| org.geotools.feature.iso.DataSystemTest
DataSystemTest | public class DataSystemTest extends TestCase (Code) | | This test cases is set up to exercise the "Data" system.
We will be making use of the same abstractions defined during the
TypeBuilderTest (so if you get an error during setup you can debug over there
To review here is the type model we will be using during these tests: /**
Defines a simple setup of Address, Fullname, Person and then defines a
collection of Person as a Country.
| Address (Complex) |
| attention: Fullname|
| suite: Number |
| street: Text |
| city: Text |
| province: Text |
| code: Number |
+-------------------+ +-------------------+
| Person (Feature) | | Fullname (Complex)|
+-------------------+ 1+-------------------+
|location: Location |-------|first: Text |
|name: Fullname | |last: Text |
|home: Address | +-------------------+
|work: Address |
|birthdat: Date |
| Country (FeatureCollection)|
| currency: Text |
author: Jody |
association | PropertyDescriptor association(ComplexType type, String name)(Code) | | Simple lookup method, the kinda thing that should belong in Types utility
Parameters: type - complex type from which we want a descriptor Parameters: name - text to match against local part of descriptor name Descriptor with getName().getLocalPart() equals name |
attribute | AttributeDescriptor attribute(ComplexType type, String name)(Code) | | |
createFullname | ComplexAttribute createFullname(ComplexType context, String entry, String aName)(Code) | | Creates using FULLNAME using ADDRESS descriptor "attention"
createLocation | public GeometryAttribute createLocation()(Code) | | |
createPersonAddress | ComplexAttribute createPersonAddress(String location)(Code) | | Creates using PERSON and either "work" or "home" descriptor
properties | Collection properties(Property property1, Property property2, Property property3)(Code) | | |
testAttribute | public void testAttribute()(Code) | | |
testCompountComplexAttribute | public void testCompountComplexAttribute()(Code) | | Tests ADDRESS using ComplexType directly
testFeature | public void testFeature()(Code) | | |
testFeatureCollection | public void testFeatureCollection()(Code) | | |
testGeometryAttribute | public void testGeometryAttribute()(Code) | | |
testSimpleComplexAttribute | public void testSimpleComplexAttribute()(Code) | | Tests using ComplexType