001: /*
002: *
003: * Copyright (c) 2004 SourceTap - www.sourcetap.com
004: *
005: * The contents of this file are subject to the SourceTap Public License
006: * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the
007: * License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.sourcetap.com/license.htm
008: * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
009: * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for
010: * the specific language governing rights and limitations under the License.
011: *
012: * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included
013: * in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
014: *
015: */
017: package com.sourcetap.sfa.ui;
019: //import com.sourcetap.sfa.ui.UIDisplayObject;
020: //import com.sourcetap.sfa.ui.UIFieldInfo;
021: import com.sourcetap.sfa.util.UserInfo;
023: import org.ofbiz.entity.*;
024: import org.ofbiz.entity.model.*;
025: import org.ofbiz.base.util.Debug;
027: import java.util.*;
029: /**
030: * This class is used by the UI builder to display a search field on the screen.
031: *
032: * @author <a href='mailto:steve_fowler@sourcetap.com'>Steve Fowler</a>
033: * @author <a href='mailto:jnutting@sourcetap.com'>John Nutting</a>
034: */
035: public class UISearchField {
036: public static final String module = UISearchField.class.getName();
038: /**
039: * Dynamically retrieves values to display as a drop down list when the search field is in list mode.
040: *
041: * @author <a href='mailto:steve_fowler@sourcetap.com'>Steve Fowler</a>
042: * @author <a href='mailto:jnutting@sourcetap.com'>John Nutting</a>
043: *
044: * @param delegator Reference to the OFBIZ delegator being used to connect to the data base
045: * @param entityName The name of the entity whose instances are to be displayed in the list.
046: * @param searchField Name of attribute in the listed entity to be compared to the searchValue
047: * @param searchValue Value entered by the user into the search field. To be used in a LIKE clause to filter the items in the drop down.
048: * @param userInfo Reference to user info object containing information about the currently logged-in user
049: *
050: * @return String containing the HTML text that will draw the current field on the web page
051: *
052: * @see com.sourcetap.sfa.ui.UIWebScreenSection
053: */
054: public List getSearchFieldValuesDynamic(GenericDelegator delegator,
055: String entityName, String searchField, String searchValue,
056: UserInfo userInfo) {
057: return new LinkedList();
058: }
060: /**
061: * Produces an HTML string to display the search field in search mode.
062: *
063: * @author Chris Maurer
064: * @author <a href='mailto:steve_fowler@sourcetap.com'>Steve Fowler</a>
065: * @author <a href='mailto:jnutting@sourcetap.com'>John Nutting</a>
066: *
067: * @param htmlName The name to be used for the current field in the HTML
068: * @param action Action string defining the current screen mode. See UIScreenSection for possible values.
069: * @param fieldInfo Reference to field info object containing attributes of the current field
070: * @param uiDisplayObject Reference to a display object defined in the data base and attached to the field to be displayed by the UI builder
071: * @param fieldValue Value stored or to be stored in the data base
072: * @param tabIndex Tab index (tab order) of the current field on the HTML form
073: *
074: * @return String containing the HTML text that will draw the current field on the web page
075: *
076: * @see com.sourcetap.sfa.ui.UIWebScreenSection
077: */
078: public static String displaySearchValueBox(String htmlName,
079: String action, UIFieldInfo fieldInfo,
080: UIDisplayObject uiDisplayObject, String fieldValue,
081: int tabIndex) {
082: // Display an input box where the user can type search criteria.
083: StringBuffer displayHtml = new StringBuffer();
084: displayHtml.append("<INPUT TYPE=\"TEXT\" ID=\"" + htmlName
085: + "\" NAME=\"" + htmlName + "\" TABINDEX=\""
086: + String.valueOf(tabIndex) + "\" ");
087: displayHtml.append(UIWebUtility
088: .translateAttribSize(uiDisplayObject.getAttribSize()));
089: displayHtml.append(UIWebUtility.translateAttribMaxLength(
090: uiDisplayObject.getAttribMaxLength(), String
091: .valueOf(fieldInfo.getMaxLength())));
092: displayHtml.append(UIWebUtility
093: .translateAttribDisabled(uiDisplayObject
094: .getAttribDisabled()));
095: displayHtml.append(UIWebUtility
096: .translateAttribReadOnly(uiDisplayObject
097: .getAttribReadOnly()));
098: displayHtml
099: .append(UIWebUtility
100: .translateAttribAlign(uiDisplayObject
101: .getAttribAlign()));
102: displayHtml.append(UIWebUtility
103: .translateAttribClass(uiDisplayObject.getAttribClass(
104: action, fieldInfo.getIsMandatory())));
105: displayHtml.append(UIWebUtility
106: .translateAttribFieldName(uiDisplayObject
107: .getAttribEntitySearchDef()));
108: displayHtml.append(UIWebUtility
109: .translateAttribEntityName(uiDisplayObject
110: .getAttribEntity()));
111: displayHtml.append(UIWebUtility
112: .translateAttribIdName(uiDisplayObject
113: .getAttribEntityValueDef()));
114: displayHtml.append(UIWebUtility
115: .translateAttribFindClass(uiDisplayObject
116: .getAttribEntityFindMethod()));
117: displayHtml.append(" VALUE='" + fieldValue + "'>");
119: return displayHtml.toString();
120: }
122: /**
123: * Produces an HTML string to display the search field on a web page being built by the UIWebScreenSection class.
124: * If the screen is being displayed in read-only mode, this method looks up the specified name value using the
125: * current value as the primary key, and displays the looked up name instead of a search field.
126: *
127: * @author Chris Maurer
128: * @author <a href='mailto:jnutting@sourcetap.com'>John Nutting</a>
129: *
130: * @param uiDisplayObject Reference to a display object defined in the data base and attached to the field to be displayed by the UI builder
131: * @param protect Defines wether to show the current field in protected (read-only)_ mode
132: * @param htmlName The name to be used for the current field in the HTML
133: * @param fieldValue Value stored or to be stored in the data base
134: * @param entityDetailsVector Vector of generic values containing the values to be displayed on the screen for all fields
135: * @param fieldInfo Reference to field info object containing attributes of the current field
136: * @param action Action string defining the current screen mode. See UIScreenSection for possible values.
137: * @param tabIndex Tab index (tab order) of the current field on the HTML form
138: * @param protect Boolean value defining whether to show the current field in protected (read-only)_ mode
139: * @param userInfo Reference to user info object containing information about the currently logged-in user
140: * @param delegator Reference to the OFBIZ delegator being used to connect to the data base
141: *
142: * @return String containing the HTML text that will draw the current field on the web page
143: *
144: * @see com.sourcetap.sfa.ui.UIWebScreenSection
145: */
146: public String displayFieldHtml(UIDisplayObject uiDisplayObject,
147: boolean protect, String htmlName, String fieldValue,
148: Vector entityDetailsVector, UIFieldInfo fieldInfo,
149: String action, int tabIndex, UserInfo userInfo,
150: GenericDelegator delegator) {
151: StringBuffer displayHtml = new StringBuffer();
153: if (!protect) {
154: // Not protected. Need to display in edit mode.
155: // Use a <P> element as a placeholder(?)
156: displayHtml.append("<P ID=\"" + htmlName
157: + "Holder\" NAME=\"" + htmlName + "Holder\" >\n");
159: if ((fieldValue != null)
160: && (String.valueOf(fieldValue).trim().length() > 0)) {
161: // Field has a value already. Build an HTML SELECT that includes 2 entries: The one already
162: // in the field, and the "search again" value.
163: HashMap findMap = UIWebUtility.decodeEntityFindDef(
164: uiDisplayObject.getAttribEntityPkFindDef(),
165: entityDetailsVector, fieldInfo.getUiAttribute()
166: .getAttributeName());
167: ModelEntity entityEntity = delegator
168: .getModelEntity(uiDisplayObject
169: .getAttribEntity());
170: GenericPK entityPk = new GenericPK(entityEntity,
171: findMap);
173: //GenericValue entityGenericValue = delegator.findByPrimaryKeyCache(entityPk);
174: GenericValue optGV = null;
176: try {
177: optGV = delegator.findByPrimaryKeyCache(entityPk);
178: } catch (GenericEntityException e) {
179: displayHtml.append(UIWebUtility
180: .displayFieldReadOnly(uiDisplayObject,
181: htmlName, fieldValue, fieldValue,
182: entityDetailsVector));
183: Debug
184: .logError(
185: "[UISearchField.displayFieldHtml] Error searching for the single value to put in the drop down for the serach field: "
186: + e.getLocalizedMessage(),
187: module);
189: return displayHtml.toString();
190: }
192: if (uiDisplayObject.getAttribEntity().equals("")) {
193: displayHtml.append(UIWebUtility
194: .displayFieldReadOnly(uiDisplayObject,
195: htmlName, fieldValue, fieldValue,
196: entityDetailsVector));
197: Debug
198: .logError(
199: "[UISearchField.displayFieldHtml] Entity name is required for SEARCH_TEXT display type.",
200: module);
202: return displayHtml.toString();
203: }
205: if (optGV != null) {
206: displayHtml.append("<SELECT ID=\"" + htmlName
207: + "\" NAME=\"" + htmlName
208: + "\" TABINDEX=\""
209: + String.valueOf(tabIndex) + "\" ");
210: displayHtml.append(UIWebUtility
211: .translateAttribSize(uiDisplayObject
212: .getAttribSize()));
213: displayHtml.append(UIWebUtility
214: .translateAttribDisabled(uiDisplayObject
215: .getAttribDisabled()));
216: displayHtml.append(UIWebUtility
217: .translateAttribClass(uiDisplayObject
218: .getAttribClass(action, fieldInfo
219: .getIsMandatory())));
220: displayHtml.append(UIWebUtility
221: .translateAttribFieldName(uiDisplayObject
222: .getAttribEntitySearchDef()));
223: displayHtml.append(UIWebUtility
224: .translateAttribEntityName(uiDisplayObject
225: .getAttribEntity()));
226: displayHtml.append(UIWebUtility
227: .translateAttribIdName(uiDisplayObject
228: .getAttribEntityValueDef()));
229: displayHtml.append(UIWebUtility
230: .translateAttribFindClass(uiDisplayObject
231: .getAttribEntityFindMethod()));
232: displayHtml.append(">\n");
234: String optionValue = String.valueOf(optGV
235: .get(uiDisplayObject
236: .getAttribEntityValueDef()));
237: Vector optGVVector = new Vector();
238: optGVVector.add(optGV);
240: String optionDisplay = UIUtility
241: .decodeEntityDisplayDef(
242: uiDisplayObject
243: .getAttribEntityDisplayDef(),
244: optGVVector,
245: UIWebUtility
246: .getAttribFromParamName(htmlName));
247: displayHtml.append("<OPTION VALUE=\"" + optionValue
248: + "\"");
250: if (optionValue.equals(fieldValue)) {
251: displayHtml.append(" SELECTED");
252: }
254: displayHtml.append(">" + optionDisplay
255: + "</OPTION>\n");
256: displayHtml
257: .append("<OPTION VALUE=\"search again\">Search again...</OPTION>\n");
258: displayHtml.append("</SELECT>");
259: } else {
260: // Entity was not found in the data base. Display the search box so the user can pick a new one.
261: displayHtml.append(displaySearchValueBox(htmlName,
262: action, fieldInfo, uiDisplayObject,
263: fieldValue, tabIndex));
264: }
265: } else {
266: // Field value is still blank. Display an input box where the user can type search criteria.
267: displayHtml.append(displaySearchValueBox(htmlName,
268: action, fieldInfo, uiDisplayObject, fieldValue,
269: tabIndex));
270: }
272: if (fieldInfo.getIsMandatory()
273: && !action
274: .equals(UIScreenSection.ACTION_SHOW_QUERY)
275: && !action
276: .equals(UIScreenSection.ACTION_SHOW_QUERY_REPORT)
277: && !action
278: .equals(UIScreenSection.ACTION_SHOW_REPORT)) {
279: displayHtml.append("*\n");
280: }
282: displayHtml.append("</p>");
283: displayHtml
284: .append("<SCRIPT FOR=\""
285: + htmlName
286: + "\" EVENT=\"onblur()\" LANGUAGE=\"JavaScript\" >sendData(this, this.form, '"
287: + action + "');</script>\n");
288: displayHtml
289: .append("<SCRIPT FOR=\""
290: + htmlName
291: + "\" EVENT=\"onchange()\" LANGUAGE=\"JavaScript\" >searchAgain(this, this.form);</script>\n");
293: return displayHtml.toString();
294: } else {
295: // User can't edit right now, so there's no point in showing the list. Just look up the
296: // the display value and show it.
297: GenericValue linkGenericValue = UIUtility.getReadOnlyValue(
298: fieldValue, fieldInfo.getUiAttribute()
299: .getAttributeName(), uiDisplayObject,
300: entityDetailsVector, delegator);
302: displayHtml
303: .append(UIDropDown
304: .getSelectHtmlReadOnly(
305: fieldValue,
306: htmlName,
307: fieldInfo.getUiAttribute()
308: .getAttributeName(),
309: uiDisplayObject,
310: UIDropDown
311: .decodeValue(
312: uiDisplayObject
313: .getAttribEntityValueDef(),
314: uiDisplayObject
315: .getAttribEntityDisplayDef(),
316: UIWebUtility
317: .getAttribFromParamName(htmlName),
318: linkGenericValue),
319: UIWebUtility
320: .translateAttribAnchorHrefDef(
321: uiDisplayObject
322: .getAttribAnchorHrefDef(),
323: entityDetailsVector,
324: UIWebUtility
325: .getAttribFromParamName(htmlName)),
326: UIWebUtility
327: .translateAttribAnchorTarget(uiDisplayObject
328: .getAttribAnchorTarget()),
329: delegator));
331: return displayHtml.toString();
332: }
333: }
334: }