| java.lang.Object org.sakaiproject.calendar.impl.BaseCalendarService
All known Subclasses: org.sakaiproject.calendar.impl.DbCalendarService,
Inner Class :protected interface Storage | |
Inner Class :protected class LayoutRow extends ArrayList | |
Inner Class :protected class SingleDayLayoutTable | |
Inner Class :protected class LayoutTableCell | |
Inner Class :protected class MyURIResolver implements URIResolver | |
Method Summary | |
public CalendarEdit | addCalendar(String ref) Add a new calendar. | public boolean | allowEditCalendar(String ref) check permissions for editCalendar()
Parameters: ref - The calendar reference. | public boolean | allowGetCalendar(String ref) check permissions for getCalendar().
Parameters: ref - The calendar reference. | public boolean | allowImportCalendar(String ref) check permissions for importing calendar events
Parameters: ref - The calendar reference. | public boolean | allowMergeCalendar(String ref) check permissions for merge()
Parameters: ref - The calendar reference. | public String | archive(String siteId, Document doc, Stack stack, String archivePath, List attachments) | public String | calendarPdfReference(String context, String id, int scheduleType, String timeRangeString, String userName, TimeRange dailyTimeRange) | public String | calendarReference(String context, String id) Access the internal reference which can be used to access the calendar from within the system.
Parameters: context - The context. Parameters: id - The calendar id. | public void | cancelCalendar(CalendarEdit edit) Cancel the changes made to a CalendarEdit object, and release the lock. | public void | commitCalendar(CalendarEdit edit) Commit the changes made to a CalendarEdit object, and release the lock. | public void | contextCreated(String context, boolean toolPlacement) | public void | contextDeleted(String context, boolean toolPlacement) | public void | contextUpdated(String context, boolean toolPlacement) | public void | destroy() Returns to uninitialized state. | protected void | disableSchedule(String context) Remove a calendar for the site. | protected String | dumpTimeRange(TimeRange timeRange) Debugging routine to get a string for a TimeRange. | public CalendarEdit | editCalendar(String ref) Get a locked calendar object for editing. | protected void | enableSchedule(String context) Setup a calendar for the site. | protected String | eventId(String secure) Form a tracking event string based on a security function string.
Parameters: secure - The security function string. | public String | eventReference(String context, String calendarId, String id) Access the internal reference which can be used to access the event from within the system.
Parameters: context - The context. Parameters: calendarId - The calendar id. Parameters: id - The event id. | protected Calendar | findCalendar(String ref) Find the calendar, in cache or info store - cache it if newly found.
Parameters: ref - The calendar reference. | protected void | generatePDF(Document doc, String xslFileName, OutputStream streamOut) | protected void | generateXMLDocument(int scheduleType, Document doc, TimeRange timeRange, TimeRange dailyTimeRange, List calendarReferenceList, String userID) Parameters: scheduleType - daily, weekly, monthly, or list (no yearly). Parameters: doc - XML output document Parameters: timeRange - this is the overall time range. | protected void | generateXMLEvent(Document doc, Element parent, CalendarEvent event, String eventNodeName, TimeRange containingTimeRange, boolean forceMinimumTime, boolean hideGroupIfNoSpace, boolean performEndTimeKludge) Generates the XML for an event. | protected String | getAccessPoint(boolean relative) Access the partial URL that forms the root of calendar URLs.
Parameters: relative - if true, form within the access path only (i.e. | public Calendar | getCalendar(String ref) Return a specific calendar.
Parameters: ref - The calendar reference. | public List | getCalendars() Return a List of all the defined calendars. | protected TimeRange | getDailyStartTimeFromParameters(Properties parameters) | public Time | getDate(Entity r) Access the resource date.
Parameters: r - The resource. | protected String | getDateFromTime(Time time) | public Entity | getEntity(Reference ref) | public Collection | getEntityAuthzGroups(Reference ref, String userId) | public String | getEntityDescription(Reference ref) | public ResourceProperties | getEntityResourceProperties(Reference ref) | public String | getEntityUrl(Reference ref) | public CalendarEventVector | getEvents(List references, TimeRange range) Takes several calendar References and merges their events from within a given time range.
Parameters: references - The List of calendar References. Parameters: range - The time period to use to select events. | protected TimeRange | getFullDayTimeRangeFromYMD(int year, int month, int day) | public HttpAccess | getHttpAccess() | public String | getLabel() | protected long | getNumberDaysGivenTwoDates(int startYear, int startMonth, int startDay, int endYear, int endMonth, int endDay) Calculate the number of days in a range of time given two dates. | public String | getOwnerId(Entity r) Access the resource owner user id.
Parameters: r - The resource. | protected int | getScheduleTypeFromParameterList(Properties parameters) Gets the schedule type from a Properties object (filled from a URL parameter list). | protected String | getSiteName(CalendarEvent event) | protected String | getString(String name, String dflt) Access some named configuration value as a string.
Parameters: name - The configuration value name. Parameters: dflt - The value to return if not found. | protected TimeRange | getTimeRangeFromParameters(Properties parameters) | protected ArrayList | getTimeRangeListForWeek(TimeRange timeRange, List calendarReferenceList, TimeRange dailyTimeRange, boolean skipSaturdayAndSundayIfNoEvents) Generates a list of time ranges for a week. | protected TimeRange | getTimeRangeParameterByName(Properties parameters, String name) Utility routine to get a time range parameter from the URL parameters store in a Properties object. | protected String | getTimeString(Time time) Gets a standard time string give the time parameter. | protected String | getUniqueId() Access the id generating service and return a unique id. | protected String | getXSLFileNameForScheduleType(int scheduleType) | public void | init() Final initialization, once all dependencies are set. | public boolean | isDraft(Entity r) Check if this resource is in draft mode.
Parameters: r - The resource. | protected List | makeListViewTimeRangeList(TimeRange timeRange, List calendarReferenceList) Make a list of days for use in generating an XML document for the list view. | public String | merge(String siteId, Element root, String archivePath, String fromSiteId, Map attachmentNames, Map userIdTrans, Set userListAllowImport) | public String[] | myToolIds() | public Entity | newContainer(String ref) Construct a new continer given just an id.
Parameters: ref - The reference for the new object. | public Entity | newContainer(Element element) Construct a new container resource, from an XML element.
Parameters: element - The XML. | public Entity | newContainer(Entity other) Construct a new container resource, as a copy of another
Parameters: other - The other contianer to copy. | public Edit | newContainerEdit(String ref) Construct a new continer given just an id.
Parameters: ref - The reference for the new object. | public Edit | newContainerEdit(Element element) Construct a new container resource, from an XML element.
Parameters: element - The XML. | public Edit | newContainerEdit(Entity other) Construct a new container resource, as a copy of another
Parameters: other - The other contianer to copy. | public RecurrenceRule | newRecurrence(String frequency) | public RecurrenceRule | newRecurrence(String frequency, int interval) | public RecurrenceRule | newRecurrence(String frequency, int interval, int count) | public RecurrenceRule | newRecurrence(String frequency, int interval, Time until) | public Entity | newResource(Entity container, String id, Object[] others) Construct a new rsource given just an id.
Parameters: container - The Resource that is the container for the new resource (may be null). Parameters: id - The id for the new object. Parameters: others - (options) array of objects to load into the Resource's fields. | public Entity | newResource(Entity container, Element element) Construct a new resource, from an XML element.
Parameters: container - The Resource that is the container for the new resource (may be null). Parameters: element - The XML. | public Entity | newResource(Entity container, Entity other) Construct a new resource from another resource of the same type.
Parameters: container - The Resource that is the container for the new resource (may be null). Parameters: other - The other resource. | public Edit | newResourceEdit(Entity container, String id, Object[] others) Construct a new rsource given just an id.
Parameters: container - The Resource that is the container for the new resource (may be null). Parameters: id - The id for the new object. Parameters: others - (options) array of objects to load into the Resource's fields. | public Edit | newResourceEdit(Entity container, Element element) Construct a new resource, from an XML element.
Parameters: container - The Resource that is the container for the new resource (may be null). Parameters: element - The XML. | public Edit | newResourceEdit(Entity container, Entity other) Construct a new resource from another resource of the same type.
Parameters: container - The Resource that is the container for the new resource (may be null). Parameters: other - The other resource. | abstract protected Storage | newStorage() Construct a Storage object. | public boolean | parseEntityReference(String reference, Reference ref) | protected Time | performEndMinuteKludge(TimeBreakdown breakDown) This routine is used to round the end time. | protected void | printSchedule(Properties parameters, StringBuffer contentType, OutputStream os) Called by the servlet to service a get/post requesting a calendar in PDF format. | public Object | refresh(Object key, Object oldValue, Event event) Get a new value for this key whose value has already expired in the cache.
Parameters: key - The key whose value has expired and needs to be refreshed. Parameters: oldValue - The old exipred value of the key. Parameters: event - The event which triggered this refresh. | public void | removeCalendar(CalendarEdit calendar) Remove a calendar that is locked for edit. | protected TimeRange | roundRangeToMinimumTimeInterval(TimeRange timeRange) Rounds a time range up to a minimum interval. | protected BaseCalendarService | service() Access this service from the inner classes. | public void | setCaching(String value) | public void | setEntityManager(EntityManager service) Dependency: EntityManager. | public void | setIdManager(IdManager manager) Dependency: IdManager. | public void | setMemoryService(MemoryService service) Dependency: MemoryService. | public void | setServerConfigurationService(ServerConfigurationService service) Dependency: ServerConfigurationService. | protected TimeRange | shrinkTimeRangeToCurrentMonth(TimeRange expandedTimeRange) The time ranges that we get from the CalendarAction class have days in the week of the first and last weeks padded out to make a full week. | protected ArrayList | splitTimeRangeIntoListOfSingleDayTimeRanges(TimeRange timeRange, TimeRange dailyTimeRange) Returns a list of daily time ranges for every day in a range.
Parameters: timeRange - overall time range Parameters: dailyTimeRange - representative daily time range (start hour/minute, end hour/minute). | public Object[] | storageFields(Entity r) Collect the fields that need to be stored outside the XML (for the resource). | public void | transferCopyEntities(String fromContext, String toContext, List resourceIds) | protected TimeRange | trimTimeRange(TimeRange containingRange, TimeRange rangeToTrim) Trim the range that is passed in to the containing time range. | protected void | unlock(String lock, String reference) Check security permission. | protected boolean | unlockCheck(String lock, String reference) Check security permission.
Parameters: lock - The lock id string. Parameters: reference - The resource's reference string, or null if no resource is involved. | public boolean | willArchiveMerge() | protected Element | writeStringNodeToDom(Document doc, Element parent, String nodeName, String nodeValue) Utility routine to write a string node to the DOM. |
COLUMN_NODE_NAME | final protected static String COLUMN_NODE_NAME(Code) | | |
DAY_VIEW_XSLT_FILENAME | final protected static String DAY_VIEW_XSLT_FILENAME(Code) | | PDF file generation
DESCRIPTION_NODE | final protected static String DESCRIPTION_NODE(Code) | | |
EVENT_NODE_NAME | final protected static String EVENT_NODE_NAME(Code) | | |
FACULTY_NODE | final protected static String FACULTY_NODE(Code) | | |
FROM_ATTRIBUTE_STRING | final protected static String FROM_ATTRIBUTE_STRING(Code) | | |
HOUR_MINUTE_SEPARATOR | final protected static String HOUR_MINUTE_SEPARATOR(Code) | | |
LIST_DATE_ATTRIBUTE_NAME | final protected static String LIST_DATE_ATTRIBUTE_NAME(Code) | | |
LIST_NODE_NAME | final protected static String LIST_NODE_NAME(Code) | | |
LIST_VIEW_XSLT_FILENAME | final protected static String LIST_VIEW_XSLT_FILENAME(Code) | | |
MAX_CONCURRENT_EVENTS_NAME | final protected static String MAX_CONCURRENT_EVENTS_NAME(Code) | | |
MAX_OVERLAPPING_COLUMNS | final protected static int MAX_OVERLAPPING_COLUMNS(Code) | | |
MILLISECONDS_IN_DAY | protected static long MILLISECONDS_IN_DAY(Code) | | |
MILLISECONDS_IN_HOUR | final protected static long MILLISECONDS_IN_HOUR(Code) | | |
MILLISECONDS_IN_MINUTE | final protected static long MILLISECONDS_IN_MINUTE(Code) | | |
MONTH_NODE_NAME | final protected static String MONTH_NODE_NAME(Code) | | |
MONTH_VIEW_XSLT_FILENAME | final protected static String MONTH_VIEW_XSLT_FILENAME(Code) | | |
PDF_MIME_TYPE | final protected static String PDF_MIME_TYPE(Code) | | |
ROW_NODE_NAME | final protected static String ROW_NODE_NAME(Code) | | |
SCHEDULE_NODE | final protected static String SCHEDULE_NODE(Code) | | |
SECURE_SCHEDULE_ROOT | final public static String SECURE_SCHEDULE_ROOT(Code) | | Security lock / event root for generic message events to make it a mail event.
START_TIME_ATTRIBUTE_NAME | final protected static String START_TIME_ATTRIBUTE_NAME(Code) | | |
SUB_EVENT_NODE_NAME | final protected static String SUB_EVENT_NODE_NAME(Code) | | |
TIME_RANGE_PARAMETER_NAME | final protected static String TIME_RANGE_PARAMETER_NAME(Code) | | |
TO_ATTRIBUTE_STRING | final protected static String TO_ATTRIBUTE_STRING(Code) | | |
USER_NAME_PARAMETER_NAME | final protected static String USER_NAME_PARAMETER_NAME(Code) | | |
WEEK_VIEW_XSLT_FILENAME | final protected static String WEEK_VIEW_XSLT_FILENAME(Code) | | |
m_caching | protected boolean m_caching(Code) | | Configuration: cache, or not.
m_calendarCache | protected Cache m_calendarCache(Code) | | A Cache object for caching: calendars keyed by reference.
m_eventCaches | protected Hashtable m_eventCaches(Code) | | A bunch of caches for events: keyed by calendar id, the cache is keyed by event reference.
m_relativeAccessPoint | protected String m_relativeAccessPoint(Code) | | The initial portion of a relative access point URL.
m_storage | protected Storage m_storage(Code) | | A Storage object for access to calendars and events.
allowEditCalendar | public boolean allowEditCalendar(String ref)(Code) | | check permissions for editCalendar()
Parameters: ref - The calendar reference. true if the user is allowed to update the calendar, false if not. |
allowGetCalendar | public boolean allowGetCalendar(String ref)(Code) | | check permissions for getCalendar().
Parameters: ref - The calendar reference. true if the user is allowed to getCalendar(calendarId), false if not. |
allowImportCalendar | public boolean allowImportCalendar(String ref)(Code) | | check permissions for importing calendar events
Parameters: ref - The calendar reference. true if the user is allowed to import events, false if not. |
allowMergeCalendar | public boolean allowMergeCalendar(String ref)(Code) | | check permissions for merge()
Parameters: ref - The calendar reference. true if the user is allowed to update the calendar, false if not. |
calendarReference | public String calendarReference(String context, String id)(Code) | | Access the internal reference which can be used to access the calendar from within the system.
Parameters: context - The context. Parameters: id - The calendar id. The the internal reference which can be used to access the calendar from within the system. |
cancelCalendar | public void cancelCalendar(CalendarEdit edit)(Code) | | Cancel the changes made to a CalendarEdit object, and release the lock. The CalendarEdit is disabled, and not to be used after this call.
Parameters: edit - The CalendarEdit object to commit. |
commitCalendar | public void commitCalendar(CalendarEdit edit)(Code) | | Commit the changes made to a CalendarEdit object, and release the lock. The CalendarEdit is disabled, and not to be used after this call.
Parameters: edit - The CalendarEdit object to commit. |
contextCreated | public void contextCreated(String context, boolean toolPlacement)(Code) | | |
contextDeleted | public void contextDeleted(String context, boolean toolPlacement)(Code) | | |
contextUpdated | public void contextUpdated(String context, boolean toolPlacement)(Code) | | |
destroy | public void destroy()(Code) | | Returns to uninitialized state.
disableSchedule | protected void disableSchedule(String context)(Code) | | Remove a calendar for the site.
Parameters: site - The site. |
dumpTimeRange | protected String dumpTimeRange(TimeRange timeRange)(Code) | | Debugging routine to get a string for a TimeRange. This should probably be in the TimeRange class.
enableSchedule | protected void enableSchedule(String context)(Code) | | Setup a calendar for the site.
Parameters: site - The site. |
eventId | protected String eventId(String secure)(Code) | | Form a tracking event string based on a security function string.
Parameters: secure - The security function string. The event tracking string. |
eventReference | public String eventReference(String context, String calendarId, String id)(Code) | | Access the internal reference which can be used to access the event from within the system.
Parameters: context - The context. Parameters: calendarId - The calendar id. Parameters: id - The event id. The the internal reference which can be used to access the event from within the system. |
findCalendar | protected Calendar findCalendar(String ref)(Code) | | Find the calendar, in cache or info store - cache it if newly found.
Parameters: ref - The calendar reference. The calendar, if found. |
generatePDF | protected void generatePDF(Document doc, String xslFileName, OutputStream streamOut)(Code) | | Takes a DOM structure and renders a PDF
Parameters: doc - DOM structure Parameters: xslFileName - XSL file to use to translate the DOM document to FOP |
generateXMLDocument | protected void generateXMLDocument(int scheduleType, Document doc, TimeRange timeRange, TimeRange dailyTimeRange, List calendarReferenceList, String userID)(Code) | | Parameters: scheduleType - daily, weekly, monthly, or list (no yearly). Parameters: doc - XML output document Parameters: timeRange - this is the overall time range. For example, for a weekly schedule, it would be the start/end times for the currently selected week period. Parameters: dailyTimeRange - On a weekly time schedule, even if the overall time range is for a week, you're only looking at a portion of the day (e.g., 8 AM to 6 PM, etc.) Parameters: userID - This is the name of the user whose schedule is being printed. |
generateXMLEvent | protected void generateXMLEvent(Document doc, Element parent, CalendarEvent event, String eventNodeName, TimeRange containingTimeRange, boolean forceMinimumTime, boolean hideGroupIfNoSpace, boolean performEndTimeKludge)(Code) | | Generates the XML for an event.
getAccessPoint | protected String getAccessPoint(boolean relative)(Code) | | Access the partial URL that forms the root of calendar URLs.
Parameters: relative - if true, form within the access path only (i.e. starting with /content) the partial URL that forms the root of calendar URLs. |
getCalendars | public List getCalendars()(Code) | | Return a List of all the defined calendars.
a List of Calendar objects (may be empty) |
getDate | public Time getDate(Entity r)(Code) | | Access the resource date.
Parameters: r - The resource. The resource date. |
getDateFromTime | protected String getDateFromTime(Time time)(Code) | | Gets the standard date string from the time parameter
getEvents | public CalendarEventVector getEvents(List references, TimeRange range)(Code) | | Takes several calendar References and merges their events from within a given time range.
Parameters: references - The List of calendar References. Parameters: range - The time period to use to select events. CalendarEventVector object with the union of all events from the list of calendars in the given time range. |
getFullDayTimeRangeFromYMD | protected TimeRange getFullDayTimeRangeFromYMD(int year, int month, int day)(Code) | | Make a full-day time range given a year, month, and day
getNumberDaysGivenTwoDates | protected long getNumberDaysGivenTwoDates(int startYear, int startMonth, int startDay, int endYear, int endMonth, int endDay)(Code) | | Calculate the number of days in a range of time given two dates.
Parameters: startMonth - (zero based, 0-11) Parameters: startDay - (one based, 1-31) Parameters: endYear - (one based, 1-31) Parameters: endMonth - (zero based, 0-11 |
getOwnerId | public String getOwnerId(Entity r)(Code) | | Access the resource owner user id.
Parameters: r - The resource. The resource owner user id. |
getScheduleTypeFromParameterList | protected int getScheduleTypeFromParameterList(Properties parameters)(Code) | | Gets the schedule type from a Properties object (filled from a URL parameter list).
getString | protected String getString(String name, String dflt)(Code) | | Access some named configuration value as a string.
Parameters: name - The configuration value name. Parameters: dflt - The value to return if not found. The configuration value with this name, or the default value if not found. |
getTimeRangeListForWeek | protected ArrayList getTimeRangeListForWeek(TimeRange timeRange, List calendarReferenceList, TimeRange dailyTimeRange, boolean skipSaturdayAndSundayIfNoEvents)(Code) | | Generates a list of time ranges for a week. Each range in the list is a day.
Parameters: dailyTimeRange - representative daily time range (start hour/minute, end hour/minute) Parameters: skipSaturdayAndSundayIfNoEvents - if true, then Saturday and Sundary are skipped if there are no events. |
getTimeRangeParameterByName | protected TimeRange getTimeRangeParameterByName(Properties parameters, String name)(Code) | | Utility routine to get a time range parameter from the URL parameters store in a Properties object.
getTimeString | protected String getTimeString(Time time)(Code) | | Gets a standard time string give the time parameter.
getUniqueId | protected String getUniqueId()(Code) | | Access the id generating service and return a unique id.
a unique id. |
getXSLFileNameForScheduleType | protected String getXSLFileNameForScheduleType(int scheduleType)(Code) | | Given a schedule type, the appropriate XSLT file is returned
init | public void init()(Code) | | Final initialization, once all dependencies are set.
isDraft | public boolean isDraft(Entity r)(Code) | | Check if this resource is in draft mode.
Parameters: r - The resource. true if the resource is in draft mode, false if not. |
makeListViewTimeRangeList | protected List makeListViewTimeRangeList(TimeRange timeRange, List calendarReferenceList)(Code) | | Make a list of days for use in generating an XML document for the list view.
newContainer | public Entity newContainer(String ref)(Code) | | Construct a new continer given just an id.
Parameters: ref - The reference for the new object. The new containe Resource. |
newContainer | public Entity newContainer(Element element)(Code) | | Construct a new container resource, from an XML element.
Parameters: element - The XML. The new container resource. |
newContainer | public Entity newContainer(Entity other)(Code) | | Construct a new container resource, as a copy of another
Parameters: other - The other contianer to copy. The new container resource. |
newContainerEdit | public Edit newContainerEdit(String ref)(Code) | | Construct a new continer given just an id.
Parameters: ref - The reference for the new object. The new containe Resource. |
newContainerEdit | public Edit newContainerEdit(Element element)(Code) | | Construct a new container resource, from an XML element.
Parameters: element - The XML. The new container resource. |
newContainerEdit | public Edit newContainerEdit(Entity other)(Code) | | Construct a new container resource, as a copy of another
Parameters: other - The other contianer to copy. The new container resource. |
newResource | public Entity newResource(Entity container, String id, Object[] others)(Code) | | Construct a new rsource given just an id.
Parameters: container - The Resource that is the container for the new resource (may be null). Parameters: id - The id for the new object. Parameters: others - (options) array of objects to load into the Resource's fields. The new resource. |
newResource | public Entity newResource(Entity container, Element element)(Code) | | Construct a new resource, from an XML element.
Parameters: container - The Resource that is the container for the new resource (may be null). Parameters: element - The XML. The new resource from the XML. |
newResource | public Entity newResource(Entity container, Entity other)(Code) | | Construct a new resource from another resource of the same type.
Parameters: container - The Resource that is the container for the new resource (may be null). Parameters: other - The other resource. The new resource as a copy of the other. |
newResourceEdit | public Edit newResourceEdit(Entity container, String id, Object[] others)(Code) | | Construct a new rsource given just an id.
Parameters: container - The Resource that is the container for the new resource (may be null). Parameters: id - The id for the new object. Parameters: others - (options) array of objects to load into the Resource's fields. The new resource. |
newResourceEdit | public Edit newResourceEdit(Entity container, Element element)(Code) | | Construct a new resource, from an XML element.
Parameters: container - The Resource that is the container for the new resource (may be null). Parameters: element - The XML. The new resource from the XML. |
newResourceEdit | public Edit newResourceEdit(Entity container, Entity other)(Code) | | Construct a new resource from another resource of the same type.
Parameters: container - The Resource that is the container for the new resource (may be null). Parameters: other - The other resource. The new resource as a copy of the other. |
newStorage | abstract protected Storage newStorage()(Code) | | Construct a Storage object.
The new storage object. |
performEndMinuteKludge | protected Time performEndMinuteKludge(TimeBreakdown breakDown)(Code) | | This routine is used to round the end time. The time is stored at one minute less than the actual end time, but the user will expect to see the end time on the hour. For example, an event that ends at 10:00 is actually stored at 9:59. This code
should really be in a central place so that the velocity template can see it as well.
refresh | public Object refresh(Object key, Object oldValue, Event event)(Code) | | Get a new value for this key whose value has already expired in the cache.
Parameters: key - The key whose value has expired and needs to be refreshed. Parameters: oldValue - The old exipred value of the key. Parameters: event - The event which triggered this refresh. a new value for use in the cache for this key; if null, the entry will be removed. |
roundRangeToMinimumTimeInterval | protected TimeRange roundRangeToMinimumTimeInterval(TimeRange timeRange)(Code) | | Rounds a time range up to a minimum interval.
setCaching | public void setCaching(String value)(Code) | | Configuration: set the locks-in-db
Parameters: path - The storage path. |
setEntityManager | public void setEntityManager(EntityManager service)(Code) | | Dependency: EntityManager.
Parameters: service - The EntityManager. |
setIdManager | public void setIdManager(IdManager manager)(Code) | | Dependency: IdManager.
Parameters: manager - The IdManager. |
setMemoryService | public void setMemoryService(MemoryService service)(Code) | | Dependency: MemoryService.
Parameters: service - The MemoryService. |
setServerConfigurationService | public void setServerConfigurationService(ServerConfigurationService service)(Code) | | Dependency: ServerConfigurationService.
Parameters: service - The ServerConfigurationService. |
shrinkTimeRangeToCurrentMonth | protected TimeRange shrinkTimeRangeToCurrentMonth(TimeRange expandedTimeRange)(Code) | | The time ranges that we get from the CalendarAction class have days in the week of the first and last weeks padded out to make a full week. This function will shrink this range to only one month.
splitTimeRangeIntoListOfSingleDayTimeRanges | protected ArrayList splitTimeRangeIntoListOfSingleDayTimeRanges(TimeRange timeRange, TimeRange dailyTimeRange)(Code) | | Returns a list of daily time ranges for every day in a range.
Parameters: timeRange - overall time range Parameters: dailyTimeRange - representative daily time range (start hour/minute, end hour/minute). If null, this parameter is ignored. |
storageFields | public Object[] storageFields(Entity r)(Code) | | Collect the fields that need to be stored outside the XML (for the resource).
An array of field values to store in the record outside the XML (for the resource). |
transferCopyEntities | public void transferCopyEntities(String fromContext, String toContext, List resourceIds)(Code) | | |
trimTimeRange | protected TimeRange trimTimeRange(TimeRange containingRange, TimeRange rangeToTrim)(Code) | | Trim the range that is passed in to the containing time range.
unlock | protected void unlock(String lock, String reference) throws PermissionException(Code) | | Check security permission.
Parameters: lock - The lock id string. Parameters: reference - The resource's reference string, or null if no resource is involved. exception: PermissionException - thrown if the user does not have access |
unlockCheck | protected boolean unlockCheck(String lock, String reference)(Code) | | Check security permission.
Parameters: lock - The lock id string. Parameters: reference - The resource's reference string, or null if no resource is involved. true if permitted, false if not. |
willArchiveMerge | public boolean willArchiveMerge()(Code) | | |