isValidTaxNumber(String taxNbr, String taxType) A predicate to determine the validity of tax numbers We're using regular expressions stored in the business rules table to
validate whether the tax number is in the correct format.
parseFEINFormats() Splits the set of tax fein number formats which are returned from the rule service as a semicolon-delimeted String into a
String array.
parseNotAllowedTaxNumbers() Splits the set of not allowed tax number formats which are returned from the rule service as a semicolon-delimeted String
into a String array.
public boolean isAllowedTaxNumber(String taxNbr)(Code)
Someday we'll have to use the rules table instead of using constants. This method will return true if the tax number is an
allowed tax number and return false if it's not allowed.
Parameters: taxNbr - The tax number to be processed. boolean true if the tax number is allowed and false otherwise.
public boolean isStringAllNumbers(String field)(Code)
A predicate to determine if a String field is all numbers
Parameters: field - A String tax number True if String is numeric
A predicate to determine the validity of tax numbers We're using regular expressions stored in the business rules table to
validate whether the tax number is in the correct format. The regular expressions are : (please update this javadoc comment
when the regular expressions change) 1. For SSN : (?!000)(?!666)(\d{3})([ \-]?)(?!00)(\d{2})([\-]?)(?!0000)(\d{4}) 2. For
FEIN : (?!00)(\d{3})([ \-]?)(\d{2})([\-]?)(?!0000)(\d{4})
Parameters: taxNbr - A tax number String (SSN or FEIN) Parameters: taxType - determines SSN or FEIN tax number type True if the tax number is known to be in a valid format
Splits the set of tax fein number formats which are returned from the rule service as a semicolon-delimeted String into a
String array.
A String array of the tax fein number format regular expressions.
Splits the set of not allowed tax number formats which are returned from the rule service as a semicolon-delimeted String
into a String array.
A String array of the not allowed tax number format regular expressions.
Splits the set of tax number formats which are returned from the rule service as a semicolon-delimeted String into a String
A String array of the tax number format regular expressions.