| java.lang.Object net.refractions.udig.internal.ui.UDIGDNDProcessor
UDIGDNDProcessor | public class UDIGDNDProcessor (Code) | | Processes drag and drop extensions.
The following extension points are processed:
- net.refractions.udig.ui.dropTransfers
author: jones since: 1.0.0 |
getTransfers | public static Set<Transfer> getTransfers()(Code) | | Gets the transfers that are available in the current udig configurations.
The transfers are order with the "known" UDIG transfers(UDIGByteAndLocalTransfer) as the first
elements in the set, then the defined transfers and finally the "known"
eclipse transfers(TextTransfer, FileTransfer, etc..)
the transfers that are available in the current udig configurations. |