| java.lang.Object net.refractions.udig.project.ui.internal.UDIGCRSService
UDIGCRSService | public class UDIGCRSService (Code) | | author: jones TODO To change the template for this generated type comment go to Window - author: Preferences - Java - Code Style - Code Templates |
getLocalCatalogCRSNameMap | public static Map<String, CoordinateReferenceSystem> getLocalCatalogCRSNameMap()(Code) | | |
getLocalCatalogCRSNamesAsArray | public static String[] getLocalCatalogCRSNamesAsArray()(Code) | | an array containing all the names of the CRS obtained from the georesources in thelocal catalog. |
getLocalCatalogCRSNamesAsList | public static List<String> getLocalCatalogCRSNamesAsList()(Code) | | |