A context sensitive SLD content editor.
This class is intended to be used by a StyleConfigurator providing
SLD style content.
An SLD style object can contain any number of FeatureTypeStyle objects, which can in turn contain
any number of Rule objects, which can in turn contain any number of Symbolizer objects.
- notion of a default FeatureTypeStyle (with a single rule)
- notion of a default Rule
This allows Configurators who simply want to add a new symbolizer
to the style to forgo the creation and setup of the style hierarchy.
This class also provides the ability to look up symbolizers by class
against the "default rule".
This allows configurators interested in a particular symbolizer
to 'track' the instance of it as the default rule is changed.
Instructions for Subclassing
This base implementation works against the "first" rule in the Style.
When providing a SLDConfigurator specific subclass (say for themeing)
you may wish to connect the "defaultRule" up to the current rule.
You may also supply context sensitive overrrides for color, simply
override the methods such as color( LineSymbolizer line ) to return
the correct default when a line is null.
author: Justin Deoliveira since: 0.9 |