001: /*
002: * Copyright 2006-2007 The Kuali Foundation.
003: *
004: * Licensed under the Educational Community License, Version 1.0 (the "License");
005: * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
006: * You may obtain a copy of the License at
007: *
008: * http://www.opensource.org/licenses/ecl1.php
009: *
010: * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
011: * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
012: * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
013: * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
014: * limitations under the License.
015: */
016: package org.kuali.module.gl.service.impl;
018: import java.util.ArrayList;
019: import java.util.HashMap;
020: import java.util.Iterator;
021: import java.util.List;
022: import java.util.Map;
024: import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;
025: import org.kuali.core.service.KualiConfigurationService;
026: import org.kuali.core.util.KualiDecimal;
027: import org.kuali.core.util.ObjectUtils;
028: import org.kuali.kfs.KFSConstants;
029: import org.kuali.kfs.bo.Options;
030: import org.kuali.kfs.context.SpringContext;
031: import org.kuali.kfs.document.GeneralLedgerPostingDocument;
032: import org.kuali.kfs.service.GeneralLedgerPendingEntryService;
033: import org.kuali.kfs.service.OptionsService;
034: import org.kuali.module.chart.bo.Account;
035: import org.kuali.module.chart.bo.ObjectCode;
036: import org.kuali.module.chart.service.AccountService;
037: import org.kuali.module.chart.service.ObjectLevelService;
038: import org.kuali.module.chart.service.ObjectTypeService;
039: import org.kuali.module.financial.document.YearEndDocument;
040: import org.kuali.module.gl.bo.SufficientFundBalances;
041: import org.kuali.module.gl.bo.SufficientFundRebuild;
042: import org.kuali.module.gl.bo.Transaction;
043: import org.kuali.module.gl.dao.SufficientFundBalancesDao;
044: import org.kuali.module.gl.dao.SufficientFundsDao;
045: import org.kuali.module.gl.service.SufficientFundRebuildService;
046: import org.kuali.module.gl.service.SufficientFundsService;
047: import org.kuali.module.gl.service.SufficientFundsServiceConstants;
048: import org.kuali.module.gl.util.SufficientFundsItem;
049: import org.springframework.transaction.annotation.Transactional;
051: /**
052: * The base implementation of SufficientFundsService
053: */
054: @Transactional
055: public class SufficientFundsServiceImpl implements
056: SufficientFundsService, SufficientFundsServiceConstants {
057: private static org.apache.log4j.Logger LOG = org.apache.log4j.Logger
058: .getLogger(SufficientFundsServiceImpl.class);
060: private AccountService accountService;
061: private ObjectLevelService objectLevelService;
062: private KualiConfigurationService kualiConfigurationService;
063: private SufficientFundsDao sufficientFundsDao;
064: private SufficientFundBalancesDao sufficientFundBalancesDao;
065: private OptionsService optionsService;
066: private GeneralLedgerPendingEntryService generalLedgerPendingEntryService;
067: private SufficientFundRebuildService sufficientFundRebuildService;
069: /**
070: * Default constructor
071: */
072: public SufficientFundsServiceImpl() {
073: super ();
074: }
076: /**
077: * This operation derives the acct_sf_finobj_cd which is used to populate the General Ledger Pending entry table, so that later
078: * we can do Suff Fund checking against that entry
079: *
080: * @param financialObject the object code being checked against
081: * @param accountSufficientFundsCode the kind of sufficient funds checking turned on in this system
082: * @return the object code that should be used for the sufficient funds inquiry, or a blank String
083: * @see org.kuali.module.gl.service.SufficientFundsService#getSufficientFundsObjectCode(org.kuali.module.chart.bo.ObjectCode,
084: * java.lang.String)
085: */
086: public String getSufficientFundsObjectCode(
087: ObjectCode financialObject,
088: String accountSufficientFundsCode) {
089: LOG.debug("getSufficientFundsObjectCode() started");
091: financialObject.refreshNonUpdateableReferences();
093: if (KFSConstants.SF_TYPE_NO_CHECKING
094: .equals(accountSufficientFundsCode)) {
095: return KFSConstants.NOT_AVAILABLE_STRING;
096: } else if (KFSConstants.SF_TYPE_ACCOUNT
097: .equals(accountSufficientFundsCode)) {
098: return " ";
099: } else if (KFSConstants.SF_TYPE_CASH_AT_ACCOUNT
100: .equals(accountSufficientFundsCode)) {
101: return " ";
102: } else if (KFSConstants.SF_TYPE_OBJECT
103: .equals(accountSufficientFundsCode)) {
104: return financialObject.getFinancialObjectCode();
105: } else if (KFSConstants.SF_TYPE_LEVEL
106: .equals(accountSufficientFundsCode)) {
107: return financialObject.getFinancialObjectLevelCode();
108: } else if (KFSConstants.SF_TYPE_CONSOLIDATION
109: .equals(accountSufficientFundsCode)) {
110: return financialObject.getFinancialObjectLevel()
111: .getFinancialConsolidationObjectCode();
112: } else {
113: throw new IllegalArgumentException(
114: "Invalid Sufficient Funds Code: "
115: + accountSufficientFundsCode);
116: }
117: }
119: /**
120: * Checks for sufficient funds on a single document
121: *
122: * @param document document to check
123: * @return Empty List if has sufficient funds for all accounts, List of SufficientFundsItem if not
124: * @see org.kuali.module.gl.service.SufficientFundsService#checkSufficientFunds(org.kuali.core.document.FinancialDocument)
125: */
126: public List<SufficientFundsItem> checkSufficientFunds(
127: GeneralLedgerPostingDocument document) {
128: LOG.debug("checkSufficientFunds() started");
130: return checkSufficientFunds((List<? extends Transaction>) document
131: .getPendingLedgerEntriesForSufficientFundsChecking());
132: }
134: /**
135: * checks to see if a document is a <code>YearEndDocument</code>
136: *
137: * @param documentClass the class of a Document to check
138: * @return true if the class implements <code>YearEndDocument</code>
139: */
140: private boolean isYearEndDocument(Class documentClass) {
141: return YearEndDocument.class.isAssignableFrom(documentClass);
142: }
144: /**
145: * Checks for sufficient funds on a list of transactions
146: *
147: * @param transactions list of transactions
148: * @return Empty List if has sufficient funds for all accounts, List of SufficientFundsItem if not
149: * @see org.kuali.module.gl.service.SufficientFundsService#checkSufficientFunds(java.util.List)
150: */
151: public List<SufficientFundsItem> checkSufficientFunds(
152: List<? extends Transaction> transactions) {
153: LOG.debug("checkSufficientFunds() started");
155: for (Transaction e : transactions) {
156: e.refreshNonUpdateableReferences();
157: }
159: List<SufficientFundsItem> summaryItems = summarizeTransactions(transactions);
160: for (Iterator iter = summaryItems.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) {
161: SufficientFundsItem item = (SufficientFundsItem) iter
162: .next();
163: LOG.error("checkSufficientFunds() " + item.toString());
164: if (hasSufficientFundsOnItem(item)) {
165: iter.remove();
166: }
167: }
169: return summaryItems;
170: }
172: /**
173: * For each transaction, fetches the appropriate sufficient funds item to check against
174: *
175: * @param transactions a list of Transactions
176: * @return a List of corresponding SufficientFundsItem
177: */
178: private List<SufficientFundsItem> summarizeTransactions(
179: List<? extends Transaction> transactions) {
180: Map<String, SufficientFundsItem> items = new HashMap<String, SufficientFundsItem>();
182: Options currentYear = optionsService.getCurrentYearOptions();
184: for (Iterator iter = transactions.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) {
185: Transaction tran = (Transaction) iter.next();
187: Options year = tran.getOption();
188: if (year == null) {
189: year = currentYear;
190: }
191: if (ObjectUtils.isNull(tran.getAccount())) {
192: throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid account: "
193: + tran.getChartOfAccountsCode() + "-"
194: + tran.getAccountNumber());
195: }
196: SufficientFundsItem sfi = new SufficientFundsItem(year,
197: tran, getSufficientFundsObjectCode(tran
198: .getFinancialObject(), tran.getAccount()
199: .getAccountSufficientFundsCode()));
200: sfi
201: .setDocumentTypeCode(tran
202: .getFinancialDocumentTypeCode());
204: if (items.containsKey(sfi.getKey())) {
205: SufficientFundsItem item = (SufficientFundsItem) items
206: .get(sfi.getKey());
207: item.add(tran);
208: } else {
209: items.put(sfi.getKey(), sfi);
210: }
211: }
213: return new ArrayList<SufficientFundsItem>(items.values());
214: }
216: /**
217: * Given a sufficient funds item record, determines if there are sufficient funds available for the transaction
218: *
219: * @param item the item to check
220: * @return true if there are sufficient funds available, false otherwise
221: */
222: private boolean hasSufficientFundsOnItem(SufficientFundsItem item) {
224: if (item.getAmount().equals(KualiDecimal.ZERO)) {
225: LOG
226: .debug("hasSufficientFundsOnItem() Transactions with zero amounts shold pass");
227: return true;
228: }
230: if (!item.getYear().isBudgetCheckingOptionsCode()) {
231: LOG
232: .debug("hasSufficientFundsOnItem() No sufficient funds checking");
233: return true;
234: }
236: if (!item.getAccount().isPendingAcctSufficientFundsIndicator()) {
237: LOG
238: .debug("hasSufficientFundsOnItem() No checking on eDocs for account "
239: + item.getAccount()
240: .getChartOfAccountsCode()
241: + "-"
242: + item.getAccount().getAccountNumber());
243: return true;
244: }
246: // exit sufficient funds checking if not enabled for an account
247: if (KFSConstants.SF_TYPE_NO_CHECKING.equals(item
248: .getAccountSufficientFundsCode())) {
249: LOG
250: .debug("hasSufficientFundsOnItem() sufficient funds not enabled for account "
251: + item.getAccount()
252: .getChartOfAccountsCode()
253: + "-"
254: + item.getAccount().getAccountNumber());
255: return true;
256: }
258: ObjectTypeService objectTypeService = (ObjectTypeService) SpringContext
259: .getBean(ObjectTypeService.class);
260: List<String> expenseObjectTypes = objectTypeService
261: .getCurrentYearExpenseObjectTypes();
263: if (KFSConstants.SF_TYPE_CASH_AT_ACCOUNT.equals(item
264: .getAccount().getAccountSufficientFundsCode())
265: && !item.getFinancialObject().getChartOfAccounts()
266: .getFinancialCashObjectCode().equals(
267: item.getFinancialObject()
268: .getFinancialObjectCode())) {
269: LOG
270: .debug("hasSufficientFundsOnItem() SF checking is cash and transaction is not cash");
271: return true;
272: }
274: else if (!KFSConstants.SF_TYPE_CASH_AT_ACCOUNT.equals(item
275: .getAccount().getAccountSufficientFundsCode())
276: && !expenseObjectTypes.contains(item
277: .getFinancialObjectType().getCode())) {
278: LOG
279: .debug("hasSufficientFundsOnItem() SF checking is budget and transaction is not expense");
280: return true;
281: }
283: SufficientFundBalances sfBalance = sufficientFundBalancesDao
284: .getByPrimaryId(item.getYear()
285: .getUniversityFiscalYear(), item.getAccount()
286: .getChartOfAccountsCode(), item.getAccount()
287: .getAccountNumber(), item
288: .getSufficientFundsObjectCode());
290: if (sfBalance == null) {
291: SufficientFundRebuild sufficientFundRebuild = sufficientFundRebuildService
292: .getByAccount(item.getAccount()
293: .getChartOfAccountsCode(), item
294: .getAccount().getAccountNumber());
295: if (sufficientFundRebuild != null) {
296: LOG
297: .debug("hasSufficientFundsOnItem() No balance record and waiting on rebuild, no sufficient funds");
298: return false;
299: } else {
300: sfBalance = new SufficientFundBalances();
301: sfBalance
302: .setAccountActualExpenditureAmt(KualiDecimal.ZERO);
303: sfBalance
304: .setAccountEncumbranceAmount(KualiDecimal.ZERO);
305: sfBalance
306: .setCurrentBudgetBalanceAmount(KualiDecimal.ZERO);
307: }
308: }
310: KualiDecimal balanceAmount = item.getAmount();
311: if (KFSConstants.SF_TYPE_CASH_AT_ACCOUNT.equals(item
312: .getAccount().getAccountSufficientFundsCode())
313: || item.getYear().getBudgetCheckingBalanceTypeCd()
314: .equals(item.getBalanceTyp().getCode())) {
315: // We need to change the sign on the amount because the amount in the item is an increase in cash. We only care
316: // about decreases in cash.
318: // Also, negating if this is a balance type code of budget checking and the transaction is a budget transaction.
320: balanceAmount = balanceAmount.negated();
321: }
323: if (balanceAmount.isNegative()) {
324: LOG
325: .debug("hasSufficientFundsOnItem() balanceAmount is negative, allow transaction to proceed");
326: return true;
327: }
329: PendingAmounts priorYearPending = new PendingAmounts();
330: if ((KFSConstants.SF_TYPE_CASH_AT_ACCOUNT.equals(item
331: .getAccount().getAccountSufficientFundsCode()))
332: && (!item.getYear().isFinancialBeginBalanceLoadInd())) {
333: priorYearPending = getPendingPriorYearBalanceAmount(item);
334: }
336: PendingAmounts pending = getPendingBalanceAmount(item);
338: KualiDecimal availableBalance = null;
339: if (KFSConstants.SF_TYPE_CASH_AT_ACCOUNT.equals(item
340: .getAccount().getAccountSufficientFundsCode())) {
341: if (!item.getYear().isFinancialBeginBalanceLoadInd()) {
342: availableBalance = sfBalance
343: .getCurrentBudgetBalanceAmount()
344: .add(priorYearPending.budget)
345: .add(pending.actual)
346: .subtract(
347: sfBalance.getAccountEncumbranceAmount())
348: .subtract(priorYearPending.encumbrance);
349: } else {
350: availableBalance = sfBalance
351: .getCurrentBudgetBalanceAmount()
352: .add(pending.actual)
353: .subtract(
354: sfBalance.getAccountEncumbranceAmount());
355: }
356: } else {
357: availableBalance = sfBalance
358: .getCurrentBudgetBalanceAmount()
359: .add(pending.budget).subtract(
360: sfBalance.getAccountActualExpenditureAmt())
361: .subtract(pending.actual).subtract(
362: sfBalance.getAccountEncumbranceAmount())
363: .subtract(pending.encumbrance);
364: }
366: LOG.debug("hasSufficientFundsOnItem() balanceAmount: "
367: + balanceAmount + " availableBalance: "
368: + availableBalance);
369: if (balanceAmount.compareTo(availableBalance) > 0) {
370: LOG.debug("hasSufficientFundsOnItem() no sufficient funds");
371: return false;
372: }
374: LOG.debug("hasSufficientFundsOnItem() has sufficient funds");
375: return true;
376: }
378: /**
379: * An inner class to hold summary totals of pending ledger entry amounts
380: */
381: private class PendingAmounts {
382: public KualiDecimal budget;
383: public KualiDecimal actual;
384: public KualiDecimal encumbrance;
386: /**
387: * Constructs a SufficientFundsServiceImpl.PendingAmounts instance
388: */
389: public PendingAmounts() {
390: budget = KualiDecimal.ZERO;
391: actual = KualiDecimal.ZERO;
392: encumbrance = KualiDecimal.ZERO;
393: }
395: }
397: /**
398: * Given a sufficient funds item to check, gets the prior year sufficient funds balance to check against
399: *
400: * @param item the sufficient funds item to check against
401: * @return a PendingAmounts record with the pending budget and encumbrance
402: */
403: private PendingAmounts getPendingPriorYearBalanceAmount(
404: SufficientFundsItem item) {
405: LOG.debug("getPendingBalanceAmount() started");
407: PendingAmounts amounts = new PendingAmounts();
409: // This only gets called for sufficient funds type of Cash at Account (H). The object code in the table for this type is
410: // always
411: // 4 spaces.
412: SufficientFundBalances bal = sufficientFundBalancesDao
413: .getByPrimaryId(Integer.valueOf(item.getYear()
414: .getUniversityFiscalYear().intValue() - 1),
415: item.getAccount().getChartOfAccountsCode(),
416: item.getAccount().getAccountNumber(), " ");
418: if (bal != null) {
419: amounts.budget = bal.getCurrentBudgetBalanceAmount();
420: amounts.encumbrance = bal.getAccountEncumbranceAmount();
421: }
423: LOG.debug("getPendingPriorYearBalanceAmount() budget "
424: + amounts.budget);
425: LOG.debug("getPendingPriorYearBalanceAmount() encumbrance "
426: + amounts.encumbrance);
427: return amounts;
428: }
430: /**
431: * Totals the amounts of actual, encumbrance, and budget amounts from related pending entries
432: *
433: * @param item a sufficient funds item to find pending amounts for
434: * @return the totals encapsulated in a PendingAmounts object
435: */
436: private PendingAmounts getPendingBalanceAmount(
437: SufficientFundsItem item) {
438: LOG.debug("getPendingBalanceAmount() started");
440: Integer fiscalYear = item.getYear().getUniversityFiscalYear();
441: String chart = item.getAccount().getChartOfAccountsCode();
442: String account = item.getAccount().getAccountNumber();
443: String sfCode = item.getAccount()
444: .getAccountSufficientFundsCode();
446: PendingAmounts amounts = new PendingAmounts();
448: if (KFSConstants.SF_TYPE_CASH_AT_ACCOUNT.equals(sfCode)) {
449: // Cash checking
450: List years = new ArrayList();
451: years.add(item.getYear().getUniversityFiscalYear());
453: // If the beginning balance isn't loaded, we need to include cash from
454: // the previous fiscal year
455: if (!item.getYear().isFinancialBeginBalanceLoadInd()) {
456: years.add(item.getYear().getUniversityFiscalYear() - 1);
457: }
459: // Calculate the pending actual amount
460: // Get Cash (debit amount - credit amount)
461: amounts.actual = generalLedgerPendingEntryService
462: .getCashSummary(years, chart, account, true);
463: amounts.actual = amounts.actual
464: .subtract(generalLedgerPendingEntryService
465: .getCashSummary(years, chart, account,
466: false));
468: // Get Payables (credit amount - debit amount)
469: amounts.actual = amounts.actual
470: .add(generalLedgerPendingEntryService
471: .getActualSummary(years, chart, account,
472: false));
473: amounts.actual = amounts.actual
474: .subtract(generalLedgerPendingEntryService
475: .getActualSummary(years, chart, account,
476: true));
477: } else {
478: // Non-Cash checking
480: // Get expenditure (debit - credit)
481: amounts.actual = generalLedgerPendingEntryService
482: .getExpenseSummary(fiscalYear, chart, account, item
483: .getSufficientFundsObjectCode(), true, item
484: .getDocumentTypeCode().startsWith("YE"));
485: amounts.actual = amounts.actual
486: .subtract(generalLedgerPendingEntryService
487: .getExpenseSummary(
488: fiscalYear,
489: chart,
490: account,
491: item.getSufficientFundsObjectCode(),
492: false, item.getDocumentTypeCode()
493: .startsWith("YE")));
495: // Get budget
496: amounts.budget = generalLedgerPendingEntryService
497: .getBudgetSummary(fiscalYear, chart, account, item
498: .getSufficientFundsObjectCode(), item
499: .getDocumentTypeCode().startsWith("YE"));
501: // Get encumbrance (debit - credit)
502: amounts.encumbrance = generalLedgerPendingEntryService
503: .getEncumbranceSummary(fiscalYear, chart, account,
504: item.getSufficientFundsObjectCode(), true,
505: item.getDocumentTypeCode().startsWith("YE"));
506: amounts.encumbrance = amounts.encumbrance
507: .subtract(generalLedgerPendingEntryService
508: .getEncumbranceSummary(
509: fiscalYear,
510: chart,
511: account,
512: item.getSufficientFundsObjectCode(),
513: false, item.getDocumentTypeCode()
514: .startsWith("YE")));
515: }
517: LOG.debug("getPendingBalanceAmount() actual "
518: + amounts.actual);
519: LOG.debug("getPendingBalanceAmount() budget "
520: + amounts.budget);
521: LOG.debug("getPendingBalanceAmount() encumbrance "
522: + amounts.encumbrance);
523: return amounts;
524: }
526: /**
527: * Determines the current sufficient funds
528: *
529: * @param propertyNames not referenced in the method
530: * @param universityFiscalYear the university fiscal year to check
531: * @param chartOfAccountsCode the chart to check
532: * @param accountNumber the account to check
533: * @param sufficientFundsObjectCode the object code to check
534: * @param amount the amount to check if sufficient funds exist for
535: * @param documentClass the class of the document doing the check
536: * @return true is sufficientFunds were found, false otherwise
537: */
538: private boolean checkSufficientFunds(List propertyNames,
539: Integer universityFiscalYear, String chartOfAccountsCode,
540: String accountNumber, String sufficientFundsObjectCode,
541: KualiDecimal amount, Class documentClass) {
542: // fp_sasfc:operation chk_suff_funds
543: // I'm not certain this method is actually used currently
544: if (universityFiscalYear == null) {
545: throw new IllegalArgumentException(
546: "Invalid (null) universityFiscalYear");
547: }
548: Integer originalUniversityFiscalYear = universityFiscalYear;
550: Account account = accountService.getByPrimaryId(
551: chartOfAccountsCode, accountNumber);
552: if (account == null) {
553: throw new IllegalArgumentException(
554: "Invalid (null) account for: chartOfAccountsCode="
555: + chartOfAccountsCode + ";accountNumber="
556: + accountNumber);
557: }
558: boolean isYearEndDocument = isYearEndDocument(documentClass);
559: // universityFiscalYear is universityFiscalYear-1 if year end document & chash
560: // level checking
561: if (isYearEndDocument
562: && StringUtils.equals(
563: KFSConstants.SF_TYPE_CASH_AT_ACCOUNT, account
564: .getAccountSufficientFundsCode())) {
565: universityFiscalYear = new Integer(
566: originalUniversityFiscalYear.intValue() - 1);
567: }
569: // exit sufficient funds checking if not enabled for an account
570: if (StringUtils.equals(KFSConstants.SF_TYPE_NO_CHECKING,
571: account.getAccountSufficientFundsCode())
572: || !account.isPendingAcctSufficientFundsIndicator()) {
573: LOG.debug("sufficient funds not enabled for account "
574: + account.getAccountNumber());
575: return true;
576: }
578: // fp_sasfc:19
579: // retrieve gl sufficient fund balances for account
580: SufficientFundBalances sfBalances = new SufficientFundBalances();
581: sfBalances.setUniversityFiscalYear(universityFiscalYear);
582: sfBalances.setChartOfAccountsCode(chartOfAccountsCode);
583: sfBalances.setAccountNumber(accountNumber);
584: if (!StringUtils.equals(KFSConstants.NOT_AVAILABLE_STRING,
585: sufficientFundsObjectCode)) {
586: sfBalances
587: .setFinancialObjectCode(sufficientFundsObjectCode);
588: } else if (StringUtils.equals(KFSConstants.SF_TYPE_ACCOUNT,
589: account.getAccountSufficientFundsCode())) {
590: // dont set anything for account level checking
591: } else {
592: sfBalances
593: .setAccountSufficientFundsCode(KFSConstants.SF_TYPE_CASH_AT_ACCOUNT);
594: }
596: sfBalances = sufficientFundBalancesDao.getByPrimaryId(
597: sfBalances.getUniversityFiscalYear(), sfBalances
598: .getChartOfAccountsCode(), sfBalances
599: .getAccountNumber(), sfBalances
600: .getFinancialObjectCode());
601: // fp_sasfc:32-1
602: if (sfBalances == null) {
603: sfBalances = new SufficientFundBalances();
604: sfBalances
605: .setCurrentBudgetBalanceAmount(new KualiDecimal(0));
606: sfBalances.setAccountActualExpenditureAmt(new KualiDecimal(
607: 0));
608: sfBalances.setAccountEncumbranceAmount(new KualiDecimal(0));
609: sfBalances.setChartOfAccountsCode(chartOfAccountsCode);
610: sfBalances.setAccountNumber(accountNumber);
611: sfBalances.setAccountSufficientFundsCode(account
612: .getAccountSufficientFundsCode());
614: }
615: // fp_sasfc;37
616: // restore universityFiscalYear
618: sfBalances
619: .setUniversityFiscalYear(originalUniversityFiscalYear);
621: // return calculatePLEBuckets(propertyNames, isYearEndDocument, amount, sufficientFundsObjectCode, sfBalances);
622: return false;
623: }
625: /**
626: * Purge the sufficient funds balance table by year/chart
627: *
628: * @param chart the chart of sufficient fund balances to purge
629: * @param year the fiscal year of sufficient fund balances to purge
630: */
631: public void purgeYearByChart(String chart, int year) {
632: LOG.debug("setAccountService() started");
633: sufficientFundsDao.purgeYearByChart(chart, year);
634: }
636: public void setAccountService(AccountService accountService) {
637: this .accountService = accountService;
638: }
640: public void setGeneralLedgerPendingEntryService(
641: GeneralLedgerPendingEntryService generalLedgerPendingEntryService) {
642: this .generalLedgerPendingEntryService = generalLedgerPendingEntryService;
643: }
645: public void setKualiConfigurationService(
646: KualiConfigurationService kualiConfigurationService) {
647: this .kualiConfigurationService = kualiConfigurationService;
648: }
650: public void setObjectLevelService(
651: ObjectLevelService objectLevelService) {
652: this .objectLevelService = objectLevelService;
653: }
655: public void setOptionsService(OptionsService optionsService) {
656: this .optionsService = optionsService;
657: }
659: public void setSufficientFundBalancesDao(
660: SufficientFundBalancesDao sufficientFundBalancesDao) {
661: this .sufficientFundBalancesDao = sufficientFundBalancesDao;
662: }
664: public void setSufficientFundsDao(
665: SufficientFundsDao sufficientFundsDao) {
666: this .sufficientFundsDao = sufficientFundsDao;
667: }
669: public void setSufficientFundRebuildService(
670: SufficientFundRebuildService sufficientFundRebuildService) {
671: this.sufficientFundRebuildService = sufficientFundRebuildService;
672: }
673: }