isCoverSheetPrintingAllowed(CashReceiptDocument crDoc) This method determines whether or not cover sheet printing is allowed for the provided cash receipt document.
Parameters: crDoc - The document that the cover sheet will be printed for.
Generate a cover sheet for the CashReceiptDocument. An OutputStream is written
to for the coversheet.
Parameters: document - The CashReceiptDocument the cover sheet is being generated for. Parameters: searchPath - A directory path used to identify the path to the template that will be used for creating this cover sheet. Parameters: OutputStream - The output stream that the printable cover sheet will be piped to. exception: Exception - Thrown if there are any problems generating the cover sheet.
This method determines whether or not cover sheet printing is allowed for the provided cash receipt document.
Parameters: crDoc - The document that the cover sheet will be printed for. True if coverSheet printing is allowed for the given CashReceiptDocument, false otherwise.