| |
| org.sakaiproject.search.api.SearchIndexBuilder
All known Subclasses: org.sakaiproject.search.component.service.impl.SearchIndexBuilderImpl,
SearchIndexBuilder | public interface SearchIndexBuilder extends Diagnosable(Code) | | A SearchIndexBuilder builds a search index, it must manage its own list of
pending documents and should probably do this in a seperate thread
author: ieb |
addResource | void addResource(Notification notification, Event event)(Code) | | Adds a resource to the index builder
Parameters: notification - Parameters: event - |
destroy | void destroy()(Code) | | Close down the entire search infrastructure
getAllSearchItems | List getAllSearchItems()(Code) | | get a list of all entitied in the search index
getContentProducers | List getContentProducers()(Code) | | get all the producers registerd, as a clone to avoid concurrent
modification exceptions
getGlobalMasterSearchItems | List getGlobalMasterSearchItems()(Code) | | get a list of global search items
getNodeStatus | List getNodeStatus()(Code) | | provide a list of node statuses for all indexer nodes in a cluster
getPendingDocuments | int getPendingDocuments()(Code) | | get the number of pending documents
getSiteMasterSearchItems | List getSiteMasterSearchItems()(Code) | | get a list of Master Search Items that control the search operation for the
Site (current site)
isBuildQueueEmpty | boolean isBuildQueueEmpty()(Code) | | Does the Queue contain work to do.
isLocalLock | boolean isLocalLock()(Code) | | |
isOnlyIndexSearchToolSites | boolean isOnlyIndexSearchToolSites()(Code) | | |
newEntityContentProducer | EntityContentProducer newEntityContentProducer(Event event)(Code) | | get an entity content producer that can handle the event
Parameters: event - |
newEntityContentProducer | EntityContentProducer newEntityContentProducer(String ref)(Code) | | get an entity content procuder that can handle the reference
Parameters: ref - |
rebuildIndex | void rebuildIndex()(Code) | | rebuild the index completely from scratch
rebuildIndex | void rebuildIndex(String currentSiteId)(Code) | | Rebuild the index for the supplied siteId
Parameters: currentSiteId - |
refreshIndex | void refreshIndex()(Code) | | Refresh the index based on the registered entities
refreshIndex | void refreshIndex(String currentSiteId)(Code) | | Refresh the index for the supplied siteId
Parameters: currentSiteId - |
registerEntityContentProducer | void registerEntityContentProducer(EntityContentProducer ecp)(Code) | | EntityProducers that want their content indexed on full text must
register an EntityContentProducer with the SearchIndexBuilder
Parameters: ecp - |
removeWorkerLock | boolean removeWorkerLock()(Code) | | force the removal of a worker lock