| org.kuali.kfs.context.KualiTestBase org.kuali.core.service.impl.PersistenceServiceImplTest
PersistenceServiceImplTest | public class PersistenceServiceImplTest extends KualiTestBase (Code) | | This class tests that the PersistenceServices functionality works as intended and as expected.
testGetForeignKeyFieldsPopulationState_Chart_AllPopulated | public void testGetForeignKeyFieldsPopulationState_Chart_AllPopulated()(Code) | | |
testGetForeignKeyFieldsPopulationState_Chart_NonePopulated | public void testGetForeignKeyFieldsPopulationState_Chart_NonePopulated()(Code) | | |
testGetForeignKeyFieldsPopulationState_NullParams | public void testGetForeignKeyFieldsPopulationState_NullParams()(Code) | | |
testGetForeignKeyFieldsPopulationState_Org_AllPopulated | public void testGetForeignKeyFieldsPopulationState_Org_AllPopulated()(Code) | | |
testGetForeignKeyFieldsPopulationState_Org_NonePopulated | public void testGetForeignKeyFieldsPopulationState_Org_NonePopulated()(Code) | | |
testGetForeignKeyFieldsPopulationState_Org_OnePopulated | public void testGetForeignKeyFieldsPopulationState_Org_OnePopulated()(Code) | | |
testListReferenceObjectFields_DelegateGlobalDetail | public void testListReferenceObjectFields_DelegateGlobalDetail()(Code) | | |
testListReferenceObjectFields_IllegalArguments | public void testListReferenceObjectFields_IllegalArguments()(Code) | | |
testRefreshAllNonUpdatingReferences_Account | final public void testRefreshAllNonUpdatingReferences_Account()(Code) | | |
testRefreshAllNonUpdatingReferences_SubAccount | final public void testRefreshAllNonUpdatingReferences_SubAccount()(Code) | | |
testRetrieveNonKeyFields_brokenMultiPartKeysReferences | final public void testRetrieveNonKeyFields_brokenMultiPartKeysReferences() throws Exception(Code) | | This method tests what happens when you change one of the keys on a multi-part foreign key reference. For example (and the
test being done), SubAccount is keyed on Chart, AccountNumber and SubAccountNumber. In this test, we change one of those
foreign key parts (SubAccountNumber) such that the resulting multi-part foreign key no longer matches any SubAccount in the
database. This then attempts to show that the reference object becomes nullified, but the primitives in the parent objects
are not modified by the refresh method.
testRetrieveNonKeyFields_fkAndNonkeyChanged | final public void testRetrieveNonKeyFields_fkAndNonkeyChanged() throws Exception(Code) | | Tests that refresh/retrieveNonKeyFields updates foreign key references, but not other non-key fields (often called
"primitives", altho AccountingLine actually has no primitives, only Java (not database) references such as String and
testRetrieveNonKeyFields_fkButNullReferences | final public void testRetrieveNonKeyFields_fkButNullReferences() throws Exception(Code) | | This method tests what happens when you call refresh/retrieveNonKeyFields on an object that has the primitive FKs set in the
parent object, and null reference objects.
testRetrieveNonKeyFields_fkDiffersFromReference | final public void testRetrieveNonKeyFields_fkDiffersFromReference() throws Exception(Code) | | This method tests what happens when you call refresh/retrieveNonKeyFields on an object that has the primitive FKs set in the
parent object, and the references objects have different PKs, and empty on all the other fields. If this works, it shows that
when running refresh with non-matching/different primitives and references, the primitives win.
testRetrieveNonKeyFields_pkChanged | final public void testRetrieveNonKeyFields_pkChanged() throws Exception(Code) | | Tests that refresh/retrieveNonKeyFields ignores PKs. We should not change primary keys.