| org.kuali.module.chart.rules.GlobalDocumentRuleBase org.kuali.module.chart.rules.SubObjCdGlobalRule
Method Summary | |
public boolean | checkAccountDetails(List<AccountGlobalDetail> details) | public boolean | checkAccountDetails(AccountGlobalDetail dtl) | protected boolean | checkChartAllLines(SubObjCdGlobal socChangeDocument) | protected boolean | checkChartOnAccountDetails(SubObjCdGlobal socChangeDocument, AccountGlobalDetail acctDetail, int lineNum, boolean add) | protected boolean | checkChartOnSubObjCodeDetails(SubObjCdGlobal socChangeDocument, SubObjCdGlobalDetail socChangeDetail, int lineNum, boolean add) | protected boolean | checkFiscalYear(SubObjCdGlobal socChangeDocument, SubObjCdGlobalDetail socChangeDetail, int lineNum, boolean add) | protected boolean | checkFiscalYearAllLines(SubObjCdGlobal socChangeDocument) | protected boolean | checkForAccountGlobalDetails(List<AccountGlobalDetail> acctChangeDetails) | protected boolean | checkForSubObjCdGlobalDetails(List<SubObjCdGlobalDetail> subObjCdGlobalDetails) | protected boolean | checkSimpleRulesAllLines() This method checks the simple rules for all lines at once and gets called on save, submit, etc. | public boolean | checkSubObjectCodeDetails(SubObjCdGlobalDetail dtl) | public boolean | processCustomAddCollectionLineBusinessRules(MaintenanceDocument document, String collectionName, PersistableBusinessObject bo) | protected boolean | processCustomApproveDocumentBusinessRules(MaintenanceDocument document) | protected boolean | processCustomRouteDocumentBusinessRules(MaintenanceDocument document) | protected boolean | processCustomSaveDocumentBusinessRules(MaintenanceDocument document) | public void | setupConvenienceObjects() This method sets the convenience objects like subObjCdGlobal and all the detail objects, so you have short and easy handles to the new and
old objects contained in the maintenance document. |
checkAccountDetails | public boolean checkAccountDetails(AccountGlobalDetail dtl)(Code) | | This checks that if the account and chart are entered that the account associated with the AccountGlobalDetail is valid
Parameters: dtl - - the AccountGlobalDetail we are dealing with false if any of the fields are found to be invalid |
checkChartAllLines | protected boolean checkChartAllLines(SubObjCdGlobal socChangeDocument)(Code) | | This checks that the chart is the same on the document, SubObjCdGlobalDetails and AccountGlobalDetails
Parameters: socChangeDocument - false if the chart is missing or not the same on the doc, or the detail lists |
checkChartOnAccountDetails | protected boolean checkChartOnAccountDetails(SubObjCdGlobal socChangeDocument, AccountGlobalDetail acctDetail, int lineNum, boolean add)(Code) | | This checks that the chart of accounts on the
AccountGlobalDetail is not empty and matches
the document's chart matches the detail's chart
Parameters: socChangeDocument - Parameters: acctDetail - Parameters: lineNum - Parameters: add - false if the chart is missing or is not the same between the doc and the detail |
checkChartOnSubObjCodeDetails | protected boolean checkChartOnSubObjCodeDetails(SubObjCdGlobal socChangeDocument, SubObjCdGlobalDetail socChangeDetail, int lineNum, boolean add)(Code) | | This checks to make sure that the chart of accounts on the
SubObjCdGlobalDetail is not empty and
the document's chart matches the detail's chart
Parameters: socChangeDocument - Parameters: socChangeDetail - Parameters: lineNum - Parameters: add - false if the chart is missing or is not the same between the doc and the detail |
checkFiscalYear | protected boolean checkFiscalYear(SubObjCdGlobal socChangeDocument, SubObjCdGlobalDetail socChangeDetail, int lineNum, boolean add)(Code) | | This checks to make sure that the fiscal year on the
SubObjCdGlobalDetail is not empty and
the document's fiscal year matches the detail's fiscal year
Parameters: socChangeDocument - false if the fiscal year is missing or is not the same between the doc and the detail |
checkFiscalYearAllLines | protected boolean checkFiscalYearAllLines(SubObjCdGlobal socChangeDocument)(Code) | | This checks that the fiscal year is the same on the doc and all SubObjCdGlobalDetails
Parameters: socChangeDocument - false if the fiscal year is not the same on the doc and any of the SubObjCdGlobalDetails |
checkForAccountGlobalDetails | protected boolean checkForAccountGlobalDetails(List<AccountGlobalDetail> acctChangeDetails)(Code) | | This checks that the AccountGlobalDetail list isn't empty or null
Parameters: acctChangeDetails - false if the list is null or empty |
checkForSubObjCdGlobalDetails | protected boolean checkForSubObjCdGlobalDetails(List<SubObjCdGlobalDetail> subObjCdGlobalDetails)(Code) | | This checks that the SubObjCdGlobalDetail list isn't empty or null
Parameters: subObjCdGlobalDetails - false if the list is null or empty |
checkSimpleRulesAllLines | protected boolean checkSimpleRulesAllLines()(Code) | | This method checks the simple rules for all lines at once and gets called on save, submit, etc. but not on add
checkSubObjectCodeDetails | public boolean checkSubObjectCodeDetails(SubObjCdGlobalDetail dtl)(Code) | | This checks that if the object code, chart code, and fiscal year are entered it is a valid Object Code, chart, and Fiscal Year
associated with this SubObjectCode
Parameters: dtl - - the SubObjCdGlobalDetail we are checking false if any of the fields are found to be invalid |
setupConvenienceObjects | public void setupConvenienceObjects()(Code) | | This method sets the convenience objects like subObjCdGlobal and all the detail objects, so you have short and easy handles to the new and
old objects contained in the maintenance document. It also calls the BusinessObjectBase.refresh(), which will attempt to load
all sub-objects from the DB by their primary keys, if available. This also loops through each detail item (SubObjCdGlobalDetail and AccountGlobalDetail)
are refreshed
Parameters: document - - the maintenanceDocument being evaluated |