| org.geotools.data.jdbc.JDBCTextFeatureWriter org.geotools.data.oracle.OracleFeatureWriter
OracleFeatureWriter | public class OracleFeatureWriter extends JDBCTextFeatureWriter (Code) | | Subclasses JDBCTextFeatureWriter to issue Oracle transactions directly as
sql text statements. The super class takes care of all the nasty details,
this just returns the encoded geometry. To get some speed increases Jody
maintains that this class should not be used, that the updatable result
sets of JDBCFeatureWriter will work better. But I couldn't get those to
work at all, whereas this works great for me. We could also consider
putting the option for this or jdbc in the factory for OracleDataStore.
Should also consider using prepared statements for inserts, as they should
work faster - this should probably be done in the superclass.
author: Chris Holmes, TOPP version: $Id: OracleFeatureWriter.java 27862 2007-11-12 19:51:19Z desruisseaux $ |