| org.kuali.module.purap.rules.PurapAccountingDocumentRuleBase org.kuali.module.purap.rules.PurchasingAccountsPayableDocumentRuleBase
All known Subclasses: org.kuali.module.purap.rules.PurchasingDocumentRuleBase, org.kuali.module.purap.rules.AccountsPayableDocumentRuleBase,
Method Summary | |
protected static List | getCurrentRouteLevels(KualiWorkflowDocument workflowDocument) A helper method for determining the route levels for a given document.
Parameters: workflowDocument - The workflow document from which the current route levels are to be obtained. | public boolean | isAmountValid(AccountingDocument document, AccountingLine accountingLine) Overrides the method in AccountingDocumentRuleBase to always return true.
Parameters: document - The document to be validated. Parameters: accountingLine - The accounting line whose amount to be validated. | public boolean | isDebit(AccountingDocument financialDocument, AccountingLine accountingLine) Determines whether the account is debit. | public boolean | processAccountValidation(AccountingDocument accountingDocument, List<PurApAccountingLine> purAccounts, String itemLineNumber) Performs any additional document level validation for the accounts which consists of validating that the item has accounts,
the account percent is valid and the accounting strings are unique.
Parameters: purapDocument - The document containing the accounts to be validated. Parameters: purAccounts - The List of accounts to be validated. Parameters: itemLineNumber - The string representing the item line number of the item whose accounts are to be validated. | public boolean | processAddItemBusinessRules(AccountingDocument financialDocument, PurApItem item) Performs the data dictionary validation to validate whether the item is a valid business object.
Parameters: financialDocument - The document containing the item to be validated. Parameters: item - The item to be validated. | protected boolean | processCustomAddAccountingLineBusinessRules(AccountingDocument financialDocument, AccountingLine accountingLine) Overrides the method in PurapAccountingDocumentRuleBase to always return true.
Parameters: financialDocument - The PurchasingAccountsPayableDocument to be validated. Parameters: accountingLine - The accounting line that is being added. | protected boolean | processCustomApproveDocumentBusinessRules(ApproveDocumentEvent approveEvent) Overrides the method in PurapAccountingDocumentRuleBase to perform processValidation for PurchasingAccountsPayableDocument.
Parameters: approveEvent - The ApproveDocumentEvent instance that we can use to retrieve the document to be validated. | protected boolean | processCustomRouteDocumentBusinessRules(Document document) Overrides the method in PurapAccountingDocumentRuleBase to perform processValidation for PurchasingAccountsPayableDocument. | public boolean | processDeleteAccountingLineBusinessRules(AccountingDocument financialDocument, AccountingLine accountingLine, boolean lineWasAlreadyDeletedFromDocument) Overrides the method in PurapAccountingDocumentRuleBase to always return true.
Parameters: financialDocument - The PurchasingAccountsPayableDocument to be validated. Parameters: accountingLine - The accounting line to be deleted. Parameters: lineWasAlreadyDeletedFromDocument - boolean true if the line was already deleted from document. | public boolean | processDocumentOverviewValidation(PurchasingAccountsPayableDocument purapDocument) Performs any validation for the Document Overview tab. | public boolean | processItemValidation(PurchasingAccountsPayableDocument purapDocument) Performs any validation for the Item tab. | public boolean | processValidation(PurchasingAccountsPayableDocument purapDocument) Calls each tab specific validation. | public boolean | processVendorValidation(PurchasingAccountsPayableDocument purapDocument) Performs any validation for the Vendor tab. | public boolean | requiresAccountValidationOnAllEnteredItems(PurchasingAccountsPayableDocument document) Determines whether the document will require account validation to be done on all of its items.
Parameters: document - The PurchasingAccountsPayable document to be validated. | protected boolean | validateBelowTheLineValues(String documentType, PurApItem item) Performs validations for below the line items. | protected boolean | verifyAccountPercent(AccountingDocument accountingDocument, List<PurApAccountingLine> purAccounts, String itemLineNumber) Verifies account percent. | protected boolean | verifyAccountingStringsBetween0And100Percent(PurApAccountingLine account, String errorPropertyName, String itemIdentifier) Verifies that the accounting strings are between 0 and 100 percent.
Parameters: account - The account whose accounting string is to be validated. Parameters: errorPropertyName - The name of the property on the page that we want the error to be displayed. Parameters: itemIdentifier - The string representing the item whose account is being validated. | protected boolean | verifyHasAccounts(List<PurApAccountingLine> purAccounts, String itemLineNumber) Verifies that the item has accounts.
Parameters: purAccounts - The List of accounts to be validated. Parameters: itemLineNumber - The string representing the item line number of the item whose accounts are to be validated. | protected boolean | verifyUniqueAccountingStrings(List<PurApAccountingLine> purAccounts, String errorPropertyName, String itemLineNumber) Verifies that the accounting strings entered are unique for each item.
Parameters: purAccounts - The List of accounts to be validated. Parameters: errorPropertyName - This is not currently being used in this method. Parameters: itemLineNumber - The string representing the item line number of the item whose accounts are to be validated. |
getCurrentRouteLevels | protected static List getCurrentRouteLevels(KualiWorkflowDocument workflowDocument)(Code) | | A helper method for determining the route levels for a given document.
Parameters: workflowDocument - The workflow document from which the current route levels are to be obtained. List The List of current route levels of the given document. |
processAccountValidation | public boolean processAccountValidation(AccountingDocument accountingDocument, List<PurApAccountingLine> purAccounts, String itemLineNumber)(Code) | | Performs any additional document level validation for the accounts which consists of validating that the item has accounts,
the account percent is valid and the accounting strings are unique.
Parameters: purapDocument - The document containing the accounts to be validated. Parameters: purAccounts - The List of accounts to be validated. Parameters: itemLineNumber - The string representing the item line number of the item whose accounts are to be validated. boolean true if it passes the validation. |
processDocumentOverviewValidation | public boolean processDocumentOverviewValidation(PurchasingAccountsPayableDocument purapDocument)(Code) | | Performs any validation for the Document Overview tab. Currently it will always return true.
Parameters: purapDocument - The PurchasingAccountsPayable document to be validated. boolean true. |
processItemValidation | public boolean processItemValidation(PurchasingAccountsPayableDocument purapDocument)(Code) | | Performs any validation for the Item tab. For each item, it will invoke the data dictionary validations. If the item is
considered entered, if the item type is above the line item, then also invoke the validatBelowTheLineValues. If the document
requires account validation on all entered items or if the item contains accounting line, then call the
processAccountValidation for all of the item's accounting line.
Parameters: purapDocument - The PurchasingAccountsPayable document to be validated. Parameters: needAccountValidation - boolean that indicates whether we need account validation. boolean true if it passes all of the validations. |
processValidation | public boolean processValidation(PurchasingAccountsPayableDocument purapDocument)(Code) | | Calls each tab specific validation. Tabs included on all PURAP docs are: DocumentOverview, Vendor and Item
Parameters: purapDocument - The PurchasingAccountsPayableDocument to be validated. boolean true if it passes all the validation. |
processVendorValidation | public boolean processVendorValidation(PurchasingAccountsPayableDocument purapDocument)(Code) | | Performs any validation for the Vendor tab. Currently it will always return true.
Parameters: purapDocument - The PurchasingAccountsPayable document to be validated. boolean true. |
requiresAccountValidationOnAllEnteredItems | public boolean requiresAccountValidationOnAllEnteredItems(PurchasingAccountsPayableDocument document)(Code) | | Determines whether the document will require account validation to be done on all of its items.
Parameters: document - The PurchasingAccountsPayable document to be validated. boolean true. |
validateBelowTheLineValues | protected boolean validateBelowTheLineValues(String documentType, PurApItem item)(Code) | | Performs validations for below the line items. If the unit price is zero, and the system parameter indicates that the item
should not allow zero, then the validation fails. If the unit price is positive and the system parameter indicates that the
item should not allow positive values, then the validation fails. If the unit price is negative and the system parameter
indicates that the item should not allow negative values, then the validation fails. If the unit price is entered and is not
zero and the item description is empty and the system parameter indicates that the item requires user to enter description,
then the validation fails.
Parameters: documentType - The type of the PurchasingAccountsPayable document to be validated. Parameters: item - The item to be validated. boolean true if it passes the validation. |
verifyAccountPercent | protected boolean verifyAccountPercent(AccountingDocument accountingDocument, List<PurApAccountingLine> purAccounts, String itemLineNumber)(Code) | | Verifies account percent. If the total percent does not equal 100, the validation fails.
Parameters: accountingDocument - The document containing the accounts to be validated. Parameters: purAccounts - The List of accounts to be validated. Parameters: itemLineNumber - The string representing the item line number of the item whose accounts are to be validated. boolean true if it passes the validation. |
verifyAccountingStringsBetween0And100Percent | protected boolean verifyAccountingStringsBetween0And100Percent(PurApAccountingLine account, String errorPropertyName, String itemIdentifier)(Code) | | Verifies that the accounting strings are between 0 and 100 percent.
Parameters: account - The account whose accounting string is to be validated. Parameters: errorPropertyName - The name of the property on the page that we want the error to be displayed. Parameters: itemIdentifier - The string representing the item whose account is being validated. boolean true if it passes the validation. |
verifyHasAccounts | protected boolean verifyHasAccounts(List<PurApAccountingLine> purAccounts, String itemLineNumber)(Code) | | Verifies that the item has accounts.
Parameters: purAccounts - The List of accounts to be validated. Parameters: itemLineNumber - The string representing the item line number of the item whose accounts are to be validated. boolean true if it passes the validation. |
verifyUniqueAccountingStrings | protected boolean verifyUniqueAccountingStrings(List<PurApAccountingLine> purAccounts, String errorPropertyName, String itemLineNumber)(Code) | | Verifies that the accounting strings entered are unique for each item.
Parameters: purAccounts - The List of accounts to be validated. Parameters: errorPropertyName - This is not currently being used in this method. Parameters: itemLineNumber - The string representing the item line number of the item whose accounts are to be validated. boolean true if it passes the validation. |
Fields inherited from org.kuali.module.purap.rules.PurapAccountingDocumentRuleBase | protected static org.apache.log4j.Logger LOG(Code)(Java Doc)
Methods inherited from org.kuali.module.purap.rules.PurapAccountingDocumentRuleBase | protected boolean accountIsAccessible(AccountingDocument financialDocument, AccountingLine accountingLine)(Code)(Java Doc) protected void buildTotalChangeErrorMessage(String propertyName, KualiDecimal persistedSourceLineTotal, KualiDecimal currentSourceLineTotal)(Code)(Java Doc) protected boolean checkAccountingLineAccountAccessibility(AccountingDocument financialDocument, AccountingLine accountingLine, AccountingLineAction action)(Code)(Java Doc) protected void customizeExplicitGeneralLedgerPendingEntry(AccountingDocument accountingDocument, AccountingLine accountingLine, GeneralLedgerPendingEntry explicitEntry)(Code)(Java Doc) protected boolean customizeOffsetGeneralLedgerPendingEntry(AccountingDocument accountingDocument, AccountingLine accountingLine, GeneralLedgerPendingEntry explicitEntry, GeneralLedgerPendingEntry offsetEntry)(Code)(Java Doc) protected Class getAccountingLineDocumentClass(AccountingDocument financialDocument)(Code)(Java Doc) protected KualiDecimal getGeneralLedgerPendingEntryAmountForAccountingLine(AccountingLine accountingLine)(Code)(Java Doc) protected ParameterService getParameterService()(Code)(Java Doc) final protected void handleNonExistentDocumentWhenApproving(AccountingDocument accountingDocument)(Code)(Java Doc) protected boolean hasAccessibleAccountingLines(AccountingDocument financialDocument, int min)(Code)(Java Doc) protected boolean isAccountingLineTotalsUnchanged(AccountingDocument accountingDocument)(Code)(Java Doc) protected boolean isAccountingLinesRequiredNumberForRoutingMet(AccountingDocument accountingDocument)(Code)(Java Doc) public boolean isAmountValid(AccountingDocument document, AccountingLine accountingLine)(Code)(Java Doc) final public boolean isAsset(AccountingLine accountingLine)(Code)(Java Doc) final public boolean isAssetTypeCode(String objectTypeCode)(Code)(Java Doc) final public boolean isBudgetOnlyCodesSubType(String objectCode)(Code)(Java Doc) final public boolean isCashSubType(String objectCode)(Code)(Java Doc) final public boolean isCostRecoveryExpenseSubType(String objectCode)(Code)(Java Doc) public boolean isCredit(AccountingLine accountingLine, AccountingDocument financialDocument) throws IllegalStateException(Code)(Java Doc) protected boolean isDocumentBalanceValid(AccountingDocument accountingDocument)(Code)(Java Doc) protected boolean isDocumentBalanceValidConsideringDebitsAndCredits(AccountingDocument accountingDocument)(Code)(Java Doc) protected boolean isErrorCorrection(AccountingDocument accountingDocument)(Code)(Java Doc) public boolean isExpense(AccountingLine accountingLine)(Code)(Java Doc) final public boolean isExpenseOrAsset(AccountingLine line)(Code)(Java Doc) final public boolean isFringeBenefitsSubType(String objectCode)(Code)(Java Doc) final public boolean isFundBalanceCode(String objectCode)(Code)(Java Doc) final public boolean isFundBalanceSubType(String objectCode)(Code)(Java Doc) public boolean isFundGroupAllowed(Class documentClass, AccountingLine accountingLine)(Code)(Java Doc) protected boolean isFundGroupSetBalanceValid(AccountingDocument tranDoc, Class componentClass, String parameterName)(Code)(Java Doc) final public boolean isHourlyWagesSubType(String objectCode)(Code)(Java Doc) final public boolean isIncome(AccountingLine accountingLine)(Code)(Java Doc) final public boolean isIncomeOrLiability(AccountingLine line)(Code)(Java Doc) final public boolean isLiability(AccountingLine accountingLine)(Code)(Java Doc) final public boolean isLiabilityTypeCode(String objectTypeCode)(Code)(Java Doc) final public boolean isMandatoryTransfersSubType(String objectSubTypeCode)(Code)(Java Doc) final public boolean isNonMandatoryTransfersSubType(String objectSubTypeCode)(Code)(Java Doc) public boolean isObjectCodeAllowed(Class documentClass, AccountingLine accountingLine)(Code)(Java Doc) public boolean isObjectConsolidationAllowed(Class documentClass, AccountingLine accountingLine)(Code)(Java Doc) public boolean isObjectLevelAllowed(Class documentClass, AccountingLine accountingLine)(Code)(Java Doc) public boolean isObjectSubTypeAllowed(Class documentClass, AccountingLine accountingLine)(Code)(Java Doc) public boolean isObjectTypeAllowed(Class documentClass, AccountingLine accountingLine)(Code)(Java Doc) protected boolean isOptionalOneSidedDocumentAccountingLinesRequiredNumberForRoutingMet(AccountingDocument accountingDocument)(Code)(Java Doc) final public boolean isRevenue(AccountingLine line)(Code)(Java Doc) final public boolean isSalariesSubType(String objectCode)(Code)(Java Doc) protected boolean isSourceAccountingLinesRequiredNumberForRoutingMet(AccountingDocument accountingDocument)(Code)(Java Doc) public boolean isSubFundGroupAllowed(Class documentClass, AccountingLine accountingLine)(Code)(Java Doc) protected boolean isTargetAccountingLinesRequiredNumberForRoutingMet(AccountingDocument accountingDocument)(Code)(Java Doc) final public boolean isValuationsAndAdjustmentsSubType(String objectSubTypeCode)(Code)(Java Doc) protected void populateExplicitGeneralLedgerPendingEntry(AccountingDocument accountingDocument, AccountingLine accountingLine, GeneralLedgerPendingEntrySequenceHelper sequenceHelper, GeneralLedgerPendingEntry explicitEntry)(Code)(Java Doc) public boolean processAddAccountingLineBusinessRules(AccountingDocument financialDocument, AccountingLine accountingLine)(Code)(Java Doc) protected boolean processCustomAddAccountingLineBusinessRules(AccountingDocument financialDocument, AccountingLine accountingLine)(Code)(Java Doc) protected boolean processCustomApproveDocumentBusinessRules(ApproveDocumentEvent approveEvent)(Code)(Java Doc) protected boolean processCustomDeleteAccountingLineBusinessRules(AccountingDocument financialDocument, AccountingLine accountingLine, boolean lineWasAlreadyDeletedFromDocument)(Code)(Java Doc) protected boolean processCustomReviewAccountingLineBusinessRules(AccountingDocument financialDocument, AccountingLine accountingLine)(Code)(Java Doc) protected boolean processCustomRouteDocumentBusinessRules(Document document)(Code)(Java Doc) protected boolean processCustomUpdateAccountingLineBusinessRules(AccountingDocument accountingDocument, AccountingLine originalAccountingLine, AccountingLine updatedAccountingLine)(Code)(Java Doc) public boolean processDeleteAccountingLineBusinessRules(AccountingDocument financialDocument, AccountingLine accountingLine, boolean lineWasAlreadyDeletedFromDocument)(Code)(Java Doc) protected boolean processExplicitGeneralLedgerPendingEntry(AccountingDocument accountingDocument, GeneralLedgerPendingEntrySequenceHelper sequenceHelper, AccountingLine accountingLine, GeneralLedgerPendingEntry explicitEntry)(Code)(Java Doc) public boolean processGenerateGeneralLedgerPendingEntries(AccountingDocument accountingDocument, AccountingLine accountingLine, GeneralLedgerPendingEntrySequenceHelper sequenceHelper)(Code)(Java Doc) protected boolean processOffsetGeneralLedgerPendingEntry(AccountingDocument accountingDocument, GeneralLedgerPendingEntrySequenceHelper sequenceHelper, AccountingLine accountingLine, GeneralLedgerPendingEntry explicitEntry, GeneralLedgerPendingEntry offsetEntry)(Code)(Java Doc) public boolean processReviewAccountingLineBusinessRules(AccountingDocument financialDocument, AccountingLine accountingLine)(Code)(Java Doc) public boolean processUpdateAccountingLineBusinessRules(AccountingDocument financialDocument, AccountingLine accountingLine, AccountingLine updatedAccountingLine)(Code)(Java Doc) public static void putRequiredPropertyError(BusinessObjectEntry boe, String propertyName)(Code)(Java Doc) protected void reportError(String propertyName, String errorKey, String... errorParams)(Code)(Java Doc) protected AccountingDocument retrievePersistedDocument(AccountingDocument accountingDocument)(Code)(Java Doc)