Method Summary |
public UndoableMapCommand | createAddFeatureCommand(Feature feature, ILayer layer) |
public MapCommand | createCommitCommand() |
public UndoableMapCommand | createCopyFeaturesCommand(ILayer sourceLayer, Filter filter, ILayer destinationLayer) |
public UndoableMapCommand | createCreateLayerCommand(URL resourceId) |
public UndoableMapCommand | createCreateLayerCommand(IGeoResource resource) |
public UndoableMapCommand | createDeleteFeature(Feature feature, ILayer layer) |
public UndoableMapCommand | createDeleteFeature(IBlockingProvider<Feature> provider, IBlockingProvider<ILayer> layerProvider) |
public MapCommand | createDeleteFeatures(ILayer selectedLayer, Filter filter) |
public UndoableMapCommand | createDeleteLayer(ILayer layer) |
public UndoableMapCommand | createDeleteLayers(ILayer[] layers) |
public UndoableMapCommand | createFeature(Coordinate[] coordinates) Parameters: coordinates - the coordinates of the new feature in Map CRS. |
public UndoableMapCommand | createNullEditFeatureCommand() Creates a
object that sets the current editable Feature
to null. |
public UndoableMapCommand | createResetEditFeatureCommand() |
public MapCommand | createRollbackCommand() |
public UndoableMapCommand | createSetAttributeCommand(String xpath, Object value) Creates a
Parameters: xpath - xpath that identifies an attribute in the current editable Feature Parameters: value - the value that the attribute will be set to. |
public UndoableMapCommand | createSetAttributeCommand(Feature feature, ILayer layer, String xpath, Object value) Creates a
Parameters: xpath - xpath that identifies an attribute in the current editable Feature Parameters: value - the value that the attribute will be set to. |
public UndoableMapCommand | createSetEditFeatureCommand(Feature feature, ILayer layer) Creates a
object that sets the current editVictim victim.
Parameters: feature - the feature that will be the new editable Feature. Parameters: layer - A victim Store that contains the editable Feature. |
public UndoableMapCommand | createSetEditFeatureCommand(Feature feature) Creates a
object that sets the current editable Feature.
Parameters: feature - the feature that will be the new editable Feature. |
public UndoableMapCommand | createSetGeometryCommand(String xpath, Geometry geom) Creates a
Parameters: xpath - xpath that identifies an attribute in the current editable Feature Parameters: geom - the geom (in layer CRS) that the geometry will be set to. |
public UndoableMapCommand | createSetGeometryCommand(Geometry geom) Creates a
object that sets the default geometry.
Parameters: geom - the geom (in layer CRS) that the geometry will be set to. |
public UndoableMapCommand | createSetGeomteryCommand(Feature feature, ILayer layer, String xpath, Geometry geom) Creates a
Parameters: xpath - xpath that identifies an attribute in the current editable Feature Parameters: geom - the geom (in layer CRS) that the geometry will be set to. |
public UndoableMapCommand | createSetGeomteryCommand(Feature feature, ILayer layer, Geometry geom) Creates a
object that sets the default geometry.
Parameters: feature - a feature that has a default feature type that will accept the geometry type. Parameters: layer - the layer containing the feature. Parameters: geom - the geom (in layer CRS) that the geometry will be set to. |
public UndoableMapCommand | createSetGeomteryCommand(String featureID, ILayer layer, Geometry geom) Creates a
object that sets the default geometry.
Parameters: featureID - the id of a feature in layer. Parameters: layer - the layer containing the feature. Parameters: geom - the geom (in layer CRS) that the geometry will be set to. |
public UndoableMapCommand | createWriteEditFeatureCommand() |
public static EditCommandFactory | getInstance() |