Java Doc)
public PersistentDependency createDepend()(Code)(Java Doc)
public boolean createLink(Path target, boolean hardLink) throws IOException(Code)(Java Doc)
public boolean createNewFile() throws IOException(Code)(Java Doc)
public Path createRoot()(Code)(Java Doc)
public Path createRoot(SchemeMap schemeMap)(Code)(Java Doc)
public Path createTempFile(String prefix, String suffix) throws IOException(Code)(Java Doc)
public boolean equals(Object o)(Code)(Java Doc)
protected static String escapeURL(String rawURL)(Code)(Java Doc)
public boolean exists()(Code)(Java Doc)
public Object getAttribute(String name) throws IOException(Code)(Java Doc)
public Iterator getAttributeNames() throws IOException(Code)(Java Doc)
public long getBlockCount()(Code)(Java Doc)
public long getBlockSize()(Code)(Java Doc)
public Certificate[] getCertificates()(Code)(Java Doc)
public String getContentType()(Code)(Java Doc)
public long getCrc64()(Code)(Java Doc)
public long getCreateTime()(Code)(Java Doc)
public long getDevice()(Code)(Java Doc)
public long getDeviceId()(Code)(Java Doc)
public long getDiskSpaceFree()(Code)(Java Doc)
public long getDiskSpaceTotal()(Code)(Java Doc)
final public static char getFileSeparatorChar()(Code)(Java Doc)
public String getFullPath()(Code)(Java Doc)
public int getGroup()(Code)(Java Doc)
public String getHost()(Code)(Java Doc)
public long getInode()(Code)(Java Doc)
public long getLastAccessTime()(Code)(Java Doc)
public long getLastModified()(Code)(Java Doc)
public long getLastStatusChangeTime()(Code)(Java Doc)
public long getLength()(Code)(Java Doc)
public int getMode()(Code)(Java Doc)
public String getNativePath()(Code)(Java Doc)
public static String getNewlineString()(Code)(Java Doc)
public int getNumberOfLinks()(Code)(Java Doc)
public Object getObject() throws IOException(Code)(Java Doc)
public int getOwner()(Code)(Java Doc)
public Path getParent()(Code)(Java Doc)
abstract public String getPath()(Code)(Java Doc)
final public static char getPathSeparatorChar()(Code)(Java Doc)
public int getPort()(Code)(Java Doc)
public String getQuery()(Code)(Java Doc)
public String getRelativePath()(Code)(Java Doc)
public ArrayList<Path> getResources(String name)(Code)(Java Doc)
public ArrayList<Path> getResources()(Code)(Java Doc)
abstract public String getScheme()(Code)(Java Doc)
final protected static char getSeparatorChar()(Code)(Java Doc)
public String getTail()(Code)(Java Doc)
public String getURL()(Code)(Java Doc)
public int getUser()(Code)(Java Doc)
protected static String getUserDir()(Code)(Java Doc)
public String getUserPath()(Code)(Java Doc)
public Object getValue() throws Exception(Code)(Java Doc)
public int hashCode()(Code)(Java Doc)
public boolean isBlockDevice()(Code)(Java Doc)
public boolean isCharacterDevice()(Code)(Java Doc)
public boolean isDirectory()(Code)(Java Doc)
public boolean isExecutable()(Code)(Java Doc)
public boolean isFIFO()(Code)(Java Doc)
public boolean isFile()(Code)(Java Doc)
public boolean isHardLink()(Code)(Java Doc)
public boolean isLink()(Code)(Java Doc)
public boolean isObject()(Code)(Java Doc)
protected boolean isPathCacheable()(Code)(Java Doc)
public boolean isSocket()(Code)(Java Doc)
public boolean isSymbolicLink()(Code)(Java Doc)
final public static boolean isWindows()(Code)(Java Doc)
public boolean isWindowsInsecure()(Code)(Java Doc)
public Iterator<String> iterator() throws IOException(Code)(Java Doc)
public String[] list() throws IOException(Code)(Java Doc)
final public Path lookup(String name)(Code)(Java Doc)
public Path lookup(String userPath, Map<String, Object> newAttributes)(Code)(Java Doc)
public Path lookupImpl(String userPath, Map<String, Object> newAttributes)(Code)(Java Doc)
final public Path lookupNative(String name)(Code)(Java Doc)
public Path lookupNative(String name, Map<String, Object> attributes)(Code)(Java Doc)
public String lookupRelativeNativePath(Path path)(Code)(Java Doc)
public boolean mkdir() throws IOException(Code)(Java Doc)
public boolean mkdirs() throws IOException(Code)(Java Doc)
public WriteStream openAppend() throws IOException(Code)(Java Doc)
public StreamImpl openAppendImpl() throws IOException(Code)(Java Doc)
public RandomAccessStream openRandomAccess() throws IOException(Code)(Java Doc)
final public ReadStream openRead() throws IOException(Code)(Java Doc)
public StreamImpl openReadImpl() throws IOException(Code)(Java Doc)
public ReadWritePair openReadWrite() throws IOException(Code)(Java Doc)
public void openReadWrite(ReadStream is, WriteStream os) throws IOException(Code)(Java Doc)
public StreamImpl openReadWriteImpl() throws IOException(Code)(Java Doc)
final public WriteStream openWrite() throws IOException(Code)(Java Doc)
public StreamImpl openWriteImpl() throws IOException(Code)(Java Doc)
public boolean remove() throws IOException(Code)(Java Doc)
public boolean removeAll() throws IOException(Code)(Java Doc)
public boolean renameTo(Path path) throws IOException(Code)(Java Doc)
final public boolean renameTo(String path) throws IOException(Code)(Java Doc)
protected String scanScheme(String uri)(Code)(Java Doc)
abstract protected Path schemeWalk(String userPath, Map<String, Object> newAttributes, String newPath, int offset)(Code)(Java Doc)
final public static void setDefaultSchemeMap(SchemeMap schemeMap)(Code)(Java Doc)
public boolean setExecutable(boolean isExecutable)(Code)(Java Doc)
public void setLastModified(long time)(Code)(Java Doc)
public void setObject(Object obj) throws IOException(Code)(Java Doc)
final public static void setTestWindows(boolean isTest)(Code)(Java Doc)
public void setUserPath(String userPath)(Code)(Java Doc)
public void setValue(Object obj) throws Exception(Code)(Java Doc)
public String toString()(Code)(Java Doc)
public boolean truncate() throws IOException(Code)(Java Doc)
public boolean truncate(long length) throws IOException(Code)(Java Doc)
public void unbind()(Code)(Java Doc)
public void writeToStream(OutputStream os) throws IOException(Code)(Java Doc)
public void writeToStream(OutputStreamWithBuffer os) throws IOException(Code)(Java Doc)

Methods inherited from java.lang.Object
native protected Object clone() throws CloneNotSupportedException(Code)(Java Doc)
public boolean equals(Object obj)(Code)(Java Doc)
protected void finalize() throws Throwable(Code)(Java Doc)
final native public Class getClass()(Code)(Java Doc)
native public int hashCode()(Code)(Java Doc)
final native public void notify()(Code)(Java Doc)
final native public void notifyAll()(Code)(Java Doc)
public String toString()(Code)(Java Doc)
final native public void wait(long timeout) throws InterruptedException(Code)(Java Doc)
final public void wait(long timeout, int nanos) throws InterruptedException(Code)(Java Doc)
final public void wait() throws InterruptedException(Code)(Java Doc) | Contact Us
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