| Process an Extention Point into items for a List.
This interface works with a different set of assumptions then Jesse's origional. It is influenced
by the guidelines in "Contributing to Eclipse", and is focused on Object (possibly proxy)
- Most of the time client code just wants to create an Object, or Proxy
- Good Fences Rule / Safe Platform Rule - processor makes sure to trap any exceptions, so a
single extention point cannot hinder others
- Conformance Rule - contributions must conform to expected interfaces, we can use Java 5
generics to force this point
- Is an abstract class allowing safe api extention in the future.
Example Use:
List<Thingy> stuff = ExtentionPointUtil.list( new ExtentionPointProcessor2(){
public Object process( IExtention extention, IConfigurationElement element ){
return new Thingy( element );
author: jgarnett since: 0.6 |