| |
| org.kuali.module.chart.rules.ChartRuleTestBase org.kuali.module.chart.rules.DelegateRuleTest
Field Summary | |
protected static org.apache.log4j.Logger | LOG |
LOG | protected static org.apache.log4j.Logger LOG(Code) | | |
testCheckOnlyOnePrimaryRoute_allPrimaryAlreadyExists | public void testCheckOnlyOnePrimaryRoute_allPrimaryAlreadyExists()(Code) | | This method simulates a user trying to create a delegate marked as primary when there is already an account with All
Documents for the doctype for the chart/account combo
testCheckOnlyOnePrimaryRoute_allPrimaryDoesNotExist | public void testCheckOnlyOnePrimaryRoute_allPrimaryDoesNotExist()(Code) | | This method will simulate a user who is trying to create a delegate that routes with a doctype of all and should succeed
testCheckOnlyOnePrimaryRoute_specificPrimaryAlreadyExistsAllFails | public void testCheckOnlyOnePrimaryRoute_specificPrimaryAlreadyExistsAllFails()(Code) | | This method will simulate a user is trying to create a delegate that routes with DocumentType of ALL, but a chart/account
combo that has a primary route for a specific doctype already exists
testCheckOnlyOnePrimaryRoute_specificPrimaryAlreadyExistsSpecificFails | public void testCheckOnlyOnePrimaryRoute_specificPrimaryAlreadyExistsSpecificFails()(Code) | | This method will simulate a user who is trying to create a delegate that routes with a specific doctype that is already taken
in the db
testCheckOnlyOnePrimaryRoute_specificPrimaryDoesNotExist | public void testCheckOnlyOnePrimaryRoute_specificPrimaryDoesNotExist()(Code) | | This method will simulate a user who is trying to create a delegate that routes with a doctype of a21 should succeed
testCheckSimpleRulesStartDateRule_invalidFromAmt | public void testCheckSimpleRulesStartDateRule_invalidFromAmt()(Code) | | |
testCheckSimpleRulesStartDateRule_invalidToAmt | public void testCheckSimpleRulesStartDateRule_invalidToAmt()(Code) | | |
testCheckSimpleRulesStartDateRule_nullFromAmtZeroPlusToAmt | public void testCheckSimpleRulesStartDateRule_nullFromAmtZeroPlusToAmt()(Code) | | |
testCheckSimpleRulesStartDateRule_startDateToday | public void testCheckSimpleRulesStartDateRule_startDateToday()(Code) | | |
testCheckSimpleRulesStartDateRule_startDateTomorrow | public void testCheckSimpleRulesStartDateRule_startDateTomorrow()(Code) | | |
testCheckSimpleRulesStartDateRule_startDateYesterday | public void testCheckSimpleRulesStartDateRule_startDateYesterday()(Code) | | |
testCheckSimpleRulesStartDateRule_validFromAmtLessThanToAmt | public void testCheckSimpleRulesStartDateRule_validFromAmtLessThanToAmt()(Code) | | |
testCheckSimpleRulesStartDateRule_validFromAmtNullToAmt | public void testCheckSimpleRulesStartDateRule_validFromAmtNullToAmt()(Code) | | |
testCheckSimpleRules_validDelegate | public void testCheckSimpleRules_validDelegate()(Code) | | This method tests a Delegate that we have setup with all known good values for the required fields, and nothing or the
default for the other fields. This test should always pass, if it does not, then none of the following tests are meaningful,
as the baseline is broken.
testcheckDelegateUserRules_badDelegate1 | public void testcheckDelegateUserRules_badDelegate1()(Code) | | |
testcheckDelegateUserRules_badDelegate2 | public void testcheckDelegateUserRules_badDelegate2()(Code) | | |
testcheckDelegateUserRules_badDelegate3 | public void testcheckDelegateUserRules_badDelegate3()(Code) | | |
testcheckDelegateUserRules_goodDelegate | public void testcheckDelegateUserRules_goodDelegate()(Code) | | This test makes sure that a good user delegate passes the Delegate User Rules