| java.lang.Object com.sun.jbi.management.registry.RegistryDiff
RegistryDiff | public class RegistryDiff (Code) | | This class performs a logical difference between two open registry instances and
maintains state information about the changes that can be queried afterwards.
author: Sun Microsystems, Inc. |
Field Summary | |
Map<String, Variable[]> | mAddComponentAppVars | Map<String, Map<String, Properties>> | mAddComponentConfig | List<String> | mAddComponents | List<String> | mAddServiceAssemblies | List<String> | mAddSharedLibraries | List<String> | mAllMasterComponents | List<String> | mAllTargetComponents | List<String> | mChangedConfigComponents | List<String> | mChangedLifecycleComponents | List<String> | mChangedLifecycleServiceAssemblies | boolean | mChanges | Map<String, Properties> | mComponentProperties | List<String> | mComponentsAffectedByChanges | Map<String, HashMap> | mDomainConfigChanges | Map<String, HashMap> | mDomainConfigValues | Map<String, HashMap> | mInstanceConfigChanges | GenericQueryImpl | mMasterCQuery | Map<String, ComponentInfo> | mMasterComponents | ComponentQuery | mMasterQuery | ServiceAssemblyQuery | mMasterSAQuery | Map<String, ServiceAssemblyInfo> | mMasterServiceAssemblies | Map<String, ComponentInfo> | mMasterSharedLibraries | Map<String, String[]> | mRemoveComponentAppVars | Map<String, String> | mRemoveComponentConfig | List<String> | mRemoveComponents | List<String> | mRemoveServiceAssemblies | List<String> | mRemoveSharedLibraries | List<String> | mReplaceComponents | List<String> | mReplaceServiceAssemblies | List<String> | mReplaceSharedLibraries | List<String> | mServiceAssembliesAffectedByChanges | String | mTarget | GenericQueryImpl | mTargetCQuery | Map<String, ComponentInfo> | mTargetComponents | ComponentQuery | mTargetQuery | ServiceAssemblyQuery | mTargetSAQuery | Map<String, ServiceAssemblyInfo> | mTargetServiceAssemblies | Map<String, ComponentInfo> | mTargetSharedLibraries | List<String> | mUpdateComponents |
Constructor Summary | |
public | RegistryDiff(Registry master, Registry target, String targetName) Construct a RegistryDiff object using two given registries and the target
processing entity of interest. |
mChangedLifecycleServiceAssemblies | List<String> mChangedLifecycleServiceAssemblies(Code) | | |
mChanges | boolean mChanges(Code) | | |
mServiceAssembliesAffectedByChanges | List<String> mServiceAssembliesAffectedByChanges(Code) | | |
RegistryDiff | public RegistryDiff(Registry master, Registry target, String targetName)(Code) | | Construct a RegistryDiff object using two given registries and the target
processing entity of interest.
Parameters: master - - Registry that is considered to be the reference Parameters: target - - Registry that is being upgraded to be consistent with the master Parameters: targetName - - The target processing entity (instance, cluster) |
analyzeComponentConfig | void analyzeComponentConfig()(Code) | | Compute the components that need to be started to make configuration changes.
analyzeComponents | void analyzeComponents()(Code) | | Analyze Components to determine if a component has been replaced.
Also collect ComponentInfo for future use.
analyzeConfigs | void analyzeConfigs()(Code) | | Analyze Config changes. The one special case is a delete of a instance value is
replayed as a setting of the instance value to the global value.
analyzeServiceAssemblies | void analyzeServiceAssemblies()(Code) | | Analyze ServiceAssemblies to determine if a service assembly has been replaced.
Compute the set of service assemblies that may be effected by components/shared-libraries
that have been replaced. Also collect ServiceAssemblyInfo for future use.
analyzeSharedLibraries | void analyzeSharedLibraries()(Code) | | Analyze SharedLibraries to determine if a library has been replaced.
Also collect ComponentInfo for future use.
componentsToStartForDeploy | public List<String> componentsToStartForDeploy()(Code) | | Compute the set of components that need to be started so that a deploy service assembly
operation can execute.
List of components name that need to be started. |
componentsToStartForUndeploy | public List<String> componentsToStartForUndeploy()(Code) | | Compute the set of components that need to be started so that a undeploy service assembly
operation can execute.
List of components name that need to be started. |
computeDiff | public boolean computeDiff()(Code) | | Perform the actual difference computation.
indication if a difference was detected. |
diffComponentAppVars | void diffComponentAppVars()(Code) | | |
diffComponentConfigs | void diffComponentConfigs()(Code) | | Compute the actions needed to sync the config configuration changes. We don't try and
compute the changes at the configuration value level. If the configuration is different
in any way we just delete the old configuration and apply the new one. This is most likely
faster since each configuration operation is a registry commit.
meaning that it should be deleted.
diffComponentProperties | void diffComponentProperties()(Code) | | |
diffComponents | void diffComponents()(Code) | | Compute differences in the components.
diffConfigs | void diffConfigs()(Code) | | Compute differences in the configs
diffServiceAssemblies | void diffServiceAssemblies()(Code) | | Compute differences in the service assemblies.
diffSharedLibraries | void diffSharedLibraries()(Code) | | Compute differences in the shared libraries
getAddComponentAppVars | public Map<String, Variable[]> getAddComponentAppVars()(Code) | | |
getAffectedComponents | public List<String> getAffectedComponents()(Code) | | Get the list of components affected by other changes. This typically
means a dependent shared libaray has changed.
List of components names.\ |
getAffectedServiceAssemblies | public List<String> getAffectedServiceAssemblies()(Code) | | Get the list of service assemblies affected by other changes. This typically
means a dependent component has changed.
List of service assembly names. |
getChangedConfigComponents | public List<String> getChangedConfigComponents()(Code) | | |
getChangedLifeCycleComponents | public List<String> getChangedLifeCycleComponents()(Code) | | Get the list of components with lifecycle changes.
List of components names.\ |
getChangedLifeCycleServiceAssemblies | public List<String> getChangedLifeCycleServiceAssemblies()(Code) | | Get the list of service assemblies with lifecycle changes.
List of service assembly names. |
getNewComponentInfo | public ComponentInfo getNewComponentInfo(String compName)(Code) | | Get ComponentInfo about a new Component
ComponentInfo for the given component |
getNewComponents | public List<String> getNewComponents()(Code) | | Get the list of new components in the master.
List of component names. |
getNewServiceAssemblies | public List<String> getNewServiceAssemblies()(Code) | | Get the list of new service assemblies in the master.
List of service assemblies names. |
getNewServiceAssemblyInfo | public ServiceAssemblyInfo getNewServiceAssemblyInfo(String saName)(Code) | | Get ServiceAssemblyInfo about a new ServiceAssembly
ComponentInfo for the given service assembly |
getNewServiceAssemblyState | public ServiceAssemblyState getNewServiceAssemblyState(String saName)(Code) | | Compute the state of a new service assembly (exists in master) from the state of the service units.
Parameters: saName - - name of the service assembly service assembly state |
getNewSharedLibraries | public List<String> getNewSharedLibraries()(Code) | | Get the list of new shared libraries in the master.
List of shared library names. |
getNewSharedLibraryInfo | public ComponentInfo getNewSharedLibraryInfo(String slName)(Code) | | Get ComponentInfo about a new SharedLibrary
ComponentInfo for the given shared library. |
getOldComponents | public List<String> getOldComponents()(Code) | | Get the list of old components in the target.
List of component names. |
getOldServiceAssemblies | public List<String> getOldServiceAssemblies()(Code) | | Get the list of old service assemblies in the target.
List of service assemblies names. |
getOldSharedLibraries | public List<String> getOldSharedLibraries()(Code) | | Get the list of old shared libraries in the target.
List of shared library names. |
getReplacedComponents | public List<String> getReplacedComponents()(Code) | | Get the list of replaced components
List of components names. |
getReplacedServiceAssemblies | public List<String> getReplacedServiceAssemblies()(Code) | | Get the list of replaced service assemblies in the target.
List of shared library names. |
getReplacedSharedLibraries | public List<String> getReplacedSharedLibraries()(Code) | | Get the list of replaced shared libraries in the target.
List of shared library names. |
getUpdatedComponents | public List<String> getUpdatedComponents()(Code) | | Get the list of updated components
List of components names. |
toString | public String toString()(Code) | | Return a printable status that summarizes the changes and actions.
String describing changes. |