Field Summary |
<complexType name="AbsoluteExternalPositionalAccuracyType">
<documentation>Closeness of reported coordinate values to values accepted as or being true. |
final public static AttributeType | ABSTRACTCONTINUOUSCOVERAGETYPE_TYPE |
<complexType abstract="true" name="AbstractCoordinateOperationBaseType">
<documentation>Basic encoding for coordinate operation objects, simplifying and restricting the DefinitionType as needed. |
<complexType abstract="true" name="AbstractCoordinateOperationType">
<documentation>A mathematical operation on coordinates that transforms or converts coordinates to another coordinate reference system. |
<complexType abstract="true" name="AbstractCoordinateSystemBaseType">
<documentation>Basic encoding for coordinate system objects, simplifying and restricting the DefinitionType as needed. |
final public static AttributeType | ABSTRACTCOORDINATESYSTEMTYPE_TYPE
<complexType abstract="true" name="AbstractCoordinateSystemType">
<documentation>A coordinate system (CS) is the set of coordinate system axes that spans a given coordinate space. |
final public static AttributeType | ABSTRACTCOVERAGETYPE_TYPE
<complexType abstract="true" name="AbstractCoverageType">
<documentation>Abstract element which acts as the head of a substitution group for coverages. |
final public static AttributeType | ABSTRACTCURVESEGMENTTYPE_TYPE
<complexType abstract="true" name="AbstractCurveSegmentType">
<documentation>Curve segment defines a homogeneous segment of a curve.</documentation>
<attribute default="0" name="numDerivativesAtStart" type="integer" use="optional">
<documentation>The attribute "numDerivativesAtStart" specifies the type of continuity between this curve segment and its predecessor. |
final public static AttributeType | ABSTRACTCURVETYPE_TYPE
<complexType abstract="true" name="AbstractCurveType">
<documentation>An abstraction of a curve to support the different levels of complexity. |
final public static AttributeType | ABSTRACTDATUMBASETYPE_TYPE
<complexType abstract="true" name="AbstractDatumBaseType">
<documentation>Basic encoding for datum objects, simplifying and restricting the DefinitionType as needed. |
final public static AttributeType | ABSTRACTDATUMTYPE_TYPE
<complexType abstract="true" name="AbstractDatumType">
<documentation>A datum specifies the relationship of a coordinate system to the earth, thus creating a coordinate reference system. |
final public static AttributeType | ABSTRACTDISCRETECOVERAGETYPE_TYPE
<complexType abstract="true" name="AbstractDiscreteCoverageType">
<documentation>A discrete coverage consists of a domain set, range set and optionally a coverage function. |
final public static AttributeType | ABSTRACTFEATURECOLLECTIONTYPE_TYPE |
final public static AttributeType | ABSTRACTFEATURETYPE_TYPE
<complexType abstract="true" name="AbstractFeatureType">
<documentation>An abstract feature provides a set of common properties, including id, metaDataProperty, name and description inherited from AbstractGMLType, plus boundedBy. |
final public static AttributeType | ABSTRACTGENERALCONVERSIONTYPE_TYPE
<complexType abstract="true" name="AbstractGeneralConversionType">
<documentation>An abstract operation on coordinates that does not include any change of datum. |
final public static AttributeType | ABSTRACTGENERALDERIVEDCRSTYPE_TYPE
<complexType abstract="true" name="AbstractGeneralDerivedCRSType">
<documentation>A coordinate reference system that is defined by its coordinate conversion from another coordinate reference system (not by a datum). |
<complexType name="AbstractGeneralOperationParameterRefType">
<documentation>Association to an operation parameter or group, either referencing or containing the definition of that parameter or group. |
<complexType abstract="true" name="AbstractGeneralOperationParameterType">
<documentation>Abstract definition of a parameter or group of parameters used by an operation method. |
<complexType abstract="true" name="AbstractGeneralParameterValueType">
<documentation>Abstract parameter value or group of parameter values.
This abstract complexType is expected to be extended and restricted for well-known operation methods with many instances, in Application Schemas that define operation-method-specialized element names and contents. |
<complexType abstract="true" name="AbstractGeneralTransformationType">
<documentation>An abstract operation on coordinates that usually includes a change of Datum. |
final public static AttributeType | ABSTRACTGEOMETRICAGGREGATETYPE_TYPE |
<complexType abstract="true" name="AbstractGeometricPrimitiveType">
<documentation>This is the abstract root type of the geometric primitives. |
final public static AttributeType | ABSTRACTGEOMETRYTYPE_TYPE
<complexType abstract="true" name="AbstractGeometryType">
<documentation>All geometry elements are derived directly or indirectly from this abstract supertype. |
final public static AttributeType | ABSTRACTGMLTYPE_TYPE
<complexType abstract="true" name="AbstractGMLType">
<documentation>All complexContent GML elements are directly or indirectly derived from this abstract supertype
to establish a hierarchy of GML types that may be distinguished from other XML types by their ancestry. |
final public static AttributeType | ABSTRACTGRIDDEDSURFACETYPE_TYPE
<complexType name="AbstractGriddedSurfaceType">
<documentation>A gridded surface is a parametric curve
surface derived from a rectangular grid in the parameter
space. |
final public static AttributeType | ABSTRACTMETADATATYPE_TYPE |
<complexType abstract="true" name="AbstractPositionalAccuracyType">
<documentation>Position error estimate (or accuracy) data. |
final public static AttributeType | ABSTRACTREFERENCESYSTEMBASETYPE_TYPE |
final public static AttributeType | ABSTRACTREFERENCESYSTEMTYPE_TYPE
<complexType abstract="true" name="AbstractReferenceSystemType">
<documentation>Description of a spatial and/or temporal reference system used by a dataset.</documentation>
<extension base="gml:AbstractReferenceSystemBaseType">
<element maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" ref="gml:srsID">
<documentation>Set of alterative identifications of this reference system. |
final public static AttributeType | ABSTRACTRINGPROPERTYTYPE_TYPE |
final public static AttributeType | ABSTRACTRINGTYPE_TYPE |
final public static AttributeType | ABSTRACTSOLIDTYPE_TYPE
<complexType name="AbstractSolidType">
<documentation>An abstraction of a solid to support the different levels of complexity. |
final public static AttributeType | ABSTRACTSTYLETYPE_TYPE
<complexType abstract="true" name="AbstractStyleType">
<documentation>[complexType of] The value of the top-level property. |
final public static AttributeType | ABSTRACTSURFACEPATCHTYPE_TYPE |
final public static AttributeType | ABSTRACTSURFACETYPE_TYPE
<complexType name="AbstractSurfaceType">
<documentation>An abstraction of a surface to support the different levels of complexity. |
final public static AttributeType | ABSTRACTTIMECOMPLEXTYPE_TYPE |
<complexType abstract="true" name="AbstractTimeGeometricPrimitiveType">
<documentation xml:lang="en">The abstract supertype for temporal geometric primitives.
A temporal geometry must be associated with a temporal reference system via URI.
The Gregorian calendar with UTC is the default reference system, following ISO
8601. |
final public static AttributeType | ABSTRACTTIMEOBJECTTYPE_TYPE |
final public static AttributeType | ABSTRACTTIMEPRIMITIVETYPE_TYPE |
<complexType abstract="true" name="AbstractTimeReferenceSystemType">
<documentation xml:lang="en">A value in the time domain is measured relative to a temporal reference system. |
final public static AttributeType | ABSTRACTTIMESLICETYPE_TYPE
<complexType abstract="true" name="AbstractTimeSliceType">
<documentation xml:lang="en">A timeslice encapsulates the time-varying properties of a dynamic feature--it
must be extended to represent a timestamped projection of a feature. |
final public static AttributeType | ABSTRACTTOPOLOGYTYPE_TYPE |
final public static AttributeType | ABSTRACTTOPOPRIMITIVETYPE_TYPE |
final public static AttributeType | AESHETICCRITERIATYPE_TYPE |
final public static AttributeType | AFFINEPLACEMENTTYPE_TYPE
<complexType name="AffinePlacementType">
<documentation>A placement takes a standard geometric
construction and places it in geographic space. |
final public static AttributeType | ANGLECHOICETYPE_TYPE |
final public static AttributeType | ANGLETYPE_TYPE
<complexType name="AngleType">
<documentation>Value of an angle quantity recorded as a single number, with its units. |
final public static AttributeType | ARCBYBULGETYPE_TYPE
<complexType name="ArcByBulgeType">
<documentation>An ArcByBulge is an arc string with only one arc unit, i.e. |
final public static AttributeType | ARCBYCENTERPOINTTYPE_TYPE
<complexType name="ArcByCenterPointType">
<documentation>This variant of the arc requires that the points on the arc have to be computed instead of storing the coordinates directly. |
final public static AttributeType | ARCMINUTESTYPE_TYPE |
final public static AttributeType | ARCSECONDSTYPE_TYPE |
final public static AttributeType | ARCSTRINGBYBULGETYPE_TYPE
<complexType name="ArcStringByBulgeType">
<documentation>This variant of the arc computes the mid points of the arcs instead of storing the coordinates directly. |
final public static AttributeType | ARCSTRINGTYPE_TYPE
<complexType name="ArcStringType">
<documentation>An ArcString is a curve segment that uses three-point circular arc interpolation.</documentation>
<extension base="gml:AbstractCurveSegmentType">
<documentation>GML supports two different ways to specify the control points of a curve segment.
1. |
final public static AttributeType | ARCTYPE_TYPE
<complexType name="ArcType">
<documentation>An Arc is an arc string with only one arc unit, i.e. |
final public static AttributeType | AREATYPE_TYPE
<complexType name="AreaType">
<documentation>Value of a spatial area quantity, with its units. |
final public static AttributeType | ARRAYASSOCIATIONTYPE_TYPE
<complexType name="ArrayAssociationType">
<documentation>A base for derived types used to specify complex types containing an array of objects, by unspecified UML association - either composition or aggregation. |
final public static AttributeType | ARRAYTYPE_TYPE |
final public static AttributeType | ASSOCIATIONTYPE_TYPE
<complexType name="AssociationType">
<documentation>A pattern or base for derived types used to specify complex types corresponding to an unspecified UML association - either composition or aggregation. |
final public static AttributeType | BAGTYPE_TYPE
<complexType name="BagType">
<documentation>A non-abstract generic collection type that can be used as a document element for a collection of any GML types - Geometries, Topologies, Features ...
FeatureCollections may only contain Features. |
final public static AttributeType | BASESTYLEDESCRIPTORTYPE_TYPE |
final public static AttributeType | BASEUNITTYPE_TYPE
<complexType name="BaseUnitType">
<documentation>Definition of a unit of measure which is a base unit from the system of units. |
final public static AttributeType | BEZIERTYPE_TYPE
<complexType name="BezierType">
<documentation>Bezier curves are polynomial splines that use Bezier or Bernstein polynomials for interpolation purposes. |
final public static AttributeType | BOOLEANLIST_TYPE
<simpleType name="booleanList">
<documentation>XML List based on XML Schema boolean type. |
final public static AttributeType | BOOLEANORNULLLIST_TYPE
<simpleType name="booleanOrNullList">
<documentation>XML List based on the union type defined above. |
final public static AttributeType | BOOLEANORNULL_TYPE
<simpleType name="booleanOrNull">
<documentation>Union of the XML Schema boolean type and the GML Nulltype. |
final public static AttributeType | BOOLEANPROPERTYTYPE_TYPE |
final public static AttributeType | BOUNDEDFEATURETYPE_TYPE |
final public static AttributeType | BOUNDINGSHAPETYPE_TYPE |
final public static AttributeType | BSPLINETYPE_TYPE
<complexType name="BSplineType">
<documentation>A B-Spline is a piecewise parametric polynomial or rational curve described in terms of control points and basis functions. |
final public static AttributeType | CALDATE_TYPE
<simpleType name="CalDate">
<documentation xml:lang="en">Calendar dates may be indicated with varying degrees of precision,
using year, year-month, date. |
final public static AttributeType | CARTESIANCSREFTYPE_TYPE
<complexType name="CartesianCSRefType">
<documentation>Association to a Cartesian coordinate system, either referencing or containing the definition of that coordinate system. |
final public static AttributeType | CARTESIANCSTYPE_TYPE
<complexType name="CartesianCSType">
<documentation>A 1-, 2-, or 3-dimensional coordinate system. |
final public static AttributeType | CATEGORYEXTENTTYPE_TYPE
<complexType name="CategoryExtentType">
<documentation>Restriction of list type to store a 2-point range of ordinal values. |
final public static AttributeType | CATEGORYPROPERTYTYPE_TYPE |
final public static AttributeType | CIRCLEBYCENTERPOINTTYPE_TYPE
<complexType name="CircleByCenterPointType">
<documentation>A CircleByCenterPoint is an ArcByCenterPoint with identical start and end angle to form a full circle. |
final public static AttributeType | CIRCLETYPE_TYPE
<complexType name="CircleType">
<documentation>A Circle is an arc whose ends coincide to form a simple closed loop. |
final public static AttributeType | CLOTHOIDTYPE_TYPE
<complexType name="ClothoidType">
<documentation>A clothoid, or Cornu's spiral, is plane
curve whose curvature is a fixed function of its length.
In suitably chosen co-ordinates it is given by Fresnel's
x(t) = 0-integral-t cos(AT*T/2)dT
y(t) = 0-integral-t sin(AT*T/2)dT
This geometry is mainly used as a transition curve between
curves of type straight line to circular arc or circular arc
to circular arc. |
final public static AttributeType | CODELISTTYPE_TYPE
<complexType name="CodeListType">
<documentation>List of values on a uniform nominal scale. |
final public static AttributeType | CODEORNULLLISTTYPE_TYPE
<complexType name="CodeOrNullListType">
<documentation>List of values on a uniform nominal scale. |
final public static AttributeType | CODETYPE_TYPE
<complexType name="CodeType">
<documentation>Name or code with an (optional) authority. |
final public static AttributeType | COMPASSPOINTENUMERATION_TYPE |
final public static AttributeType | COMPOSITECURVEPROPERTYTYPE_TYPE |
final public static AttributeType | COMPOSITECURVETYPE_TYPE
<complexType name="CompositeCurveType">
<documentation>A CompositeCurve is defined by a sequence of (orientable) curves such that the each curve in the sequence terminates at the start point of the subsequent curve in the list.</documentation>
<extension base="gml:AbstractCurveType">
<element maxOccurs="unbounded" ref="gml:curveMember">
<documentation>This element references or contains one curve in the composite curve. |
final public static AttributeType | COMPOSITESOLIDPROPERTYTYPE_TYPE |
final public static AttributeType | COMPOSITESOLIDTYPE_TYPE
<complexType name="CompositeSolidType">
<documentation>A composite solid is a geometry type with all the geometric properties of a (primitive) solid.
Essentially, a composite solid is a collection of solids that join in pairs on common boundary surfaces and which, when considered as a whole, form a single solid.</documentation>
<extension base="gml:AbstractSolidType">
<element maxOccurs="unbounded" ref="gml:solidMember">
<sch:pattern name="Check either href or content not both">
<sch:rule context="gml:solidMember">
<sch:extends rule="hrefOrContent"/>
<documentation>This element references or contains one solid in the composite solid. |
final public static AttributeType | COMPOSITESURFACEPROPERTYTYPE_TYPE |
final public static AttributeType | COMPOSITESURFACETYPE_TYPE
<complexType name="CompositeSurfaceType">
<documentation>A CompositeSurface is defined by a set of orientable surfaces. |
final public static AttributeType | COMPOSITEVALUETYPE_TYPE
<complexType name="CompositeValueType">
<documentation>Aggregate value built from other Values using the Composite pattern. |
final public static AttributeType | COMPOUNDCRSREFTYPE_TYPE
<complexType name="CompoundCRSRefType">
<documentation>Association to a compound coordinate reference system, either referencing or containing the definition of that reference system. |
final public static AttributeType | COMPOUNDCRSTYPE_TYPE
<complexType name="CompoundCRSType">
<documentation>A coordinate reference system describing the position of points through two or more independent coordinate reference systems. |
final public static AttributeType | CONCATENATEDOPERATIONREFTYPE_TYPE
<complexType name="ConcatenatedOperationRefType">
<documentation>Association to a concatenated operation, either referencing or containing the definition of that concatenated operation. |
final public static AttributeType | CONCATENATEDOPERATIONTYPE_TYPE
<complexType name="ConcatenatedOperationType">
<documentation>An ordered sequence of two or more single coordinate operations. |
final public static AttributeType | CONETYPE_TYPE
<complexType name="ConeType">
<documentation>A cone is a gridded surface given as a
family of conic sections whose control points vary linearly.
NOTE! A 5-point ellipse with all defining positions identical
is a point. |
final public static AttributeType | CONTAINERPROPERTYTYPE_TYPE |
final public static AttributeType | CONVENTIONALUNITTYPE_TYPE
<complexType name="ConventionalUnitType">
<documentation>Definition of a unit of measure which is related to a preferred unit for this quantity type through a conversion formula. |
final public static AttributeType | CONVERSIONREFTYPE_TYPE
<complexType name="ConversionRefType">
<documentation>Association to a concrete general-purpose conversion, either referencing or containing the definition of that conversion. |
final public static AttributeType | CONVERSIONTOPREFERREDUNITTYPE_TYPE
<complexType name="ConversionToPreferredUnitType">
<documentation>Relation of a unit to the preferred unit for this quantity type, specified by an arithmetic conversion (scaling and/or offset). |
final public static AttributeType | CONVERSIONTYPE_TYPE
<complexType name="ConversionType">
<documentation>A concrete operation on coordinates that does not include any change of Datum. |
final public static AttributeType | COORDINATEOPERATIONREFTYPE_TYPE
<complexType name="CoordinateOperationRefType">
<documentation>Association to a coordinate operation, either referencing or containing the definition of that coordinate operation. |
<complexType name="CoordinateReferenceSystemRefType">
<documentation>Association to a coordinate reference system, either referencing or containing the definition of that reference system. |
final public static AttributeType | COORDINATESTYPE_TYPE
<complexType name="CoordinatesType">
<documentation>Tables or arrays of tuples.
May be used for text-encoding of values from a table.
Actually just a string, but allows the user to indicate which characters are used as separators.
The value of the 'cs' attribute is the separator for coordinate values,
and the value of the 'ts' attribute gives the tuple separator (a single space by default);
the default values may be changed to reflect local usage.
Defaults to CSV within a tuple, space between tuples.
However, any string content will be schema-valid. |
final public static AttributeType | COORDINATESYSTEMAXISBASETYPE_TYPE
<complexType abstract="true" name="CoordinateSystemAxisBaseType">
<documentation>Basic encoding for coordinate system axis objects, simplifying and restricting the DefinitionType as needed. |
final public static AttributeType | COORDINATESYSTEMAXISREFTYPE_TYPE
<complexType name="CoordinateSystemAxisRefType">
<documentation>Association to a coordinate system axis, either referencing or containing the definition of that axis. |
final public static AttributeType | COORDINATESYSTEMAXISTYPE_TYPE
<complexType name="CoordinateSystemAxisType">
<documentation>Definition of a coordinate system axis. |
final public static AttributeType | COORDINATESYSTEMREFTYPE_TYPE
<complexType name="CoordinateSystemRefType">
<documentation>Association to a coordinate system, either referencing or containing the definition of that coordinate system. |
final public static AttributeType | COORDTYPE_TYPE
<complexType name="CoordType">
<documentation>Represents a coordinate tuple in one, two, or three dimensions. |
final public static AttributeType | COUNTEXTENTTYPE_TYPE
<simpleType name="CountExtentType">
<documentation>Restriction of list type to store a 2-point range of frequency values. |
final public static AttributeType | COUNTPROPERTYTYPE_TYPE |
final public static AttributeType | COVARIANCEELEMENTTYPE_TYPE |
final public static AttributeType | COVARIANCEMATRIXTYPE_TYPE
<complexType name="CovarianceMatrixType">
<documentation>Error estimate covariance matrix. |
final public static AttributeType | COVERAGEFUNCTIONTYPE_TYPE
<complexType name="CoverageFunctionType">
<documentation>The function or rule which defines the map from members of the domainSet to the range. |
final public static AttributeType | CRSREFTYPE_TYPE |
final public static AttributeType | CUBICSPLINETYPE_TYPE
<complexType name="CubicSplineType">
<documentation>Cubic splines are similar to line strings in that they are a sequence of segments each with its own defining function. |
final public static AttributeType | CURVEARRAYPROPERTYTYPE_TYPE
<complexType name="CurveArrayPropertyType">
<documentation>A container for an array of curves. |
final public static AttributeType | CURVEINTERPOLATIONTYPE_TYPE |
final public static AttributeType | CURVEPROPERTYTYPE_TYPE
<complexType name="CurvePropertyType">
<documentation>A property that has a curve as its value domain can either be an appropriate geometry element encapsulated in an
element of this type or an XLink reference to a remote geometry element (where remote includes geometry elements located elsewhere
in the same document). |
final public static AttributeType | CURVESEGMENTARRAYPROPERTYTYPE_TYPE |
final public static AttributeType | CURVETYPE_TYPE
<complexType name="CurveType">
<documentation>Curve is a 1-dimensional primitive. |
final public static AttributeType | CYLINDERTYPE_TYPE
<complexType name="CylinderType">
<documentation>A cylinder is a gridded surface given as a
family of circles whose positions vary along a set of parallel
lines, keeping the cross sectional horizontal curves of a
constant shape. |
final public static AttributeType | CYLINDRICALCSREFTYPE_TYPE
<complexType name="CylindricalCSRefType">
<documentation>Association to a cylindrical coordinate system, either referencing or containing the definition of that coordinate system. |
final public static AttributeType | CYLINDRICALCSTYPE_TYPE
<complexType name="CylindricalCSType">
<documentation>A three-dimensional coordinate system consisting of a polar coordinate system extended by a straight coordinate axis perpendicular to the plane spanned by the polar coordinate system. |
final public static AttributeType | DATABLOCKTYPE_TYPE |
final public static AttributeType | DATUMREFTYPE_TYPE
<complexType name="DatumRefType">
<documentation>Association to a datum, either referencing or containing the definition of that datum. |
final public static AttributeType | DECIMALMINUTESTYPE_TYPE |
final public static AttributeType | DEFAULTSTYLEPROPERTYTYPE_TYPE
<complexType name="DefaultStylePropertyType">
<documentation>[complexType of] Top-level property. |
final public static AttributeType | DEFINITIONPROXYTYPE_TYPE
<complexType name="DefinitionProxyType">
<documentation>A proxy entry in a dictionary of definitions. |
final public static AttributeType | DEFINITIONTYPE_TYPE
<complexType name="DefinitionType">
<documentation>A definition, which can be included in or referenced by a dictionary. |
final public static AttributeType | DEGREESTYPE_TYPE
<complexType name="DegreesType">
<documentation>Integer number of degrees, plus the angle direction. |
final public static AttributeType | DEGREEVALUETYPE_TYPE |
final public static AttributeType | DERIVATIONUNITTERMTYPE_TYPE
<complexType name="DerivationUnitTermType">
<documentation>Definition of one unit term for a derived unit of measure. |
final public static AttributeType | DERIVEDCRSREFTYPE_TYPE
<complexType name="DerivedCRSRefType">
<documentation>Association to a non-projected derived coordinate reference system, either referencing or containing the definition of that reference system. |
final public static AttributeType | DERIVEDCRSTYPETYPE_TYPE
<complexType name="DerivedCRSTypeType">
<documentation>Type of a derived coordinate reference system. |
final public static AttributeType | DERIVEDCRSTYPE_TYPE
<complexType name="DerivedCRSType">
<documentation>A coordinate reference system that is defined by its coordinate conversion from another coordinate reference system but is not a projected coordinate reference system. |
final public static AttributeType | DERIVEDUNITTYPE_TYPE
<complexType name="DerivedUnitType">
<documentation>Definition of a unit of measure which is defined through algebraic combination of more primitive units, which are usually base units from a particular system of units. |
final public static AttributeType | DICTIONARYENTRYTYPE_TYPE
<complexType name="DictionaryEntryType">
<documentation>An entry in a dictionary of definitions. |
final public static AttributeType | DICTIONARYTYPE_TYPE
<complexType name="DictionaryType">
<documentation>A non-abstract bag that is specialized for use as a dictionary which contains a set of definitions. |
final public static AttributeType | DIRECTEDEDGEPROPERTYTYPE_TYPE |
final public static AttributeType | DIRECTEDFACEPROPERTYTYPE_TYPE |
final public static AttributeType | DIRECTEDNODEPROPERTYTYPE_TYPE |
final public static AttributeType | DIRECTEDOBSERVATIONTYPE_TYPE |
final public static AttributeType | DIRECTEDTOPOSOLIDPROPERTYTYPE_TYPE |
final public static AttributeType | DIRECTIONPROPERTYTYPE_TYPE |
final public static AttributeType | DIRECTIONVECTORTYPE_TYPE |
final public static AttributeType | DIRECTPOSITIONLISTTYPE_TYPE
<complexType name="DirectPositionListType">
<documentation>DirectPositionList instances hold the coordinates for a sequence of direct positions within the same coordinate
reference system (CRS).</documentation>
<extension base="gml:doubleList">
<attributeGroup ref="gml:SRSReferenceGroup"/>
<attribute name="count" type="positiveInteger" use="optional">
<documentation>"count" allows to specify the number of direct positions in the list. |
final public static AttributeType | DIRECTPOSITIONTYPE_TYPE
<complexType name="DirectPositionType">
<documentation>DirectPosition instances hold the coordinates for a position within some coordinate reference system (CRS). |
final public static AttributeType | DMSANGLETYPE_TYPE |
final public static AttributeType | DOMAINSETTYPE_TYPE
<complexType name="DomainSetType">
<documentation>The spatiotemporal domain of a coverage.
a geometry collection,
an implicit geometry (e.g. |
final public static AttributeType | DOUBLELIST_TYPE
<simpleType name="doubleList">
<documentation>XML List based on XML Schema double type. |
final public static AttributeType | DOUBLEORNULLLIST_TYPE
<simpleType name="doubleOrNullList">
<documentation>XML List based on the union type defined above. |
final public static AttributeType | DOUBLEORNULL_TYPE
<simpleType name="doubleOrNull">
<documentation>Union of the XML Schema double type and the GML Nulltype. |
final public static AttributeType | DRAWINGTYPETYPE_TYPE |
final public static AttributeType | DYNAMICFEATURECOLLECTIONTYPE_TYPE |
final public static AttributeType | DYNAMICFEATURETYPE_TYPE |
final public static AttributeType | EDGETYPE_TYPE
<complexType name="EdgeType">
<documentation>There is precisely one positively directed and one negatively directed node in the boundary of every edge. |
final public static AttributeType | ELLIPSOIDALCSREFTYPE_TYPE
<complexType name="EllipsoidalCSRefType">
<documentation>Association to an ellipsoidal coordinate system, either referencing or containing the definition of that coordinate system. |
final public static AttributeType | ELLIPSOIDALCSTYPE_TYPE
<complexType name="EllipsoidalCSType">
<documentation>A two- or three-dimensional coordinate system in which position is specified by geodetic latitude, geodetic longitude, and (in the three-dimensional case) ellipsoidal height. |
final public static AttributeType | ELLIPSOIDBASETYPE_TYPE
<complexType abstract="true" name="EllipsoidBaseType">
<documentation>Basic encoding for ellipsoid objects, simplifying and restricting the DefinitionType as needed. |
final public static AttributeType | ELLIPSOIDREFTYPE_TYPE
<complexType name="EllipsoidRefType">
<documentation>Association to an ellipsoid, either referencing or containing the definition of that ellipsoid. |
final public static AttributeType | ELLIPSOIDTYPE_TYPE
<complexType name="EllipsoidType">
<documentation>An ellipsoid is a geometric figure that can be used to describe the approximate shape of the earth. |
final public static AttributeType | ENGINEERINGCRSREFTYPE_TYPE
<complexType name="EngineeringCRSRefType">
<documentation>Association to an engineering coordinate reference system, either referencing or containing the definition of that reference system. |
final public static AttributeType | ENGINEERINGCRSTYPE_TYPE
<complexType name="EngineeringCRSType">
<documentation>A contextually local coordinate reference system; which can be divided into two broad categories:
- earth-fixed systems applied to engineering activities on or near the surface of the earth;
- CRSs on moving platforms such as road vehicles, vessels, aircraft, or spacecraft.
For further information, see OGC Abstract Specification Topic 2. |
final public static AttributeType | ENGINEERINGDATUMREFTYPE_TYPE
<complexType name="EngineeringDatumRefType">
<documentation>Association to an engineering datum, either referencing or containing the definition of that datum. |
final public static AttributeType | ENGINEERINGDATUMTYPE_TYPE
<complexType name="EngineeringDatumType">
<documentation>An engineering datum defines the origin of an engineering coordinate reference system, and is used in a region around that origin. |
final public static AttributeType | ENVELOPETYPE_TYPE
<complexType name="EnvelopeType">
<documentation>Envelope defines an extent using a pair of positions defining opposite corners in arbitrary dimensions. |
final public static AttributeType | ENVELOPEWITHTIMEPERIODTYPE_TYPE |
final public static AttributeType | EXTENTTYPE_TYPE
<complexType name="ExtentType">
<documentation>Information about the spatial, vertical, and/or temporal extent of a reference system object. |
final public static AttributeType | FACETYPE_TYPE
<complexType name="FaceType">
<documentation>. |
final public static AttributeType | FEATUREARRAYPROPERTYTYPE_TYPE |
final public static AttributeType | FEATURECOLLECTIONTYPE_TYPE |
final public static AttributeType | FEATUREPROPERTYTYPE_TYPE |
final public static AttributeType | FEATURESTYLEPROPERTYTYPE_TYPE |
final public static AttributeType | FEATURESTYLETYPE_TYPE |
final public static AttributeType | FILETYPE_TYPE |
final public static AttributeType | FILEVALUEMODELTYPE_TYPE |
final public static AttributeType | FORMULATYPE_TYPE
<complexType name="FormulaType">
<documentation>Paremeters of a simple formula by which a value using this unit of measure can be converted to the corresponding value using the preferred unit of measure. |
final public static AttributeType | GENERALCONVERSIONREFTYPE_TYPE
<complexType name="GeneralConversionRefType">
<documentation>Association to a general conversion, either referencing or containing the definition of that conversion. |
final public static AttributeType | GENERALTRANSFORMATIONREFTYPE_TYPE
<complexType name="GeneralTransformationRefType">
<documentation>Association to a general transformation, either referencing or containing the definition of that transformation. |
final public static AttributeType | GENERICMETADATATYPE_TYPE |
final public static AttributeType | GEOCENTRICCRSREFTYPE_TYPE
<complexType name="GeocentricCRSRefType">
<documentation>Association to a geocentric coordinate reference system, either referencing or containing the definition of that reference system. |
final public static AttributeType | GEOCENTRICCRSTYPE_TYPE
<complexType name="GeocentricCRSType">
<documentation>A 3D coordinate reference system with the origin at the approximate centre of mass of the earth. |
final public static AttributeType | GEODESICSTRINGTYPE_TYPE
<complexType name="GeodesicStringType">
<documentation>A GeodesicString consists of sequence of
geodesic segments. |
final public static AttributeType | GEODESICTYPE_TYPE
<complexType name="GeodesicType">
<documentation>A Geodesic consists of two distinct
positions joined by a geodesic curve. |
final public static AttributeType | GEODETICDATUMREFTYPE_TYPE
<complexType name="GeodeticDatumRefType">
<documentation>Association to a geodetic datum, either referencing or containing the definition of that datum. |
final public static AttributeType | GEODETICDATUMTYPE_TYPE
<complexType name="GeodeticDatumType">
<documentation>A geodetic datum defines the precise location and orientation in 3-dimensional space of a defined ellipsoid (or sphere) that approximates the shape of the earth, or of a Cartesian coordinate system centered in this ellipsoid (or sphere). |
final public static AttributeType | GEOGRAPHICCRSREFTYPE_TYPE
<complexType name="GeographicCRSRefType">
<documentation>Association to a geographic coordinate reference system, either referencing or containing the definition of that reference system. |
final public static AttributeType | GEOGRAPHICCRSTYPE_TYPE |
final public static AttributeType | GEOMETRICCOMPLEXPROPERTYTYPE_TYPE
<complexType name="GeometricComplexPropertyType">
<documentation>A property that has a geometric complex as its value domain can either be an appropriate geometry element encapsulated in an element of this type or an XLink reference to a remote geometry element (where remote includes geometry elements located elsewhere in the same document). |
final public static AttributeType | GEOMETRICCOMPLEXTYPE_TYPE |
<complexType name="GeometricPrimitivePropertyType">
<documentation>A property that has a geometric primitive as its value domain can either be an appropriate geometry element
encapsulated in an element of this type or an XLink reference to a remote geometry element (where remote includes geometry
elements located elsewhere in the same document). |
final public static AttributeType | GEOMETRYARRAYPROPERTYTYPE_TYPE
<complexType name="GeometryArrayPropertyType">
<documentation>A container for an array of geometry elements. |
final public static AttributeType | GEOMETRYPROPERTYTYPE_TYPE
<complexType name="GeometryPropertyType">
<documentation>A geometric property can either be any geometry element encapsulated in an element of this type or an XLink reference
to a remote geometry element (where remote includes geometry elements located elsewhere in the same document). |
final public static AttributeType | GEOMETRYSTYLEPROPERTYTYPE_TYPE |
final public static AttributeType | GEOMETRYSTYLETYPE_TYPE
<complexType name="GeometryStyleType">
<documentation>[complexType of] The style descriptor for geometries of a feature.</documentation>
<extension base="gml:BaseStyleDescriptorType">
<element ref="gml:symbol"/>
<element name="style" type="string">
<documentation>Deprecated in GML version 3.1.0. |
final public static AttributeType | GRAPHSTYLEPROPERTYTYPE_TYPE |
final public static AttributeType | GRAPHSTYLETYPE_TYPE
<complexType name="GraphStyleType">
<documentation>[complexType of] The style descriptor for a graph consisting of a number of features. |
final public static AttributeType | GRAPHTYPETYPE_TYPE |
final public static AttributeType | GRIDCOVERAGETYPE_TYPE |
final public static AttributeType | GRIDDOMAINTYPE_TYPE |
final public static AttributeType | GRIDENVELOPETYPE_TYPE
<complexType name="GridEnvelopeType">
<documentation>Provides grid coordinate values for the diametrically opposed corners of an envelope that bounds a section of grid. |
final public static AttributeType | GRIDFUNCTIONTYPE_TYPE
<complexType name="GridFunctionType">
<documentation>Defines how values in the domain are mapped to the range set. |
final public static AttributeType | GRIDLENGTHTYPE_TYPE
<complexType name="GridLengthType">
<documentation>Value of a length (or distance) quantity in a grid, where the grid spacing does not have any associated physical units, or does not have a constant physical spacing. |
final public static AttributeType | GRIDLIMITSTYPE_TYPE |
final public static AttributeType | GRIDTYPE_TYPE |
final public static AttributeType | HISTORYPROPERTYTYPE_TYPE |
final public static AttributeType | IDENTIFIERTYPE_TYPE
<complexType name="IdentifierType">
<documentation>An identification of a CRS object. |
final public static AttributeType | IMAGECRSREFTYPE_TYPE
<complexType name="ImageCRSRefType">
<documentation>Association to an image coordinate reference system, either referencing or containing the definition of that reference system. |
final public static AttributeType | IMAGECRSTYPE_TYPE
<complexType name="ImageCRSType">
<documentation>An engineering coordinate reference system applied to locations in images. |
final public static AttributeType | IMAGEDATUMREFTYPE_TYPE
<complexType name="ImageDatumRefType">
<documentation>Association to an image datum, either referencing or containing the definition of that datum. |
final public static AttributeType | IMAGEDATUMTYPE_TYPE
<complexType name="ImageDatumType">
<documentation>An image datum defines the origin of an image coordinate reference system, and is used in a local context only. |
final public static AttributeType | INCREMENTORDER_TYPE
<simpleType name="IncrementOrder">
<documentation>The enumeration value here indicates the incrementation order to be used on the first 2 axes, i.e. |
final public static AttributeType | INDEXMAPTYPE_TYPE
<complexType name="IndexMapType">
<documentation>Exends GridFunctionType with a lookUpTable. |
final public static AttributeType | INDIRECTENTRYTYPE_TYPE
<complexType name="IndirectEntryType">
<documentation>An entry in a dictionary of definitions that contains a GML object which references a remote definition object. |
final public static AttributeType | INTEGERLIST_TYPE
<simpleType name="integerList">
<documentation>XML List based on XML Schema integer type. |
final public static AttributeType | INTEGERORNULLLIST_TYPE
<simpleType name="integerOrNullList">
<documentation>XML List based on the union type defined above. |
final public static AttributeType | INTEGERORNULL_TYPE
<simpleType name="integerOrNull">
<documentation>Union of the XML Schema integer type and the GML Nulltype. |
final public static AttributeType | ISOLATEDPROPERTYTYPE_TYPE |
final public static AttributeType | KNOTPROPERTYTYPE_TYPE |
final public static AttributeType | KNOTTYPESTYPE_TYPE
<simpleType name="KnotTypesType">
<documentation>Defines allowed values for the knots` type. |
final public static AttributeType | KNOTTYPE_TYPE
<complexType name="KnotType">
<documentation>A knot is a breakpoint on a piecewise spline curve.</documentation>
<element name="value" type="double">
<documentation>The property "value" is the value of the parameter at the knot of the spline. |
final public static AttributeType | LABELSTYLEPROPERTYTYPE_TYPE |
final public static AttributeType | LABELSTYLETYPE_TYPE |
final public static AttributeType | LABELTYPE_TYPE |
final public static AttributeType | LENGTHTYPE_TYPE
<complexType name="LengthType">
<documentation>Value of a length (or distance) quantity, with its units. |
final public static AttributeType | LINEARCSREFTYPE_TYPE
<complexType name="LinearCSRefType">
<documentation>Association to a linear coordinate system, either referencing or containing the definition of that coordinate system. |
final public static AttributeType | LINEARCSTYPE_TYPE
<complexType name="LinearCSType">
<documentation>A one-dimensional coordinate system that consists of the points that lie on the single axis described. |
final public static AttributeType | LINEARRINGPROPERTYTYPE_TYPE |
final public static AttributeType | LINEARRINGTYPE_TYPE
<complexType name="LinearRingType">
<documentation>A LinearRing is defined by four or more coordinate tuples, with linear interpolation between them; the first and last coordinates must be coincident.</documentation>
<extension base="gml:AbstractRingType">
<documentation>GML supports two different ways to specify the control points of a linear ring.
1. |
final public static AttributeType | LINESTRINGPROPERTYTYPE_TYPE
<complexType name="LineStringPropertyType">
<documentation>This type is deprecated with GML 3 and shall not be used. |
final public static AttributeType | LINESTRINGSEGMENTTYPE_TYPE
<complexType name="LineStringSegmentType">
<documentation>A LineStringSegment is a curve segment that is defined by two or more coordinate tuples, with linear interpolation between them.
Note: LineStringSegment implements GM_LineString of ISO 19107.</documentation>
<extension base="gml:AbstractCurveSegmentType">
<documentation>GML supports two different ways to specify the control points of a curve segment.
1. |
final public static AttributeType | LINESTRINGTYPE_TYPE
<complexType name="LineStringType">
<documentation>A LineString is a special curve that consists of a single segment with linear interpolation. |
final public static AttributeType | LINETYPETYPE_TYPE |
final public static AttributeType | LOCATIONPROPERTYTYPE_TYPE
<complexType name="LocationPropertyType">
<documentation>Convenience property for generalised location. |
final public static AttributeType | MEASURELISTTYPE_TYPE
<complexType name="MeasureListType">
<documentation>List of numbers with a uniform scale.
The value of uom (Units Of Measure) attribute is a reference to
a Reference System for the amount, either a ratio or position scale. |
final public static AttributeType | MEASUREORNULLLISTTYPE_TYPE
<complexType name="MeasureOrNullListType">
<documentation>List of numbers with a uniform scale.
A member of the list may be a typed null.
The value of uom (Units Of Measure) attribute is a reference to
a Reference System for the amount, either a ratio or position scale. |
final public static AttributeType | MEASURETYPE_TYPE
<complexType name="MeasureType">
<documentation>Number with a scale.
The value of uom (Units Of Measure) attribute is a reference to a Reference System for the amount, either a ratio or position scale. |
final public static AttributeType | METADATAPROPERTYTYPE_TYPE |
final public static AttributeType | MOVINGOBJECTSTATUSTYPE_TYPE
<complexType name="MovingObjectStatusType">
<documentation xml:lang="en">This type encapsulates various dynamic properties of moving objects
(points, lines, regions). |
final public static AttributeType | MULTICURVECOVERAGETYPE_TYPE |
final public static AttributeType | MULTICURVEDOMAINTYPE_TYPE |
final public static AttributeType | MULTICURVEPROPERTYTYPE_TYPE
<complexType name="MultiCurvePropertyType">
<documentation>A property that has a collection of curves as its value domain can either be an appropriate geometry element encapsulated in an element of this type or an XLink reference to a remote geometry element (where remote includes geometry elements located elsewhere in the same document). |
final public static AttributeType | MULTICURVETYPE_TYPE
<complexType name="MultiCurveType">
<documentation>A MultiCurve is defined by one or more Curves, referenced through curveMember elements.</documentation>
<extension base="gml:AbstractGeometricAggregateType">
<documentation>The members of the geometric aggregate can be specified either using the "standard" property or the array property style. |
final public static AttributeType | MULTIGEOMETRYPROPERTYTYPE_TYPE
<complexType name="MultiGeometryPropertyType">
<documentation>A property that has a geometric aggregate as its value domain can either be an appropriate geometry element encapsulated in an element of this type or an XLink reference to a remote geometry element (where remote includes geometry elements located elsewhere in the same document). |
final public static AttributeType | MULTIGEOMETRYTYPE_TYPE
<complexType name="MultiGeometryType">
<documentation>A geometry collection must include one or more geometries, referenced through geometryMember elements.</documentation>
<extension base="gml:AbstractGeometricAggregateType">
<documentation>The members of the geometric aggregate can be specified either using the "standard" property or the array property style. |
final public static AttributeType | MULTILINESTRINGPROPERTYTYPE_TYPE
<complexType name="MultiLineStringPropertyType">
<documentation>This type is deprecated with GML 3 and shall not be used. |
final public static AttributeType | MULTILINESTRINGTYPE_TYPE
<complexType name="MultiLineStringType">
<documentation>A MultiLineString is defined by one or more LineStrings, referenced through lineStringMember elements. |
final public static AttributeType | MULTIPOINTCOVERAGETYPE_TYPE |
final public static AttributeType | MULTIPOINTDOMAINTYPE_TYPE |
final public static AttributeType | MULTIPOINTPROPERTYTYPE_TYPE
<complexType name="MultiPointPropertyType">
<documentation>A property that has a collection of points as its value domain can either be an appropriate geometry element encapsulated in an element of this type or an XLink reference to a remote geometry element (where remote includes geometry elements located elsewhere in the same document). |
final public static AttributeType | MULTIPOINTTYPE_TYPE
<complexType name="MultiPointType">
<documentation>A MultiPoint is defined by one or more Points, referenced through pointMember elements.</documentation>
<extension base="gml:AbstractGeometricAggregateType">
<documentation>The members of the geometric aggregate can be specified either using the "standard" property or the array property style. |
final public static AttributeType | MULTIPOLYGONPROPERTYTYPE_TYPE
<complexType name="MultiPolygonPropertyType">
<documentation>This type is deprecated with GML 3 and shall not be used. |
final public static AttributeType | MULTIPOLYGONTYPE_TYPE
<complexType name="MultiPolygonType">
<documentation>A MultiPolygon is defined by one or more Polygons, referenced through polygonMember elements. |
final public static AttributeType | MULTISOLIDCOVERAGETYPE_TYPE |
final public static AttributeType | MULTISOLIDDOMAINTYPE_TYPE |
final public static AttributeType | MULTISOLIDPROPERTYTYPE_TYPE
<complexType name="MultiSolidPropertyType">
<documentation>A property that has a collection of solids as its value domain can either be an appropriate geometry element encapsulated in an element of this type or an XLink reference to a remote geometry element (where remote includes geometry elements located elsewhere in the same document). |
final public static AttributeType | MULTISOLIDTYPE_TYPE
<complexType name="MultiSolidType">
<documentation>A MultiSolid is defined by one or more Solids, referenced through solidMember elements.</documentation>
<extension base="gml:AbstractGeometricAggregateType">
<documentation>The members of the geometric aggregate can be specified either using the "standard" property or the array property style. |
final public static AttributeType | MULTISURFACECOVERAGETYPE_TYPE |
final public static AttributeType | MULTISURFACEDOMAINTYPE_TYPE |
final public static AttributeType | MULTISURFACEPROPERTYTYPE_TYPE
<complexType name="MultiSurfacePropertyType">
<documentation>A property that has a collection of surfaces as its value domain can either be an appropriate geometry element encapsulated in an element of this type or an XLink reference to a remote geometry element (where remote includes geometry elements located elsewhere in the same document). |
final public static AttributeType | MULTISURFACETYPE_TYPE
<complexType name="MultiSurfaceType">
<documentation>A MultiSurface is defined by one or more Surfaces, referenced through surfaceMember elements.</documentation>
<extension base="gml:AbstractGeometricAggregateType">
<documentation>The members of the geometric aggregate can be specified either using the "standard" property or the array property style. |
final public static AttributeType | NAMELIST_TYPE
<simpleType name="NameList">
<documentation>XML List based on XML Schema Name type. |
final public static AttributeType | NAMEORNULLLIST_TYPE
<simpleType name="NameOrNullList">
<documentation>XML List based on the union type defined above. |
final public static AttributeType | NAMEORNULL_TYPE
<simpleType name="NameOrNull">
<documentation>Union of the XML Schema Name type and the GML Nulltype. |
final public static AttributeType | NCNAMELIST_TYPE
<simpleType name="NCNameList">
<documentation>A set of values, representing a list of token with the lexical value space of NCName. |
final public static AttributeType | NODETYPE_TYPE
<complexType name="NodeType">
<documentation>Its optional co-boundary is a set of connected directedEdges. |
final public static AttributeType | NULLENUMERATION_TYPE
<simpleType name="NullEnumeration">
<documentation> Some common reasons for a null value:
innapplicable - the object does not have a value
missing - The correct value is not readily available to the sender of this data. |
final public static AttributeType | NULLTYPE_TYPE
<simpleType name="NullType">
<documentation>Utility type for null elements. |
final public static AttributeType | OBLIQUECARTESIANCSREFTYPE_TYPE
<complexType name="ObliqueCartesianCSRefType">
<documentation>Association to an oblique-Cartesian coordinate system, either referencing or containing the definition of that coordinate system. |
final public static AttributeType | OBLIQUECARTESIANCSTYPE_TYPE
<complexType name="ObliqueCartesianCSType">
<documentation>A two- or three-dimensional coordinate system with straight axes that are not necessarily orthogonal. |
final public static AttributeType | OBSERVATIONTYPE_TYPE |
final public static AttributeType | OFFSETCURVETYPE_TYPE
<complexType name="OffsetCurveType">
<documentation>An offset curve is a curve at a constant
distance from the basis curve. |
final public static AttributeType | OPERATIONMETHODBASETYPE_TYPE
<complexType abstract="true" name="OperationMethodBaseType">
<documentation>Basic encoding for operation method objects, simplifying and restricting the DefinitionType as needed. |
final public static AttributeType | OPERATIONMETHODREFTYPE_TYPE
<complexType name="OperationMethodRefType">
<documentation>Association to a concrete general-purpose operation method, either referencing or containing the definition of that method. |
final public static AttributeType | OPERATIONMETHODTYPE_TYPE
<complexType name="OperationMethodType">
<documentation>Definition of an algorithm used to perform a coordinate operation. |
final public static AttributeType | OPERATIONPARAMETERBASETYPE_TYPE
<complexType abstract="true" name="OperationParameterBaseType">
<documentation>Basic encoding for operation parameter objects, simplifying and restricting the DefinitionType as needed. |
<complexType abstract="true" name="OperationParameterGroupBaseType">
<documentation>Basic encoding for operation parameter group objects, simplifying and restricting the DefinitionType as needed. |
<complexType name="OperationParameterGroupRefType">
<documentation>Association to an operation parameter, either referencing or containing the definition of that parameter. |
final public static AttributeType | OPERATIONPARAMETERGROUPTYPE_TYPE
<complexType name="OperationParameterGroupType">
<documentation>The definition of a group of parameters used by an operation method. |
final public static AttributeType | OPERATIONPARAMETERREFTYPE_TYPE
<complexType name="OperationParameterRefType">
<documentation>Association to an operation parameter, either referencing or containing the definition of that parameter. |
final public static AttributeType | OPERATIONPARAMETERTYPE_TYPE
<complexType name="OperationParameterType">
<documentation>The definition of a parameter used by an operation method. |
final public static AttributeType | OPERATIONREFTYPE_TYPE
<complexType name="OperationRefType">
<documentation>Association to an abstract operation, either referencing or containing the definition of that operation. |
final public static AttributeType | ORIENTABLECURVETYPE_TYPE
<complexType name="OrientableCurveType">
<documentation>OrientableCurve consists of a curve and an orientation. |
final public static AttributeType | ORIENTABLESURFACETYPE_TYPE
<complexType name="OrientableSurfaceType">
<documentation>OrientableSurface consists of a surface and an orientation. |
final public static AttributeType | PARAMETERVALUEGROUPTYPE_TYPE
<complexType name="ParameterValueGroupType">
<documentation>A group of related parameter values. |
final public static AttributeType | PARAMETERVALUETYPE_TYPE
<complexType name="ParameterValueType">
<documentation>A parameter value, ordered sequence of values, or reference to a file of parameter values. |
final public static AttributeType | PASSTHROUGHOPERATIONREFTYPE_TYPE
<complexType name="PassThroughOperationRefType">
<documentation>Association to a pass through operation, either referencing or containing the definition of that pass through operation. |
final public static AttributeType | PASSTHROUGHOPERATIONTYPE_TYPE
<complexType name="PassThroughOperationType">
<documentation>A pass-through operation specifies that a subset of a coordinate tuple is subject to a specific coordinate operation. |
final public static AttributeType | PIXELINCELLTYPE_TYPE
<complexType name="PixelInCellType">
<documentation>Specification of the way an image grid is associated with the image data attributes. |
final public static AttributeType | POINTARRAYPROPERTYTYPE_TYPE
<complexType name="PointArrayPropertyType">
<documentation>A container for an array of points. |
final public static AttributeType | POINTPROPERTYTYPE_TYPE
<complexType name="PointPropertyType">
<documentation>A property that has a point as its value domain can either be an appropriate geometry element encapsulated in an
element of this type or an XLink reference to a remote geometry element (where remote includes geometry elements located
elsewhere in the same document). |
final public static AttributeType | POINTTYPE_TYPE
<complexType name="PointType">
<documentation>A Point is defined by a single coordinate tuple.</documentation>
<extension base="gml:AbstractGeometricPrimitiveType">
<documentation>GML supports two different ways to specify the direct poisiton of a point. |
final public static AttributeType | POLARCSREFTYPE_TYPE
<complexType name="PolarCSRefType">
<documentation>Association to a polar coordinate system, either referencing or containing the definition of that coordinate system. |
final public static AttributeType | POLARCSTYPE_TYPE
<complexType name="PolarCSType">
<documentation>A two-dimensional coordinate system in which position is specified by the distance from the origin and the angle between the line from the origin to a point and a reference direction. |
final public static AttributeType | POLYGONPATCHARRAYPROPERTYTYPE_TYPE |
final public static AttributeType | POLYGONPATCHTYPE_TYPE
<complexType name="PolygonPatchType">
<documentation>A PolygonPatch is a surface patch that is defined by a set of boundary curves and an underlying surface to which these curves adhere. |
final public static AttributeType | POLYGONPROPERTYTYPE_TYPE
<complexType name="PolygonPropertyType">
<documentation>This type is deprecated with GML 3 and shall not be used. |
final public static AttributeType | POLYGONTYPE_TYPE
<complexType name="PolygonType">
<documentation>A Polygon is a special surface that is defined by a single surface patch. |
final public static AttributeType | POLYHEDRALSURFACETYPE_TYPE
<complexType name="PolyhedralSurfaceType">
<documentation>A polyhedral surface is a surface composed
of polygon surfaces connected along their common boundary
curves. |
final public static AttributeType | PRIMEMERIDIANBASETYPE_TYPE
<complexType abstract="true" name="PrimeMeridianBaseType">
<documentation>Basic encoding for prime meridian objects, simplifying and restricting the DefinitionType as needed. |
final public static AttributeType | PRIMEMERIDIANREFTYPE_TYPE
<complexType name="PrimeMeridianRefType">
<documentation>Association to a prime meridian, either referencing or containing the definition of that meridian. |
final public static AttributeType | PRIMEMERIDIANTYPE_TYPE
<complexType name="PrimeMeridianType">
<documentation>A prime meridian defines the origin from which longitude values are determined.</documentation>
<extension base="gml:PrimeMeridianBaseType">
<element maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" ref="gml:meridianID">
<documentation>Set of alternative identifications of this prime meridian. |
final public static AttributeType | PRIORITYLOCATIONPROPERTYTYPE_TYPE |
final public static AttributeType | PROJECTEDCRSREFTYPE_TYPE
<complexType name="ProjectedCRSRefType">
<documentation>Association to a projected coordinate reference system, either referencing or containing the definition of that reference system. |
final public static AttributeType | PROJECTEDCRSTYPE_TYPE
<complexType name="ProjectedCRSType">
<documentation>A 2D coordinate reference system used to approximate the shape of the earth on a planar surface, but in such a way that the distortion that is inherent to the approximation is carefully controlled and known. |
final public static AttributeType | QNAMELIST_TYPE
<simpleType name="QNameList">
<documentation>A set of values, representing a list of token with the lexical value space of QName. |
final public static AttributeType | QUANTITYEXTENTTYPE_TYPE
<complexType name="QuantityExtentType">
<documentation>Restriction of list type to store a 2-point range of numeric values. |
final public static AttributeType | QUANTITYPROPERTYTYPE_TYPE |
final public static AttributeType | QUERYGRAMMARENUMERATION_TYPE |
final public static AttributeType | RANGEPARAMETERSTYPE_TYPE
<complexType name="RangeParametersType">
<documentation>Metadata about the rangeSet. |
final public static AttributeType | RANGESETTYPE_TYPE
<complexType name="RangeSetType">
<element maxOccurs="unbounded" ref="gml:ValueArray">
<documentation>each member _Value holds a tuple or "row" from the equivalent table</documentation>
<group maxOccurs="unbounded" ref="gml:ScalarValueList">
<documentation>each list holds the complete set of one scalar component from the values - i.e. |
final public static AttributeType | RECTANGLETYPE_TYPE
<complexType name="RectangleType">
<documentation>Represents a rectangle as a surface with an outer boundary consisting of a linear ring. |
final public static AttributeType | RECTIFIEDGRIDCOVERAGETYPE_TYPE |
final public static AttributeType | RECTIFIEDGRIDDOMAINTYPE_TYPE |
final public static AttributeType | RECTIFIEDGRIDTYPE_TYPE |
final public static AttributeType | REFERENCESYSTEMREFTYPE_TYPE |
final public static AttributeType | REFERENCETYPE_TYPE
<complexType name="ReferenceType">
<documentation>A pattern or base for derived types used to specify complex types corresponding to a UML aggregation association. |
final public static AttributeType | RELATEDTIMETYPE_TYPE |
<complexType name="RelativeInternalPositionalAccuracyType">
<documentation>Closeness of the relative positions of two or more positions to their respective relative positions accepted as or being true. |
final public static AttributeType | RINGPROPERTYTYPE_TYPE |
final public static AttributeType | RINGTYPE_TYPE
<complexType name="RingType">
<documentation>A Ring is used to represent a single connected component of a surface boundary. |
final public static AttributeType | SCALARVALUEPROPERTYTYPE_TYPE |
final public static AttributeType | SCALETYPE_TYPE
<complexType name="ScaleType">
<documentation>Value of a scale factor (or ratio) that has no physical unit. |
final public static AttributeType | SECONDDEFININGPARAMETERTYPE_TYPE
<complexType name="SecondDefiningParameterType">
<documentation>Definition of the second parameter that defines the shape of an ellipsoid. |
final public static AttributeType | SEQUENCERULENAMES_TYPE |
final public static AttributeType | SEQUENCERULETYPE_TYPE |
final public static AttributeType | SIGNTYPE_TYPE
<simpleType name="SignType">
<documentation>Utility type used in various places
- e.g. |
final public static AttributeType | SINGLEOPERATIONREFTYPE_TYPE
<complexType name="SingleOperationRefType">
<documentation>Association to a single operation, either referencing or containing the definition of that single operation. |
final public static AttributeType | SOLIDARRAYPROPERTYTYPE_TYPE
<complexType name="SolidArrayPropertyType">
<documentation>A container for an array of solids. |
final public static AttributeType | SOLIDPROPERTYTYPE_TYPE
<complexType name="SolidPropertyType">
<documentation>A property that has a solid as its value domain can either be an appropriate geometry element encapsulated in an element of this type or an XLink reference to a remote geometry element (where remote includes geometry elements located elsewhere in the same document). |
final public static AttributeType | SOLIDTYPE_TYPE
<complexType name="SolidType">
<documentation>A solid is the basis for 3-dimensional geometry. |
final public static AttributeType | SPEEDTYPE_TYPE
<complexType name="SpeedType">
<documentation>Value of a speed, with its units. |
final public static AttributeType | SPHERETYPE_TYPE
<complexType name="SphereType">
<documentation>A sphere is a gridded surface given as a
family of circles whose positions vary linearly along the
axis of the sphere, and whise radius varies in proportions to
the cosine function of the central angle. |
final public static AttributeType | SPHERICALCSREFTYPE_TYPE
<complexType name="SphericalCSRefType">
<documentation>Association to a spherical coordinate system, either referencing or containing the definition of that coordinate system. |
final public static AttributeType | SPHERICALCSTYPE_TYPE
<complexType name="SphericalCSType">
<documentation>A three-dimensional coordinate system with one distance measured from the origin and two angular coordinates. |
final public static AttributeType | STRINGORNULL_TYPE
<simpleType name="stringOrNull">
<documentation>Union of the XML Schema string type and the GML Nulltype. |
final public static AttributeType | STRINGORREFTYPE_TYPE
<complexType name="StringOrRefType">
<documentation>This type is available wherever there is a need for a "text" type property. |
final public static AttributeType | STYLETYPE_TYPE
<complexType name="StyleType">
<documentation>[complexType of] Predefined concrete value of the top-level property. |
final public static AttributeType | STYLEVARIATIONTYPE_TYPE |
final public static AttributeType | SUCCESSIONTYPE_TYPE
<simpleType name="SuccessionType">
<documentation>Feature succession is a semantic relationship derived from evaluation of observer, and
Feature Substitution, Feature Division and Feature Fusion are defined as associations between
previous features and next features in the temporal context. |
final public static AttributeType | SURFACEARRAYPROPERTYTYPE_TYPE
<complexType name="SurfaceArrayPropertyType">
<documentation>A container for an array of surfaces. |
final public static AttributeType | SURFACEINTERPOLATIONTYPE_TYPE |
final public static AttributeType | SURFACEPATCHARRAYPROPERTYTYPE_TYPE |
final public static AttributeType | SURFACEPROPERTYTYPE_TYPE
<complexType name="SurfacePropertyType">
<documentation>A property that has a surface as its value domain can either be an appropriate geometry element encapsulated in an element of this type or an XLink reference to a remote geometry element (where remote includes geometry elements located elsewhere in the same document). |
final public static AttributeType | SURFACETYPE_TYPE
<complexType name="SurfaceType">
<documentation>A Surface is a 2-dimensional primitive and is composed of one or more surface patches. |
final public static AttributeType | SYMBOLTYPEENUMERATION_TYPE |
final public static AttributeType | SYMBOLTYPE_TYPE
<complexType name="SymbolType">
<documentation>[complexType of] The symbol property. |
final public static AttributeType | TARGETPROPERTYTYPE_TYPE |
final public static AttributeType | TEMPORALCRSREFTYPE_TYPE
<complexType name="TemporalCRSRefType">
<documentation>Association to a temporal coordinate reference system, either referencing or containing the definition of that reference system. |
final public static AttributeType | TEMPORALCRSTYPE_TYPE
<complexType name="TemporalCRSType">
<documentation>A 1D coordinate reference system used for the recording of time. |
final public static AttributeType | TEMPORALCSREFTYPE_TYPE
<complexType name="TemporalCSRefType">
<documentation>Association to a temporal coordinate system, either referencing or containing the definition of that coordinate system. |
final public static AttributeType | TEMPORALCSTYPE_TYPE
<complexType name="TemporalCSType">
<documentation>A one-dimensional coordinate system containing a single time axis, used to describe the temporal position of a point in the specified time units from a specified time origin. |
final public static AttributeType | TEMPORALDATUMBASETYPE_TYPE
<complexType abstract="true" name="TemporalDatumBaseType">
<documentation>Partially defines the origin of a temporal coordinate reference system. |
final public static AttributeType | TEMPORALDATUMREFTYPE_TYPE
<complexType name="TemporalDatumRefType">
<documentation>Association to a temporal datum, either referencing or containing the definition of that datum. |
final public static AttributeType | TEMPORALDATUMTYPE_TYPE
<complexType name="TemporalDatumType">
<documentation>Defines the origin of a temporal coordinate reference system. |
final public static AttributeType | TIMECALENDARERAPROPERTYTYPE_TYPE |
final public static AttributeType | TIMECALENDARERATYPE_TYPE
<complexType name="TimeCalendarEraType">
<documentation xml:lang="en">In every calendar, years are numbered relative to the date of a
reference event that defines a calendar era. |
final public static AttributeType | TIMECALENDARPROPERTYTYPE_TYPE |
final public static AttributeType | TIMECALENDARTYPE_TYPE
<complexType name="TimeCalendarType">
<documentation xml:lang="en">A calendar is a discrete temporal reference system
that provides a basis for defining temporal position to a resolution of one day. |
final public static AttributeType | TIMECLOCKPROPERTYTYPE_TYPE |
final public static AttributeType | TIMECLOCKTYPE_TYPE
<complexType final="#all" name="TimeClockType">
<documentation xml:lang="en">A clock provides a basis for defining temporal position within a day.
A clock must be used with a calendar in order to provide a complete description of a temporal position
within a specific day.</documentation>
<extension base="gml:AbstractTimeReferenceSystemType">
<element name="referenceEvent" type="gml:StringOrRefType">
<documentation>Name or description of an event, such as solar noon or sunrise,
which fixes the position of the base scale of the clock.</documentation>
<element name="referenceTime" type="time">
<documentation>time of day associated with the reference event expressed as
a time of day in the given clock. |
final public static AttributeType | TIMECOORDINATESYSTEMTYPE_TYPE |
final public static AttributeType | TIMEEDGEPROPERTYTYPE_TYPE
<complexType name="TimeEdgePropertyType">
<documentation>A time edge property can either be any time edge element encapsulated in an element of this type
or an XLink reference to a remote time edge element (where remote includes elements located elsewhere in the same document). |
final public static AttributeType | TIMEEDGETYPE_TYPE |
final public static AttributeType | TIMEINDETERMINATEVALUETYPE_TYPE |
final public static AttributeType | TIMEINSTANTPROPERTYTYPE_TYPE |
final public static AttributeType | TIMEINSTANTTYPE_TYPE |
final public static AttributeType | TIMEINTERVALLENGTHTYPE_TYPE
<complexType final="#all" name="TimeIntervalLengthType">
<documentation xml:lang="en">This type extends the built-in xsd:decimal simple type to allow floating-point
values for temporal length. |
final public static AttributeType | TIMENODEPROPERTYTYPE_TYPE
<complexType name="TimeNodePropertyType">
<documentation>A time node property can either be any time node element encapsulated in an element of this type
or an XLink reference to a remote time node element (where remote includes elements located elsewhere in the same document). |
final public static AttributeType | TIMENODETYPE_TYPE |
final public static AttributeType | TIMEORDINALERAPROPERTYTYPE_TYPE |
final public static AttributeType | TIMEORDINALERATYPE_TYPE
<complexType name="TimeOrdinalEraType">
<documentation xml:lang="en">Ordinal temporal reference systems are often hierarchically structured
such that an ordinal era at a given level of the hierarchy includes a
sequence of shorter, coterminous ordinal eras. |
<complexType name="TimeOrdinalReferenceSystemType">
<documentation xml:lang="en">In an ordinal reference system the order of events in time can be well
established, but the magnitude of the intervals between them can not be
accurately determined (e.g. |
final public static AttributeType | TIMEPERIODPROPERTYTYPE_TYPE |
final public static AttributeType | TIMEPERIODTYPE_TYPE |
final public static AttributeType | TIMEPOSITIONTYPE_TYPE
<complexType final="#all" name="TimePositionType">
<documentation xml:lang="en">Direct representation of a temporal position.
Indeterminate time values are also allowed, as described in ISO 19108. |
final public static AttributeType | TIMEPOSITIONUNION_TYPE
<simpleType name="TimePositionUnion">
<documentation xml:lang="en">The ISO 19108:2002 hierarchy of subtypes for temporal position are collapsed
by defining a union of XML Schema simple types for indicating temporal position relative
to a specific reference system.
Dates and dateTime may be indicated with varying degrees of precision.
dateTime by itself does not allow right-truncation, except for fractions of seconds.
When used with non-Gregorian calendars based on years, months, days,
the same lexical representation should still be used, with leading zeros added if the
year value would otherwise have fewer than four digits.
An ordinal position may be referenced via URI identifying the definition of an ordinal era.
A time coordinate value is indicated as a decimal (e.g. |
final public static AttributeType | TIMEPRIMITIVEPROPERTYTYPE_TYPE |
<complexType name="TimeTopologyComplexPropertyType">
<documentation>A time topology complex property can either be any time topology complex element
encapsulated in an element of this type or an XLink reference to a remote time topology complex element
(where remote includes elements located elsewhere in the same document). |
final public static AttributeType | TIMETOPOLOGYCOMPLEXTYPE_TYPE |
<complexType name="TimeTopologyPrimitivePropertyType">
<documentation>A time topology primitive property can either hold any time topology complex element
eor carry an XLink reference to a remote time topology complex element
(where remote includes elements located elsewhere in the same document). |
final public static AttributeType | TIMETYPE_TYPE
<complexType name="TimeType">
<documentation>Value of a time or temporal quantity, with its units. |
final public static AttributeType | TIMEUNITTYPE_TYPE |
final public static AttributeType | TINTYPE_TYPE
<complexType name="TinType">
<documentation>A tin is a triangulated surface that uses
the Delauny algorithm or a similar algorithm complemented with
consideration of breaklines, stoplines, and maximum length of
triangle sides. |
final public static AttributeType | TOPOCOMPLEXMEMBERTYPE_TYPE |
final public static AttributeType | TOPOCOMPLEXTYPE_TYPE |
final public static AttributeType | TOPOCURVEPROPERTYTYPE_TYPE |
final public static AttributeType | TOPOCURVETYPE_TYPE
<complexType name="TopoCurveType">
<documentation>The end Node of each directedEdge of a TopoCurveType
is the start Node of the next directedEdge of the TopoCurveType in document order. |
final public static AttributeType | TOPOLOGYSTYLEPROPERTYTYPE_TYPE |
final public static AttributeType | TOPOLOGYSTYLETYPE_TYPE
<complexType name="TopologyStyleType">
<documentation>[complexType of] The style descriptor for topologies of a feature. |
final public static AttributeType | TOPOPOINTPROPERTYTYPE_TYPE |
final public static AttributeType | TOPOPOINTTYPE_TYPE
<complexType name="TopoPointType">
<documentation>The intended use of TopoPoint is to appear within a point feature to express the structural and possibly geometric relationships of this point to other features via shared node definitions. |
final public static AttributeType | TOPOPRIMITIVEMEMBERTYPE_TYPE |
final public static AttributeType | TOPOSOLIDTYPE_TYPE
<complexType name="TopoSolidType">
<documentation>The topological boundary of a TopoSolid consists of a set of directed faces. |
final public static AttributeType | TOPOSURFACEPROPERTYTYPE_TYPE |
final public static AttributeType | TOPOSURFACETYPE_TYPE
<complexType name="TopoSurfaceType">
<documentation>The TopoSurface type and element represent a homogeneous topological expression, a set of directed faces, which if realised are isomorphic to a geometric surface primitive. |
final public static AttributeType | TOPOVOLUMEPROPERTYTYPE_TYPE |
final public static AttributeType | TOPOVOLUMETYPE_TYPE
<complexType name="TopoVolumeType">
<documentation>The TopoVolume type and element represent a homogeneous topological expression, a set of directed TopoSolids, which if realised are isomorphic to a geometric solid primitive. |
final public static AttributeType | TRACKTYPE_TYPE |
final public static AttributeType | TRANSFORMATIONREFTYPE_TYPE
<complexType name="TransformationRefType">
<documentation>Association to a transformation, either referencing or containing the definition of that transformation. |
final public static AttributeType | TRANSFORMATIONTYPE_TYPE
<complexType name="TransformationType">
<documentation>A concrete operation on coordinates that usually includes a change of datum. |
final public static AttributeType | TRIANGLEPATCHARRAYPROPERTYTYPE_TYPE |
final public static AttributeType | TRIANGLETYPE_TYPE
<complexType name="TriangleType">
<documentation>Represents a triangle as a surface with an outer boundary consisting of a linear ring. |
final public static AttributeType | TRIANGULATEDSURFACETYPE_TYPE
<complexType name="TriangulatedSurfaceType">
<documentation>A triangulated surface is a polyhedral
surface that is composed only of triangles. |
final public static AttributeType | UNITDEFINITIONTYPE_TYPE
<complexType name="UnitDefinitionType">
<documentation>Definition of a unit of measure (or uom). |
final public static AttributeType | UNITOFMEASURETYPE_TYPE
<complexType name="UnitOfMeasureType">
<documentation>Reference to a unit of measure definition that applies to all the numerical values described by the element containing this element. |
final public static AttributeType | USERDEFINEDCSREFTYPE_TYPE
<complexType name="UserDefinedCSRefType">
<documentation>Association to a user-defined coordinate system, either referencing or containing the definition of that coordinate system. |
final public static AttributeType | USERDEFINEDCSTYPE_TYPE
<complexType name="UserDefinedCSType">
<documentation>A two- or three-dimensional coordinate system that consists of any combination of coordinate axes not covered by any other coordinate system type. |
final public static AttributeType | VALUEARRAYPROPERTYTYPE_TYPE |
final public static AttributeType | VALUEARRAYTYPE_TYPE
<complexType name="ValueArrayType">
<documentation>A Value Array is used for homogeneous arrays of primitive and aggregate values. |
final public static AttributeType | VALUEPROPERTYTYPE_TYPE |
final public static AttributeType | VECTORTYPE_TYPE
<complexType name="VectorType">
<documentation>Vector instances hold the compoents for a (usually spatial) vector within some coordinate reference system (CRS).
Since Vectors will often be included in larger objects that have references to CRS, the "srsName" attribute may be missing.
In this case, the CRS is implicitly assumed to take on the value of the containing object's CRS.
Note that this content model is the same as DirectPositionType, but is defined separately to reflect the distinct semantics, and to avoid validation problems. |
final public static AttributeType | VERTICALCRSREFTYPE_TYPE
<complexType name="VerticalCRSRefType">
<documentation>Association to a vertical coordinate reference system, either referencing or containing the definition of that reference system. |
final public static AttributeType | VERTICALCRSTYPE_TYPE
<complexType name="VerticalCRSType">
<documentation>A 1D coordinate reference system used for recording heights or depths. |
final public static AttributeType | VERTICALCSREFTYPE_TYPE
<complexType name="VerticalCSRefType">
<documentation>Association to a vertical coordinate system, either referencing or containing the definition of that coordinate system. |
final public static AttributeType | VERTICALCSTYPE_TYPE
<complexType name="VerticalCSType">
<documentation>A one-dimensional coordinate system used to record the heights (or depths) of points. |
final public static AttributeType | VERTICALDATUMREFTYPE_TYPE
<complexType name="VerticalDatumRefType">
<documentation>Association to a vertical datum, either referencing or containing the definition of that datum. |
final public static AttributeType | VERTICALDATUMTYPETYPE_TYPE
<complexType name="VerticalDatumTypeType">
<documentation>Type of a vertical datum. |
final public static AttributeType | VERTICALDATUMTYPE_TYPE
<complexType name="VerticalDatumType">
<documentation>A textual description and/or a set of parameters identifying a particular reference level surface used as a zero-height surface, including its position with respect to the Earth for any of the height types recognized by this standard. |
final public static AttributeType | VOLUMETYPE_TYPE
<complexType name="VolumeType">
<documentation>Value of a spatial volume quantity, with its units. |