| |
| org.kuali.kfs.context.KualiTestBase org.kuali.core.service.impl.SchedulerServiceImplTest
testGetJobs_scheduled | public void testGetJobs_scheduled()(Code) | | |
testGetJobs_unscheduled | public void testGetJobs_unscheduled()(Code) | | |
testRunJob | public void testRunJob() throws Exception(Code) | | Test the running of a job. There is not much to test on the results, except that this does not cause an error.
testScheduleJob | public void testScheduleJob() throws Exception(Code) | | Test that the schedule job function works and puts the job into the standard scheduled group. Also tests to make sure that
BatchJobStatus detects the scheduled status even if it is in the unscheduled group. Assumes: clearOldOriginEntriesJob exists
as a job in the unscheduled group.
testUnscheduleJob | public void testUnscheduleJob() throws Exception(Code) | | Test that the unschedule job function works and removes the job from the standard scheduled group. Assumes: scrubberJob
exists as a job in the scheduled group.