| JDBC Driver to access pooled JDBC connections. Supports both JDBC 1.0
connections and JDBC 2.0 transactional XAConnections. You will get a
java.sql.Connection back in any case (in the case of XAConnections, the
transactional-ness is handled under the covers). You must create the pools
ahead of time by creating and initializing the appropriate DataSource.
You should use a URL of the form jdbc:minerva:PoolName
to get a connection from the pool. This will check for both a JDBC Pool
and XA Pool if necessary, so don't create one pool of each type with the
same name!
This driver will be loaded automatically whenever a JDBC Pool or XA
Pool is created, but you can also use the standard Class.forName
call to load it.
See Also: org.ofbiz.minerva.pool.jdbc.JDBCPoolDataSource See Also: org.ofbiz.minerva.pool.jdbc.xa.XAPoolDataSource author: Aaron Mulder (ammulder@alumni.princeton.edu) |