001: /*
002: *
003: * Copyright (c) 2004 SourceTap - www.sourcetap.com
004: *
005: * The contents of this file are subject to the SourceTap Public License
006: * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the
007: * License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.sourcetap.com/license.htm
008: * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
009: * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for
010: * the specific language governing rights and limitations under the License.
011: *
012: * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included
013: * in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
014: *
015: */
017: package com.sourcetap.sfa.ui;
019: import java.util.ArrayList;
020: import java.util.Collection;
021: import java.util.HashMap;
022: import java.util.Iterator;
023: import java.util.LinkedList;
024: import java.util.List;
025: import java.util.StringTokenizer;
027: import org.ofbiz.base.util.Debug;
028: import org.ofbiz.base.util.UtilFormatOut;
029: import org.ofbiz.base.util.UtilMisc;
030: import org.ofbiz.entity.GenericDelegator;
031: import org.ofbiz.entity.GenericEntityException;
032: import org.ofbiz.entity.GenericValue;
033: import org.ofbiz.entity.condition.EntityComparisonOperator;
034: import org.ofbiz.entity.condition.EntityCondition;
035: import org.ofbiz.entity.condition.EntityConditionList;
036: import org.ofbiz.entity.condition.EntityExpr;
037: import org.ofbiz.entity.condition.EntityOperator;
038: import org.ofbiz.entity.model.DynamicViewEntity;
039: import org.ofbiz.entity.model.ModelKeyMap;
041: import com.sourcetap.sfa.event.EventUtility;
042: import com.sourcetap.sfa.replication.GenericReplicator;
043: import com.sourcetap.sfa.util.EntityHelper;
044: import com.sourcetap.sfa.util.QueryInfo;
046: /**
047: * This class is used by the UI builder to store and retrieve queries so they can be reused.
048: *
049: * @author <a href='mailto:jnutting@sourcetap.com'>John Nutting</a>
050: * @see #UIQueryValue
051: */
052: public class UIQuery {
053: public static final String module = UIQuery.class.getName();
055: /**
056: * Constant containing the name of the last query used
057: */
058: public static final String LAST_QUERY_NAME = ".Last Query";
059: public static final String LAST_QUERY_NAME_URL_ENCODED = ".Last+Query";
061: /**
062: * Query ID - Uniquely identifies this query
063: */
064: protected String queryId = "";
066: /**
067: * Section ID - Identifies the UI screen section on which this query can be used
068: */
069: protected String sectionId = "";
071: /**
072: * Party ID - Identifies the user who created the query, and who can re-use it.
073: */
074: protected String partyId = "";
076: /**
077: * Query Name - Name of this query to appear on the screen in the drop list of available queries
078: */
079: protected String queryName = "";
081: /**
082: * Query Value List - List of objects that contain the query values for this query
083: *
084: * @see #UIQueryValue
085: */
086: protected ArrayList uiQueryValueList = new ArrayList();
088: /**
089: * Basic constructor
090: * @author <a href='mailto:jnutting@sourcetap.com'>John Nutting</a>
091: */
092: public UIQuery() {
093: }
095: /**
096: * Constructor to create a UI Query from the data base using the specified query ID
097: * @param queryId_ Query ID - Uniquely identifies this query
098: * @param delegator Generic delegator object required to attach to the correct data source
099: * @author <a href='mailto:jnutting@sourcetap.com'>John Nutting</a>
100: */
101: public UIQuery(String queryId_, GenericDelegator delegator) {
103: HashMap uiQueryFindMap = new HashMap();
104: uiQueryFindMap.put("queryId", queryId_);
106: try {
107: // Get the query from the data base.
108: GenericValue uiQueryGV = delegator.findByPrimaryKey(
109: "UiQuery", uiQueryFindMap);
111: if (uiQueryGV == null) {
112: Debug.logWarning(
113: "[UIQuery.UIQuery(queryId)] UiQuery not found with query ID"
114: + queryId_, module);
116: return;
117: }
119: setQueryId((uiQueryGV.getString("queryId") == null) ? ""
120: : uiQueryGV.getString("queryId"));
121: setSectionId((uiQueryGV.getString("sectionId") == null) ? ""
122: : uiQueryGV.getString("sectionId"));
123: setPartyId((uiQueryGV.getString("partyId") == null) ? ""
124: : uiQueryGV.getString("partyId"));
125: setQueryName((uiQueryGV.getString("queryName") == null) ? ""
126: : uiQueryGV.getString("queryName"));
128: try {
130: // Get the query values.
131: HashMap uiQueryValueFindMap = new HashMap();
132: uiQueryValueFindMap.put("queryId", queryId_);
134: // Get the query from the data base.
135: List uiQueryValueGVL = delegator.findByAnd(
136: "UiQueryValue", uiQueryValueFindMap);
137: Iterator uiQueryValueGVI = uiQueryValueGVL.iterator();
139: while (uiQueryValueGVI.hasNext()) {
140: GenericValue uiQueryValueGV = (GenericValue) uiQueryValueGVI
141: .next();
142: String entityOperatorIdString = (uiQueryValueGV
143: .getString("queryOperatorId") == null) ? "1"
144: : uiQueryValueGV
145: .getString("queryOperatorId");
146: int entityOperatorId = Integer.valueOf(
147: entityOperatorIdString).intValue();
148: addUiQueryValue(
149: UtilFormatOut.checkNull(uiQueryValueGV
150: .getString("attributeId")),
151: EntityOperator
152: .lookup(EntityHelper
153: .getEntityOperator(entityOperatorId)),
154: UtilFormatOut.checkNull(uiQueryValueGV
155: .getString("attributeValue")),
156: UtilFormatOut.checkNull(uiQueryValueGV
157: .getString("displayTypeId")),
158: UtilFormatOut.checkNull(uiQueryValueGV
159: .getString("displayObjectId")),
160: delegator);
161: }
162: } catch (GenericEntityException e2) {
163: Debug.logError(
164: "[UIQuery.UIQuery(queryId)] Error looking for UiQueryValues with query ID"
165: + queryId_ + ": "
166: + e2.getLocalizedMessage(), module);
167: }
168: } catch (GenericEntityException e1) {
169: Debug.logError(
170: "[UIQuery.UIQuery(queryId)] Error looking for UiQuery with query ID"
171: + queryId_ + ": "
172: + e1.getLocalizedMessage(), module);
173: }
174: }
176: /**
177: * Constructor with initial values
178: * @param queryId_ Query ID - Uniquely identifies this query
179: * @param sectionId_ Section ID - Identifies the UI screen section on which this query can be used
180: * @param partyId_ Party ID - Identifies the user who created the query, and who can re-use it.
181: * @param queryName_ Query Name - Name of this query to appear on the screen in the drop list of available queries
182: * @author <a href='mailto:jnutting@sourcetap.com'>John Nutting</a>
183: */
184: public UIQuery(String queryId_, String sectionId_, String partyId_,
185: String queryName_, ArrayList uiQueryValueList_) {
187: setQueryId(queryId_);
188: setSectionId(sectionId_);
189: setPartyId(partyId_);
190: setQueryName(queryName_);
191: setUiQueryValueList(uiQueryValueList_);
192: }
194: /**
195: * Gets the Query ID
196: * @return Query ID - Uniquely identifies this query
197: * @author <a href='mailto:jnutting@sourcetap.com'>John Nutting</a>
198: */
199: public String getQueryId() {
200: return (queryId == null) ? "" : queryId;
201: }
203: /**
204: * Sets the Query ID
205: * @param queryId_ Query ID - Uniquely identifies this query
206: * @author <a href='mailto:jnutting@sourcetap.com'>John Nutting</a>
207: */
208: public void setQueryId(String queryId_) {
209: queryId = queryId_;
211: return;
212: }
214: /**
215: * Gets the Section ID
216: * @param sectionId_ Section ID - Identifies the UI screen section on which this query can be used
217: * @author <a href='mailto:jnutting@sourcetap.com'>John Nutting</a>
218: */
219: public String getSectionId() {
220: return (sectionId == null) ? "" : sectionId;
221: }
223: /**
224: * Sets the Section ID
225: * @return Section ID - Identifies the UI screen section on which this query can be used
226: * @author <a href='mailto:jnutting@sourcetap.com'>John Nutting</a>
227: */
228: public void setSectionId(String sectionId_) {
229: sectionId = sectionId_;
231: return;
232: }
234: /**
235: * Gets the Party ID
236: * @return Party ID - Identifies the user who created the query, and who can re-use it.
237: * @author <a href='mailto:jnutting@sourcetap.com'>John Nutting</a>
238: */
239: public String getPartyId() {
240: return (partyId == null) ? "" : partyId;
241: }
243: /**
244: * Sets the Party ID
245: * @param partyId_ Party ID - Identifies the user who created the query, and who can re-use it.
246: * @author <a href='mailto:jnutting@sourcetap.com'>John Nutting</a>
247: */
248: public void setPartyId(String partyId_) {
249: partyId = partyId_;
251: return;
252: }
254: /**
255: * Gets the Query Name
256: * @param queryName_ Query Name - Name of this query to appear on the screen in the drop list of available queries
257: * @author <a href='mailto:jnutting@sourcetap.com'>John Nutting</a>
258: */
259: public String getQueryName() {
260: return (queryName == null) ? "" : queryName;
261: }
263: /**
264: * Sets the Query Name
265: * @return_ Query Name - Name of this query to appear on the screen in the drop list of available queries
266: * @author <a href='mailto:jnutting@sourcetap.com'>John Nutting</a>
267: */
268: public void setQueryName(String queryName_) {
269: queryName = queryName_;
271: return;
272: }
274: /**
275: * Gets a reference to the Query Value List
276: *
277: * @return_ Query Value List - List of objects that contain the query values for this query
278: * @author <a href='mailto:jnutting@sourcetap.com'>John Nutting</a>
279: * @see #UIQueryValue
280: */
281: public ArrayList getUiQueryValueList() {
282: return uiQueryValueList;
283: }
285: /**
286: * Stores an ArrayList containing values of type UIQueryValue into the Query Value List
287: *
288: * @param uiQueryValueList_ Query Value List - List of objects that contain the query values for this query
289: * @author <a href='mailto:jnutting@sourcetap.com'>John Nutting</a>
290: * @see #UIQueryValue
291: */
292: public void setUiQueryValueList(ArrayList uiQueryValueList_) {
293: uiQueryValueList = uiQueryValueList_;
295: return;
296: }
298: /**
299: * Gets a reference to the UIQueryValue stored in the query value list at the position specified by the queryValueNbr parameter
300: *
301: * @param queryValueNbr Position in the query value list from which to get the query value object
302: * @return Query value object from the specified position in the query value list
303: * @author <a href='mailto:jnutting@sourcetap.com'>John Nutting</a>
304: * @see #UIQueryValue
305: */
306: public UIQueryValue getUiQueryValue(int queryValueNbr) {
308: return (UIQueryValue) uiQueryValueList.get(queryValueNbr);
309: }
311: /**
312: * Adds an object of class UIQueryValue to the query value list
313: *
314: * @param attributeId_ Attribute ID - Uniquely identifies an attribute defined in the UI data
315: * @param attributeValue_ The value to be compared to the specified attribute on entities in the data base
316: * when the query is executed
317: * @param entityOperator_ The operand to be used to compare the value to the specified attribute on
318: * entities in the data base when the query is executed
319: * @param delegator Generic delegator object required to attach to the correct data source
320: * @return ID of new query value
321: * @author <a href='mailto:jnutting@sourcetap.com'>John Nutting</a>
322: * @see #UIQueryValue
323: */
324: public void addUiQueryValue(String attributeId,
325: EntityOperator entityOperator, String attributeValue,
326: String displayTypeId, String displayObjectId,
327: GenericDelegator delegator) {
329: uiQueryValueList.add(new UIQueryValue("", getQueryId(),
330: attributeId, attributeValue,
331: (EntityComparisonOperator) entityOperator,
332: displayTypeId, displayObjectId));
334: // return queryValueId;
335: return;
336: }
338: /**
340: *
341: * @param delegator
342: * @param partyId
343: * @param sectionName
344: * @param screenName
345: *
346: * @return
347: *
348: * @throws GenericEntityException
349: */
350: public static List getUiQueryList(GenericDelegator delegator,
351: String partyId, String sectionName, String screenName)
352: throws GenericEntityException {
354: // Add all queries not tied to any particular party ID or screen section.
355: HashMap uiQueryFindMap = new HashMap();
356: uiQueryFindMap.put("partyId", "-1");
357: uiQueryFindMap.put("sectionId", "-1");
359: ArrayList uiQueryFindOrder = new ArrayList();
360: uiQueryFindOrder.add("queryName");
362: List uiQueryGVL = delegator.findByAnd("UiQuery",
363: uiQueryFindMap, uiQueryFindOrder);
365: // Add all queries not tied to any particular party ID, but tied to the current screen section.
366: // Find the last query used by this party ID for this screen section.
367: // select X from ui_query q, ui_screen_section ss, ui_screen s where q.section_id = ss.section_id and q.party_id = -1 and ss.section_name = <section_name>
368: // and s.screen_name = <screenName> and s.screen_id = ss.screen_id order by query_name
369: DynamicViewEntity dve = EntityHelper.createDynamicViewEntity(
370: delegator, "UiQuery");
371: dve.addMemberEntity("UiScreenSection", "UiScreenSection");
372: dve.addViewLink("UiQuery", "UiScreenSection", Boolean.FALSE,
373: UtilMisc.toList(new ModelKeyMap("sectionId",
374: "sectionId")));
375: dve.addMemberEntity("UiScreen", "UiScreen");
376: dve
377: .addViewLink("UiScreenSection", "UiScreen",
378: Boolean.FALSE, UtilMisc.toList(new ModelKeyMap(
379: "screenId", "screenId")));
380: dve.addAlias("UiScreen", "screenName", null, null, null, null,
381: null);
382: dve.addAlias("UiScreenSection", "sectionName", null, null,
383: null, null, null);
385: EntityCondition condition = new EntityConditionList(UtilMisc
386: .toList(new EntityExpr("partyId",
387: EntityOperator.EQUALS, "-1"),
388: new EntityExpr("screenName",
389: EntityOperator.EQUALS, screenName),
390: new EntityExpr("sectionName",
391: EntityOperator.EQUALS, sectionName)),
392: EntityOperator.AND);
394: uiQueryGVL.addAll(EntityHelper.findByCondition(delegator, dve,
395: condition, uiQueryFindOrder));
397: // Add all queries tied to the current party ID and screen section.
398: // select X from ui_query q, ui_screen_section ss, ui_screen s where q.section_id = ss.section_id and q.party_id = <partyId> and ss.section_name = <section_name>
399: // and s.screen_name = <screenName> and s.screen_id = ss.screen_id order by query_name
400: condition = new EntityConditionList(UtilMisc.toList(
401: new EntityExpr("partyId", EntityOperator.EQUALS,
402: partyId), new EntityExpr("screenName",
403: EntityOperator.EQUALS, screenName),
404: new EntityExpr("sectionName", EntityOperator.EQUALS,
405: sectionName)), EntityOperator.AND);
407: uiQueryGVL.addAll(EntityHelper.findByCondition(delegator, dve,
408: condition, uiQueryFindOrder));
410: return uiQueryGVL;
411: }
413: /**
415: *
416: * @param delegator
417: * @param partyId
418: * @param sectionName
419: * @param screenName
420: * @param savedQueryName
421: *
422: * @return
423: *
424: * @throws GenericEntityException
425: */
426: public static GenericValue getUiQueryByName(
427: GenericDelegator delegator, String partyId,
428: String sectionName, String screenName, String savedQueryName)
429: throws GenericEntityException {
431: GenericValue uiQueryGV = null;
433: // Find the last query used by this party ID for this screen section.
434: // select X from ui_query q, ui_screen_section ss, ui_screen s where q.section_id = ss.section_id and q.party_id = <party_id> and ss.section_name = <section_name>
435: // and s.screen_name = <screenName> and s.screen_id = ss.screen_id and q.queryName = <queryName>
436: DynamicViewEntity dve = EntityHelper.createDynamicViewEntity(
437: delegator, "UiQuery");
438: dve.addMemberEntity("UiScreenSection", "UiScreenSection");
439: dve.addViewLink("UiQuery", "UiScreenSection", Boolean.FALSE,
440: UtilMisc.toList(new ModelKeyMap("sectionId",
441: "sectionId")));
442: dve.addMemberEntity("UiScreen", "UiScreen");
443: dve
444: .addViewLink("UiScreenSection", "UiScreen",
445: Boolean.FALSE, UtilMisc.toList(new ModelKeyMap(
446: "screenId", "screenId")));
447: dve.addAlias("UiScreen", "screenName", null, null, null, null,
448: null);
449: dve.addAlias("UiScreenSection", "sectionName", null, null,
450: null, null, null);
452: EntityCondition condition = new EntityConditionList(UtilMisc
453: .toList(new EntityExpr("partyId",
454: EntityOperator.EQUALS, partyId),
455: new EntityExpr("queryName",
456: EntityOperator.EQUALS, savedQueryName),
457: new EntityExpr("screenName",
458: EntityOperator.EQUALS, screenName),
459: new EntityExpr("sectionName",
460: EntityOperator.EQUALS, sectionName)),
461: EntityOperator.AND);
463: List uiQueryGVL = EntityHelper.findByCondition(delegator, dve,
464: condition, null);
466: if (uiQueryGVL.size() == 0) {
467: // There is no last query to pull up.
468: Debug.logWarning(
469: "[UIQuery.getUiQueryByName]: Named query not found for query name "
470: + savedQueryName + ", partyId " + partyId
471: + ", sectionName " + sectionName
472: + ", and screenName " + screenName + ".",
473: module);
475: return uiQueryGV;
476: } else {
477: // The last query was found. Get it from the List.
478: Debug.logVerbose(
479: "[UIQuery.getUiQueryByName]: Named query found for query name "
480: + savedQueryName + ", partyId " + partyId
481: + ", sectionName " + sectionName
482: + ", and screenName " + screenName + ".",
483: module);
485: uiQueryGV = (GenericValue) uiQueryGVL.iterator().next();
486: }
488: /*
489: // Add the query values to the "other" array of the query generic value object.
490: List uiQueryValueL = (List)delegator.getRelated("UiQueryValue", uiQueryGV);
491: uiQueryGV.preStoreOthers(uiQueryValueL);
492: */
493: return uiQueryGV;
494: }
496: /**
498: *
499: * @param delegator
500: * @param queryId
501: *
502: * @return
503: *
504: * @throws GenericEntityException
505: */
506: public static List getUiQueryValues(GenericDelegator delegator,
507: String queryId) throws GenericEntityException {
509: HashMap uiQueryFindMap = new HashMap();
510: uiQueryFindMap.put("queryId", queryId);
512: GenericValue uiQueryGV = delegator.findByPrimaryKey("UiQuery",
513: uiQueryFindMap);
515: if (uiQueryGV == null) {
516: throw new GenericEntityException(
517: "No UI Query was found with ID \"" + queryId
518: + "\".");
519: }
521: // Get the query values for this query ID.
522: List uiQueryValueL = (List) delegator.getRelated(
523: "UiQueryValue", uiQueryGV);
525: return uiQueryValueL;
526: }
528: /**
529: * Save the query to the data base
530: * @param delegator Generic delegator object required to attach to the correct data source
531: * @return Query ID - Uniquely identifies this query
532: * @author <a href='mailto:jnutting@sourcetap.com'>John Nutting</a>
533: */
534: public String save(GenericDelegator delegator) {
535: // Find out if there is already a query saved with this name for this section ID and party ID. If so,
536: // just retrieve and update that one.
538: HashMap uiQueryFindMap = new HashMap();
539: uiQueryFindMap.put("partyId", getPartyId());
540: uiQueryFindMap.put("sectionId", getSectionId());
541: uiQueryFindMap.put("queryName", getQueryName());
543: Debug.logVerbose(
544: "[UIQuery.save] About to search for UiQuery - "
545: + "partyId:" + getPartyId() + ", sectionId:"
546: + getSectionId() + ", queryName:"
547: + getQueryName(), module);
549: try {
550: List storeGVL = new LinkedList();
551: List uiQueryGVL = delegator.findByAnd("UiQuery",
552: uiQueryFindMap, null);
553: GenericValue uiQueryGV = null;
555: if (uiQueryGVL.size() == 0) {
556: // Query not found. Create a new one.
558: setQueryId(GenericReplicator.getNextSeqId("UiQuery",
559: delegator));
560: uiQueryGV = toGenericValue(delegator);
561: } else {
563: // Query already exists. Prepare to update existing.
564: uiQueryGV = (GenericValue) uiQueryGVL.iterator().next();
566: // Store the existing query ID from the data base to this query object.
567: setQueryId(uiQueryGV.getString("queryId"));
569: // Remove existing query values from the data base.
570: List uiQueryValueL = (List) delegator.getRelated(
571: "UiQueryValue", uiQueryGV);
572: Iterator uiQueryValueI = uiQueryValueL.iterator();
574: while (uiQueryValueI.hasNext()) {
575: // Remove this attribute from the database.
576: GenericValue uiQueryValueGV = (GenericValue) uiQueryValueI
577: .next();
578: uiQueryValueGV.remove();
579: }
580: }
582: // Add the query onto the List of records to be saved.
583: storeGVL.add(uiQueryGV);
585: // Append all the attributes onto the query so they will be inserted into the data base.
587: ArrayList uiQueryValueList = getUiQueryValueList();
589: for (int uiQueryValueNbr = 0; uiQueryValueNbr < uiQueryValueList
590: .size(); uiQueryValueNbr++) {
592: UIQueryValue uiQueryValue = getUiQueryValue(uiQueryValueNbr);
594: // Copy the query ID onto the query value in case it is not already set.
595: uiQueryValue.setQueryId(getQueryId());
597: // Set the query VALUE ID now so it will change each time we save the query.
598: String queryValueId = GenericReplicator.getNextSeqId(
599: "UiQueryValue", delegator);
601: uiQueryValue.setQueryValueId(queryValueId);
603: // Create a generic value for this query value, and attach it to the query's generic value so it will be saved.
604: GenericValue uiQueryValueGV = uiQueryValue
605: .toGenericValue(delegator);
607: // Add the query value onto the List of records to be saved.
608: storeGVL.add(uiQueryValueGV);
609: }
611: try {
612: // Insert or update the query and associated values.
613: delegator.storeAll(storeGVL);
614: } catch (GenericEntityException e2) {
615: Debug.logError("[UIQuery.save] Error saving query: "
616: + e2.getLocalizedMessage(), module);
617: }
618: } catch (GenericEntityException e) {
619: Debug.logError(
620: "[UIQuery.save] Error looking for existing query: "
621: + e.getLocalizedMessage(), module);
622: }
624: return getQueryId();
625: }
627: /**
628: * Create entity clauses for this query that can be used by the GenericDelegator.findByCondition method
629: * @param delegator Generic delegator object required to attach to the correct data source
630: * @param queryInfo criteria to be used in search
631: * @author <a href='mailto:jnutting@sourcetap.com'>John Nutting</a>
632: */
633: public void appendEntityClauses(GenericDelegator delegator,
634: QueryInfo queryInfo) {
636: // Append an entity clause for each query value.
637: for (int uiQueryValueNbr = 0; uiQueryValueNbr < uiQueryValueList
638: .size(); uiQueryValueNbr++) {
639: UIQueryValue uiQueryValue = getUiQueryValue(uiQueryValueNbr);
641: try {
642: // Find the UI attribute generic value.
643: HashMap uiAttributeSearchMap = new HashMap();
644: uiAttributeSearchMap.put("attributeId", uiQueryValue
645: .getAttributeId());
647: GenericValue uiAttributeGV = delegator
648: .findByPrimaryKey("UiAttribute",
649: uiAttributeSearchMap);
650: String searchAttribName = uiAttributeGV
651: .getString("attributeName");
652: String entityId = uiAttributeGV.getString("entityId");
654: // Find the UI entity generic value.
655: HashMap uiEntitySearchMap = new HashMap();
656: uiEntitySearchMap.put("entityId", entityId);
658: List queryEntities = queryInfo.getEntities();
659: HashMap joinedEntities = new HashMap();
660: for (int i = 0; i < queryEntities.size(); i++) {
661: joinedEntities.put((String) queryEntities.get(i),
662: "Y");
663: }
665: try {
666: GenericValue uiEntityGV = delegator
667: .findByPrimaryKey("UiEntity",
668: uiEntitySearchMap);
669: String searchEntityName = uiEntityGV
670: .getString("entityName");
672: String hasJoin = (String) joinedEntities
673: .get(searchEntityName);
675: if ((hasJoin == null) || (!hasJoin.equals("Y"))) {
676: String primaryEntityName = queryInfo
677: .getPrimaryEntity();
678: EventUtility
679: .addOneRelationClause(
680: delegator,
681: "",
682: "",
683: searchEntityName,
684: primaryEntityName,
685: delegator
686: .getModelEntity(primaryEntityName),
687: false, queryInfo);
689: joinedEntities.put(searchEntityName, "Y");
690: }
692: String displayTypeId = uiQueryValue
693: .getDisplayTypeId();
695: EntityComparisonOperator entityOperator = uiQueryValue
696: .getEntityOperator();
697: String searchValueStr = uiQueryValue
698: .getAttributeValue();
699: Object searchValue = searchValueStr;
701: // If this is a set operator, convert the String param into a comma separated List
702: if ((entityOperator.equals(EntityOperator.IN))
703: || (entityOperator
704: .equals(EntityOperator.NOT_IN))
705: || (entityOperator
706: .equals(EntityOperator.BETWEEN))) {
707: List valueList = new ArrayList();
708: StringTokenizer tokComma = new StringTokenizer(
709: searchValueStr, ",");
711: while (tokComma.hasMoreTokens()) {
712: String valueItem = tokComma.nextToken();
713: valueList.add(valueItem);
714: }
715: searchValue = valueList;
716: }
718: // Generate an entry in the WHERE clause for this attribute.
719: // If this is a select field, we need to search on the lookup value, not the lookup ID
720: if (displayTypeId
721: .equals(UIDisplayObject.DISPLAY_TYPE_SELECT)
722: || displayTypeId
723: .equals(UIDisplayObject.DISPLAY_TYPE_SEARCH_TEXT)) {
724: String aliasName = searchEntityName
725: + searchAttribName + "srch";
726: UIUtility.addSelectSearch(queryInfo,
727: uiQueryValue.getDisplayObjectId(),
728: searchEntityName, searchAttribName,
729: aliasName, entityOperator, searchValue);
730: } else {
731: // Generate an entry in the WHERE clause for this attribute.
732: if (searchValue instanceof Collection)
733: EventUtility.appendEntityClause(
734: searchEntityName, searchAttribName,
735: (Collection) searchValue,
736: entityOperator, queryInfo);
737: else
738: EventUtility.appendEntityClause(
739: searchEntityName, searchAttribName,
740: searchValueStr, entityOperator,
741: queryInfo);
742: }
744: } catch (GenericEntityException e2) {
745: Debug.logError(
746: "[UIQuery.appendEntityClauses] Error looking for UiEntity: "
747: + e2.getLocalizedMessage(), module);
748: }
749: } catch (GenericEntityException e1) {
750: Debug.logError(
751: "[UIQuery.appendEntityClauses] Error looking for UiAttribute: "
752: + e1.getLocalizedMessage(), module);
753: }
754: }
755: }
757: /**
758: * Creates a generic value for this query.
759: * @param delegator Generic delegator object required to attach to the correct data source
760: * @return Generic value representing this query
761: * @author <a href='mailto:jnutting@sourcetap.com'>John Nutting</a>
762: */
763: public GenericValue toGenericValue(GenericDelegator delegator) {
765: GenericValue uiQueryGV = new GenericValue(delegator
766: .getModelEntity("UiQuery"));
767: uiQueryGV.setDelegator(delegator);
768: uiQueryGV.set("queryId", getQueryId());
769: uiQueryGV.set("sectionId", getSectionId());
770: uiQueryGV.set("partyId", getPartyId());
771: uiQueryGV.set("queryName", getQueryName());
773: return uiQueryGV;
774: }
775: }