Contains information necessary for a component (BC or SE) to perform
special installation/uninstallation processing. This context is provided
to the init method of the javax.jbi.component.Bootstrap
implementation for the component.
author: Sun Microsystems, Inc.
Constructor Summary
ComponentInstallationContext(String componentName, int componentType, String className, List classPathElements, org.w3c.dom.DocumentFragment extensionData) Public constructor.
Parameters: componentName - the unique component name. Parameters: componentType - the type of this component - either BINDING orENGINE. Parameters: className - the name of the class the implements thejavax.jbi.component.Component interface for this component. Parameters: classPathElements - the list of elements that comprise theruntime class path for this component.
getAbsoluteClassPathElements() Get a list of elements that comprise the class path for this component.
Each element represents either a directory (containing class files) or a
jar file.
getClassPathElements() Get a list of elements that comprise the class path for this component.
Each element represents either a directory (containing class files) or a
jar file.
getInstallationDescriptorExtension() Return a DOM document fragment representing the installation descriptor
(jbi.xml) extension data for this component, if any is present.
getWorkspaceRoot() Return the workspace root directory for the component.
public boolean
isBinding() Return an indication as to whether the component being installed is a
Binding Component.
public boolean
isBootstrapClassLoaderSelfFirst() Return an indication as to whether the bootstrap class loader should
use the normal hierarchy (parent-first) or an inverted hierarchy
public boolean
isComponentClassLoaderSelfFirst() Return an indication as to whether the component class loader should
use the normal hierarchy (parent-first) or an inverted hierarchy
public boolean
isEngine() Return an indication as to whether the component being installed is a
Service Engine.
public boolean
isInstall() Return an indication as to whether this context is for an install or
an uninstall.
setClassPathElements(List classPathElements) Set the list of elements that comprise the class path for this component.
Each element represents either a directory (containing class files) or a
jar file.
Public constructor.
Parameters: componentName - the unique component name. Parameters: componentType - the type of this component - either BINDING orENGINE. Parameters: className - the name of the class the implements thejavax.jbi.component.Component interface for this component. Parameters: classPathElements - the list of elements that comprise theruntime class path for this component. NOTE: The elements in this listare relative paths based off the component's install root. Parameters: extensionData - the DOM document fragment representing the contentsof the installation descriptor extension from the jbi.xml file.
Get a list of elements that comprise the class path for this component.
Each element represents either a directory (containing class files) or a
jar file. The elements are absolute paths and are returned with a forward
slash as their file separators.
a list of String objects containing class path elements.
Get a list of elements that comprise the class path for this component.
Each element represents either a directory (containing class files) or a
jar file. The elements are relative paths based off of the component's
install root, and are returned with the File.separator character as their
file separators.
a list of String objects containing class path elements.
Get the installation root directory for this component.
the name of the installation root directory, with the levelsseparated by the local File.separator character.
Return a DOM document fragment representing the installation descriptor
(jbi.xml) extension data for this component, if any is present.
the DOM document fragment for the extension data.
Return an indication as to whether the component being installed is a
Binding Component.
true if the component is a BC, false if not.
public boolean isBootstrapClassLoaderSelfFirst()(Code)
Return an indication as to whether the bootstrap class loader should
use the normal hierarchy (parent-first) or an inverted hierarchy
true if the bootstrap class loader should use the self-firsthierarchy, false if it should use parent-first.
public boolean isComponentClassLoaderSelfFirst()(Code)
Return an indication as to whether the component class loader should
use the normal hierarchy (parent-first) or an inverted hierarchy
true if the component class loader should use the self-firsthierarchy, false if it should use parent-first.
Return an indication as to whether this context is for an install or
an uninstall.
true for an install, false for an uninstall.
public void setBootstrapClassLoaderSelfFirst()(Code)
Set a flag to force the bootstrap class loader to use an inverted
hierarchy (self-first).
public void setClassPathElements(List classPathElements)(Code)
Set the list of elements that comprise the class path for this component.
Each element represents either a directory (containing class files) or a
jar file. This method is provided to allow the component's installer to
modify the list of class path elements. Each element must be formatted
using the File.separator character, and must be a relative path based
on the component's install root.
Parameters: classPathElements - a list of String objects containing class pathelements.
public void setComponentClassLoaderSelfFirst()(Code)
Set a flag to force the component class loader to use an inverted
hierarchy (self-first).
public void setComponentClassName(String name)(Code)
Set the name of the class that implements javax.jbi.component.Component
for this component.
Parameters: name - the component class name of this component.
Set the context for this component. This method is used by the
Component Framework to set the context during installation processing.
Parameters: context - the component context.
public void setDescription(String description)(Code)
Set the description of this component.
Parameters: description - the description of this component.
public void setInstallRoot(String installRoot)(Code)
Set the installation root directory name for this component.
Parameters: installRoot - the installation root directory name.