java.lang .Object net.refractions.udig.project.ui.render.displayAdapter .MapMouseEvent All known Subclasses: net.refractions.udig.project.ui.render.displayAdapter .MapMouseWheelEvent ,MapMouseEvent public class MapMouseEvent (Code) Encapsulates a mouse event. MapMouseListeners receive MapMouse events.
author: jeichar
Constructor Summary public MapMouseEvent (IMapDisplay source, int x, int y, int modifiers, int buttons, int button) Construct MapMouseEvent
Parameters: source - The object that raised the eventParameters: x - the x position of the eventParameters: y - the y position of the eventParameters: modifiers - indicates what modifiers are down.
ALT_DOWN_MASK final public static int ALT_DOWN_MASK (Code) Indicates that the alt key is down
BUTTON1 final public static int BUTTON1 (Code) Indicates that the 1st mouse button, the left button on right handed mouses
BUTTON2 final public static int BUTTON2 (Code) Indicates that the 2nd mouse button.
BUTTON3 final public static int BUTTON3 (Code) Indicates that the 3rd mouse button.
CTRL_DOWN_MASK final public static int CTRL_DOWN_MASK (Code) Indicates that the ctrl key is down
MOD1_DOWN_MASK final public static int MOD1_DOWN_MASK (Code) Indicates that the mod1 key is down
MOD2_DOWN_MASK final public static int MOD2_DOWN_MASK (Code) Indicates that the mod2 key is down
MOD3_DOWN_MASK final public static int MOD3_DOWN_MASK (Code) Indicates that the mod3 key is down
MOD4_DOWN_MASK final public static int MOD4_DOWN_MASK (Code) Indicates that the mod3 key is down
NONE final public static int NONE (Code) Indicates no modifiers or no buttons.
SHIFT_DOWN_MASK final public static int SHIFT_DOWN_MASK (Code) Indicates that the shift key is down
button final public int button (Code) indicates the button that last changed
buttons final public int buttons (Code) All the buttons that are currently down ORed together
modifiers final public int modifiers (Code) All the key modifiers ORed together
state final public int state (Code) The state consists buttons|modifiers
timestamp final public long timestamp (Code) the time the event occurred
x final public int x (Code) indicates the x position of the event
y final public int y (Code) indicates the y position of the event
MapMouseEvent public MapMouseEvent(IMapDisplay source, int x, int y, int modifiers, int buttons, int button)(Code) Construct MapMouseEvent
Parameters: source - The object that raised the eventParameters: x - the x position of the eventParameters: y - the y position of the eventParameters: modifiers - indicates what modifiers are down. Modifiers are ORed togetherParameters: buttons - indicates the buttons that are down. button ids are ORed together.Parameters: button - the button that last changed
buttonsDown public boolean buttonsDown()(Code) Returns true if a button is down.
getPoint public Point getPoint()(Code) Returns the location of the event.
the location of the event.See Also: Point
isAltDown public boolean isAltDown()(Code) Returns true if alt key is down.
true if alt key is down.
isControlDown public boolean isControlDown()(Code) Returns true if control key is down.
true if control key is down.
isShiftDown public boolean isShiftDown()(Code) Returns true if shift key is down.
true if shift key is down.
modifiersDown public boolean modifiersDown()(Code) Returns true if a keyboard modifier is down.