| org.sakaiproject.chat.impl.BaseChatService org.sakaiproject.chat.impl.DbChatService
DbChatService | public class DbChatService extends BaseChatService (Code) | |
DbChatService fills out the BaseChatService with a database implementation.
m_autoDdl | protected boolean m_autoDdl(Code) | | Configuration: to run the ddl on init or not.
m_cTableName | protected String m_cTableName(Code) | | The name of the db table holding chat channels.
m_convertToDraft | protected boolean m_convertToDraft(Code) | | Set if we are to run the to-draft/owner conversion.
m_locksInDb | protected boolean m_locksInDb(Code) | | If true, we do our locks in the remote database, otherwise we do them here.
m_rTableName | protected String m_rTableName(Code) | | The name of the db table holding chat messages.
convertToDraft | protected void convertToDraft()(Code) | | fill in the draft and owner db fields
init | public void init()(Code) | | Final initialization, once all dependencies are set.
newStorage | protected Storage newStorage()(Code) | | Construct a Storage object.
The new storage object. |
setAutoDdl | public void setAutoDdl(String value)(Code) | | Configuration: to run the ddl on init or not.
Parameters: value - the auto ddl value. |
setContainerTableName | public void setContainerTableName(String name)(Code) | | Configuration: set the table name for the container.
Parameters: path - The table name for the container. |
setConvertDraft | public void setConvertDraft(String value)(Code) | | Configuration: run the to-draft/owner conversion
Parameters: value - The conversion desired value. |
setLocksInDb | public void setLocksInDb(String value)(Code) | | Configuration: set the locks-in-db
Parameters: path - The storage path. |
setResourceTableName | public void setResourceTableName(String name)(Code) | | Configuration: set the table name for the resource.
Parameters: path - The table name for the resource. |
setSqlService | public void setSqlService(SqlService service)(Code) | | Dependency: SqlService.
Parameters: service - The SqlService. |
Fields inherited from org.sakaiproject.chat.impl.BaseChatService | final public static String ATTR_TOP_REFRESH(Code)(Java Doc)
Methods inherited from org.sakaiproject.chat.impl.BaseChatService | public ChatChannelEdit addChatChannel(String ref) throws IdUsedException, IdInvalidException, PermissionException(Code)(Java Doc) public String archive(String siteId, Document doc, Stack stack, String archivePath, List attachments)(Code)(Java Doc) public void contextCreated(String context, boolean toolPlacement)(Code)(Java Doc) public void contextDeleted(String context, boolean toolPlacement)(Code)(Java Doc) public void contextUpdated(String context, boolean toolPlacement)(Code)(Java Doc) protected String eventId(String secure)(Code)(Java Doc) public ChatChannel getChatChannel(String ref) throws IdUnusedException, PermissionException(Code)(Java Doc) public Time getDate(Entity r)(Code)(Java Doc) public String getLabel()(Code)(Java Doc) public String getOwnerId(Entity r)(Code)(Java Doc) protected String getReferenceRoot()(Code)(Java Doc) public void init()(Code)(Java Doc) public boolean isDraft(Entity r)(Code)(Java Doc) public String merge(String siteId, Element root, String archivePath, String fromSiteId, Map attachmentNames, Map userIdTrans, Set userListAllowImport)(Code)(Java Doc) public String[] myToolIds()(Code)(Java Doc) public Entity newContainer(String ref)(Code)(Java Doc) public Entity newContainer(Element element)(Code)(Java Doc) public Entity newContainer(Entity other)(Code)(Java Doc) public Edit newContainerEdit(String ref)(Code)(Java Doc) public Edit newContainerEdit(Element element)(Code)(Java Doc) public Edit newContainerEdit(Entity other)(Code)(Java Doc) protected MessageHeaderEdit newMessageHeader(Message msg, String id)(Code)(Java Doc) protected MessageHeaderEdit newMessageHeader(Message msg, Element el)(Code)(Java Doc) protected MessageHeaderEdit newMessageHeader(Message msg, MessageHeader other)(Code)(Java Doc) public Entity newResource(Entity container, String id, Object[] others)(Code)(Java Doc) public Entity newResource(Entity container, Element element)(Code)(Java Doc) public Entity newResource(Entity container, Entity other)(Code)(Java Doc) public Edit newResourceEdit(Entity container, String id, Object[] others)(Code)(Java Doc) public Edit newResourceEdit(Entity container, Element element)(Code)(Java Doc) public Edit newResourceEdit(Entity container, Entity other)(Code)(Java Doc) public boolean parseEntityReference(String reference, Reference ref)(Code)(Java Doc) protected String serviceName()(Code)(Java Doc) public Object[] storageFields(Entity r)(Code)(Java Doc) public void transferCopyEntities(String fromContext, String toContext, List ids)(Code)(Java Doc) public boolean willArchiveMerge()(Code)(Java Doc)