| java.lang.Object net.refractions.udig.project.render.TileCalculator
TileCalculator | public class TileCalculator (Code) | | A helper class which divides an area into tiles or a minimum size. Provides a
number of convenience methods.
author: jones |
TileCalculator | public TileCalculator(AffineTransform worldToScreen, Dimension tileSize)(Code) | | Creates a new instance, the bounds must be set before it is ready to be used.
Parameters: worldToScreen - the transform from world coordinates to screen coordinates Parameters: tileSize - the size of the tiles to create. |
TileCalculator | public TileCalculator(AffineTransform worldToScreen, Dimension tileSize, Envelope bounds)(Code) | | Creates a new instance. It is ready to be queried immediately.
Parameters: worldToScreen - the transform from world coordinates to screen coordinates Parameters: tileSize - the size of the tiles to create. |
getBounds | public Envelope getBounds()(Code) | | Returns the bounds. |
getScreenTile | public Rectangle getScreenTile(int x, int y)(Code) | | Return the Rectangle (screen coordinates) of the tile indexed by x and y.
the Rectangle (screen coordinates) of the tile indexed by x and y. |
getWorldRandom | public Envelope getWorldRandom()(Code) | | Gets a random tile in world coordinates. Each tile is visited only once and after all the tiles
have been visited null will be returned.
If each tile is visited one and only once regardless of whether
TileCalculator.getWorldRandom() or
TileCalculator.getScreenRandom() is used
a random tile in world coordinates. |
getWorldTile | public Envelope getWorldTile(int x, int y)(Code) | | Return the Envelope (world coordinates) of the tile indexed by x and y.
the Envelope (world coordinates) of the tile indexed by x and y. |
numXTiles | public int numXTiles()(Code) | | Returns the number of tiles in the X-direction
numYTiles | public int numYTiles()(Code) | | Returns the number of tiles in the Y-direction
resetRandomizer | public void resetRandomizer()(Code) | | Resets so that the getRandom() will clear its cache of visited tiles.
setBounds | public void setBounds(Envelope bounds)(Code) | | Parameters: bounds - The bounds to set. |
setTileSize | public void setTileSize(Dimension tileSize)(Code) | | Parameters: tileSize - The tileSize to set. |
setWorldToScreen | public void setWorldToScreen(AffineTransform worldToScreen)(Code) | | Parameters: worldToScreen - The worldToScreen to set. |