customizeOffsetGeneralLedgerPendingEntry(AccountingDocument accountingDocument, AccountingLine accountingLine, GeneralLedgerPendingEntry explicitEntry, GeneralLedgerPendingEntry offsetEntry) This method calls the super class's overridden method to perform the general customization actions, then calls the
YearEndDocumentUtil matching method to perform year end specific customization activities.
Parameters: accountingDocument - The accounting document containing the general ledger pending entries being customized. Parameters: accountingLine - The accounting line the explicit general ledger pending entry was generated from. Parameters: explicitEntry - The explicit general ledger pending entry the offset entry is generated for. Parameters: offsetEntry - The offset general ledger pending entry being customized.
getAccountingLineDocumentClass(AccountingDocument financialDocument) Overriding to return the corresponding parent class BudgetAdjustmentDocument.
Parameters: financialDocument - The financial document the class will be determined for.
getTransferDocumentType() This method retrieves the year end transfer of funds document type code, which is defined as a constant in