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public class GenericDelegator implements DelegatorInterface(Code)
Generic Data Source Delegator Class
   David E. Jones
   Chris Maurer
   Andy Zeneskiversion:
   $Revision: 1.15 $

Field Summary
final public static  StringECA_HANDLER_CLASS_NAME
protected  UtilCacheallCache
protected  UtilCacheandCache
protected  MapandCacheFieldSets
protected static  MapdelegatorCache
protected  EntityConfigUtil.DelegatorInfodelegatorInfo
protected  StringdelegatorName
protected  DistributedCacheCleardistributedCacheClear
protected  EntityEcaHandlerentityEcaHandler
final public static  booleankeepLocalReaders
protected  ModelGroupReadermodelGroupReader
protected  ModelReadermodelReader
final public static  Stringmodule
protected  UtilCacheprimaryKeyCache
protected  SequenceUtilsequencer

Constructor Summary
protected  GenericDelegator()
protected  GenericDelegator(String delegatorName)

Method Summary
protected  voidabsorbList(List lst)
public  voidclearAllCacheLinesByDummyPK(Collection dummyPKs)
public  voidclearAllCacheLinesByValue(Collection values)
public  voidclearAllCaches()
     This method is a shortcut to completely clear all entity engine caches.
public  voidclearAllCaches(boolean distribute)
public  voidclearCacheLine(String entityName, Map fields)
public  voidclearCacheLine(GenericPK primaryKey)
     Remove a CACHED Generic Entity from the cache by its primary key, does NOT check to see if the passed GenericPK is a complete primary key.
public  voidclearCacheLine(GenericPK primaryKey, boolean distribute)
public  voidclearCacheLine(GenericValue value)
     Remove a CACHED GenericValue from as many caches as it can.
public  voidclearCacheLine(GenericValue value, boolean distribute)
public  voidclearCacheLineFlexible(GenericEntity dummyPK)
     Remove a CACHED Generic Entity from the cache by its primary key.
public  voidclearCacheLineFlexible(GenericEntity dummyPK, boolean distribute)
public  GenericValuecreate(String entityName, Map fields)
public  GenericValuecreate(GenericValue value)
public  GenericValuecreate(GenericValue value, boolean doCacheClear)
public  GenericValuecreate(GenericPK primaryKey)
public  GenericValuecreate(GenericPK primaryKey, boolean doCacheClear)
public  GenericValuecreateOrStore(GenericValue value, boolean doCacheClear)
public  GenericValuecreateOrStore(GenericValue value)
protected  voidevalEcaRules(String event, String currentOperation, GenericEntity value, Map eventMap, boolean noEventMapFound, boolean isError)
public  ListfindAll(String entityName)
public  ListfindAll(String entityName, List orderBy)
public  ListfindAllByPrimaryKeys(Collection primaryKeys)
     Find a number of Generic Value objects by their Primary Keys, all at once
  primaryKeys - A Collection of primary keys to find by.
public  ListfindAllByPrimaryKeysCache(Collection primaryKeys)
     Find a number of Generic Value objects by their Primary Keys, all at once; this first looks in the local cache for each PK and if there then it puts it in the return list rather than putting it in the batch to send to a given helper.
  primaryKeys - A Collection of primary keys to find by.
public  ListfindAllCache(String entityName)
public  ListfindAllCache(String entityName, List orderBy)
public  ListfindByAnd(String entityName, Map fields)
public  ListfindByAnd(String entityName, Map fields, List orderBy)
public  ListfindByAnd(ModelEntity modelEntity, Map fields, List orderBy)
public  ListfindByAnd(String entityName, List expressions)
public  ListfindByAnd(String entityName, List expressions, List orderBy)
public  ListfindByAndCache(String entityName, Map fields)
public  ListfindByAndCache(String entityName, Map fields, List orderBy)
public  ListfindByCondition(String entityName, EntityCondition entityCondition, Collection fieldsToSelect, List orderBy)
     Finds GenericValues by the conditions specified in the EntityCondition object, the the EntityCondition javadoc for more details.
public  ListfindByLike(String entityName, Map fields)
public  ListfindByLike(String entityName, Map fields, List orderBy)
public  ListfindByOr(String entityName, Map fields)
public  ListfindByOr(String entityName, Map fields, List orderBy)
public  ListfindByOr(String entityName, List expressions)
public  ListfindByOr(String entityName, List expressions, List orderBy)
public  GenericValuefindByPrimaryKey(GenericPK primaryKey)
     Find a Generic Entity by its Primary Key
  primaryKey - The primary key to find by.
public  GenericValuefindByPrimaryKey(String entityName, Map fields)
public  GenericValuefindByPrimaryKeyCache(GenericPK primaryKey)
     Find a CACHED Generic Entity by its Primary Key
  primaryKey - The primary key to find by.
public  GenericValuefindByPrimaryKeyCache(String entityName, Map fields)
public  GenericValuefindByPrimaryKeyPartial(GenericPK primaryKey, Set keys)
public  longfindCountByAnd(String entityName, Map fields)
public  longfindCountByCondition(String entityName, EntityCondition whereEntityCondition, EntityCondition havingEntityCondition)
public  EntityListIteratorfindListIteratorByCondition(String entityName, EntityCondition entityCondition, Collection fieldsToSelect, List orderBy)
     Finds GenericValues by the conditions specified in the EntityCondition object, the the EntityCondition javadoc for more details.
public  EntityListIteratorfindListIteratorByCondition(String entityName, EntityCondition whereEntityCondition, EntityCondition havingEntityCondition, Collection fieldsToSelect, List orderBy, EntityFindOptions findOptions)
     Finds GenericValues by the conditions specified in the EntityCondition object, the the EntityCondition javadoc for more details.
  entityName - The name of the Entity as defined in the entity XML file
  whereEntityCondition - The EntityCondition object that specifies how to constrain this query before any groupings are done (if this is a view entity with group-by aliases)
  havingEntityCondition - The EntityCondition object that specifies how to constrain this query after any groupings are done (if this is a view entity with group-by aliases)
  fieldsToSelect - The fields of the named entity to get from the database; if empty or null all fields will be retreived
  orderBy - The fields of the named entity to order the query by; optionally add a " ASC" for ascending or " DESC" for descending
  findOptions - An instance of EntityFindOptions that specifies advanced query options.
public  EntityListIteratorfindListIteratorByCondition(DynamicViewEntity dynamicViewEntity, EntityCondition whereEntityCondition, EntityCondition havingEntityCondition, Collection fieldsToSelect, List orderBy, EntityFindOptions findOptions)
     Finds GenericValues by the conditions specified in the EntityCondition object, the the EntityCondition javadoc for more details.
  dynamicViewEntity - The DynamicViewEntity to use for the entity model for this query; generally created on the fly for limited use
  whereEntityCondition - The EntityCondition object that specifies how to constrain this query before any groupings are done (if this is a view entity with group-by aliases)
  havingEntityCondition - The EntityCondition object that specifies how to constrain this query after any groupings are done (if this is a view entity with group-by aliases)
  fieldsToSelect - The fields of the named entity to get from the database; if empty or null all fields will be retreived
  orderBy - The fields of the named entity to order the query by; optionally add a " ASC" for ascending or " DESC" for descending
  findOptions - An instance of EntityFindOptions that specifies advanced query options.
public  UtilCachegetAllCache()
public  UtilCachegetAndCache()
protected  EntityConfigUtil.DelegatorInfogetDelegatorInfo()
public  StringgetDelegatorName()
protected  MapgetEcaEntityEventMap(String entityName)
public  ModelFieldTypegetEntityFieldType(ModelEntity entity, String type)
public  CollectiongetEntityFieldTypeNames(ModelEntity entity)
public  StringgetEntityGroupName(String entityName)
public  GenericHelpergetEntityHelper(String entityName)
public  GenericHelpergetEntityHelper(ModelEntity entity)
public  StringgetEntityHelperName(String entityName)
public  StringgetEntityHelperName(ModelEntity entity)
public  SetgetFieldNameSetsCopy(String entityName)
public  ListgetFromAllCache(String entityName)
public  ListgetFromAndCache(String entityName, Map fields)
public  ListgetFromAndCache(ModelEntity entity, Map fields)
public  GenericValuegetFromPrimaryKeyCache(GenericPK primaryKey)
public static  GenericDelegatorgetGenericDelegator(String delegatorName)
public  StringgetGroupHelperName(String groupName)
public  ListgetModelEntitiesByGroup(String groupName)
public  ModelEntitygetModelEntity(String entityName)
public  MapgetModelEntityMapByGroup(String groupName)
public  ModelGroupReadergetModelGroupReader()
public  ModelReadergetModelReader()
public  ListgetMultiRelation(GenericValue value, String relationNameOne, String relationNameTwo, List orderBy)
     Get the named Related Entity for the GenericValue from the persistent store across another Relation.
public  ListgetMultiRelation(GenericValue value, String relationNameOne, String relationNameTwo)
     Get the named Related Entity for the GenericValue from the persistent store across another Relation.
public  LonggetNextSeqId(String seqName)
public  LonggetNextSeqId(String seqName, long staggerMax)
public  UtilCachegetPrimaryKeyCache()
public  ListgetRelated(String relationName, GenericValue value)
public  ListgetRelated(String relationName, Map byAndFields, List orderBy, GenericValue value)
public  ListgetRelatedByAnd(String relationName, Map byAndFields, GenericValue value)
public  ListgetRelatedCache(String relationName, GenericValue value)
public  GenericPKgetRelatedDummyPK(String relationName, Map byAndFields, GenericValue value)
public  GenericValuegetRelatedOne(String relationName, GenericValue value)
public  GenericValuegetRelatedOneCache(String relationName, GenericValue value)
public  ListgetRelatedOrderBy(String relationName, List orderBy, GenericValue value)
public  GenericPKmakePK(String entityName, Map fields)
public  GenericPKmakePK(Element element)
public  GenericValuemakeValidValue(String entityName, Map fields)
public  GenericValuemakeValue(String entityName, Map fields)
public  GenericValuemakeValue(Element element)
public  ListmakeValues(Document document)
public  voidputAllInPrimaryKeyCache(List values)
public  voidputInAllCache(String entityName, List values)
public  voidputInAllCache(ModelEntity entity, List values)
public  voidputInAndCache(String entityName, Map fields, List values)
public  voidputInAndCache(ModelEntity entity, Map fields, List values)
public  voidputInPrimaryKeyCache(GenericPK primaryKey, GenericValue value)
public  ListreadXmlDocument(URL url)
public  voidrefresh(GenericValue value)
public  voidrefresh(GenericValue value, boolean doCacheClear)
public  voidrefreshSequencer()
     Refreshes the ID sequencer clearing all cached bank values.
public  intremoveAll(List dummyPKs)
     Remove the Entities from the List from the persistent store.
public  intremoveAll(List dummyPKs, boolean doCacheClear)
     Remove the Entities from the List from the persistent store.
public  intremoveByAnd(String entityName, Map fields)
public  intremoveByAnd(String entityName, Map fields, boolean doCacheClear)
public  intremoveByPrimaryKey(GenericPK primaryKey)
     Remove a Generic Entity corresponding to the primaryKey
  primaryKey - The primary key of the entity to remove.
public  intremoveByPrimaryKey(GenericPK primaryKey, boolean doCacheClear)
public  intremoveRelated(String relationName, GenericValue value)
public  intremoveRelated(String relationName, GenericValue value, boolean doCacheClear)
public  intremoveValue(GenericValue value)
     Remove a Generic Value from the database
  value - The GenericValue object of the entity to remove.
public  intremoveValue(GenericValue value, boolean doCacheClear)
protected  voidsaveEntitySyncRemoveInfo(GenericEntity dummyPK)
public  voidsetSequencer(SequenceUtil sequencer)
     Allows you to pass a SequenceUtil class (possibly one that overrides the getNextSeqId method); if null is passed will effectively refresh the sequencer.
public  intstore(GenericValue value)
public  intstore(GenericValue value, boolean doCacheClear)
public  intstoreAll(List values)
     Store the Entities from the List GenericValue instances to the persistent store.
This is different than the normal store method in that the store method only does an update, while the storeAll method checks to see if each entity exists, then either does an insert or an update as appropriate.
These updates all happen in one transaction, so they will either all succeed or all fail, if the data source supports transactions.
public  intstoreAll(List values, boolean doCacheClear)
     Store the Entities from the List GenericValue instances to the persistent store.
This is different than the normal store method in that the store method only does an update, while the storeAll method checks to see if each entity exists, then either does an insert or an update as appropriate.
These updates all happen in one transaction, so they will either all succeed or all fail, if the data source supports transactions.

Field Detail
final public static String ECA_HANDLER_CLASS_NAME(Code)

protected UtilCache allCache(Code)

protected UtilCache andCache(Code)

protected Map andCacheFieldSets(Code)

protected static Map delegatorCache(Code)
the delegatorCache will now be a HashMap, allowing reload of definitions, but the delegator will always be the same object for the given name

protected EntityConfigUtil.DelegatorInfo delegatorInfo(Code)

protected String delegatorName(Code)

protected DistributedCacheClear distributedCacheClear(Code)

protected EntityEcaHandler entityEcaHandler(Code)

final public static boolean keepLocalReaders(Code)
set this to true for better performance; set to false to be able to reload definitions at runtime throught the cache manager

protected ModelGroupReader modelGroupReader(Code)

protected ModelReader modelReader(Code)

final public static String module(Code)

protected UtilCache primaryKeyCache(Code)

protected SequenceUtil sequencer(Code)

Constructor Detail
protected GenericDelegator()(Code)
Only allow creation through the factory method

protected GenericDelegator(String delegatorName) throws GenericEntityException(Code)
Only allow creation through the factory method

Method Detail
protected void absorbList(List lst)(Code)

public void clearAllCacheLinesByDummyPK(Collection dummyPKs)(Code)

public void clearAllCacheLinesByValue(Collection values)(Code)

public void clearAllCaches()(Code)
This method is a shortcut to completely clear all entity engine caches. For performance reasons this should not be called very often.

public void clearAllCaches(boolean distribute)(Code)

public void clearCacheLine(String entityName, Map fields)(Code)
Remove a CACHED Generic Entity (List) from the cache, either a PK, ByAnd, or All
  entityName - The Name of the Entity as defined in the entity XML file
  fields - The fields of the named entity to query by with their corresponging values

public void clearCacheLine(GenericPK primaryKey)(Code)
Remove a CACHED Generic Entity from the cache by its primary key, does NOT check to see if the passed GenericPK is a complete primary key. Also tries to clear the corresponding all cache entry.
  primaryKey - The primary key to clear by.

public void clearCacheLine(GenericPK primaryKey, boolean distribute)(Code)

public void clearCacheLine(GenericValue value)(Code)
Remove a CACHED GenericValue from as many caches as it can. Automatically tries to remove entries from the all cache, the by primary key cache, and the by and cache. This is the ONLY method that tries to clear automatically from the by and cache.
  value - The GenericValue to clear by.

public void clearCacheLine(GenericValue value, boolean distribute)(Code)

public void clearCacheLineFlexible(GenericEntity dummyPK)(Code)
Remove a CACHED Generic Entity from the cache by its primary key. Checks to see if the passed GenericPK is a complete primary key, if it is then the cache line will be removed from the primaryKeyCache; if it is NOT a complete primary key it will remove the cache line from the andCache. If the fields map is empty, then the allCache for the entity will be cleared.
  dummyPK - The dummy primary key to clear by.

public void clearCacheLineFlexible(GenericEntity dummyPK, boolean distribute)(Code)

public GenericValue create(String entityName, Map fields) throws GenericEntityException(Code)
Creates a Entity in the form of a GenericValue and write it to the database GenericValue instance containing the new instance

public GenericValue create(GenericValue value) throws GenericEntityException(Code)
Creates a Entity in the form of a GenericValue and write it to the datasource
  value - The GenericValue to create a value in the datasource from GenericValue instance containing the new instance

public GenericValue create(GenericValue value, boolean doCacheClear) throws GenericEntityException(Code)
Creates a Entity in the form of a GenericValue and write it to the datasource
  value - The GenericValue to create a value in the datasource from
  doCacheClear - boolean that specifies whether or not to automatically clear cache entries related to this operation GenericValue instance containing the new instance

public GenericValue create(GenericPK primaryKey) throws GenericEntityException(Code)
Creates a Entity in the form of a GenericValue and write it to the datasource
  primaryKey - The GenericPK to create a value in the datasource from GenericValue instance containing the new instance

public GenericValue create(GenericPK primaryKey, boolean doCacheClear) throws GenericEntityException(Code)
Creates a Entity in the form of a GenericValue and write it to the datasource
  primaryKey - The GenericPK to create a value in the datasource from
  doCacheClear - boolean that specifies whether to clear related cache entries for this primaryKey to be created GenericValue instance containing the new instance

public GenericValue createOrStore(GenericValue value, boolean doCacheClear) throws GenericEntityException(Code)
Creates or stores an Entity
  value - The GenericValue instance containing the new or existing instance
  doCacheClear - boolean that specifies whether or not to automatically clear cache entries related to this operation GenericValue instance containing the new or updated instance

public GenericValue createOrStore(GenericValue value) throws GenericEntityException(Code)
Creates or stores an Entity
  value - The GenericValue instance containing the new or existing instance GenericValue instance containing the new or updated instance

protected void evalEcaRules(String event, String currentOperation, GenericEntity value, Map eventMap, boolean noEventMapFound, boolean isError) throws GenericEntityException(Code)

public List findAll(String entityName) throws GenericEntityException(Code)
Finds all Generic entities
  entityName - The Name of the Entity as defined in the entity XML file List containing all Generic entities

public List findAll(String entityName, List orderBy) throws GenericEntityException(Code)
Finds all Generic entities
  entityName - The Name of the Entity as defined in the entity XML file
  orderBy - The fields of the named entity to order the query by; optionally add a " ASC" for ascending or " DESC" for descending List containing all Generic entities

public List findAllByPrimaryKeys(Collection primaryKeys) throws GenericEntityException(Code)
Find a number of Generic Value objects by their Primary Keys, all at once
  primaryKeys - A Collection of primary keys to find by. List of GenericValue objects corresponding to the passed primaryKey objects

public List findAllByPrimaryKeysCache(Collection primaryKeys) throws GenericEntityException(Code)
Find a number of Generic Value objects by their Primary Keys, all at once; this first looks in the local cache for each PK and if there then it puts it in the return list rather than putting it in the batch to send to a given helper.
  primaryKeys - A Collection of primary keys to find by. List of GenericValue objects corresponding to the passed primaryKey objects

public List findAllCache(String entityName) throws GenericEntityException(Code)
Finds all Generic entities, looking first in the cache
  entityName - The Name of the Entity as defined in the entity XML file List containing all Generic entities

public List findAllCache(String entityName, List orderBy) throws GenericEntityException(Code)
Finds all Generic entities, looking first in the cache; uses orderBy for lookup, but only keys results on the entityName and fields
  entityName - The Name of the Entity as defined in the entity XML file
  orderBy - The fields of the named entity to order the query by; optionally add a " ASC" for ascending or " DESC" for descending List containing all Generic entities

public List findByAnd(String entityName, Map fields) throws GenericEntityException(Code)
Finds Generic Entity records by all of the specified fields (ie: combined using AND)
  entityName - The Name of the Entity as defined in the entity XML file
  fields - The fields of the named entity to query by with their corresponging values List of GenericValue instances that match the query

public List findByAnd(String entityName, Map fields, List orderBy) throws GenericEntityException(Code)
Finds Generic Entity records by all of the specified fields (ie: combined using AND)
  entityName - The Name of the Entity as defined in the entity XML file
  fields - The fields of the named entity to query by with their corresponging values
  orderBy - The fields of the named entity to order the query by;optionally add a " ASC" for ascending or " DESC" for descending List of GenericValue instances that match the query

public List findByAnd(ModelEntity modelEntity, Map fields, List orderBy) throws GenericEntityException(Code)

public List findByAnd(String entityName, List expressions) throws GenericEntityException(Code)
Finds Generic Entity records by all of the specified expressions (ie: combined using AND)
  entityName - The Name of the Entity as defined in the entity XML file
  expressions - The expressions to use for the lookup, each consisting of at least a field name, an EntityOperator, and a value to compare to List of GenericValue instances that match the query

public List findByAnd(String entityName, List expressions, List orderBy) throws GenericEntityException(Code)
Finds Generic Entity records by all of the specified expressions (ie: combined using AND)
  entityName - The Name of the Entity as defined in the entity XML file
  expressions - The expressions to use for the lookup, each consisting of at least a field name, an EntityOperator, and a value to compare to
  orderBy - The fields of the named entity to order the query by; optionally add a " ASC" for ascending or " DESC" for descending List of GenericValue instances that match the query

public List findByAndCache(String entityName, Map fields) throws GenericEntityException(Code)
Finds Generic Entity records by all of the specified fields (ie: combined using AND), looking first in the cache; uses orderBy for lookup, but only keys results on the entityName and fields
  entityName - The Name of the Entity as defined in the entity XML file
  fields - The fields of the named entity to query by with their corresponging values List of GenericValue instances that match the query

public List findByAndCache(String entityName, Map fields, List orderBy) throws GenericEntityException(Code)
Finds Generic Entity records by all of the specified fields (ie: combined using AND), looking first in the cache; uses orderBy for lookup, but only keys results on the entityName and fields
  entityName - The Name of the Entity as defined in the entity XML file
  fields - The fields of the named entity to query by with their corresponging values
  orderBy - The fields of the named entity to order the query by; optionally add a " ASC" for ascending or " DESC" for descending List of GenericValue instances that match the query

public List findByCondition(String entityName, EntityCondition entityCondition, Collection fieldsToSelect, List orderBy) throws GenericEntityException(Code)
Finds GenericValues by the conditions specified in the EntityCondition object, the the EntityCondition javadoc for more details.
  entityName - The Name of the Entity as defined in the entity model XML file
  entityCondition - The EntityCondition object that specifies how to constrain this query
  fieldsToSelect - The fields of the named entity to get from the database; if empty or null all fields will be retreived
  orderBy - The fields of the named entity to order the query by; optionally add a " ASC" for ascending or " DESC" for descending List of GenericValue objects representing the result

public List findByLike(String entityName, Map fields) throws GenericEntityException(Code)

public List findByLike(String entityName, Map fields, List orderBy) throws GenericEntityException(Code)

public List findByOr(String entityName, Map fields) throws GenericEntityException(Code)
Finds Generic Entity records by all of the specified fields (ie: combined using OR)
  entityName - The Name of the Entity as defined in the entity XML file
  fields - The fields of the named entity to query by with their corresponging values List of GenericValue instances that match the query

public List findByOr(String entityName, Map fields, List orderBy) throws GenericEntityException(Code)
Finds Generic Entity records by all of the specified fields (ie: combined using OR)
  entityName - The Name of the Entity as defined in the entity XML file
  fields - The fields of the named entity to query by with their corresponging values
  orderBy - The fields of the named entity to order the query by;optionally add a " ASC" for ascending or " DESC" for descending List of GenericValue instances that match the query

public List findByOr(String entityName, List expressions) throws GenericEntityException(Code)
Finds Generic Entity records by all of the specified expressions (ie: combined using OR)
  entityName - The Name of the Entity as defined in the entity XML file
  expressions - The expressions to use for the lookup, each consisting of at least a field name, an EntityOperator, and a value to compare to List of GenericValue instances that match the query

public List findByOr(String entityName, List expressions, List orderBy) throws GenericEntityException(Code)
Finds Generic Entity records by all of the specified expressions (ie: combined using OR)
  entityName - The Name of the Entity as defined in the entity XML file
  expressions - The expressions to use for the lookup, each consisting of at least a field name, an EntityOperator, and a value to compare to
  orderBy - The fields of the named entity to order the query by; optionally add a " ASC" for ascending or " DESC" for descending List of GenericValue instances that match the query

public GenericValue findByPrimaryKey(GenericPK primaryKey) throws GenericEntityException(Code)
Find a Generic Entity by its Primary Key
  primaryKey - The primary key to find by. The GenericValue corresponding to the primaryKey

public GenericValue findByPrimaryKey(String entityName, Map fields) throws GenericEntityException(Code)
Find a Generic Entity by its Primary Key
  entityName - The Name of the Entity as defined in the entity XML file
  fields - The fields of the named entity to query by with their corresponging values The GenericValue corresponding to the primaryKey

public GenericValue findByPrimaryKeyCache(GenericPK primaryKey) throws GenericEntityException(Code)
Find a CACHED Generic Entity by its Primary Key
  primaryKey - The primary key to find by. The GenericValue corresponding to the primaryKey

public GenericValue findByPrimaryKeyCache(String entityName, Map fields) throws GenericEntityException(Code)
Find a CACHED Generic Entity by its Primary Key
  entityName - The Name of the Entity as defined in the entity XML file
  fields - The fields of the named entity to query by with their corresponging values The GenericValue corresponding to the primaryKey

public GenericValue findByPrimaryKeyPartial(GenericPK primaryKey, Set keys) throws GenericEntityException(Code)
Find a Generic Entity by its Primary Key and only returns the values requested by the passed keys (names)
  primaryKey - The primary key to find by.
  keys - The keys, or names, of the values to retrieve; only these values will be retrieved The GenericValue corresponding to the primaryKey

public long findCountByAnd(String entityName, Map fields) throws GenericEntityException(Code)

public long findCountByCondition(String entityName, EntityCondition whereEntityCondition, EntityCondition havingEntityCondition) throws GenericEntityException(Code)

public EntityListIterator findListIteratorByCondition(String entityName, EntityCondition entityCondition, Collection fieldsToSelect, List orderBy) throws GenericEntityException(Code)
Finds GenericValues by the conditions specified in the EntityCondition object, the the EntityCondition javadoc for more details.
  entityName - The Name of the Entity as defined in the entity model XML file
  entityCondition - The EntityCondition object that specifies how to constrain this query before any groupings are done (if this is a view entity with group-by aliases)
  fieldsToSelect - The fields of the named entity to get from the database; if empty or null all fields will be retreived
  orderBy - The fields of the named entity to order the query by; optionally add a " ASC" for ascending or " DESC" for descending EntityListIterator representing the result of the query: NOTE THAT THIS MUST BE CLOSED WHEN YOU AREDONE WITH IT, AND DON'T LEAVE IT OPEN TOO LONG BEACUSE IT WILL MAINTAIN A DATABASE CONNECTION.

public EntityListIterator findListIteratorByCondition(String entityName, EntityCondition whereEntityCondition, EntityCondition havingEntityCondition, Collection fieldsToSelect, List orderBy, EntityFindOptions findOptions) throws GenericEntityException(Code)
Finds GenericValues by the conditions specified in the EntityCondition object, the the EntityCondition javadoc for more details.
  entityName - The name of the Entity as defined in the entity XML file
  whereEntityCondition - The EntityCondition object that specifies how to constrain this query before any groupings are done (if this is a view entity with group-by aliases)
  havingEntityCondition - The EntityCondition object that specifies how to constrain this query after any groupings are done (if this is a view entity with group-by aliases)
  fieldsToSelect - The fields of the named entity to get from the database; if empty or null all fields will be retreived
  orderBy - The fields of the named entity to order the query by; optionally add a " ASC" for ascending or " DESC" for descending
  findOptions - An instance of EntityFindOptions that specifies advanced query options. See the EntityFindOptions JavaDoc for more details. EntityListIterator representing the result of the query: NOTE THAT THIS MUST BE CLOSED WHEN YOU AREDONE WITH IT, AND DON'T LEAVE IT OPEN TOO LONG BEACUSE IT WILL MAINTAIN A DATABASE CONNECTION.

public EntityListIterator findListIteratorByCondition(DynamicViewEntity dynamicViewEntity, EntityCondition whereEntityCondition, EntityCondition havingEntityCondition, Collection fieldsToSelect, List orderBy, EntityFindOptions findOptions) throws GenericEntityException(Code)
Finds GenericValues by the conditions specified in the EntityCondition object, the the EntityCondition javadoc for more details.
  dynamicViewEntity - The DynamicViewEntity to use for the entity model for this query; generally created on the fly for limited use
  whereEntityCondition - The EntityCondition object that specifies how to constrain this query before any groupings are done (if this is a view entity with group-by aliases)
  havingEntityCondition - The EntityCondition object that specifies how to constrain this query after any groupings are done (if this is a view entity with group-by aliases)
  fieldsToSelect - The fields of the named entity to get from the database; if empty or null all fields will be retreived
  orderBy - The fields of the named entity to order the query by; optionally add a " ASC" for ascending or " DESC" for descending
  findOptions - An instance of EntityFindOptions that specifies advanced query options. See the EntityFindOptions JavaDoc for more details. EntityListIterator representing the result of the query: NOTE THAT THIS MUST BE CLOSED WHEN YOU AREDONE WITH IT, AND DON'T LEAVE IT OPEN TOO LONG BEACUSE IT WILL MAINTAIN A DATABASE CONNECTION.

public UtilCache getAllCache()(Code)

public UtilCache getAndCache()(Code)

protected EntityConfigUtil.DelegatorInfo getDelegatorInfo()(Code)

public String getDelegatorName()(Code)
Gets the name of the server configuration that corresponds to this delegator server configuration name

protected Map getEcaEntityEventMap(String entityName)(Code)

public ModelFieldType getEntityFieldType(ModelEntity entity, String type) throws GenericEntityException(Code)
Gets a field type instance by name from the helper that corresponds to the specified entity
  entity - The entity
  type - The name of the type ModelFieldType instance for the named type from the helper that corresponds to the specified entity

public Collection getEntityFieldTypeNames(ModelEntity entity) throws GenericEntityException(Code)
Gets field type names from the helper that corresponds to the specified entity
  entity - The entity Collection of field type names from the helper that corresponds to the specified entity

public String getEntityGroupName(String entityName)(Code)
Gets the helper name that corresponds to this delegator and the specified entityName
  entityName - The name of the entity to get the helper for String with the helper name that corresponds to this delegator and the specified entityName

public GenericHelper getEntityHelper(String entityName) throws GenericEntityException(Code)
Gets the an instance of helper that corresponds to this delegator and the specified entityName
  entityName - The name of the entity to get the helper for GenericHelper that corresponds to this delegator and the specified entityName

public GenericHelper getEntityHelper(ModelEntity entity) throws GenericEntityException(Code)
Gets the an instance of helper that corresponds to this delegator and the specified entity
  entity - The entity to get the helper for GenericHelper that corresponds to this delegator and the specified entity

public String getEntityHelperName(String entityName)(Code)
Gets the helper name that corresponds to this delegator and the specified entityName
  entityName - The name of the entity to get the helper name for String with the helper name that corresponds to this delegator and the specified entityName

public String getEntityHelperName(ModelEntity entity)(Code)
Gets the helper name that corresponds to this delegator and the specified entity
  entity - The entity to get the helper for String with the helper name that corresponds to this delegator and the specified entity

public Set getFieldNameSetsCopy(String entityName)(Code)
Gets a Set of Sets of fieldNames used in the by and cache for the given entityName

public List getFromAllCache(String entityName)(Code)

public List getFromAndCache(String entityName, Map fields)(Code)

public List getFromAndCache(ModelEntity entity, Map fields)(Code)

public GenericValue getFromPrimaryKeyCache(GenericPK primaryKey)(Code)

public static GenericDelegator getGenericDelegator(String delegatorName)(Code)

public String getGroupHelperName(String groupName)(Code)
Gets the helper name that corresponds to this delegator and the specified entityName
  groupName - The name of the group to get the helper name for String with the helper name that corresponds to this delegator and the specified entityName

public List getModelEntitiesByGroup(String groupName)(Code)
Gets a list of entity models that are in a group corresponding to the specified group name
  groupName - The name of the group List of ModelEntity instances

public ModelEntity getModelEntity(String entityName)(Code)
Gets the instance of ModelEntity that corresponds to this delegator and the specified entityName
  entityName - The name of the entity to get ModelEntity that corresponds to this delegator and the specified entityName

public Map getModelEntityMapByGroup(String groupName)(Code)
Gets a Map of entity name & entity model pairs that are in the named group
  groupName - The name of the group Map of entityName String keys and ModelEntity instance values

public ModelGroupReader getModelGroupReader()(Code)
Gets the instance of ModelGroupReader that corresponds to this delegator ModelGroupReader that corresponds to this delegator

public ModelReader getModelReader()(Code)
Gets the instance of ModelReader that corresponds to this delegator ModelReader that corresponds to this delegator

public List getMultiRelation(GenericValue value, String relationNameOne, String relationNameTwo, List orderBy) throws GenericEntityException(Code)
Get the named Related Entity for the GenericValue from the persistent store across another Relation. Helps to get related Values in a multi-to-multi relationship.
  relationNameOne - String containing the relation name which is thecombination of relation.title and relation.rel-entity-name asspecified in the entity XML definition file, for first relation
  relationNameTwo - String containing the relation name for second relation
  value - GenericValue instance containing the entity
  orderBy - The fields of the named entity to order the query by; may be null;optionally add a " ASC" for ascending or " DESC" for descending List of GenericValue instances as specified in the relation definition

public List getMultiRelation(GenericValue value, String relationNameOne, String relationNameTwo) throws GenericEntityException(Code)
Get the named Related Entity for the GenericValue from the persistent store across another Relation. Helps to get related Values in a multi-to-multi relationship.
  relationNameOne - String containing the relation name which is thecombination of relation.title and relation.rel-entity-name asspecified in the entity XML definition file, for first relation
  relationNameTwo - String containing the relation name for second relation
  value - GenericValue instance containing the entity List of GenericValue instances as specified in the relation definition

public Long getNextSeqId(String seqName)(Code)
Get the next guaranteed unique seq id from the sequence with the given sequence name; if the named sequence doesn't exist, it will be created
  seqName - The name of the sequence to get the next seq id from Long with the next seq id for the given sequence name

public Long getNextSeqId(String seqName, long staggerMax)(Code)
Get the next guaranteed unique seq id from the sequence with the given sequence name; if the named sequence doesn't exist, it will be created
  seqName - The name of the sequence to get the next seq id from
  staggerMax - The maximum amount to stagger the sequenced ID, if 1 the sequence will be incremented by 1, otherwise the current sequence ID will be incremented by a value between 1 and staggerMax Long with the next seq id for the given sequence name

public UtilCache getPrimaryKeyCache()(Code)

public List getRelated(String relationName, GenericValue value) throws GenericEntityException(Code)
Get the named Related Entity for the GenericValue from the persistent store
  relationName - String containing the relation name which is thecombination of relation.title and relation.rel-entity-name asspecified in the entity XML definition file
  value - GenericValue instance containing the entity List of GenericValue instances as specified in the relation definition

public List getRelated(String relationName, Map byAndFields, List orderBy, GenericValue value) throws GenericEntityException(Code)
Get the named Related Entity for the GenericValue from the persistent store
  relationName - String containing the relation name which is thecombination of relation.title and relation.rel-entity-name asspecified in the entity XML definition file
  byAndFields - the fields that must equal in order to keep; may be null
  orderBy - The fields of the named entity to order the query by; may be null;optionally add a " ASC" for ascending or " DESC" for descending
  value - GenericValue instance containing the entity List of GenericValue instances as specified in the relation definition

public List getRelatedByAnd(String relationName, Map byAndFields, GenericValue value) throws GenericEntityException(Code)
Get the named Related Entity for the GenericValue from the persistent store
  relationName - String containing the relation name which is thecombination of relation.title and relation.rel-entity-name asspecified in the entity XML definition file
  byAndFields - the fields that must equal in order to keep; may be null
  value - GenericValue instance containing the entity List of GenericValue instances as specified in the relation definition

public List getRelatedCache(String relationName, GenericValue value) throws GenericEntityException(Code)
Get the named Related Entity for the GenericValue from the persistent store, checking first in the cache to see if the desired value is there
  relationName - String containing the relation name which is thecombination of relation.title and relation.rel-entity-name asspecified in the entity XML definition file
  value - GenericValue instance containing the entity List of GenericValue instances as specified in the relation definition

public GenericPK getRelatedDummyPK(String relationName, Map byAndFields, GenericValue value) throws GenericEntityException(Code)
Get a dummy primary key for the named Related Entity for the GenericValue
  relationName - String containing the relation name which is thecombination of relation.title and relation.rel-entity-name asspecified in the entity XML definition file
  byAndFields - the fields that must equal in order to keep; may be null
  value - GenericValue instance containing the entity GenericPK containing a possibly incomplete PrimaryKey object representing the related entity or entities

public GenericValue getRelatedOne(String relationName, GenericValue value) throws GenericEntityException(Code)
Get related entity where relation is of type one, uses findByPrimaryKey
  IllegalArgumentException - if the list found has more than one item

public GenericValue getRelatedOneCache(String relationName, GenericValue value) throws GenericEntityException(Code)
Get related entity where relation is of type one, uses findByPrimaryKey, checking first in the cache to see if the desired value is there
  IllegalArgumentException - if the list found has more than one item

public List getRelatedOrderBy(String relationName, List orderBy, GenericValue value) throws GenericEntityException(Code)
Get the named Related Entity for the GenericValue from the persistent store
  relationName - String containing the relation name which is thecombination of relation.title and relation.rel-entity-name asspecified in the entity XML definition file
  orderBy - The fields of the named entity to order the query by; may be null;optionally add a " ASC" for ascending or " DESC" for descending
  value - GenericValue instance containing the entity List of GenericValue instances as specified in the relation definition

public GenericPK makePK(String entityName, Map fields)(Code)
Creates a Primary Key in the form of a GenericPK without persisting it

public GenericPK makePK(Element element)(Code)

public GenericValue makeValidValue(String entityName, Map fields)(Code)
Creates a Entity in the form of a GenericValue without persisting it; only valid fields will be pulled from the fields Map

public GenericValue makeValue(String entityName, Map fields)(Code)
Creates a Entity in the form of a GenericValue without persisting it

public GenericValue makeValue(Element element)(Code)

public List makeValues(Document document)(Code)

public void putAllInPrimaryKeyCache(List values)(Code)

public void putInAllCache(String entityName, List values)(Code)

public void putInAllCache(ModelEntity entity, List values)(Code)

public void putInAndCache(String entityName, Map fields, List values)(Code)

public void putInAndCache(ModelEntity entity, Map fields, List values)(Code)

public void putInPrimaryKeyCache(GenericPK primaryKey, GenericValue value)(Code)

public List readXmlDocument(URL url) throws SAXException, ParserConfigurationException,

public void refresh(GenericValue value) throws GenericEntityException(Code)
Refresh the Entity for the GenericValue from the persistent store
  value - GenericValue instance containing the entity to refresh

public void refresh(GenericValue value, boolean doCacheClear) throws GenericEntityException(Code)
Refresh the Entity for the GenericValue from the persistent store
  value - GenericValue instance containing the entity to refresh
  doCacheClear - boolean that specifies whether or not to automatically clear cache entries related to this operation

public void refreshSequencer()(Code)
Refreshes the ID sequencer clearing all cached bank values.

public int removeAll(List dummyPKs) throws GenericEntityException(Code)
Remove the Entities from the List from the persistent store.
The List contains GenericEntity objects, can be either GenericPK or GenericValue.
If a certain entity contains a complete primary key, the entity in the datasource corresponding to that primary key will be removed, this is like a removeByPrimary Key.
On the other hand, if a certain entity is an incomplete or non primary key, if will behave like the removeByAnd method.
These updates all happen in one transaction, so they will either all succeed or all fail, if the data source supports transactions.
  dummyPKs - Collection of GenericEntity instances containing the entities or by and fields to remove int representing number of rows effected by this operation

public int removeAll(List dummyPKs, boolean doCacheClear) throws GenericEntityException(Code)
Remove the Entities from the List from the persistent store.
The List contains GenericEntity objects, can be either GenericPK or GenericValue.
If a certain entity contains a complete primary key, the entity in the datasource corresponding to that primary key will be removed, this is like a removeByPrimary Key.
On the other hand, if a certain entity is an incomplete or non primary key, if will behave like the removeByAnd method.
These updates all happen in one transaction, so they will either all succeed or all fail, if the data source supports transactions.
  dummyPKs - Collection of GenericEntity instances containing the entities or by and fields to remove
  doCacheClear - boolean that specifies whether or not to automatically clear cache entries related to this operation int representing number of rows effected by this operation

public int removeByAnd(String entityName, Map fields) throws GenericEntityException(Code)
Removes/deletes Generic Entity records found by all of the specified fields (ie: combined using AND)
  entityName - The Name of the Entity as defined in the entity XML file
  fields - The fields of the named entity to query by with their corresponging values int representing number of rows effected by this operation

public int removeByAnd(String entityName, Map fields, boolean doCacheClear) throws GenericEntityException(Code)
Removes/deletes Generic Entity records found by all of the specified fields (ie: combined using AND)
  entityName - The Name of the Entity as defined in the entity XML file
  fields - The fields of the named entity to query by with their corresponging values
  doCacheClear - boolean that specifies whether to clear cache entries for this value to be removed int representing number of rows effected by this operation

public int removeByPrimaryKey(GenericPK primaryKey) throws GenericEntityException(Code)
Remove a Generic Entity corresponding to the primaryKey
  primaryKey - The primary key of the entity to remove. int representing number of rows effected by this operation

public int removeByPrimaryKey(GenericPK primaryKey, boolean doCacheClear) throws GenericEntityException(Code)
Remove a Generic Entity corresponding to the primaryKey
  primaryKey - The primary key of the entity to remove.
  doCacheClear - boolean that specifies whether to clear cache entries for this primaryKey to be removed int representing number of rows effected by this operation

public int removeRelated(String relationName, GenericValue value) throws GenericEntityException(Code)
Remove the named Related Entity for the GenericValue from the persistent store
  relationName - String containing the relation name which is thecombination of relation.title and relation.rel-entity-name asspecified in the entity XML definition file
  value - GenericValue instance containing the entity int representing number of rows effected by this operation

public int removeRelated(String relationName, GenericValue value, boolean doCacheClear) throws GenericEntityException(Code)
Remove the named Related Entity for the GenericValue from the persistent store
  relationName - String containing the relation name which is thecombination of relation.title and relation.rel-entity-name asspecified in the entity XML definition file
  value - GenericValue instance containing the entity
  doCacheClear - boolean that specifies whether to clear cache entries for this value to be removed int representing number of rows effected by this operation

public int removeValue(GenericValue value) throws GenericEntityException(Code)
Remove a Generic Value from the database
  value - The GenericValue object of the entity to remove. int representing number of rows effected by this operation

public int removeValue(GenericValue value, boolean doCacheClear) throws GenericEntityException(Code)
Remove a Generic Value from the database
  value - The GenericValue object of the entity to remove.
  doCacheClear - boolean that specifies whether to clear cache entries for this value to be removed int representing number of rows effected by this operation

protected void saveEntitySyncRemoveInfo(GenericEntity dummyPK) throws GenericEntityException(Code)

public void setSequencer(SequenceUtil sequencer)(Code)
Allows you to pass a SequenceUtil class (possibly one that overrides the getNextSeqId method); if null is passed will effectively refresh the sequencer.

public int store(GenericValue value) throws GenericEntityException(Code)
Store the Entity from the GenericValue to the persistent store
  value - GenericValue instance containing the entity int representing number of rows effected by this operation

public int store(GenericValue value, boolean doCacheClear) throws GenericEntityException(Code)
Store the Entity from the GenericValue to the persistent store
  value - GenericValue instance containing the entity
  doCacheClear - boolean that specifies whether or not to automatically clear cache entries related to this operation int representing number of rows effected by this operation

public int storeAll(List values) throws GenericEntityException(Code)
Store the Entities from the List GenericValue instances to the persistent store.
This is different than the normal store method in that the store method only does an update, while the storeAll method checks to see if each entity exists, then either does an insert or an update as appropriate.
These updates all happen in one transaction, so they will either all succeed or all fail, if the data source supports transactions. This is just like to othersToStore feature of the GenericEntity on a create or store.
  values - List of GenericValue instances containing the entities to store int representing number of rows effected by this operation

public int storeAll(List values, boolean doCacheClear) throws GenericEntityException(Code)
Store the Entities from the List GenericValue instances to the persistent store.
This is different than the normal store method in that the store method only does an update, while the storeAll method checks to see if each entity exists, then either does an insert or an update as appropriate.
These updates all happen in one transaction, so they will either all succeed or all fail, if the data source supports transactions. This is just like to othersToStore feature of the GenericEntity on a create or store.
  values - List of GenericValue instances containing the entities to store
  doCacheClear - boolean that specifies whether or not to automatically clear cache entries related to this operation int representing number of rows effected by this operation

Methods inherited from java.lang.Object
native protected Object clone() throws CloneNotSupportedException(Code)(Java Doc)
public boolean equals(Object obj)(Code)(Java Doc)
protected void finalize() throws Throwable(Code)(Java Doc)
final native public Class getClass()(Code)(Java Doc)
native public int hashCode()(Code)(Java Doc)
final native public void notify()(Code)(Java Doc)
final native public void notifyAll()(Code)(Java Doc)
public String toString()(Code)(Java Doc)
final native public void wait(long timeout) throws InterruptedException(Code)(Java Doc)
final public void wait(long timeout, int nanos) throws InterruptedException(Code)(Java Doc)
final public void wait() throws InterruptedException(Code)(Java Doc) | Contact Us
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