| java.lang.Object org.kuali.module.labor.rules.TransactionFieldValidator
TransactionFieldValidator | public class TransactionFieldValidator (Code) | | This class provides a set of utilities that can be used to validate a transaction in the field level.
checkAccountNumber | public static Message checkAccountNumber(LaborTransaction transaction)(Code) | | Checks if the given transaction contains valid account number
Parameters: transaction - the given transaction null if the account number is valid; otherwise, return error message |
checkChartOfAccountsCode | public static Message checkChartOfAccountsCode(LaborTransaction transaction)(Code) | | Checks if the given transaction contains valid char of accounts code
Parameters: transaction - the given transaction null if the char of accounts code is valid; otherwise, return error message |
checkEmplid | public static Message checkEmplid(LaborTransaction transaction)(Code) | | Checks if the given transaction contains the valid employee id
Parameters: transaction - the given transaction Parameters: unpostableObjectCodes - the list of unpostable object codes null if the object code of the transaction is not in unpostableObjectCodes; otherwise, return error message |
checkFinancialBalanceTypeCode | public static Message checkFinancialBalanceTypeCode(LaborTransaction transaction)(Code) | | Checks if the given transaction contains valid balance type code
Parameters: transaction - the given transaction null if the balance type code is valid; otherwise, return error message |
checkFinancialDocumentNumber | public static Message checkFinancialDocumentNumber(LaborTransaction transaction)(Code) | | Checks if the given transaction contains document number
Parameters: transaction - the given transaction null if the document number is valid; otherwise, return error message |
checkFinancialDocumentTypeCode | public static Message checkFinancialDocumentTypeCode(LaborTransaction transaction)(Code) | | Checks if the given transaction contains document type code
Parameters: transaction - the given transaction null if the document type code is valid; otherwise, return error message |
checkFinancialObjectCode | public static Message checkFinancialObjectCode(LaborTransaction transaction)(Code) | | Checks if the given transaction contains valid account number
Parameters: transaction - the given transaction null if the account number is valid; otherwise, return error message |
checkFinancialObjectTypeCode | public static Message checkFinancialObjectTypeCode(LaborTransaction transaction)(Code) | | Checks if the given transaction contains valid object type code
Parameters: transaction - the given transaction null if the object type code is valid; otherwise, return error message |
checkFinancialSubObjectCode | public static Message checkFinancialSubObjectCode(LaborTransaction transaction)(Code) | | Checks if the given transaction contains valid sub object code
Parameters: transaction - the given transaction null if the sub object code is valid; otherwise, return error message |
checkFinancialSystemOriginationCode | public static Message checkFinancialSystemOriginationCode(LaborTransaction transaction)(Code) | | Checks if the given transaction contains system origination code
Parameters: transaction - the given transaction null if the system origination code is valid; otherwise, return error message |
checkPostableBalanceTypeCode | public static Message checkPostableBalanceTypeCode(LaborTransaction transaction, List<String> unpostableBalanceTypeCodes)(Code) | | Checks if the given transaction contains the posteable balance type code
Parameters: transaction - the given transaction Parameters: unpostableBalanceTypeCodes - the list of unpostable balance type codes null if the balance type code of the transaction is not in unpostableBalanceTypeCodes; otherwise, return errormessage |
checkPostableObjectCode | public static Message checkPostableObjectCode(LaborTransaction transaction, List<String> unpostableObjectCodes)(Code) | | Checks if the given transaction contains the posteable object code
Parameters: transaction - the given transaction Parameters: unpostableObjectCodes - the list of unpostable object codes null if the object code of the transaction is not in unpostableObjectCodes; otherwise, return error message |
checkPostablePeridCode | public static Message checkPostablePeridCode(LaborTransaction transaction, List<String> unpostableperidCodes)(Code) | | Checks if the given transaction contains the posteable period code
Parameters: transaction - the given transaction Parameters: unpostableperidCodes - the list of unpostable period code null if the perid code of the transaction is not in unpostableperidCodes; otherwise, return error message |
checkSubAccountNumber | public static Message checkSubAccountNumber(LaborTransaction transaction)(Code) | | Checks if the given transaction contains valid sub account number
Parameters: transaction - the given transaction null if the sub account number is valid; otherwise, return error message |
checkSubAccountNumber | public static Message checkSubAccountNumber(LaborTransaction transaction, String exclusiveDocumentTypeCode)(Code) | | Checks if the given transaction contains valid sub account number
Parameters: transaction - the given transaction Parameters: exclusiveDocumentTypeCode - inactive sub account can be OK if the document type of the given transaction is exclusiveDocumentTypeCode null if the sub account number is valid; otherwise, return error message |
checkTransactionDebitCreditCode | public static Message checkTransactionDebitCreditCode(LaborTransaction transaction)(Code) | | Checks if the given transaction contains debit credit code
Parameters: transaction - the given transaction null if the debit credit code is valid; otherwise, return error message |
checkTransactionLedgerEntrySequenceNumber | public static Message checkTransactionLedgerEntrySequenceNumber(LaborTransaction transaction)(Code) | | Checks if the given transaction contains transaction sequence number
Parameters: transaction - the given transaction null if the transaction sequence number is valid; otherwise, return error message |
checkUniversityFiscalPeriodCode | public static Message checkUniversityFiscalPeriodCode(LaborTransaction transaction)(Code) | | Checks if the given transaction contains university fiscal period code
Parameters: transaction - the given transaction null if the university fiscal period code is valid; otherwise, return error message |
checkUniversityFiscalYear | public static Message checkUniversityFiscalYear(LaborTransaction transaction)(Code) | | Checks if the given transaction contains valid university fiscal year
Parameters: transaction - the given transaction null if the university fiscal year is valid; otherwise, return error message |
checkZeroTotalAmount | public static Message checkZeroTotalAmount(LaborTransaction transaction)(Code) | | Checks if the transaction amount of the given transaction is ZERO
Parameters: transaction - the given transaction null if the transaction amount is not ZERO or null; otherwise, return error message |