| java.lang.Object net.refractions.udig.style.sld.editor.EditorPageManager
EditorPageManager | public class EditorPageManager implements IExtensionChangeHandler(Code) | | |
POST_ORDER | final public static int POST_ORDER(Code) | | Post-order means visit the children, and then the root.
PRE_ORDER | final public static int PRE_ORDER(Code) | | Pre-order traversal means visit the root first,
then the children.
root | EditorNode root(Code) | | The root node.
Note that the root node is a special internal node
that is used to collect together all the nodes that
have no parent; it is not given out to clients.
separator | String separator(Code) | | The path separator character.
EditorPageManager | public EditorPageManager()(Code) | | Creates a new preference manager.
EditorPageManager | public EditorPageManager(char separatorChar)(Code) | | Create a new instance of the receiver with the specified seperatorChar
Parameters: separatorChar - |
addExtension | public void addExtension(IExtensionTracker tracker, IExtension extension)(Code) | | |
addPages | public void addPages(Collection pageContributions)(Code) | | Add the pages and the groups to the receiver.
Parameters: pageContributions - |
addTo | public boolean addTo(String path, EditorNode node)(Code) | | Adds the given preference node as a subnode of the
node at the given path.
Parameters: path - the path Parameters: node - the node to add true if the add was successful,and false if there is no contribution atthe given path |
addToRoot | public void addToRoot(EditorNode node)(Code) | | Adds the given preference node as a subnode of the
Parameters: node - the node to add, which must implement SLDEditorPageNode |
buildSequence | protected void buildSequence(EditorNode node, List<EditorNode> sequence, int order)(Code) | | Recursively enumerates all nodes at or below the given node
and adds them to the given list in the given order.
Parameters: node - the starting node Parameters: sequence - a read-write list of preference nodes(element type: SLDEditorPageNode )in the given order Parameters: order - the traversal order, one of PRE_ORDER and POST_ORDER |
find | public EditorNode find(String path)(Code) | | Finds and returns the contribution node at the given path.
Parameters: path - the path the node, or null if none |
find | protected EditorNode find(String path, EditorNode top)(Code) | | Finds and returns the preference node directly
below the top at the given path.
Parameters: path - the path the node, or null if none since: 3.1 |
getClassValue | public String getClassValue(IConfigurationElement configElement, String classAttributeName)(Code) | | |
getElements | public List getElements(int order)(Code) | | Returns all preference nodes managed by this
Parameters: order - the traversal order, one of PRE_ORDER and POST_ORDER a list of preference nodes(element type: SLDEditorPageNode )in the given order |
getRoot | public EditorNode getRoot()(Code) | | Returns the root node.
Note that the root node is a special internal node
that is used to collect together all the nodes that
have no parent; it is not given out to clients.
the root node |
hasNode | public boolean hasNode(String nodeId)(Code) | | Returns true if the specified node exists in the manager.
Parameters: nodeId - Unique identified for a node boolean |
registerNode | public void registerNode(EditorNode node)(Code) | | Register a node with the extension tracker.
Parameters: node - register the given node and its subnodes with the extensiontracker |
remove | public EditorNode remove(String path)(Code) | | Removes the prefernece node at the given path.
Parameters: path - the path the node that was removed, or null if there was no node at the given path |
remove | public boolean remove(EditorNode node)(Code) | | Removes the given prefreence node if it is managed by
this contribution manager.
Parameters: node - the node to remove true if the node was removed,and false otherwise |
removeAll | public void removeAll()(Code) | | Removes all contribution nodes known to this manager.
removeExtension | public void removeExtension(IExtension extension, Object[] objects)(Code) | | |