A document within KEW. A document effectively represents a process that moves through
the workflow engine. It is created from a particular
DocumentType and follows
the route path defined by that DocumentType.
During a document's lifecycle it progresses through a series of statuses, starting
with INITIATED and moving to one of the terminal states (such as FINAL, CANCELED, etc).
The list of status on a document are defined in the
EdenConstants class and
include the constants starting with "ROUTE_HEADER_" and ending with "_CD".
Associated with the document is the document content. The document content is XML
which represents the content of that document. This XML content is typically used
to make routing decisions for the document.
A document has associated with it a set of
ActionRequestValue object and
ActionTakenValue objects. Action Requests represent requests for user
action (such as Approve, Acknowledge, etc). Action Takens represent action that
users have performed on the document, such as approvals or cancelling of the document.
The instantiated route path of a document is defined by it's graph of
RouteNodeInstance objects. The path starts at the initial node of the document
and progresses from there following the next nodes of each node instance. The current
active nodes on the document are defined by the "active" flag on the node instance
where are not marked as "complete".
See Also:DocumentType See Also:ActionRequestValue See Also:ActionItem See Also:ActionTakenValue See Also:RouteNodeInstance See Also:EdenConstants author: rkirkend author: bmcough author: ewestfal
isValidActionToTake(String actionCd) Return true if the given action code is valid for this document's current state.
Parameters: actionCd - The action code to be tested.
public boolean isValidActionToTake(String actionCd)(Code)
Return true if the given action code is valid for this document's current state.
Parameters: actionCd - The action code to be tested. True if the action code is valid for the document's status.
public boolean isValidStatusChange(String newStatus)(Code)