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Source Cross Referenced  Class Diagram Java Document (Java Doc) 

0001:        package;
0003:        /*******************************************************************************
0004:         * Copyright (c) 2000, 2005 IBM Corporation and others.
0005:         * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
0006:         * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
0007:         * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
0008:         *
0009:         *
0010:         * Contributors:
0011:         *     IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
0012:         *******************************************************************************/
0014:        import java.util.Iterator;
0015:        import java.util.List;
0017:        import;
0018:        import;
0019:        import;
0020:        import;
0022:        import org.eclipse.core.runtime.ISafeRunnable;
0023:        import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IStatus;
0024:        import org.eclipse.core.runtime.Status;
0025:        import org.eclipse.jface.dialogs.Dialog;
0026:        import org.eclipse.jface.dialogs.DialogMessageArea;
0027:        import org.eclipse.jface.dialogs.IDialogConstants;
0028:        import org.eclipse.jface.dialogs.IMessageProvider;
0029:        import org.eclipse.jface.dialogs.IPageChangeProvider;
0030:        import org.eclipse.jface.dialogs.IPageChangedListener;
0031:        import org.eclipse.jface.dialogs.MessageDialog;
0032:        import org.eclipse.jface.dialogs.PageChangedEvent;
0033:        import org.eclipse.jface.resource.ImageDescriptor;
0034:        import org.eclipse.jface.resource.ImageRegistry;
0035:        import org.eclipse.jface.resource.JFaceResources;
0036:        import org.eclipse.jface.util.Assert;
0037:        import org.eclipse.jface.util.IPropertyChangeListener;
0038:        import org.eclipse.jface.util.ListenerList;
0039:        import org.eclipse.jface.util.PropertyChangeEvent;
0040:        import org.eclipse.jface.util.SafeRunnable;
0041:        import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.ISelection;
0042:        import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.ISelectionChangedListener;
0043:        import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.IStructuredSelection;
0044:        import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.SelectionChangedEvent;
0045:        import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.StructuredSelection;
0046:        import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.TreeViewer;
0047:        import org.eclipse.swt.SWT;
0048:        import org.eclipse.swt.custom.BusyIndicator;
0049:        import;
0050:        import;
0051:        import;
0052:        import;
0053:        import;
0054:        import;
0055:        import;
0056:        import;
0057:        import;
0058:        import;
0059:        import;
0060:        import;
0061:        import;
0062:        import org.eclipse.swt.layout.FormAttachment;
0063:        import org.eclipse.swt.layout.FormData;
0064:        import org.eclipse.swt.layout.FormLayout;
0065:        import org.eclipse.swt.layout.GridData;
0066:        import org.eclipse.swt.layout.GridLayout;
0067:        import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Button;
0068:        import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Composite;
0069:        import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Control;
0070:        import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Event;
0071:        import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Label;
0072:        import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Layout;
0073:        import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Listener;
0074:        import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Sash;
0075:        import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Shell;
0076:        import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Tree;
0078:        /**
0079:         * A preference dialog is a hierarchical presentation of preference pages. Each
0080:         * page is represented by a node in the tree shown on the left hand side of the
0081:         * dialog; when a node is selected, the corresponding page is shown on the right
0082:         * hand side.
0083:         */
0084:        public class EditorDialog extends Dialog implements 
0085:                IEditorPageContainer, IPageChangeProvider {
0086:            /**
0087:             * Layout for the page container.
0088:             *  
0089:             */
0090:            private class PageLayout extends Layout {
0091:                @Override
0092:                public Point computeSize(Composite composite, int wHint,
0093:                        int hHint, boolean force) {
0094:                    if (wHint != SWT.DEFAULT && hHint != SWT.DEFAULT)
0095:                        return new Point(wHint, hHint);
0096:                    int x = minimumPageSize.x;
0097:                    int y = minimumPageSize.y;
0098:                    Control[] children = composite.getChildren();
0099:                    for (int i = 0; i < children.length; i++) {
0100:                        Point size = children[i].computeSize(SWT.DEFAULT,
0101:                                SWT.DEFAULT, force);
0102:                        x = Math.max(x, size.x);
0103:                        y = Math.max(y, size.y);
0104:                    }
0106:                    //As pages can implement thier own computeSize
0107:                    //take it into account
0108:                    if (currentPage != null) {
0109:                        Point size = currentPage.computeSize();
0110:                        x = Math.max(x, size.x);
0111:                        y = Math.max(y, size.y);
0112:                    }
0114:                    if (wHint != SWT.DEFAULT)
0115:                        x = wHint;
0116:                    if (hHint != SWT.DEFAULT)
0117:                        y = hHint;
0118:                    return new Point(x, y);
0119:                }
0121:                @Override
0122:                public void layout(Composite composite, boolean force) {
0123:                    Rectangle rect = composite.getClientArea();
0124:                    Control[] children = composite.getChildren();
0125:                    for (int i = 0; i < children.length; i++) {
0126:                        children[i].setSize(rect.width, rect.height);
0127:                    }
0128:                }
0129:            }
0131:            //The id of the last page that was selected
0132:            private static String lastPageId = null;
0134:            //The last known tree width
0135:            private static int lastTreeWidth = 150;
0137:            /**
0138:             * Indentifier for the error image
0139:             */
0140:            public static final String PREF_DLG_IMG_TITLE_ERROR = DLG_IMG_MESSAGE_ERROR;
0142:            /**
0143:             * Title area fields
0144:             */
0145:            public static final String PREF_DLG_TITLE_IMG = "preference_dialog_title_image"; //$NON-NLS-1$
0146:            static {
0147:                ImageRegistry reg = JFaceResources.getImageRegistry();
0148:                reg.put(PREF_DLG_TITLE_IMG, ImageDescriptor.createFromFile(
0149:                        EditorDialog.class, "images/pref_dialog_title.gif")); //$NON-NLS-1$
0150:            }
0152:            /**
0153:             * The current preference page, or <code>null</code> if there is none.
0154:             */
0155:            private IEditorPage currentPage;
0157:            private DialogMessageArea messageArea;
0159:            /**
0160:             * Indicates whether help is available; <code>false</code> by default.'
0161:             * 
0162:             * @see #setHelpAvailable
0163:             */
0164:            private boolean isHelpAvailable = false;
0166:            private Point lastShellSize;
0168:            private IEditorNode lastSuccessfulNode;
0170:            /**
0171:             * The minimum page size; 400 by 400 by default.
0172:             * 
0173:             * @see #setMinimumPageSize(Point)
0174:             */
0175:            private Point minimumPageSize = new Point(400, 400);
0177:            /**
0178:             * The OK button.
0179:             */
0180:            private Button okButton;
0182:            /**
0183:             * The Composite in which a page is shown.
0184:             */
0185:            private Composite pageContainer;
0187:            /**
0188:             * The preference manager.
0189:             */
0190:            private EditorPageManager editorPageManager;
0192:            /**
0193:             * Flag for the presence of the error message.
0194:             */
0195:            private boolean showingError = false;
0197:            private Composite titleArea;
0199:            /**
0200:             * The tree viewer.
0201:             */
0202:            private TreeViewer treeViewer;
0204:            private ListenerList pageChangedListeners = new ListenerList(3);
0206:            /**
0207:             * Creates a new preference dialog under the control of the given preference
0208:             * manager.
0209:             * 
0210:             * @param parentShell
0211:             *            the parent shell
0212:             * @param manager
0213:             *            the preference manager
0214:             */
0215:            public EditorDialog(Shell parentShell, EditorPageManager manager) {
0216:                super (parentShell);
0217:                setShellStyle(getShellStyle() | SWT.RESIZE | SWT.MAX);
0218:                editorPageManager = manager;
0219:            }
0221:            /*
0222:             * (non-Javadoc)
0223:             * 
0224:             * @see org.eclipse.jface.dialogs.Dialog#buttonPressed(int)
0225:             */
0226:            @Override
0227:            protected void buttonPressed(int buttonId) {
0228:                switch (buttonId) {
0229:                case IDialogConstants.OK_ID: {
0230:                    okPressed();
0231:                    return;
0232:                }
0233:                case IDialogConstants.CANCEL_ID: {
0234:                    cancelPressed();
0235:                    return;
0236:                }
0237:                case IDialogConstants.HELP_ID: {
0238:                    helpPressed();
0239:                    return;
0240:                }
0241:                }
0242:            }
0244:            /*
0245:             * (non-Javadoc)
0246:             * 
0247:             * @see org.eclipse.jface.dialogs.Dialog#cancelPressed()
0248:             */
0249:            @Override
0250:            protected void cancelPressed() {
0251:                // Inform all pages that we are cancelling
0252:                Iterator nodes = editorPageManager.getElements(
0253:                        EditorPageManager.PRE_ORDER).iterator();
0254:                while (nodes.hasNext()) {
0255:                    final IEditorNode node = (IEditorNode);
0256:                    if (getPage(node) != null) {
0257:               SafeRunnable() {
0258:                            public void run() {
0259:                                if (!getPage(node).performCancel())
0260:                                    return;
0261:                            }
0262:                        });
0263:                    }
0264:                }
0265:                setReturnCode(CANCEL);
0266:                close();
0267:            }
0269:            /**
0270:             * Clear the last selected node. This is so that we not chache the last
0271:             * selection in case of an error.
0272:             */
0273:            void clearSelectedNode() {
0274:                setSelectedNode(null);
0275:            }
0277:            /*
0278:             * (non-Javadoc)
0279:             * 
0280:             * @see org.eclipse.jface.window.Window#close()
0281:             */
0282:            @Override
0283:            public boolean close() {
0284:                List nodes = editorPageManager
0285:                        .getElements(EditorPageManager.PRE_ORDER);
0286:                for (int i = 0; i < nodes.size(); i++) {
0287:                    IEditorNode node = (IEditorNode) nodes.get(i);
0288:                    node.disposeResources();
0289:                }
0290:                return super .close();
0291:            }
0293:            /*
0294:             * (non-Javadoc)
0295:             * 
0296:             * @see org.eclipse.jface.window.Window#configureShell(org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Shell)
0297:             */
0298:            @Override
0299:            protected void configureShell(Shell newShell) {
0300:                super .configureShell(newShell);
0301:                newShell
0302:                        .setText(JFaceResources.getString("EditorDialog.title")); //$NON-NLS-1$
0303:                newShell.addShellListener(new ShellAdapter() {
0304:                    @Override
0305:                    public void shellActivated(ShellEvent e) {
0306:                        if (lastShellSize == null)
0307:                            lastShellSize = getShell().getSize();
0308:                    }
0310:                });
0312:            }
0314:            /*
0315:             * (non-Javadoc)
0316:             * 
0317:             * @see org.eclipse.jface.window.Window#constrainShellSize()
0318:             */
0319:            @Override
0320:            protected void constrainShellSize() {
0321:                super .constrainShellSize();
0322:                // record opening shell size
0323:                if (lastShellSize == null)
0324:                    lastShellSize = getShell().getSize();
0325:            }
0327:            /*
0328:             * (non-Javadoc)
0329:             * 
0330:             * @see org.eclipse.jface.dialogs.Dialog#createButtonsForButtonBar(org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Composite)
0331:             */
0332:            @Override
0333:            protected void createButtonsForButtonBar(Composite parent) {
0334:                // create OK and Cancel buttons by default
0335:                okButton = createButton(parent, IDialogConstants.OK_ID,
0336:                        IDialogConstants.OK_LABEL, true);
0337:                getShell().setDefaultButton(okButton);
0338:                createButton(parent, IDialogConstants.CANCEL_ID,
0339:                        IDialogConstants.CANCEL_LABEL, false);
0340:                if (isHelpAvailable) {
0341:                    createButton(parent, IDialogConstants.HELP_ID,
0342:                            IDialogConstants.HELP_LABEL, false);
0343:                }
0344:            }
0346:            /*
0347:             * (non-Javadoc)
0348:             * 
0349:             * @see org.eclipse.jface.window.Window#createContents(org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Composite)
0350:             */
0351:            @Override
0352:            protected Control createContents(final Composite parent) {
0353:                final Control[] control = new Control[1];
0354:                BusyIndicator.showWhile(getShell().getDisplay(),
0355:                        new Runnable() {
0356:                            public void run() {
0357:                                control[0] = EditorDialog.super 
0358:                                        .createContents(parent);
0359:                                // Add the first page
0360:                                selectSavedItem();
0361:                            }
0362:                        });
0364:                return control[0];
0365:            }
0367:            /*
0368:             * (non-Javadoc)
0369:             * 
0370:             * @see org.eclipse.jface.dialogs.Dialog#createDialogArea(org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Composite)
0371:             */
0372:            @Override
0373:            protected Control createDialogArea(Composite parent) {
0374:                final Composite composite = (Composite) super 
0375:                        .createDialogArea(parent);
0376:                GridLayout parentLayout = ((GridLayout) composite.getLayout());
0377:                parentLayout.numColumns = 4;
0378:                parentLayout.marginHeight = 0;
0379:                parentLayout.marginWidth = 0;
0380:                parentLayout.verticalSpacing = 0;
0381:                parentLayout.horizontalSpacing = 0;
0383:                composite.setBackground(parent.getDisplay().getSystemColor(
0384:                        SWT.COLOR_LIST_BACKGROUND));
0386:                Control treeControl = createTreeAreaContents(composite);
0387:                createSash(composite, treeControl);
0389:                Label versep = new Label(composite, SWT.SEPARATOR
0390:                        | SWT.VERTICAL);
0391:                GridData verGd = new GridData(GridData.FILL_VERTICAL
0392:                        | GridData.GRAB_VERTICAL);
0394:                versep.setLayoutData(verGd);
0395:                versep.setLayoutData(new GridData(SWT.LEFT, SWT.FILL, false,
0396:                        true));
0398:                Composite pageAreaComposite = new Composite(composite, SWT.NONE);
0399:                pageAreaComposite
0400:                        .setLayoutData(new GridData(GridData.FILL_BOTH));
0401:                GridLayout layout = new GridLayout(1, true);
0402:                layout.marginHeight = 0;
0403:                layout.marginWidth = 0;
0404:                pageAreaComposite.setLayout(layout);
0406:                // Build the title area and separator line
0407:                Composite titleComposite = new Composite(pageAreaComposite,
0408:                        SWT.NONE);
0409:                layout = new GridLayout();
0410:                layout.marginHeight = 0;
0411:                layout.marginWidth = 0;
0412:                layout.verticalSpacing = 0;
0413:                layout.horizontalSpacing = 0;
0414:                titleComposite.setLayout(layout);
0415:                GridData titleLayoutData = new GridData(
0416:                        GridData.FILL_HORIZONTAL);
0417:                titleLayoutData.horizontalIndent = IDialogConstants.HORIZONTAL_MARGIN;
0418:                titleComposite.setLayoutData(titleLayoutData);
0419:                createTitleArea(titleComposite);
0421:                Label separator = new Label(pageAreaComposite, SWT.HORIZONTAL
0422:                        | SWT.SEPARATOR);
0424:                separator.setLayoutData(new GridData(GridData.FILL_HORIZONTAL
0425:                        | GridData.GRAB_HORIZONTAL));
0427:                // Build the Page container
0428:                pageContainer = createPageContainer(pageAreaComposite);
0429:                GridData pageContainerData = (GridData) pageContainer
0430:                        .getLayoutData(); //new GridData(GridData.FILL_BOTH);
0431:                pageContainerData.horizontalIndent = IDialogConstants.HORIZONTAL_MARGIN;
0432:                pageContainer.setLayoutData(pageContainerData);
0433:                // Build the separator line
0434:                Label bottomSeparator = new Label(parent, SWT.HORIZONTAL
0435:                        | SWT.SEPARATOR);
0436:                bottomSeparator.setLayoutData(new GridData(
0437:                        GridData.FILL_HORIZONTAL | GridData.GRAB_HORIZONTAL));
0438:                return composite;
0439:            }
0441:            /**
0442:             * Create the sash with right control on the right. Note 
0443:             * that this method assumes GridData for the layout data
0444:             * of the rightControl.
0445:             * @param composite
0446:             * @param rightControl
0447:             * @return Sash
0448:             * 
0449:             * @since 3.1
0450:             */
0451:            protected Sash createSash(final Composite composite,
0452:                    final Control rightControl) {
0453:                final Sash sash = new Sash(composite, SWT.VERTICAL);
0454:                sash.setLayoutData(new GridData(GridData.FILL_VERTICAL));
0455:                sash.setBackground(composite.getDisplay().getSystemColor(
0456:                        SWT.COLOR_LIST_BACKGROUND));
0457:                // the following listener resizes the tree control based on sash deltas.
0458:                // If necessary, it will also grow/shrink the dialog.
0459:                sash.addListener(SWT.Selection, new Listener() {
0460:                    /*
0461:                     * (non-Javadoc)
0462:                     * 
0463:                     * @see org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Listener#handleEvent(org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Event)
0464:                     */
0465:                    public void handleEvent(Event event) {
0466:                        if (event.detail == SWT.DRAG)
0467:                            return;
0468:                        int shift = event.x - sash.getBounds().x;
0469:                        GridData data = (GridData) rightControl.getLayoutData();
0470:                        int newWidthHint = data.widthHint + shift;
0471:                        if (newWidthHint < 20)
0472:                            return;
0473:                        Point computedSize = getShell().computeSize(
0474:                                SWT.DEFAULT, SWT.DEFAULT);
0475:                        Point currentSize = getShell().getSize();
0476:                        // if the dialog wasn't of a custom size we know we can shrink
0477:                        // it if necessary based on sash movement.
0478:                        boolean customSize = !computedSize.equals(currentSize);
0479:                        data.widthHint = newWidthHint;
0480:                        setLastTreeWidth(newWidthHint);
0481:                        composite.layout(true);
0482:                        // recompute based on new widget size
0483:                        computedSize = getShell().computeSize(SWT.DEFAULT,
0484:                                SWT.DEFAULT);
0485:                        // if the dialog was of a custom size then increase it only if
0486:                        // necessary.
0487:                        if (customSize)
0488:                            computedSize.x = Math.max(computedSize.x,
0489:                                    currentSize.x);
0490:                        computedSize.y = Math
0491:                                .max(computedSize.y, currentSize.y);
0492:                        if (computedSize.equals(currentSize))
0493:                            return;
0494:                        setShellSize(computedSize.x, computedSize.y);
0495:                        lastShellSize = getShell().getSize();
0496:                    }
0497:                });
0498:                return sash;
0499:            }
0501:            /**
0502:             * Creates the inner page container.
0503:             * 
0504:             * @param parent
0505:             * @return Composite
0506:             */
0507:            protected Composite createPageContainer(Composite parent) {
0509:                //Create an outer composite for spacing
0510:                Composite outer = new Composite(parent, SWT.NONE);
0512:                GridData outerData = new GridData(GridData.FILL_BOTH
0513:                        | GridData.GRAB_HORIZONTAL | GridData.GRAB_VERTICAL);
0515:                outer.setLayout(new GridLayout());
0516:                outer.setLayoutData(outerData);
0518:                Composite result = new Composite(outer, SWT.NONE);
0520:                GridData resultData = new GridData(GridData.FILL_BOTH
0521:                        | GridData.GRAB_HORIZONTAL | GridData.GRAB_VERTICAL);
0523:                result.setLayout(getPageLayout());
0524:                result.setLayoutData(resultData);
0526:                return result;
0527:            }
0529:            /**
0530:             * Return the layout for the composite that contains
0531:             * the pages.
0532:             * @return PageLayout
0533:             * 
0534:             * @since 3.1
0535:             */
0536:            protected Layout getPageLayout() {
0537:                return new PageLayout();
0538:            }
0540:            /**
0541:             * Creates the wizard's title area.
0542:             * 
0543:             * @param parent
0544:             *            the SWT parent for the title area composite.
0545:             * @return the created title area composite.
0546:             */
0547:            protected Composite createTitleArea(Composite parent) {
0548:                // Create the title area which will contain
0549:                // a title, message, and image.
0550:                int margins = 2;
0551:                titleArea = new Composite(parent, SWT.NONE);
0552:                FormLayout layout = new FormLayout();
0553:                layout.marginHeight = 0;
0554:                layout.marginWidth = margins;
0555:                titleArea.setLayout(layout);
0557:                GridData layoutData = new GridData(GridData.FILL_HORIZONTAL);
0558:                layoutData.verticalAlignment = SWT.TOP;
0559:                titleArea.setLayoutData(layoutData);
0561:                // Message label
0562:                messageArea = new DialogMessageArea();
0563:                messageArea.createContents(titleArea);
0565:                titleArea.addControlListener(new ControlAdapter() {
0566:                    /* (non-Javadoc)
0567:                     * @see
0568:                     */
0569:                    @Override
0570:                    public void controlResized(ControlEvent e) {
0571:                        updateMessage();
0572:                    }
0573:                });
0575:                final IPropertyChangeListener fontListener = new IPropertyChangeListener() {
0576:                    public void propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent event) {
0577:                        if (JFaceResources.BANNER_FONT.equals(event
0578:                                .getProperty()))
0579:                            updateMessage();
0580:                        if (JFaceResources.DIALOG_FONT.equals(event
0581:                                .getProperty())) {
0582:                            updateMessage();
0583:                            Font dialogFont = JFaceResources.getDialogFont();
0584:                            updateTreeFont(dialogFont);
0585:                            Control[] children = ((Composite) buttonBar)
0586:                                    .getChildren();
0587:                            for (int i = 0; i < children.length; i++)
0588:                                children[i].setFont(dialogFont);
0589:                        }
0590:                    }
0591:                };
0593:                titleArea.addDisposeListener(new DisposeListener() {
0594:                    public void widgetDisposed(DisposeEvent event) {
0595:                        JFaceResources.getFontRegistry().removeListener(
0596:                                fontListener);
0597:                    }
0598:                });
0599:                JFaceResources.getFontRegistry().addListener(fontListener);
0600:                messageArea.setTitleLayoutData(createMessageAreaData());
0601:                messageArea.setMessageLayoutData(createMessageAreaData());
0602:                return titleArea;
0603:            }
0605:            /**
0606:             * Create the layout data for the message area.
0607:             * 
0608:             * @return FormData for the message area.
0609:             */
0610:            private FormData createMessageAreaData() {
0611:                FormData messageData = new FormData();
0612:       = new FormAttachment(0);
0613:                messageData.bottom = new FormAttachment(100);
0614:                messageData.right = new FormAttachment(100);
0615:                messageData.left = new FormAttachment(0);
0616:                return messageData;
0617:            }
0619:            /**
0620:             * @param parent
0621:             *            the SWT parent for the tree area controls.
0622:             * @return the new <code>Control</code>.
0623:             * @since 3.0
0624:             */
0625:            protected Control createTreeAreaContents(Composite parent) {
0626:                // Build the tree an put it into the composite.
0627:                treeViewer = createTreeViewer(parent);
0628:                treeViewer.setInput(getEditorPageManager());
0629:                updateTreeFont(JFaceResources.getDialogFont());
0630:                layoutTreeAreaControl(treeViewer.getControl());
0631:                return treeViewer.getControl();
0632:            }
0634:            /**
0635:             * Create a new <code>TreeViewer</code>.
0636:             * 
0637:             * @param parent
0638:             *            the parent <code>Composite</code>.
0639:             * @return the <code>TreeViewer</code>.
0640:             * @since 3.0
0641:             */
0642:            protected TreeViewer createTreeViewer(Composite parent) {
0643:                final TreeViewer viewer = new TreeViewer(parent, SWT.NONE);
0644:                addListeners(viewer);
0645:                viewer.setLabelProvider(new EditorPageLabelProvider());
0646:                viewer.setContentProvider(new EditorPageContentProvider());
0647:                return viewer;
0648:            }
0650:            /**
0651:             * Add the listeners to the tree viewer.
0652:             * @param viewer
0653:             * 
0654:             * @since 3.1
0655:             */
0656:            protected void addListeners(final TreeViewer viewer) {
0657:                viewer
0658:                        .addPostSelectionChangedListener(new ISelectionChangedListener() {
0659:                            private void handleError() {
0660:                                try {
0661:                                    // remove the listener temporarily so that the events caused
0662:                                    // by the error handling dont further cause error handling
0663:                                    // to occur.
0664:                                    viewer
0665:                                            .removePostSelectionChangedListener(this );
0666:                                    showPageFlippingAbortDialog();
0667:                                    selectCurrentPageAgain();
0668:                                    clearSelectedNode();
0669:                                } finally {
0670:                                    viewer
0671:                                            .addPostSelectionChangedListener(this );
0672:                                }
0673:                            }
0675:                            public void selectionChanged(
0676:                                    SelectionChangedEvent event) {
0677:                                Object selection = getSingleSelection(event
0678:                                        .getSelection());
0679:                                if (selection instanceof  IEditorNode) {
0680:                                    if (!isCurrentPageValid()) {
0681:                                        handleError();
0682:                                    } else if (!showPage((IEditorNode) selection)) {
0683:                                        // Page flipping wasn't successful
0684:                                        handleError();
0685:                                    } else {
0686:                                        // Everything went well
0687:                                        lastSuccessfulNode = (IEditorNode) selection;
0688:                                    }
0689:                                }
0690:                            }
0691:                        });
0692:                ((Tree) viewer.getControl())
0693:                        .addSelectionListener(new SelectionAdapter() {
0694:                            @Override
0695:                            public void widgetDefaultSelected(
0696:                                    final SelectionEvent event) {
0697:                                ISelection selection = viewer.getSelection();
0698:                                if (selection.isEmpty())
0699:                                    return;
0700:                                IEditorNode singleSelection = getSingleSelection(selection);
0701:                                boolean expanded = viewer
0702:                                        .getExpandedState(singleSelection);
0703:                                viewer.setExpandedState(singleSelection,
0704:                                        !expanded);
0705:                            }
0706:                        });
0707:                //Register help listener on the tree to use context sensitive help
0708:                viewer.getControl().addHelpListener(new HelpListener() {
0709:                    public void helpRequested(HelpEvent event) {
0710:                        // call perform help on the current page
0711:                        if (currentPage != null) {
0712:                            currentPage.performHelp();
0713:                        }
0714:                    }
0715:                });
0716:            }
0718:            /**
0719:             * Find the <code>IEditorNode</code> that has data the same id as the
0720:             * supplied value.
0721:             * 
0722:             * @param nodeId
0723:             *            the id to search for.
0724:             * @return <code>IEditorNode</code> or <code>null</code> if not
0725:             *         found.
0726:             */
0727:            protected IEditorNode findNodeMatching(String nodeId) {
0728:                List nodes = editorPageManager
0729:                        .getElements(EditorPageManager.POST_ORDER);
0730:                for (Iterator i = nodes.iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
0731:                    IEditorNode node = (IEditorNode);
0732:                    if (node.getId().equalsIgnoreCase(nodeId))
0733:                        return node;
0734:                }
0735:                return null;
0736:            }
0738:            /**
0739:             * Get the last known right side width.
0740:             * 
0741:             * @return the width.
0742:             */
0743:            protected int getLastRightWidth() {
0744:                return lastTreeWidth;
0745:            }
0747:            /**
0748:             * Returns the preference mananger used by this preference dialog.
0749:             * 
0750:             * @return the preference mananger
0751:             */
0752:            public EditorPageManager getEditorPageManager() {
0753:                return editorPageManager;
0754:            }
0756:            /**
0757:             * Get the name of the selected item preference
0758:             * 
0759:             * @return String
0760:             */
0761:            protected String getSelectedNode() {
0762:                return lastPageId;
0763:            }
0765:            /**
0766:             * @param selection
0767:             *            the <code>ISelection</code> to examine.
0768:             * @return the first element, or null if empty.
0769:             */
0770:            protected IEditorNode getSingleSelection(ISelection selection) {
0771:                if (!selection.isEmpty()) {
0772:                    IStructuredSelection structured = (IStructuredSelection) selection;
0773:                    if (structured.getFirstElement() instanceof  IEditorNode)
0774:                        return (IEditorNode) structured.getFirstElement();
0775:                }
0776:                return null;
0777:            }
0779:            /**
0780:             * @return the <code>TreeViewer</code> for this dialog.
0781:             * @since 3.0
0782:             */
0783:            protected TreeViewer getTreeViewer() {
0784:                return treeViewer;
0785:            }
0787:            /**
0788:             * Notifies that the window's close button was pressed, the close menu was
0789:             * selected, or the ESCAPE key pressed.
0790:             * <p>
0791:             * The default implementation of this framework method sets the window's
0792:             * return code to <code>CANCEL</code> and closes the window using
0793:             * <code>close</code>. Subclasses may extend or reimplement.
0794:             * </p>
0795:             */
0796:            @Override
0797:            protected void handleShellCloseEvent() {
0798:                // handle the same as pressing cancel
0799:                cancelPressed();
0800:            }
0802:            /**
0803:             * Notifies of the pressing of the Help button.
0804:             * <p>
0805:             * The default implementation of this framework method calls
0806:             * <code>performHelp</code> on the currently active page.
0807:             * </p>
0808:             */
0809:            protected void helpPressed() {
0810:                if (currentPage != null) {
0811:                    currentPage.performHelp();
0812:                }
0813:            }
0815:            /**
0816:             * Returns whether the current page is valid.
0817:             * 
0818:             * @return <code>false</code> if the current page is not valid, or or
0819:             *         <code>true</code> if the current page is valid or there is no
0820:             *         current page
0821:             */
0822:            protected boolean isCurrentPageValid() {
0823:                if (currentPage == null)
0824:                    return true;
0825:                return currentPage.isValid();
0826:            }
0828:            /**
0829:             * @param control
0830:             *            the <code>Control</code> to lay out.
0831:             * @since 3.0
0832:             */
0833:            protected void layoutTreeAreaControl(Control control) {
0834:                GridData gd = new GridData(GridData.FILL_VERTICAL);
0835:                gd.widthHint = getLastRightWidth();
0836:                gd.verticalSpan = 1;
0837:                control.setLayoutData(gd);
0838:            }
0840:            /**
0841:             * The preference dialog implementation of this <code>Dialog</code>
0842:             * framework method sends <code>performOk</code> to all pages of the
0843:             * preference dialog, then calls <code>handleSave</code> on this dialog to
0844:             * save any state, and then calls <code>close</code> to close this dialog.
0845:             */
0846:            @Override
0847:            protected void okPressed() {
0848:       SafeRunnable() {
0850:                    /*
0851:                     * (non-Javadoc)
0852:                     * 
0853:                     * @see org.eclipse.core.runtime.ISafeRunnable#run()
0854:                     */
0855:                    public void run() {
0856:                        getButton(IDialogConstants.OK_ID).setEnabled(false);
0857:                        boolean hasFailedOK = false;
0858:                        try {
0859:                            // Notify all the pages and give them a chance to abort
0860:                            Iterator nodes = editorPageManager.getElements(
0861:                                    EditorPageManager.PRE_ORDER).iterator();
0862:                            while (nodes.hasNext()) {
0863:                                IEditorNode node = (IEditorNode);
0864:                                IEditorPage page = node.getPage();
0865:                                if (page != null) {
0866:                                    if (!page.performOk()) {
0867:                                        hasFailedOK = true;
0868:                                        return;
0869:                                    }
0870:                                }
0871:                            }
0872:                        } catch (Exception e) {
0873:                            handleException(e);
0874:                        } finally {
0875:                            //Don't bother closing if the OK failed
0876:                            if (hasFailedOK)
0877:                                return;
0879:                            close();
0880:                        }
0881:                    }
0883:                    /*
0884:                     * (non-Javadoc)
0885:                     * 
0886:                     * @see org.eclipse.core.runtime.ISafeRunnable#handleException(java.lang.Throwable)
0887:                     */
0888:                    @Override
0889:                    public void handleException(Throwable e) {
0890:                        SLDPlugin.getDefault().getLog().log(
0891:                                new Status(IStatus.ERROR, SLDPlugin.ID, 0, e
0892:                                        .toString(), e));
0894:                        clearSelectedNode();
0895:                        String message = JFaceResources
0896:                                .getString("SafeRunnable.errorMessage"); //$NON-NLS-1$
0897:                        MessageDialog.openError(getShell(), JFaceResources
0898:                                .getString("Error"), message); //$NON-NLS-1$
0900:                    }
0901:                });
0902:            }
0904:            /**
0905:             * Selects the page determined by <code>lastSuccessfulNode</code> in the
0906:             * page hierarchy.
0907:             */
0908:            void selectCurrentPageAgain() {
0909:                if (lastSuccessfulNode == null)
0910:                    return;
0911:                getTreeViewer().setSelection(
0912:                        new StructuredSelection(lastSuccessfulNode));
0913:                currentPage.setVisible(true);
0914:            }
0916:            /**
0917:             * Selects the saved item in the tree of preference pages. If it cannot do
0918:             * this it saves the first one.
0919:             */
0920:            protected void selectSavedItem() {
0921:                IEditorNode node = findNodeMatching(getSelectedNode());
0922:                if (node == null) {
0923:                    IEditorNode[] nodes = editorPageManager.getRootSubNodes();
0924:                    if (lastPageId != null)
0925:                        node = findNodeMatching(lastPageId);
0926:                    if (node == null && nodes.length > 0)
0927:                        node = nodes[0];
0928:                }
0929:                if (node != null) {
0930:                    getTreeViewer().setSelection(new StructuredSelection(node),
0931:                            true);
0932:                    // Keep focus in tree. See bugs 2692, 2621, and 6775.
0933:                    getTreeViewer().getControl().setFocus();
0934:                }
0935:            }
0937:            /**
0938:             * Display the given error message. The currently displayed message is saved
0939:             * and will be redisplayed when the error message is set to
0940:             * <code>null</code>.
0941:             * 
0942:             * @param newErrorMessage
0943:             *            the errorMessage to display or <code>null</code>
0944:             */
0945:            public void setErrorMessage(String newErrorMessage) {
0946:                if (newErrorMessage == null)
0947:                    messageArea.clearErrorMessage();
0948:                else
0949:                    messageArea.updateText(newErrorMessage,
0950:                            IMessageProvider.ERROR);
0951:            }
0953:            /**
0954:             * Save the last known tree width.
0955:             * 
0956:             * @param width
0957:             *            the width.
0958:             */
0959:            private void setLastTreeWidth(int width) {
0960:                lastTreeWidth = width;
0961:            }
0963:            /**
0964:             * Sets whether a Help button is available for this dialog.
0965:             * <p>
0966:             * Clients must call this framework method before the dialog's control has
0967:             * been created.
0968:             * <p>
0969:             * 
0970:             * @param b
0971:             *            <code>true</code> to include a Help button, and
0972:             *            <code>false</code> to not include one (the default)
0973:             */
0974:            public void setHelpAvailable(boolean b) {
0975:                isHelpAvailable = b;
0976:            }
0978:            /**
0979:             * Set the message text. If the message line currently displays an error,
0980:             * the message is stored and will be shown after a call to clearErrorMessage
0981:             * <p>
0982:             * Shortcut for <code>setMessage(newMessage, NONE)</code>
0983:             * </p>
0984:             * 
0985:             * @param newMessage
0986:             *            the message, or <code>null</code> to clear the message
0987:             */
0988:            public void setMessage(String newMessage) {
0989:                setMessage(newMessage, IMessageProvider.NONE);
0990:            }
0992:            /**
0993:             * Sets the message for this dialog with an indication of what type of
0994:             * message it is.
0995:             * <p>
0996:             * The valid message types are one of <code>NONE</code>,
0997:             * <code>INFORMATION</code>,<code>WARNING</code>, or
0998:             * <code>ERROR</code>.
0999:             * </p>
1000:             * <p>
1001:             * Note that for backward compatibility, a message of type
1002:             * <code>ERROR</code> is different than an error message (set using
1003:             * <code>setErrorMessage</code>). An error message overrides the current
1004:             * message until the error message is cleared. This method replaces the
1005:             * current message and does not affect the error message.
1006:             * </p>
1007:             * 
1008:             * @param newMessage
1009:             *            the message, or <code>null</code> to clear the message
1010:             * @param newType
1011:             *            the message type
1012:             * @since 2.0
1013:             */
1014:            public void setMessage(String newMessage, int newType) {
1015:                messageArea.updateText(newMessage, newType);
1016:            }
1018:            /**
1019:             * Sets the minimum page size.
1020:             * 
1021:             * @param minWidth
1022:             *            the minimum page width
1023:             * @param minHeight
1024:             *            the minimum page height
1025:             * @see #setMinimumPageSize(Point)
1026:             */
1027:            public void setMinimumPageSize(int minWidth, int minHeight) {
1028:                minimumPageSize.x = minWidth;
1029:                minimumPageSize.y = minHeight;
1030:            }
1032:            /**
1033:             * Sets the minimum page size.
1034:             * 
1035:             * @param size
1036:             *            the page size encoded as <code>new Point(width,height)</code>
1037:             * @see #setMinimumPageSize(int,int)
1038:             */
1039:            public void setMinimumPageSize(Point size) {
1040:                minimumPageSize.x = size.x;
1041:                minimumPageSize.y = size.y;
1042:            }
1044:            /**
1045:             * Save the currently selected node.
1046:             */
1047:            private void setSelectedNode() {
1048:                String storeValue = null;
1049:                IStructuredSelection selection = (IStructuredSelection) getTreeViewer()
1050:                        .getSelection();
1051:                if (selection.size() == 1) {
1052:                    IEditorNode node = (IEditorNode) selection
1053:                            .getFirstElement();
1054:                    storeValue = node.getId();
1055:                }
1056:                setSelectedNode(storeValue);
1057:            }
1059:            /**
1060:             * Sets the name of the selected item preference.
1061:             * 
1062:             * @param pageId
1063:             *            The identifier for the page
1064:             */
1065:            public void setSelectedNode(String pageId) {
1066:                lastPageId = pageId;
1067:            }
1069:            /**
1070:             * Changes the shell size to the given size, ensuring that it is no larger
1071:             * than the display bounds.
1072:             * 
1073:             * @param width
1074:             *            the shell width
1075:             * @param height
1076:             *            the shell height
1077:             */
1078:            private void setShellSize(int width, int height) {
1079:                Rectangle preferred = getShell().getBounds();
1080:                preferred.width = width;
1081:                preferred.height = height;
1082:                getShell().setBounds(getConstrainedShellBounds(preferred));
1083:            }
1085:            /**
1086:             * Shows the preference page corresponding to the given preference node.
1087:             * Does nothing if that page is already current.
1088:             * 
1089:             * @param node
1090:             *            the preference node, or <code>null</code> if none
1091:             * @return <code>true</code> if the page flip was successful, and
1092:             *         <code>false</code> is unsuccessful
1093:             */
1094:            protected boolean showPage(IEditorNode node) {
1095:                if (node == null)
1096:                    return false;
1097:                // Create the page if nessessary
1098:                if (node.getPage() == null)
1099:                    createPage(node);
1100:                if (node.getPage() == null)
1101:                    return false;
1102:                IEditorPage newPage = getPage(node);
1103:                if (newPage == currentPage)
1104:                    return true;
1105:                if (currentPage != null) {
1106:                    if (!currentPage.okToLeave())
1107:                        return false;
1108:                }
1109:                IEditorPage oldPage = currentPage;
1110:                currentPage = newPage;
1111:                // Set the new page's container
1112:                currentPage.setContainer(this );
1113:                // Ensure that the page control has been created
1114:                // (this allows lazy page control creation)
1115:                if (currentPage.getControl() == null) {
1116:                    final boolean[] failed = { false };
1117:           ISafeRunnable() {
1118:                        public void handleException(Throwable e) {
1119:                            failed[0] = true;
1120:                        }
1122:                        public void run() {
1123:                            createPageControl(currentPage, pageContainer);
1124:                        }
1125:                    });
1126:                    if (failed[0])
1127:                        return false;
1128:                    // the page is responsible for ensuring the created control is
1129:                    // accessable
1130:                    // via getControl.
1131:                    Assert.isNotNull(currentPage.getControl());
1132:                }
1133:                // Force calculation of the page's description label because
1134:                // label can be wrapped.
1135:                final Point[] size = new Point[1];
1136:                final Point failed = new Point(-1, -1);
1137:       ISafeRunnable() {
1138:                    public void handleException(Throwable e) {
1139:                        size[0] = failed;
1140:                    }
1142:                    public void run() {
1143:                        size[0] = currentPage.computeSize();
1144:                    }
1145:                });
1146:                if (size[0].equals(failed))
1147:                    return false;
1148:                Point contentSize = size[0];
1149:                // Do we need resizing. Computation not needed if the
1150:                // first page is inserted since computing the dialog's
1151:                // size is done by calling
1152:                // Also prevent auto resize if the user has manually resized
1153:                Shell shell = getShell();
1154:                Point shellSize = shell.getSize();
1155:                if (oldPage != null) {
1156:                    Rectangle rect = pageContainer.getClientArea();
1157:                    Point containerSize = new Point(rect.width, rect.height);
1158:                    int hdiff = contentSize.x - containerSize.x;
1159:                    int vdiff = contentSize.y - containerSize.y;
1160:                    if ((hdiff > 0 || vdiff > 0)
1161:                            && shellSize.equals(lastShellSize)) {
1162:                        hdiff = Math.max(0, hdiff);
1163:                        vdiff = Math.max(0, vdiff);
1164:                        setShellSize(shellSize.x + hdiff, shellSize.y + vdiff);
1165:                        lastShellSize = shell.getSize();
1166:                        if (currentPage.getControl().getSize().x == 0)
1167:                            currentPage.getControl().setSize(containerSize);
1169:                    } else
1170:                        //Set the size to be sure we use the result of computeSize
1171:                        currentPage.setSize(containerSize);
1172:                }
1173:                // Ensure that all other pages are invisible
1174:                // (including ones that triggered an exception during
1175:                // their creation).
1176:                Control[] children = pageContainer.getChildren();
1177:                Control currentControl = currentPage.getControl();
1178:                for (int i = 0; i < children.length; i++) {
1179:                    if (children[i] != currentControl)
1180:                        children[i].setVisible(false);
1181:                }
1182:                // Make the new page visible
1183:                currentPage.setVisible(true);
1184:                if (oldPage != null)
1185:                    oldPage.setVisible(false);
1186:                // update the dialog controls
1187:                update();
1188:                return true;
1189:            }
1191:            /**
1192:             * Create the page for the node.
1193:             * @param node
1194:             * 
1195:             * @since 3.1
1196:             */
1197:            protected void createPage(IEditorNode node) {
1198:                node.createPage(getPageContainer(), this );
1199:            }
1201:            /**
1202:             * Get the page for the node.
1203:             * @param node
1204:             * @return IEditorPage
1205:             * 
1206:             * @since 3.1
1207:             */
1208:            protected IEditorPage getPage(IEditorNode node) {
1209:                return node.getPage();
1210:            }
1212:            /**
1213:             * Shows the "Page Flipping abort" dialog.
1214:             */
1215:            void showPageFlippingAbortDialog() {
1216:                //		MessageDialog.openError(getShell(), JFaceResources
1217:                //				.getString("AbortPageFlippingDialog.title"), //$NON-NLS-1$
1218:                //				JFaceResources.getString("AbortPageFlippingDialog.message")); //$NON-NLS-1$
1219:            }
1221:            /**
1222:             * Updates this dialog's controls to reflect the current page.
1223:             */
1224:            protected void update() {
1225:                // Update the title bar
1226:                updateTitle();
1227:                // Update the message line
1228:                updateMessage();
1229:                // Update the buttons
1230:                updateButtons();
1231:                //Saved the selected node in the preferences
1232:                setSelectedNode();
1233:                firePageChanged(new PageChangedEvent(this , getCurrentPage()));
1234:            }
1236:            /*
1237:             * (non-Javadoc)
1238:             * 
1239:             * @see org.eclipse.jface.preference.IEditorPageContainer#updateButtons()
1240:             */
1241:            public void updateButtons() {
1242:                okButton.setEnabled(isCurrentPageValid());
1243:            }
1245:            /*
1246:             * (non-Javadoc)
1247:             * 
1248:             * @see org.eclipse.jface.preference.IEditorPageContainer#updateMessage()
1249:             */
1250:            public void updateMessage() {
1251:                String message = null;
1252:                String errorMessage = null;
1253:                if (currentPage != null) {
1254:                    message = currentPage.getMessage();
1255:                    errorMessage = currentPage.getErrorMessage();
1256:                }
1257:                int messageType = IMessageProvider.NONE;
1258:                if (message != null && currentPage instanceof  IMessageProvider)
1259:                    messageType = ((IMessageProvider) currentPage)
1260:                            .getMessageType();
1262:                if (errorMessage == null) {
1263:                    if (showingError) {
1264:                        // we were previously showing an error
1265:                        showingError = false;
1266:                    }
1267:                } else {
1268:                    message = errorMessage;
1269:                    messageType = IMessageProvider.ERROR;
1270:                    if (!showingError) {
1271:                        // we were not previously showing an error
1272:                        showingError = true;
1273:                    }
1274:                }
1275:                messageArea.updateText(message, messageType);
1276:            }
1278:            /*
1279:             * (non-Javadoc)
1280:             * 
1281:             * @see org.eclipse.jface.preference.IEditorPageContainer#updateTitle()
1282:             */
1283:            public void updateTitle() {
1284:                if (currentPage == null)
1285:                    return;
1286:                messageArea.showTitle(currentPage.getTitle(), currentPage
1287:                        .getImage());
1288:            }
1290:            /**
1291:             * Update the tree to use the specified <code>Font</code>.
1292:             * 
1293:             * @param dialogFont
1294:             *            the <code>Font</code> to use.
1295:             * @since 3.0
1296:             */
1297:            protected void updateTreeFont(Font dialogFont) {
1298:                getTreeViewer().getControl().setFont(dialogFont);
1299:            }
1301:            /**
1302:             * Returns the currentPage.
1303:             * @return IEditorPage
1304:             * @since 3.1
1305:             */
1306:            protected IEditorPage getCurrentPage() {
1307:                return currentPage;
1308:            }
1310:            /**
1311:             * Sets the current page.
1312:             * @param currentPage
1313:             * 
1314:             * @since 3.1
1315:             */
1316:            protected void setCurrentPage(IEditorPage currentPage) {
1317:                this .currentPage = currentPage;
1318:            }
1320:            /**
1321:             * Set the treeViewer.
1322:             * @param treeViewer
1323:             * 
1324:             * @since 3.1
1325:             */
1326:            protected void setTreeViewer(TreeViewer treeViewer) {
1327:                this .treeViewer = treeViewer;
1328:            }
1330:            /**
1331:             * Get the composite that is showing the page.
1332:             *
1333:             * @return Composite.
1334:             * 
1335:             * @since 3.1
1336:             */
1337:            protected Composite getPageContainer() {
1338:                return this .pageContainer;
1339:            }
1341:            /**
1342:             * Set the composite that is showing the page.
1343:             * @param pageContainer Composite
1344:             * 
1345:             * @since 3.1
1346:             */
1347:            protected void setPageContainer(Composite pageContainer) {
1348:                this .pageContainer = pageContainer;
1349:            }
1351:            /**
1352:             * Create the page control for the supplied page.
1353:             * 
1354:             * @param page - the preference page to be shown
1355:             * @param parent - the composite to parent the page
1356:             * 
1357:             * @since 3.1
1358:             */
1359:            protected void createPageControl(IEditorPage page, Composite parent) {
1360:                page.createControl(parent);
1361:            }
1363:            /**
1364:             * @see org.eclipse.jface.dialogs.IPageChangeProvider#getSelectedPage()
1365:             * 
1366:             * @since 3.1
1367:             */
1368:            public Object getSelectedPage() {
1369:                return getCurrentPage();
1370:            }
1372:            /**
1373:             * @see org.eclipse.jface.dialogs.IPageChangeProvider#addPageChangedListener(org.eclipse.jface.dialogs.IPageChangedListener)
1374:             * @since 3.1
1375:             */
1376:            public void addPageChangedListener(IPageChangedListener listener) {
1377:                pageChangedListeners.add(listener);
1378:            }
1380:            /**
1381:             * @see org.eclipse.jface.dialogs.IPageChangeProvider#removePageChangedListener(org.eclipse.jface.dialogs.IPageChangedListener)
1382:             * @since 3.1
1383:             */
1384:            public void removePageChangedListener(IPageChangedListener listener) {
1385:                pageChangedListeners.remove(listener);
1387:            }
1389:            /**
1390:             * Notifies any selection changed listeners that the selected page
1391:             * has changed.
1392:             * Only listeners registered at the time this method is called are notified.
1393:             *
1394:             * @param event a selection changed event
1395:             *
1396:             * @see IPageChangedListener#pageChanged
1397:             * 
1398:             * @since 3.1
1399:             */
1400:            protected void firePageChanged(final PageChangedEvent event) {
1401:                Object[] listeners = pageChangedListeners.getListeners();
1402:                for (int i = 0; i < listeners.length; i++) {
1403:                    final IPageChangedListener l = (IPageChangedListener) listeners[i];
1404:           SafeRunnable() {
1405:                        public void run() {
1406:                            l.pageChanged(event);
1407:                        }
1408:                    });
1409:                }
1410:            }
1411:        }
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