| java.lang.Object net.refractions.udig.project.command.NavigationCommandFactory net.refractions.udig.project.command.factory.NavigationCommandFactory
NavigationCommandFactory | protected NavigationCommandFactory()(Code) | | |
createCompositeCommand | public NavCommand createCompositeCommand(NavCommand[] commands)(Code) | | Creates a new
Parameters: commands - an array of commands to execute as a simgle command. The array will beexecuted from position 0 to position length-1 in order. a new NavComposite object See Also: NavCommand |
createPanCommandUsingScreenCoords | public NavCommand createPanCommandUsingScreenCoords(int xpixels, int ypixels)(Code) | | Creates a new
Pans the viewport in terms of pixels on the screen.
Each pixel represents a distance in world coordinates, the x and y distances differ, so a pan
of 8 pixels in the x direction will be translated to a pan of 8*xdistance in the world.
Parameters: xpixels - The amount, in pixels, to pan in the x direction Parameters: ypixels - The amount, in pixels, to pan in the y direction a new PanCommand object See Also: NavCommand |
createPanCommandUsingWorldCoords | public NavCommand createPanCommandUsingWorldCoords(double x, double y)(Code) | | Creates a new
Parameters: x - The amount, in world coordinates, to pan in the x direction Parameters: y - The amount, in world coordinates, to pan in the y direction a new PanCommand object See Also: NavCommand |
createSetViewportBBoxCommand | public NavCommand createSetViewportBBoxCommand(Envelope newbbox)(Code) | | Creates a new
Parameters: newbbox - the new bounding box to set in the viewport a new SetViewportBBoxCommand object See Also: NavCommand See Also: Envelope |
createSetViewportBBoxCommand | public NavCommand createSetViewportBBoxCommand(Envelope bounds, CoordinateReferenceSystem crs)(Code) | | |
createSetViewportCenterCommand | public NavCommand createSetViewportCenterCommand(Coordinate center)(Code) | | Creates a new
Parameters: center - Sets the center of the viewport. The Coordinate must be in world coordinates. a new SetViewportCenterCommand object See Also: NavCommand See Also: Coordinate |
createSetViewportHeight | public NavCommand createSetViewportHeight(double height)(Code) | | Creates a new
Parameters: height - The new viewport height a new SetViewportHeight object See Also: NavCommand |
createSetViewportWidth | public NavCommand createSetViewportWidth(double width)(Code) | | Creates a new
Parameters: width - the new viewport width a new SetViewportWidth object See Also: NavCommand |
createZoomCommand | public NavCommand createZoomCommand(double zoomfactor)(Code) | | Creates a new
Parameters: zoomfactor - the amount to zoom a new ZoomCommand object See Also: NavCommand |
createZoomExtentCommand | public NavCommand createZoomExtentCommand()(Code) | | Creates a new
a new ZoomExtentCommand object See Also: NavCommand |
getInstance | public static NavigationCommandFactory getInstance()(Code) | | Creates a new NavigationCommandFactory object
a new NavigationCommandFactory object |