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Java Source Code / Java Documentation » Graphic Library » jgraph » org.jgraph 
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All known Subclasses:   com.jgraph.example.EditorGraph,
public class JGraph extends JComponent implements Scrollable,Accessible,Serializable(Code)
A control that displays a network of related objects using the well-known paradigm of a graph.

A JGraph object doesn't actually contain your data; it simply provides a view of the data. Like any non-trivial Swing component, the graph gets data by querying its data model.

JGraph displays its data by drawing individual elements. Each element displayed by the graph contains exactly one item of data, which is called a cell. A cell may either be a vertex or an edge. Vertices may have neighbours or not, and edges may have source and target vertices or not, depending on whether they are connected.

Creating a Graph

The following code creates a JGraph object:

JGraph graph = new JGraph();
JScrollPane graphLayoutCache = new JScrollPane(graph)

The code creates an instance of JGraph and puts it in a scroll pane. JGraphs constructor is called with no arguments in this example, which causes the constructor to create a sample model.


Outmoved, cloned, resized, and shaped, or connected/disconnected to or from other cells.

Keyboard Bindings

JGraph defines the following set of keyboard bindings:

  • Alt-Click forces marquee selection if over a cell.
  • Shift- or Ctrl-Select extends or toggles the selection.
  • Shift-Drag constrains the offset to one direction.
  • Ctrl-Drag clones the selection.
  • Doubleclick/F2 starts editing a cell.
You can change the number of clicks that triggers editing using setEditClickCount().


There are a number of additional methods that customize JGraph. For example, setMinimumMove() defines the minimum amount of pixels before a move operation is initiated. setSnapSize() defines the maximum distance for a cell to be selected. setFloatEnabled() enables/disables port floating.

With setDisconnectOnMove() you can indicate if the selected subgraph should be disconnected from the unselected rest when a move operation is initiated. setDragEnabled() enables/disables the use of Drag And Drop, and setDropEnabled() sets if the graph accepts Drops from external sources.

Customizing a graphs display

JGraph performs some look-and-feel specific painting. You can customize this painting in a limited way. For example, you can modify the grid using setGridColor() and setGridSize(), and you can change the handle colors using setHandleColor() and setLockedHandleColor().

If you want finer control over the rendering, you can subclass one of the default renderers, and extend its paint()-method. A renderer is a Component-extension that paints a cell based on its attributes. Thus, neither the JGraph nor its look-and-feel-specific implementation actually contain the code that paints the cell. Instead, the graph uses the cell renderers painting code.


Apart from the single-cell and marquee-selection, JGraphs selection model also allows to "step-into" groups, and select children. This feature can be disabled using the setAllowsChildSelection() method of the selection model instance.

If you are interested in knowing when the selection changes implement the GraphSelectionListener interface and add the instance using the method addGraphSelectionListener. valueChanged will be invoked when the selection changes, that is if the user clicks twice on the same vertex valueChanged will only be invoked once.

Change Notification

For detection of double-clicks or when a user clicks on a cell, regardless of whether or not it was selected, I recommend you implement a MouseListener and use getFirstCellForLocation.

Undo Support

To enable Undo-Support, a GraphUndoManager must be added using addGraphSelectionListener. The GraphUndoManager is an extension of Swing's GraphUndoManager that maintains a command history in the context of multiple views. In this setup, a cell may have a set of attributes in each view attached to the model.

For example, consider a position that is stored separately in each view. If a node is inserted, the change will be visible in all attached views, resulting in a new node that pops-up at the initial position. If the node is subsequently moved, say, in view1, this does not constitute a change in view2. If view2 does an "undo", the move and the insertion must be undone, whereas an "undo" in view1 will only undo the previous move operation.

Like all JComponent classes, you can use javax.swing.InputMap and javax.swing.ActionMap to associate an javax.swing.Action object with a javax.swing.KeyStroke and execute the action under specified conditions.
   Gaudenz Alder
   2.1 16/03/03

Inner Class :public static class EmptySelectionModel extends DefaultGraphSelectionModel
Inner Class :protected class GraphSelectionRedirector implements Serializable,GraphSelectionListener

Field Summary
final public static  StringANTIALIASED_PROPERTY
     Bound property name for antiAliased.
final public static  intCROSS_GRID_MODE
final public static  intDOT_GRID_MODE
final public static  StringEDITABLE_PROPERTY
     Bound property name for editable.
final public static  StringGRAPH_LAYOUT_CACHE_PROPERTY
     Bound property name for graphModel.
final public static  StringGRAPH_MODEL_PROPERTY
     Bound property name for graphModel.
final public static  StringGRID_COLOR_PROPERTY
     Bound property name for gridColor.
final public static  StringGRID_SIZE_PROPERTY
     Bound property name for gridSize.
final public static  StringGRID_VISIBLE_PROPERTY
     Bound property name for gridVisible.
final public static  StringHANDLE_COLOR_PROPERTY
     Bound property name for gridColor.
final public static  StringHANDLE_SIZE_PROPERTY
     Bound property name for gridColor.
     Bound property name for messagesStopCellEditing.
public static  booleanIS_MAC
final public static  intLINE_GRID_MODE
final public static  StringLOCKED_HANDLE_COLOR_PROPERTY
     Bound property name for gridColor.
final public static  StringMARQUEE_HANDLER_PROPERTY
     Bound property name for graphModel.
final public static  StringPORTS_SCALED_PROPERTY
     Bound property name for portsScaled.
final public static  StringPORTS_VISIBLE_PROPERTY
     Bound property name for gridVisible.
final public static  StringPROPERTY_BACKGROUNDIMAGE
     Bound property name for backgroundImage.
final public static  StringSCALE_PROPERTY
     Bound property name for scale.
final public static  StringSELECTIONENABLED_PROPERTY
     Bound property name for selectionEnabled.
final public static  StringSELECTION_MODEL_PROPERTY
     Bound property name for selectionModel.
final public static  StringVERSION
protected  booleanantiAliased
     True if the graph is anti-aliased.
protected  booleanautoResizeGraph
     True if the graph should be auto resized when cells are moved below the bottom right corner.
protected  ComponentbackgroundComponent
protected  ImageIconbackgroundImage
     Holds the background image.
protected  booleanbackgroundScaled
protected  booleanbendable
     True if the graph allows points to be modified/added/removed.
protected  booleancloneable
     True if the graph allows "ctrl-drag" operations.
protected  booleanconnectable
     True if the graph allows new connections to be established.
protected  booleandisconnectOnMove
     True if selected edges are disconnected from unselected vertices on move.
protected  booleandisconnectable
     True if the graph allows existing connections to be removed.
protected  booleandragEnabled
     True if Drag-and-Drop should be used for move operations.
protected  booleandropEnabled
     True if the graph accepts transfers from other components (graphs).
protected  booleanedgeLabelsMovable
     True if the labels on edges may be moved.
protected  inteditClickCount
     Number of clicks for editing to start.
protected  booleaneditable
     True if the graph allows editing the value of a cell.
protected  booleanenabled
     True if the graph allows interactions.
protected transient  GraphLayoutCachegraphLayoutCache
     The view that defines the display properties of the model.
protected transient  GraphModelgraphModel
     The model that defines the graph displayed by this object.
protected  ColorgridColor
     The color of the grid.
protected  booleangridEnabled
     True if the snap method should be active (snap to grid).
protected  intgridMode
     The style of the grid.
protected  doublegridSize
     The size of the grid in points.
protected  booleangridVisible
     True if the grid is visible.
protected  booleangroupsEditable
     True if the graph allows editing of non-leaf cells.
protected  ColorhandleColorlockedHandleColor
     Color of the handles and locked handles.
protected  inthandleSize
     Size of a handle.
protected  ColorhighlightColor
     Highlight Color.
protected  booleaninvokesStopCellEditing
     If true, when editing is to be stopped by way of selection changing, data in graph changing or other means stopCellEditing is invoked, and changes are saved.
protected  booleanisJumpToDefaultPort
     True if getPortViewAt should return the default port if no other port is found.
protected  booleanisMoveIntoGroups
     Specifies if cells should be added to a group when moved over the group's area.
protected  booleanisMoveOutOfGroups
     Specifies if cells should be removed from groups when removed from the group area.
protected transient  BasicMarqueeHandlermarquee
     Handler for marquee selection.
protected  ColormarqueeColor
     Color of the marquee.
protected  intminimumMove
     Minimum amount of pixels to start a move transaction.
protected  booleanmoveBelowZero
     True if the graph allows to move cells below zero.
protected  booleanmoveBeyondGraphBounds
protected  booleanmoveable
     True if the graph allows move operations.
protected transient  Graphicsoffgraphics
protected transient  Imageoffscreen
protected transient  Rectangle2DoffscreenBounds
protected transient  intoffscreenBuffer
     The buffer around the offscreen graphics object that provides the specified distance of scrolling before the buffer has to be redrawn.
protected transient  Point2DoffscreenOffset
protected transient  booleanoffscreenValid
protected  booleanportsScaled
     True if the ports are scaled.
protected  booleanportsVisible
     True if the ports are visible.
protected  booleanpreviewInvalidNullPorts
     True if the graph allows invalid null ports during previews (aka flip back edges).
protected  doublescale
     Scale of the graph.
protected  booleanselectionEnabled
     True if the graph allows selection of cells.
protected transient  GraphSelectionModelselectionModel
     Models the set of selected objects in this graph.
protected transient  GraphSelectionRedirectorselectionRedirector
     Creates a new event and passes it off the selectionListeners.
protected  booleansizeable
     True if the graph allows cells to be resized.
protected  inttolerance
     Maximum distance between a cell and the mousepointer.
protected  booleanvolatileOffscreen
     Whether or not to try to use a volatile offscreen buffer for double buffering.
protected  booleanxorEnabled
     True if the graph accepts transfers from other components (graphs).

Constructor Summary
public  JGraph()
     Returns a JGraph with a sample model.
public  JGraph(GraphModel model)
     Returns an instance of JGraph which displays the the specified data model.
public  JGraph(GraphLayoutCache cache)
     Returns an instance of JGraph which displays the data model using the specified view.
public  JGraph(GraphModel model, GraphLayoutCache cache)
     Returns an instance of JGraph which displays the specified data model using the specified view.
public  JGraph(GraphModel model, BasicMarqueeHandler mh)
public  JGraph(GraphModel model, GraphLayoutCache layoutCache, BasicMarqueeHandler mh)

Method Summary
public  voidaddGraphSelectionListener(GraphSelectionListener tsl)
     Adds a listener for GraphSelection events.
public static  voidaddSampleData(GraphModel model)
     Creates and returns a sample GraphModel.
public  voidaddSelectionCell(Object cell)
     Adds the cell identified by the specified Object to the current selection.
public  voidaddSelectionCells(Object[] cells)
     Adds each cell in the array of cells to the current selection.
public  voidcancelEditing()
     Cancels the current editing session.
public  voidclearSelection()
     Clears the selection.
public  MapcloneCells(Object[] cells)
     Returns a map of (cell, clone)-pairs for all cells and their children.
public  StringconvertValueToString(Object value)
     Converts the specified value to string.
public static  MapcreateBounds(AttributeMap map, int x, int y, Color c)
     Returns an attributeMap for the specified position and color.
protected  voidcreateBufferedImage(int width, int height)
public  booleandrawImage(int dx1, int dy1, int dx2, int dy2, int sx1, int sy1, int sx2, int sy2)
     Utility method to draw the off screen buffer
  dx1 - the x coordinate of the first corner of thedestination rectangle.
  dy1 - the y coordinate of the first corner of thedestination rectangle.
  dx2 - the x coordinate of the second corner of thedestination rectangle.
  dy2 - the y coordinate of the second corner of thedestination rectangle.
  sx1 - the x coordinate of the first corner of the sourcerectangle.
  sy1 - the y coordinate of the first corner of the sourcerectangle.
  sx2 - the x coordinate of the second corner of the sourcerectangle.
  sy2 - the y coordinate of the second corner of the sourcerectangle.
public  booleandrawImage(Graphics g)
protected  voidfireValueChanged(GraphSelectionEvent e)
     Notifies all listeners that have registered interest for notification on this event type.
public  Point2DfromScreen(Point2D p)
     Downscale the given point in place, using the given instance.
public  Rectangle2DfromScreen(Rectangle2D rect)
     Downscale the given rectangle in place, using the given instance.
public  AttributeMapgetAttributes(Object cell)
     Returns the attributes for the specified cell.
public  ComponentgetBackgroundComponent()
public  ImageIcongetBackgroundImage()
     Returns the background image.
public  Rectangle2DgetCellBounds(Object cell)
     Returns the bounding rectangle of the specified cell.
public  Rectangle2DgetCellBounds(Object[] cells)
     Returns the bounding rectangle of the specified cells.
public  Point2DgetCenterPoint()
     Returns the center of the component relative to the parent viewport's position.
public  PortViewgetDefaultPortForCell(Object cell)
     Returns the default portview for the specified cell.
public  Object[]getDescendants(Object[] cells)
     Returns all cells including all descendants in the passed in order of cells.
public  booleangetEdgeLabelsMovable()
     Returns true if edge labels may be dragged and dropped.
public  intgetEditClickCount()
     Returns the number of clicks for editing to start.
public  ObjectgetEditingCell()
     Returns the cell that is currently being edited.
public  ObjectgetFirstCellForLocation(double x, double y)
     Returns the topmost cell at the specified location.
public  GraphLayoutCachegetGraphLayoutCache()
     Returns the GraphLayoutCache that is providing the view-data.
public  ColorgetGridColor()
     Returns the current grid color.
public  intgetGridMode()
     Returns the current grid view mode.
public  doublegetGridSize()
     Returns the size of the grid in pixels.
public  ColorgetHandleColor()
     Returns the current handle color.
public  intgetHandleSize()
     Returns the size of the handles.
public  ColorgetHighlightColor()
     Returns the current highlight color.
public  BufferedImagegetImage(Color bg, int inset)
     Returns a BufferedImage for the graph using inset as an empty border around the cells of the graph.
public  booleangetInvokesStopCellEditing()
     Returns the indicator that tells what happens when editing is interrupted.
public  CellViewgetLeafViewAt(double x, double y)
     Returns the next view at the specified location wrt.
public  ColorgetLockedHandleColor()
     Returns the current second handle color.
public  ColorgetMarqueeColor()
     Returns the current marquee color.
public  BasicMarqueeHandlergetMarqueeHandler()
     Returns the MarqueeHandler that will handle marquee selection.
public  intgetMinimumMove()
     Returns the miminum amount of pixels for a move operation.
public  GraphModelgetModel()
     Returns the GraphModel that is providing the data.
public  ObjectgetNextCellForLocation(Object current, double x, double y)
     Returns the cell at the specified location that is "behind" the current cell.
public  CellViewgetNextSelectableViewAt(CellView current, double x, double y)
     Note: Arguments are not expected to be scaled (they are scaled in here).
public  CellViewgetNextViewAt(CellView current, double x, double y)
     Returns the next view at the specified location wrt.
public  CellViewgetNextViewAt(CellView current, double x, double y, boolean leafsOnly)
     Returns the next view at the specified location wrt.
public  CellViewgetNextViewAt(CellView[] cells, CellView c, double x, double y)
     Returns the next view at the specified location wrt.
public  CellViewgetNextViewAt(CellView[] cells, CellView c, double x, double y, boolean leafsOnly)
     Returns the next view at the specified location wrt.
public  GraphicsgetOffgraphics()
     Returns the current double buffering graphics object.
public  ImagegetOffscreen()
public  Point2DgetOffscreenOffset()
public  ObjectgetPortForLocation(double x, double y)
     Convenience method to return the port at the specified location.
public  PortViewgetPortViewAt(double x, double y)
     Returns the portview at the specified location.
public  PortViewgetPortViewAt(double x, double y, int tolerance)
     Returns the portview at the specified location.
public  DimensiongetPreferredScrollableViewportSize()
     Returns the preferred display size of a JGraph.
public  Object[]getRoots()
     Returns all root cells (cells that have no parent) that the model contains.
public  Object[]getRoots(Rectangle clip)
     Returns all cells that intersect the given rectangle.
public  doublegetScale()
     Returns the current scale.
public  intgetScrollableBlockIncrement(Rectangle visibleRect, int orientation, int direction)
     Returns the amount for a block increment, which is the height or width of visibleRect, based on orientation.
  visibleRect - the view area visible within the viewport
  orientation - either SwingConstants.VERTICAL orSwingConstants.HORIZONTAL
  direction - less than zero to scroll up/left, greater than zero fordown/right.
public  booleangetScrollableTracksViewportHeight()
     Returns false to indicate that the height of the viewport does not determine the height of the graph, unless the preferred height of the graph is smaller than the viewports height.
public  booleangetScrollableTracksViewportWidth()
     Returns false to indicate that the width of the viewport does not determine the width of the graph, unless the preferred width of the graph is smaller than the viewports width.
public  intgetScrollableUnitIncrement(Rectangle visibleRect, int orientation, int direction)
     Returns the amount to increment when scrolling.
public  ObjectgetSelectionCell()
     Returns the first selected cell.
public  ObjectgetSelectionCellAt(Point2D pt)
     Returns the selection cell at the specified location.
public  Object[]getSelectionCells()
     Returns all selected cells.
public  Object[]getSelectionCells(Object[] cells)
     Returns all selected cells in cells.
public  intgetSelectionCount()
     Returns the number of cells selected.
public  GraphSelectionModelgetSelectionModel()
     Returns the model for selections.
public  intgetTolerance()
     Returns the maximum distance between the mousepointer and a cell to be selected.
public  StringgetToolTipText(MouseEvent e)
     Overrides JComponent'sgetToolTipText method in order to allow the graph to create a tooltip for the topmost cell under the mousepointer.
public  CellViewgetTopmostViewAt(double x, double y, boolean reverse, boolean leafsOnly)
     Returns the topmost cell view at the specified location using the view's bounds on non-leafs to check for containment.
public  GraphUIgetUI()
     Returns the L&F object that renders this component.
public  StringgetUIClassID()
     Returns the name of the L&F class that renders this component.
public  Rectangle2DgetViewPortBounds()
     Return the bounds of the parent viewport, if one exists.
public  voidgraphDidChange()
     Messaged when the graph has changed enough that we need to resize the bounds, but not enough that we need to remove the cells (e.g cells were inserted into the graph).
public  booleanisAntiAliased()
     Returns true if the graph will be anti aliased.
public  booleanisAutoResizeGraph()
     Returns true if the graph should be automatically resized when cells are being moved below the bottom right corner.
public  booleanisBackgroundScaled()
public  booleanisBendable()
     Returns true if the graph allows adding/removing/modifying points.
public  booleanisCellEditable(Object cell)
     Returns true if the graph and the cell are editable.
public  booleanisCellSelected(Object cell)
     Returns true if the cell is currently selected.
public  booleanisCloneable()
     Returns true if cells are cloned on CTRL-Drag operations.
public  booleanisConnectable()
     Returns true if the graph allows new connections to be established.
public  booleanisDisconnectOnMove()
     Returns true if selected edges should be disconnected from unselected vertices when they are moved.
public  booleanisDisconnectable()
     Returns true if the graph allows existing connections to be removed.
public  booleanisDragEnabled()
     Returns true if the graph uses Drag-and-Drop to move cells.
public  booleanisDropEnabled()
     Returns true if the graph accepts drops/pastes from external sources.
public  booleanisEditable()
     Returns true if the graph is editable (if it allows cells to be edited).
public  booleanisEditing()
     Returns true if the graph is being edited.
public  booleanisGridEnabled()
     Returns true if the grid is active.
public  booleanisGridVisible()
     Returns true if the grid will be visible.
public  booleanisGroupsEditable()
public  booleanisJumpToDefaultPort()
     Returns true if getPortViewAt should return the default port if no other port is found.
public  booleanisMoveBelowZero()
     Returns true if the graph allows to move cells below zero.
public  booleanisMoveBeyondGraphBounds()
public  booleanisMoveIntoGroups()
     Returns true if cells should be added to groups when moved over the group's area.
public  booleanisMoveOutOfGroups()
     Returns true if cells should be removed from groups when removed from the group's area.
public  booleanisMoveable()
public  booleanisOffscreenValid()
public  booleanisPortsScaled()
     Returns true if the ports will be scaled.
public  booleanisPortsVisible()
     Returns true if the ports will be visible.
public  booleanisPreviewInvalidNullPorts()
public  booleanisSelectionEmpty()
     Returns true if the selection is currently empty.
public  booleanisSelectionEnabled()
public  booleanisSizeable()
     Returns true if the graph allows cells to be resized.
public  booleanisVolatileOffscreen()
public  booleanisXorEnabled()
     Returns true if the graph accepts drops/pastes from external sources.
public static  voidmain(String[] args)
public  Object[]order(Object[] cells)
     Returns all cells including all descendants ordered using the current layering data stored by the model.
protected  StringparamString()
     Returns a string representation of this JGraph.
public  voidremoveGraphSelectionListener(GraphSelectionListener tsl)
     Removes a GraphSelection listener.
public  voidremoveSelectionCell(Object cell)
     Removes the cell identified by the specified Object from the current selection.
public  voidrepaint(long tm, int x, int y, int width, int height)
     You should not call this method directly on a JGraph if you are using double buffering.
public  voidrepaint(Rectangle r)
public  voidrepaint()
public  voidrepaint(int x, int y, int width, int height)
public  voidrepaint(long tm)
public  voidscrollCellToVisible(Object cell)
     Scrolls to the specified cell.
public  voidscrollPointToVisible(Point2D p)
     Makes sure the specified point is visible.
public  voidsetAntiAliased(boolean newValue)
     Sets antialiasing on or off based on the boolean value.
public  voidsetAutoResizeGraph(boolean autoResizeGraph)
public  voidsetBackgroundComponent(Component backgroundComponent)
public  voidsetBackgroundImage(ImageIcon backgroundImage)
     Sets the background image.
public  voidsetBackgroundScaled(boolean backgroundScaled)
public  voidsetBendable(boolean flag)
     Sets if the graph allows adding/removing/modifying points.
public  voidsetCloneable(boolean flag)
     Sets if cells are cloned on CTRL-Drag operations.
public  voidsetConnectable(boolean flag)
     Setse if the graph allows new connections to be established.
public  voidsetDisconnectOnMove(boolean flag)
     Sets if selected edges should be disconnected from unselected vertices when they are moved.
public  voidsetDisconnectable(boolean flag)
     Sets if the graph allows existing connections to be removed.
public  voidsetDragEnabled(boolean flag)
     Sets if the graph uses Drag-and-Drop to move cells.
public  voidsetDropEnabled(boolean flag)
     Sets if the graph accepts drops/pastes from external sources.
public  voidsetEdgeLabelsMovable(boolean edgeLabelsMovable)
     Set if edge labels may be moved with the mouse or not.
public  voidsetEditClickCount(int count)
     Sets the number of clicks for editing to start.
public  voidsetEditable(boolean flag)
     Determines whether the graph is editable.
public  voidsetGraphLayoutCache(GraphLayoutCache newLayoutCache)
     Sets the GraphLayoutCache that will provide the view-data.
public  voidsetGridColor(Color newColor)
     Sets the current grid color.
public  voidsetGridEnabled(boolean flag)
     If set to true, the grid will be active.
public  voidsetGridMode(int mode)
     Sets the current grid view mode.
  mode - The current grid view mode.
public  voidsetGridSize(double newSize)
     Sets the size of the grid.
public  voidsetGridVisible(boolean flag)
     If set to true, the grid will be visible.
public  voidsetGroupsEditable(boolean groupsEditable)
public  voidsetHandleColor(Color newColor)
     Sets the current handle color.
public  voidsetHandleSize(int size)
     Sets the size of the handles.
public  voidsetHighlightColor(Color newColor)
     Sets the current selection highlight color.
public  voidsetInvokesStopCellEditing(boolean newValue)
     Determines what happens when editing is interrupted by selecting another cell in the graph, a change in the graph's data, or by some other means.
public  voidsetJumpToDefaultPort(boolean flag)
     Sets if getPortViewAt should return the default port if no other port is found.
public  voidsetLockedHandleColor(Color newColor)
     Sets the current second handle color.
public  voidsetMarqueeColor(Color newColor)
     Sets the current marquee color.
public  voidsetMarqueeHandler(BasicMarqueeHandler newMarquee)
     Sets the MarqueeHandler that will handle marquee selection.
public  voidsetMinimumMove(int pixels)
     Sets the miminum amount of pixels for a move operation.
public  voidsetModel(GraphModel newModel)
     Sets the GraphModel that will provide the data.
public  voidsetMoveBelowZero(boolean moveBelowZero)
     Sets if the graph should auto resize when cells are being moved below the bottom right corner.
public  voidsetMoveBeyondGraphBounds(boolean moveBeyondGraphBounds)
public  voidsetMoveIntoGroups(boolean flag)
     Specifies if cells should be added to groups when moved over the group's area.
public  voidsetMoveOutOfGroups(boolean flag)
     Specifies if cells should be removed from groups when removed from the group's area.
public  voidsetMoveable(boolean flag)
     Sets if the graph allows movement of cells.
public  voidsetOffscreenOffset(Point2D offscreenOffset)
public  voidsetOffscreenValid(boolean offscreenValid)
public  voidsetPortsScaled(boolean flag)
     If set to true, the ports will be scaled.
public  voidsetPortsVisible(boolean flag)
     If set to true, the ports will be visible.
public  voidsetPreviewInvalidNullPorts(boolean flag)
public  voidsetScale(double newValue)
     Sets the current scale.
public  voidsetScale(double newValue, Point2D center)
public  voidsetSelectionCell(Object cell)
     Selects the specified cell.
public  voidsetSelectionCells(Object[] cells)
     Selects the specified cells.
public  voidsetSelectionEnabled(boolean flag)
     Determines whether cell selection is enabled.
public  voidsetSelectionModel(GraphSelectionModel selectionModel)
     Sets the graph's selection model.
public  voidsetSizeable(boolean flag)
     Sets if the graph allows cells to be resized.
public  voidsetTolerance(int size)
     Sets the maximum distance between the mousepointer and a cell to be selected.
public  voidsetUI(GraphUI ui)
     Sets the L&F object that renders this component.
public  voidsetVolatileOffscreen(boolean volatileOffscreen)
public  voidsetXorEnabled(boolean flag)
     Sets if the graph accepts drops/pastes from external sources.
protected  voidsetupOffScreen(int x, int y, int width, int height, Rectangle2D newOffscreenBuffer)
public  Point2Dsnap(Point2D p)
     Returns the given point applied to the grid.
  p - a point in screen coordinates.
public  Rectangle2Dsnap(Rectangle2D r)
     Returns the given rectangle applied to the grid.
  r - a rectangle in screen coordinates.
public  Dimension2Dsnap(Dimension2D d)
     Returns the given dimension applied to the grid.
  d - a dimension in screen coordinates to snap to.
public  voidstartEditingAtCell(Object cell)
     Selects the specified cell and initiates editing.
public  booleanstopEditing()
     Ends the current editing session.
public  Point2DtoScreen(Point2D p)
     Upscale the given point in place, using the given instance.
public  Rectangle2DtoScreen(Rectangle2D rect)
     Upscale the given rectangle in place, using the given instance.
public  voidupdateAutoSize(CellView view)
     Computes and updates the size for view.
public  voidupdateUI()
     Notification from the UIManager that the L&F has changed. Replaces the current UI object with the latest version from the UIManager.

Field Detail
final public static String ANTIALIASED_PROPERTY(Code)
Bound property name for antiAliased.

final public static int CROSS_GRID_MODE(Code)

final public static int DOT_GRID_MODE(Code)

final public static String EDITABLE_PROPERTY(Code)
Bound property name for editable.

final public static String GRAPH_LAYOUT_CACHE_PROPERTY(Code)
Bound property name for graphModel.

final public static String GRAPH_MODEL_PROPERTY(Code)
Bound property name for graphModel.

final public static String GRID_COLOR_PROPERTY(Code)
Bound property name for gridColor.

final public static String GRID_SIZE_PROPERTY(Code)
Bound property name for gridSize.

final public static String GRID_VISIBLE_PROPERTY(Code)
Bound property name for gridVisible.

final public static String HANDLE_COLOR_PROPERTY(Code)
Bound property name for gridColor.

final public static String HANDLE_SIZE_PROPERTY(Code)
Bound property name for gridColor.

final public static String INVOKES_STOP_CELL_EDITING_PROPERTY(Code)
Bound property name for messagesStopCellEditing.

public static boolean IS_MAC(Code)

final public static int LINE_GRID_MODE(Code)

final public static String LOCKED_HANDLE_COLOR_PROPERTY(Code)
Bound property name for gridColor.

final public static String MARQUEE_HANDLER_PROPERTY(Code)
Bound property name for graphModel.

final public static String PORTS_SCALED_PROPERTY(Code)
Bound property name for portsScaled.

final public static String PORTS_VISIBLE_PROPERTY(Code)
Bound property name for gridVisible.

final public static String PROPERTY_BACKGROUNDIMAGE(Code)
Bound property name for backgroundImage.

final public static String SCALE_PROPERTY(Code)
Bound property name for scale.

final public static String SELECTIONENABLED_PROPERTY(Code)
Bound property name for selectionEnabled.

final public static String SELECTION_MODEL_PROPERTY(Code)
Bound property name for selectionModel.

final public static String VERSION(Code)

protected boolean antiAliased(Code)
True if the graph is anti-aliased. Default is false. Bound property.

protected boolean autoResizeGraph(Code)
True if the graph should be auto resized when cells are moved below the bottom right corner. Default is true.

protected Component backgroundComponent(Code)
A Component responsible for drawing the background image, if any

protected ImageIcon backgroundImage(Code)
Holds the background image.

protected boolean backgroundScaled(Code)
Whether or not the background image is scaled on zooming

protected boolean bendable(Code)
True if the graph allows points to be modified/added/removed. Default is true.

protected boolean cloneable(Code)
True if the graph allows "ctrl-drag" operations. Default is false.

protected boolean connectable(Code)
True if the graph allows new connections to be established. Default is true.

protected boolean disconnectOnMove(Code)
True if selected edges are disconnected from unselected vertices on move. Default is false.

protected boolean disconnectable(Code)
True if the graph allows existing connections to be removed. Default is true.

protected boolean dragEnabled(Code)
True if Drag-and-Drop should be used for move operations. Default is false due to a JDK bug.

protected boolean dropEnabled(Code)
True if the graph accepts transfers from other components (graphs). This also affects the clipboard. Default is true.

protected boolean edgeLabelsMovable(Code)
True if the labels on edges may be moved.

protected int editClickCount(Code)
Number of clicks for editing to start. Default is 2 clicks.

protected boolean editable(Code)
True if the graph allows editing the value of a cell. Bound property.

protected boolean enabled(Code)
True if the graph allows interactions. Default is true.

protected transient GraphLayoutCache graphLayoutCache(Code)
The view that defines the display properties of the model. Bound property.

protected transient GraphModel graphModel(Code)
The model that defines the graph displayed by this object. Bound property.

protected Color gridColor(Code)
The color of the grid. Changes when the Look-and-Feel changes.

protected boolean gridEnabled(Code)
True if the snap method should be active (snap to grid).

protected int gridMode(Code)
The style of the grid. Use one of the _GRID_MODE constants.

protected double gridSize(Code)
The size of the grid in points. Default is 10. Bound property.

protected boolean gridVisible(Code)
True if the grid is visible. Bound property.

protected boolean groupsEditable(Code)
True if the graph allows editing of non-leaf cells. Bound property.

protected Color handleColorlockedHandleColor(Code)
Color of the handles and locked handles. Changes when the Look-and-Feel changes.

protected int handleSize(Code)
Size of a handle. Default is 3 pixels.

protected Color highlightColor(Code)
Highlight Color. Changes when the Look-and-Feel changes.

protected boolean invokesStopCellEditing(Code)
If true, when editing is to be stopped by way of selection changing, data in graph changing or other means stopCellEditing is invoked, and changes are saved. If false, cancelCellEditing is invoked, and changes are discarded.

protected boolean isJumpToDefaultPort(Code)
True if getPortViewAt should return the default port if no other port is found. Default is false.

protected boolean isMoveIntoGroups(Code)
Specifies if cells should be added to a group when moved over the group's area. Default is false.

protected boolean isMoveOutOfGroups(Code)
Specifies if cells should be removed from groups when removed from the group area. Default is false.

protected transient BasicMarqueeHandler marquee(Code)
Handler for marquee selection.

protected Color marqueeColor(Code)
Color of the marquee. Changes when the Look-and-Feel changes.

protected int minimumMove(Code)
Minimum amount of pixels to start a move transaction. Default is 5.

protected boolean moveBelowZero(Code)
True if the graph allows to move cells below zero.

protected boolean moveBeyondGraphBounds(Code)
True if the graph allows to move cells beyond the graph bounds

protected boolean moveable(Code)
True if the graph allows move operations. Default is true.

protected transient Graphics offgraphics(Code)
Graphics object of off screen image

protected transient Image offscreen(Code)
Off screen image for double buffering

protected transient Rectangle2D offscreenBounds(Code)
The bounds of the offscreen buffer

protected transient int offscreenBuffer(Code)
The buffer around the offscreen graphics object that provides the specified distance of scrolling before the buffer has to be redrawn. Increasing the value means fewer redraws but more memory is required.

protected transient Point2D offscreenOffset(Code)
The offset of the offscreen buffer

protected transient boolean offscreenValid(Code)
Whether or not the current background image is correct

protected boolean portsScaled(Code)
True if the ports are scaled. Bound property.

protected boolean portsVisible(Code)
True if the ports are visible. Bound property.

protected boolean previewInvalidNullPorts(Code)
True if the graph allows invalid null ports during previews (aka flip back edges). Default is true.

protected double scale(Code)
Scale of the graph. Default is 1. Bound property.

protected boolean selectionEnabled(Code)
True if the graph allows selection of cells. Note: You must also disable selectNewCells if you disable this. Bound property.

protected transient GraphSelectionModel selectionModel(Code)
Models the set of selected objects in this graph. Bound property.

protected transient GraphSelectionRedirector selectionRedirector(Code)
Creates a new event and passes it off the selectionListeners.

protected boolean sizeable(Code)
True if the graph allows cells to be resized. Default is true.

protected int tolerance(Code)
Maximum distance between a cell and the mousepointer. Default is 4.

protected boolean volatileOffscreen(Code)
Whether or not to try to use a volatile offscreen buffer for double buffering. Volatile

protected boolean xorEnabled(Code)
True if the graph accepts transfers from other components (graphs). This also affects the clipboard. Default is true.

Constructor Detail
public JGraph()(Code)
Returns a JGraph with a sample model.

public JGraph(GraphModel model)(Code)
Returns an instance of JGraph which displays the the specified data model.
  model - the GraphModel to use as the data model

public JGraph(GraphLayoutCache cache)(Code)
Returns an instance of JGraph which displays the data model using the specified view.
  cache - the GraphLayoutCache to use as the view

public JGraph(GraphModel model, GraphLayoutCache cache)(Code)
Returns an instance of JGraph which displays the specified data model using the specified view.
  model - the GraphModel to use as the data model
  cache - the GraphLayoutCache to use as the cache

public JGraph(GraphModel model, BasicMarqueeHandler mh)(Code)
Returns an instance of JGraph which displays the specified data model and assigns the specified marquee handler
  model - the GraphModel to use as the data model
  mh - the BasicMarqueeHandler to use as the marqueehandler

public JGraph(GraphModel model, GraphLayoutCache layoutCache, BasicMarqueeHandler mh)(Code)
Returns an instance of JGraph which displays the specified data model using the specified view and assigns the specified marquee handler
  model - the GraphModel to use as the data model
  layoutCache - the GraphLayoutCache to use as the cache
  mh - the BasicMarqueeHandler to use as the marqueehandler

Method Detail
public void addGraphSelectionListener(GraphSelectionListener tsl)(Code)
Adds a listener for GraphSelection events.
  tsl - the GraphSelectionListener that will benotified when a cell is selected or deselected (a "negativeselection")

public static void addSampleData(GraphModel model)(Code)
Creates and returns a sample GraphModel. Used primarily for beanbuilders to show something interesting.

public void addSelectionCell(Object cell)(Code)
Adds the cell identified by the specified Object to the current selection.
  cell - the cell to be added to the selection

public void addSelectionCells(Object[] cells)(Code)
Adds each cell in the array of cells to the current selection.
  cells - an array of objects that specifies the cells to add

public void cancelEditing()(Code)
Cancels the current editing session. Has no effect if the graph isn't being edited.

public void clearSelection()(Code)
Clears the selection.

public Map cloneCells(Object[] cells)(Code)
Returns a map of (cell, clone)-pairs for all cells and their children. Special care is taken to replace the anchor references between ports. (Iterative implementation.)

public String convertValueToString(Object value)(Code)
Converts the specified value to string. If the value is an instance of CellView then the corresponding value or cell is used.

public static Map createBounds(AttributeMap map, int x, int y, Color c)(Code)
Returns an attributeMap for the specified position and color.

protected void createBufferedImage(int width, int height)(Code)
Utility method to create a standard buffered image
  width -
  height -

public boolean drawImage(int dx1, int dy1, int dx2, int dy2, int sx1, int sy1, int sx2, int sy2)(Code)
Utility method to draw the off screen buffer
  dx1 - the x coordinate of the first corner of thedestination rectangle.
  dy1 - the y coordinate of the first corner of thedestination rectangle.
  dx2 - the x coordinate of the second corner of thedestination rectangle.
  dy2 - the y coordinate of the second corner of thedestination rectangle.
  sx1 - the x coordinate of the first corner of the sourcerectangle.
  sy1 - the y coordinate of the first corner of the sourcerectangle.
  sx2 - the x coordinate of the second corner of the sourcerectangle.
  sy2 - the y coordinate of the second corner of the sourcerectangle. true if the current output representation iscomplete; false otherwise.

public boolean drawImage(Graphics g)(Code)

protected void fireValueChanged(GraphSelectionEvent e)(Code)
Notifies all listeners that have registered interest for notification on this event type. The event instance is lazily created using the parameters passed into the fire method.
  e - the GraphSelectionEvent generated by theGraphSelectionModel when a cell is selected ordeselected
See Also:   javax.swing.event.EventListenerList

public Point2D fromScreen(Point2D p)(Code)
Downscale the given point in place, using the given instance.
  p - the point to be downscaled the downscaled point instance

public Rectangle2D fromScreen(Rectangle2D rect)(Code)
Downscale the given rectangle in place, using the given instance.
  rect - the rectangle to be downscaled the down-scaled rectangle instance

public AttributeMap getAttributes(Object cell)(Code)
Returns the attributes for the specified cell. If the layout cache returns a view for the cell then this method returns allAttributes, otherwise the method returns model.getAttributes(cell).

public Component getBackgroundComponent()(Code)
the backgroundComponent

public ImageIcon getBackgroundImage()(Code)
Returns the background image. Returns the backgroundImage.

public Rectangle2D getCellBounds(Object cell)(Code)
Returns the bounding rectangle of the specified cell.

public Rectangle2D getCellBounds(Object[] cells)(Code)
Returns the bounding rectangle of the specified cells.

public Point2D getCenterPoint()(Code)
Returns the center of the component relative to the parent viewport's position.

public PortView getDefaultPortForCell(Object cell)(Code)
Returns the default portview for the specified cell. The default implementation returns the first floating port (ie. the first port that does not define an offset) or the port, if there is only one port.
  cell - the cell whose port is to be obtained the port view of the specified cell

public Object[] getDescendants(Object[] cells)(Code)
Returns all cells including all descendants in the passed in order of cells.

public boolean getEdgeLabelsMovable()(Code)
Returns true if edge labels may be dragged and dropped. whether edge labels may be dragged and dropped

public int getEditClickCount()(Code)
Returns the number of clicks for editing to start.

public Object getEditingCell()(Code)
Returns the cell that is currently being edited. the cell being edited

public Object getFirstCellForLocation(double x, double y)(Code)
Returns the topmost cell at the specified location.
  x - an integer giving the number of pixels horizontally from theleft edge of the display area, minus any left margin
  y - an integer giving the number of pixels vertically from the topof the display area, minus any top margin the topmost cell at the specified location

public GraphLayoutCache getGraphLayoutCache()(Code)
Returns the GraphLayoutCache that is providing the view-data. the view that is providing the view-data

public Color getGridColor()(Code)
Returns the current grid color.

public int getGridMode()(Code)
Returns the current grid view mode.

public double getGridSize()(Code)
Returns the size of the grid in pixels. the size of the grid as an int

public Color getHandleColor()(Code)
Returns the current handle color.

public int getHandleSize()(Code)
Returns the size of the handles.

public Color getHighlightColor()(Code)
Returns the current highlight color.

public BufferedImage getImage(Color bg, int inset)(Code)
Returns a BufferedImage for the graph using inset as an empty border around the cells of the graph. If bg is null then a transparent background is applied to the image, else the background is filled with the bg color. Therefore, one should only use a null background if the fileformat support transparency, eg. GIF and PNG. For JPG, you can use Color.WHITE for example. Returns an image of the graph.

public boolean getInvokesStopCellEditing()(Code)
Returns the indicator that tells what happens when editing is interrupted. the indicator that tells what happens when editing is interrupted
See Also:   JGraph.setInvokesStopCellEditing

public CellView getLeafViewAt(double x, double y)(Code)
Returns the next view at the specified location wrt. c in the specified array of views. The views must be in order, as returned, for example, by GraphLayoutCache.order(Object[]).

public Color getLockedHandleColor()(Code)
Returns the current second handle color.

public Color getMarqueeColor()(Code)
Returns the current marquee color.

public BasicMarqueeHandler getMarqueeHandler()(Code)
Returns the MarqueeHandler that will handle marquee selection.

public int getMinimumMove()(Code)
Returns the miminum amount of pixels for a move operation.

public GraphModel getModel()(Code)
Returns the GraphModel that is providing the data. the model that is providing the data

public Object getNextCellForLocation(Object current, double x, double y)(Code)
Returns the cell at the specified location that is "behind" the current cell. Returns the topmost cell if there are no more cells behind current. Note: This does only return visible cells.

public CellView getNextSelectableViewAt(CellView current, double x, double y)(Code)
Note: Arguments are not expected to be scaled (they are scaled in here).

public CellView getNextViewAt(CellView current, double x, double y)(Code)
Returns the next view at the specified location wrt. current. This is used to iterate overlapping cells, and cells that are grouped. The current selection affects this method.
Note: This returns the next selectable view.
Note: Arguments are not expected to be scaled (they are scaled in here).

public CellView getNextViewAt(CellView current, double x, double y, boolean leafsOnly)(Code)
Returns the next view at the specified location wrt. current. This is used to iterate overlapping cells, and cells that are grouped. The current selection affects this method.
Note: This returns the next selectable view.
Note: Arguments are not expected to be scaled (they are scaled in here).

public CellView getNextViewAt(CellView[] cells, CellView c, double x, double y)(Code)
Returns the next view at the specified location wrt. c in the specified array of views. The views must be in order, as returned, for example, by GraphLayoutCache.order(Object[]).

public CellView getNextViewAt(CellView[] cells, CellView c, double x, double y, boolean leafsOnly)(Code)
Returns the next view at the specified location wrt. c in the specified array of views. The views must be in order, as returned, for example, by GraphLayoutCache.order(Object[]).

public Graphics getOffgraphics()(Code)
Returns the current double buffering graphics object. Checks to see if the graph bounds has changed since the last time the off screen image was created and if so, creates a new image. the off screen graphics

public Image getOffscreen()(Code)
the offscreen

public Point2D getOffscreenOffset()(Code)
the offscreenOffset

public Object getPortForLocation(double x, double y)(Code)
Convenience method to return the port at the specified location.

public PortView getPortViewAt(double x, double y)(Code)
Returns the portview at the specified location.
Note: Arguments are not expected to be scaled (they are scaled in here).

public PortView getPortViewAt(double x, double y, int tolerance)(Code)
Returns the portview at the specified location.
Note: Arguments are not expected to be scaled (they are scaled in here).

public Dimension getPreferredScrollableViewportSize()(Code)
Returns the preferred display size of a JGraph. The height is determined from getPreferredWidth. the graph's preferred size

public Object[] getRoots()(Code)
Returns all root cells (cells that have no parent) that the model contains.

public Object[] getRoots(Rectangle clip)(Code)
Returns all cells that intersect the given rectangle.

public double getScale()(Code)
Returns the current scale. the current scale as a double

public int getScrollableBlockIncrement(Rectangle visibleRect, int orientation, int direction)(Code)
Returns the amount for a block increment, which is the height or width of visibleRect, based on orientation.
  visibleRect - the view area visible within the viewport
  orientation - either SwingConstants.VERTICAL orSwingConstants.HORIZONTAL
  direction - less than zero to scroll up/left, greater than zero fordown/right. the "block" increment for scrolling in the specified direction
See Also:   javax.swing.JScrollBar.setBlockIncrement(int)

public boolean getScrollableTracksViewportHeight()(Code)
Returns false to indicate that the height of the viewport does not determine the height of the graph, unless the preferred height of the graph is smaller than the viewports height. In other words: ensure that the graph is never smaller than its viewport. false
See Also:   Scrollable.getScrollableTracksViewportHeight

public boolean getScrollableTracksViewportWidth()(Code)
Returns false to indicate that the width of the viewport does not determine the width of the graph, unless the preferred width of the graph is smaller than the viewports width. In other words: ensure that the graph is never smaller than its viewport. false
See Also:   Scrollable.getScrollableTracksViewportWidth

public int getScrollableUnitIncrement(Rectangle visibleRect, int orientation, int direction)(Code)
Returns the amount to increment when scrolling. The amount is 4.
  visibleRect - the view area visible within the viewport
  orientation - either SwingConstants.VERTICAL orSwingConstants.HORIZONTAL
  direction - less than zero to scroll up/left, greater than zero fordown/right the "unit" increment for scrolling in the specified direction
See Also:   javax.swing.JScrollBar.setUnitIncrement(int)

public Object getSelectionCell()(Code)
Returns the first selected cell. the Object for the first selected cell, ornull if nothing is currently selected

public Object getSelectionCellAt(Point2D pt)(Code)
Returns the selection cell at the specified location. Returns the selection cell for pt.

public Object[] getSelectionCells()(Code)
Returns all selected cells. an array of objects representing the selected cells, ornull if nothing is currently selected

public Object[] getSelectionCells(Object[] cells)(Code)
Returns all selected cells in cells.

public int getSelectionCount()(Code)
Returns the number of cells selected. the number of cells selected

public GraphSelectionModel getSelectionModel()(Code)
Returns the model for selections. This should always return a non- null value. If you don't want to allow anything to be selected set the selection model to null, which forces an empty selection model to be used. the current selection model
See Also:   JGraph.setSelectionModel

public int getTolerance()(Code)
Returns the maximum distance between the mousepointer and a cell to be selected.

public String getToolTipText(MouseEvent e)(Code)
Overrides JComponent'sgetToolTipText method in order to allow the graph to create a tooltip for the topmost cell under the mousepointer. This differs from JTree where the renderers tooltip is used.

NOTE: For JGraph to properly display tooltips of its renderers, JGraph must be a registered component with the ToolTipManager. This can be done by invoking ToolTipManager.sharedInstance().registerComponent(graph). This is not done automatically!
  e - the MouseEvent that initiated theToolTip display a string containing the tooltip or null ifevent is null

public CellView getTopmostViewAt(double x, double y, boolean reverse, boolean leafsOnly)(Code)
Returns the topmost cell view at the specified location using the view's bounds on non-leafs to check for containment. If reverse is true this will return the innermost view.

public GraphUI getUI()(Code)
Returns the L&F object that renders this component. the GraphUI object that renders this component

public String getUIClassID()(Code)
Returns the name of the L&F class that renders this component. the string "GraphUI"
See Also:   JComponent.getUIClassID

public Rectangle2D getViewPortBounds()(Code)
Return the bounds of the parent viewport, if one exists. If one does not exist, null is returned the bounds of the parent viewport

public void graphDidChange()(Code)
Messaged when the graph has changed enough that we need to resize the bounds, but not enough that we need to remove the cells (e.g cells were inserted into the graph). You should never have to invoke this, the UI will invoke this as it needs to. (Note: This is invoked by GraphUI, eg. after moving.)

public boolean isAntiAliased()(Code)
Returns true if the graph will be anti aliased. true if the graph is anti aliased

public boolean isAutoResizeGraph()(Code)
Returns true if the graph should be automatically resized when cells are being moved below the bottom right corner. Note if the value of moveBeyondGraphBounds if false auto resizing is automatically disabled

public boolean isBackgroundScaled()(Code)
the backgroundScaled

public boolean isBendable()(Code)
Returns true if the graph allows adding/removing/modifying points.

public boolean isCellEditable(Object cell)(Code)
Returns true if the graph and the cell are editable. This is invoked from the UI before editing begins to ensure that the given cell can be edited. true if the specified cell is editable
See Also:   JGraph.isEditable

public boolean isCellSelected(Object cell)(Code)
Returns true if the cell is currently selected.
  cell - an object identifying a cell true if the cell is selected

public boolean isCloneable()(Code)
Returns true if cells are cloned on CTRL-Drag operations.

public boolean isConnectable()(Code)
Returns true if the graph allows new connections to be established.

public boolean isDisconnectOnMove()(Code)
Returns true if selected edges should be disconnected from unselected vertices when they are moved.

public boolean isDisconnectable()(Code)
Returns true if the graph allows existing connections to be removed.

public boolean isDragEnabled()(Code)
Returns true if the graph uses Drag-and-Drop to move cells.

public boolean isDropEnabled()(Code)
Returns true if the graph accepts drops/pastes from external sources.

public boolean isEditable()(Code)
Returns true if the graph is editable (if it allows cells to be edited). true if the graph is editable

public boolean isEditing()(Code)
Returns true if the graph is being edited. The item that is being edited can be obtained using getEditingCell. true if the user is currently editing a cell
See Also:   JGraph.getSelectionCell

public boolean isGridEnabled()(Code)
Returns true if the grid is active.
See Also:   JGraph.snap(Point2D)

public boolean isGridVisible()(Code)
Returns true if the grid will be visible. true if the grid is visible

public boolean isGroupsEditable()(Code)
the groupsEditable

public boolean isJumpToDefaultPort()(Code)
Returns true if getPortViewAt should return the default port if no other port is found.

public boolean isMoveBelowZero()(Code)
Returns true if the graph allows to move cells below zero.

public boolean isMoveBeyondGraphBounds()(Code)
the moveBeyondGraphBounds

public boolean isMoveIntoGroups()(Code)
Returns true if cells should be added to groups when moved over the group's area.

public boolean isMoveOutOfGroups()(Code)
Returns true if cells should be removed from groups when removed from the group's area.

public boolean isMoveable()(Code)

public boolean isOffscreenValid()(Code)
the offscreenValid

public boolean isPortsScaled()(Code)
Returns true if the ports will be scaled. true if the ports are visible

public boolean isPortsVisible()(Code)
Returns true if the ports will be visible. true if the ports are visible

public boolean isPreviewInvalidNullPorts()(Code)
Returns true if graph allows invalid null ports during previews true if the graph allows invalid null ports during previews

public boolean isSelectionEmpty()(Code)
Returns true if the selection is currently empty. true if the selection is currently empty

public boolean isSelectionEnabled()(Code)
Returns true if the cell selection is enabled true if the cell selection is enabled

public boolean isSizeable()(Code)
Returns true if the graph allows cells to be resized.

public boolean isVolatileOffscreen()(Code)
the volatileOffscreen

public boolean isXorEnabled()(Code)
Returns true if the graph accepts drops/pastes from external sources.

public static void main(String[] args)(Code)

public Object[] order(Object[] cells)(Code)
Returns all cells including all descendants ordered using the current layering data stored by the model.

protected String paramString()(Code)
Returns a string representation of this JGraph. This method is intended to be used only for debugging purposes, and the content and format of the returned string may vary between implementations. The returned string may be empty but may not be null. a string representation of this JGraph.

public void removeGraphSelectionListener(GraphSelectionListener tsl)(Code)
Removes a GraphSelection listener.
  tsl - the GraphSelectionListener to remove

public void removeSelectionCell(Object cell)(Code)
Removes the cell identified by the specified Object from the current selection.
  cell - the cell to be removed from the selection

public void repaint(long tm, int x, int y, int width, int height)(Code)
You should not call this method directly on a JGraph if you are using double buffering.
See Also:   javax.swing.JComponent.repaint(longintintintint)

public void repaint(Rectangle r)(Code)

public void repaint()(Code)

public void repaint(int x, int y, int width, int height)(Code)

public void repaint(long tm)(Code)

public void scrollCellToVisible(Object cell)(Code)
Scrolls to the specified cell. Only works when this JGraph is contained in a JScrollPane.
  cell - the object identifying the cell to bring into view

public void scrollPointToVisible(Point2D p)(Code)
Makes sure the specified point is visible.
  p - the point that should be visible

public void setAntiAliased(boolean newValue)(Code)
Sets antialiasing on or off based on the boolean value.

Fires a property change for the ANTIALIASED_PROPERTY.
  newValue - whether to turn antialiasing on or off

public void setAutoResizeGraph(boolean autoResizeGraph)(Code)
Sets whether or not the graph should be automatically resize when cells are being moved below the bottom right corner

public void setBackgroundComponent(Component backgroundComponent)(Code)

  backgroundComponent - the backgroundComponent to set

public void setBackgroundImage(ImageIcon backgroundImage)(Code)
Sets the background image. Fires a property change event for JGraph.PROPERTY_BACKGROUNDIMAGE .
  backgroundImage - The backgroundImage to set.

public void setBackgroundScaled(boolean backgroundScaled)(Code)

  backgroundScaled - the backgroundScaled to set

public void setBendable(boolean flag)(Code)
Sets if the graph allows adding/removing/modifying points.

public void setCloneable(boolean flag)(Code)
Sets if cells are cloned on CTRL-Drag operations.

public void setConnectable(boolean flag)(Code)
Setse if the graph allows new connections to be established.

public void setDisconnectOnMove(boolean flag)(Code)
Sets if selected edges should be disconnected from unselected vertices when they are moved.

public void setDisconnectable(boolean flag)(Code)
Sets if the graph allows existing connections to be removed.

public void setDragEnabled(boolean flag)(Code)
Sets if the graph uses Drag-and-Drop to move cells.

public void setDropEnabled(boolean flag)(Code)
Sets if the graph accepts drops/pastes from external sources.

public void setEdgeLabelsMovable(boolean edgeLabelsMovable)(Code)
Set if edge labels may be moved with the mouse or not.
  edgeLabelsMovable - true if edge labels may be dragged

public void setEditClickCount(int count)(Code)
Sets the number of clicks for editing to start.

public void setEditable(boolean flag)(Code)
Determines whether the graph is editable. Fires a property change event if the new setting is different from the existing setting.

Note: Editable determines whether the graph allows editing. This is not to be confused with enabled, which allows the graph to handle mouse events (including editing).
  flag - a boolean value, true if the graph is editable

public void setGraphLayoutCache(GraphLayoutCache newLayoutCache)(Code)
Sets the GraphLayoutCache that will provide the view-data.

Note: Updates the graphs's model using using the model from the layout cache.

Fires a property change for the GRAPH_LAYOUT_CACHE_PROPERTY.
  newLayoutCache - the GraphLayoutCache that is to provide theview-data

public void setGridColor(Color newColor)(Code)
Sets the current grid color.

public void setGridEnabled(boolean flag)(Code)
If set to true, the grid will be active.
See Also:   JGraph.snap(Point2D)

public void setGridMode(int mode)(Code)
Sets the current grid view mode.
  mode - The current grid view mode. Valid values are DOT_GRID_MODE,CROSS_GRID_MODE, andLINE_GRID_MODE.

public void setGridSize(double newSize)(Code)
Sets the size of the grid.

Fires a property change for the GRID_SIZE_PROPERTY.
  newSize - the new size of the grid in pixels

public void setGridVisible(boolean flag)(Code)
If set to true, the grid will be visible.

Fires a property change for the GRID_VISIBLE_PROPERTY.

public void setGroupsEditable(boolean groupsEditable)(Code)

  groupsEditable - the groupsEditable to set

public void setHandleColor(Color newColor)(Code)
Sets the current handle color.

public void setHandleSize(int size)(Code)
Sets the size of the handles.

public void setHighlightColor(Color newColor)(Code)
Sets the current selection highlight color.

public void setInvokesStopCellEditing(boolean newValue)(Code)
Determines what happens when editing is interrupted by selecting another cell in the graph, a change in the graph's data, or by some other means. Setting this property to true causes the changes to be automatically saved when editing is interrupted.

Fires a property change for the INVOKES_STOP_CELL_EDITING_PROPERTY.
  newValue - true means that stopCellEditing is invoked whenediting is interruped, and data is saved; false means thatcancelCellEditing is invoked, and changes arelost

public void setJumpToDefaultPort(boolean flag)(Code)
Sets if getPortViewAt should return the default port if no other port is found.

public void setLockedHandleColor(Color newColor)(Code)
Sets the current second handle color.

public void setMarqueeColor(Color newColor)(Code)
Sets the current marquee color.

public void setMarqueeHandler(BasicMarqueeHandler newMarquee)(Code)
Sets the MarqueeHandler that will handle marquee selection.
  newMarquee - the BasicMarqueeHandler that is to providemarquee handling

public void setMinimumMove(int pixels)(Code)
Sets the miminum amount of pixels for a move operation.

public void setModel(GraphModel newModel)(Code)
Sets the GraphModel that will provide the data. Note: Updates the current GraphLayoutCache's model using setModel if the GraphLayoutCache points to a different model.

Fires a property change for the GRAPH_MODEL_PROPERTY.
  newModel - the GraphModel that is to provide the data

public void setMoveBelowZero(boolean moveBelowZero)(Code)
Sets if the graph should auto resize when cells are being moved below the bottom right corner.

public void setMoveBeyondGraphBounds(boolean moveBeyondGraphBounds)(Code)

  moveBeyondGraphBounds - the moveBeyondGraphBounds to set

public void setMoveIntoGroups(boolean flag)(Code)
Specifies if cells should be added to groups when moved over the group's area.

public void setMoveOutOfGroups(boolean flag)(Code)
Specifies if cells should be removed from groups when removed from the group's area.

public void setMoveable(boolean flag)(Code)
Sets if the graph allows movement of cells.

public void setOffscreenOffset(Point2D offscreenOffset)(Code)

  offscreenOffset - the offscreenOffset to set

public void setOffscreenValid(boolean offscreenValid)(Code)

  offscreenValid - the offscreenValid to set

public void setPortsScaled(boolean flag)(Code)
If set to true, the ports will be scaled.

Fires a property change for the PORTS_SCALED_PROPERTY.

public void setPortsVisible(boolean flag)(Code)
If set to true, the ports will be visible.

Fires a property change for the PORTS_VISIBLE_PROPERTY.

public void setPreviewInvalidNullPorts(boolean flag)(Code)
Determines whether the graph allows invalid null ports during previews
  flag - a boolean value, true if the graph allows invalid null portsduring previews

public void setScale(double newValue)(Code)
Sets the current scale.

Fires a property change for the SCALE_PROPERTY.
  newValue - the new scale

public void setScale(double newValue, Point2D center)(Code)
Sets the current scale and centers the graph to the specified point
  newValue - the new scale
  center - the center of the graph

public void setSelectionCell(Object cell)(Code)
Selects the specified cell.
  cell - the Object specifying the cell to select

public void setSelectionCells(Object[] cells)(Code)
Selects the specified cells.
  cells - an array of objects that specifies the cells to select

public void setSelectionEnabled(boolean flag)(Code)
Determines whether cell selection is enabled. Fires a property change event if the new setting is different from the existing setting.
  flag - a boolean value, true if cell selection is enabled

public void setSelectionModel(GraphSelectionModel selectionModel)(Code)
Sets the graph's selection model. When a null value is specified an emtpy selectionModel is used, which does not allow selections.
  selectionModel - the GraphSelectionModel to use, ornull to disable selections
See Also:   GraphSelectionModel

public void setSizeable(boolean flag)(Code)
Sets if the graph allows cells to be resized.

public void setTolerance(int size)(Code)
Sets the maximum distance between the mousepointer and a cell to be selected.

public void setUI(GraphUI ui)(Code)
Sets the L&F object that renders this component.
  ui - the GraphUI L&F object
See Also:   javax.swing.UIDefaults.getUI(JComponent)

public void setVolatileOffscreen(boolean volatileOffscreen)(Code)

  volatileOffscreen - the volatileOffscreen to set

public void setXorEnabled(boolean flag)(Code)
Sets if the graph accepts drops/pastes from external sources.

protected void setupOffScreen(int x, int y, int width, int height, Rectangle2D newOffscreenBuffer)(Code)
Utility method that initialises the offscreen graphics area
  x -
  y -
  width -
  height -
  newOffscreenBuffer -

public Point2D snap(Point2D p)(Code)
Returns the given point applied to the grid.
  p - a point in screen coordinates. the same point applied to the grid.

public Rectangle2D snap(Rectangle2D r)(Code)
Returns the given rectangle applied to the grid.
  r - a rectangle in screen coordinates. the same rectangle applied to the grid.

public Dimension2D snap(Dimension2D d)(Code)
Returns the given dimension applied to the grid.
  d - a dimension in screen coordinates to snap to. the same dimension applied to the grid.

public void startEditingAtCell(Object cell)(Code)
Selects the specified cell and initiates editing. The edit-attempt fails if the CellEditor does not allow editing for the specified item.

public boolean stopEditing()(Code)
Ends the current editing session. (The DefaultGraphCellEditor object saves any edits that are currently in progress on a cell. Other implementations may operate differently.) Has no effect if the tree isn't being edited.
To make edit-saves automatic whenever the user changes their position in the graph, use JGraph.setInvokesStopCellEditing .
true if editing was in progress and is now stopped, false ifediting was not in progress

public Point2D toScreen(Point2D p)(Code)
Upscale the given point in place, using the given instance.
  p - the point to be upscaled the upscaled point instance

public Rectangle2D toScreen(Rectangle2D rect)(Code)
Upscale the given rectangle in place, using the given instance.
  rect - the rectangle to be upscaled the upscaled rectangle instance

public void updateAutoSize(CellView view)(Code)
Computes and updates the size for view.

public void updateUI()(Code)
Notification from the UIManager that the L&F has changed. Replaces the current UI object with the latest version from the UIManager. Subclassers can override this to support different GraphUIs.
See Also:   JComponent.updateUI

Fields inherited from javax.swing.JComponent
final public static String TOOL_TIP_TEXT_KEY(Code)(Java Doc)
final public static int UNDEFINED_CONDITION(Code)(Java Doc)
final public static int WHEN_ANCESTOR_OF_FOCUSED_COMPONENT(Code)(Java Doc)
final public static int WHEN_FOCUSED(Code)(Java Doc)
final public static int WHEN_IN_FOCUSED_WINDOW(Code)(Java Doc)
protected AccessibleContext accessibleContext(Code)(Java Doc)
protected EventListenerList listenerList(Code)(Java Doc)
protected transient ComponentUI ui(Code)(Java Doc)

Methods inherited from javax.swing.JComponent
public void addAncestorListener(AncestorListener listener)(Code)(Java Doc)
public void addNotify()(Code)(Java Doc)
public synchronized void addVetoableChangeListener(VetoableChangeListener listener)(Code)(Java Doc)
public void computeVisibleRect(Rectangle visibleRect)(Code)(Java Doc)
public boolean contains(int x, int y)(Code)(Java Doc)
public JToolTip createToolTip()(Code)(Java Doc)
public void disable()(Code)(Java Doc)
public void enable()(Code)(Java Doc)
public void firePropertyChange(String propertyName, boolean oldValue, boolean newValue)(Code)(Java Doc)
public void firePropertyChange(String propertyName, int oldValue, int newValue)(Code)(Java Doc)
public void firePropertyChange(String propertyName, char oldValue, char newValue)(Code)(Java Doc)
protected void fireVetoableChange(String propertyName, Object oldValue, Object newValue) throws java.beans.PropertyVetoException(Code)(Java Doc)
public AccessibleContext getAccessibleContext()(Code)(Java Doc)
public ActionListener getActionForKeyStroke(KeyStroke aKeyStroke)(Code)(Java Doc)
final public ActionMap getActionMap()(Code)(Java Doc)
public float getAlignmentX()(Code)(Java Doc)
public float getAlignmentY()(Code)(Java Doc)
public AncestorListener[] getAncestorListeners()(Code)(Java Doc)
public boolean getAutoscrolls()(Code)(Java Doc)
public int getBaseline(int width, int height)(Code)(Java Doc)
public BaselineResizeBehavior getBaselineResizeBehavior()(Code)(Java Doc)
public Border getBorder()(Code)(Java Doc)
public Rectangle getBounds(Rectangle rv)(Code)(Java Doc)
final public Object getClientProperty(Object key)(Code)(Java Doc)
protected Graphics getComponentGraphics(Graphics g)(Code)(Java Doc)
public JPopupMenu getComponentPopupMenu()(Code)(Java Doc)
public int getConditionForKeyStroke(KeyStroke aKeyStroke)(Code)(Java Doc)
public int getDebugGraphicsOptions()(Code)(Java Doc)
public static Locale getDefaultLocale()(Code)(Java Doc)
public FontMetrics getFontMetrics(Font font)(Code)(Java Doc)
public Graphics getGraphics()(Code)(Java Doc)
public int getHeight()(Code)(Java Doc)
public boolean getInheritsPopupMenu()(Code)(Java Doc)
final public InputMap getInputMap(int condition)(Code)(Java Doc)
final public InputMap getInputMap()(Code)(Java Doc)
public InputVerifier getInputVerifier()(Code)(Java Doc)
public Insets getInsets()(Code)(Java Doc)
public Insets getInsets(Insets insets)(Code)(Java Doc)
public T[] getListeners(Class<T> listenerType)(Code)(Java Doc)
public Point getLocation(Point rv)(Code)(Java Doc)
public Dimension getMaximumSize()(Code)(Java Doc)
public Dimension getMinimumSize()(Code)(Java Doc)
public Component getNextFocusableComponent()(Code)(Java Doc)
public Point getPopupLocation(MouseEvent event)(Code)(Java Doc)
public Dimension getPreferredSize()(Code)(Java Doc)
public KeyStroke[] getRegisteredKeyStrokes()(Code)(Java Doc)
public JRootPane getRootPane()(Code)(Java Doc)
public Dimension getSize(Dimension rv)(Code)(Java Doc)
public Point getToolTipLocation(MouseEvent event)(Code)(Java Doc)
public String getToolTipText()(Code)(Java Doc)
public String getToolTipText(MouseEvent event)(Code)(Java Doc)
public Container getTopLevelAncestor()(Code)(Java Doc)
public TransferHandler getTransferHandler()(Code)(Java Doc)
public String getUIClassID()(Code)(Java Doc)
public boolean getVerifyInputWhenFocusTarget()(Code)(Java Doc)
public synchronized VetoableChangeListener[] getVetoableChangeListeners()(Code)(Java Doc)
public Rectangle getVisibleRect()(Code)(Java Doc)
public int getWidth()(Code)(Java Doc)
public int getX()(Code)(Java Doc)
public int getY()(Code)(Java Doc)
public void grabFocus()(Code)(Java Doc)
public boolean isDoubleBuffered()(Code)(Java Doc)
public static boolean isLightweightComponent(Component c)(Code)(Java Doc)
public boolean isManagingFocus()(Code)(Java Doc)
public boolean isOpaque()(Code)(Java Doc)
public boolean isOptimizedDrawingEnabled()(Code)(Java Doc)
final public boolean isPaintingForPrint()(Code)(Java Doc)
public boolean isPaintingTile()(Code)(Java Doc)
public boolean isRequestFocusEnabled()(Code)(Java Doc)
public boolean isValidateRoot()(Code)(Java Doc)
public void paint(Graphics g)(Code)(Java Doc)
protected void paintBorder(Graphics g)(Code)(Java Doc)
protected void paintChildren(Graphics g)(Code)(Java Doc)
protected void paintComponent(Graphics g)(Code)(Java Doc)
public void paintImmediately(int x, int y, int w, int h)(Code)(Java Doc)
public void paintImmediately(Rectangle r)(Code)(Java Doc)
protected String paramString()(Code)(Java Doc)
public void print(Graphics g)(Code)(Java Doc)
public void printAll(Graphics g)(Code)(Java Doc)
protected void printBorder(Graphics g)(Code)(Java Doc)
protected void printChildren(Graphics g)(Code)(Java Doc)
protected void printComponent(Graphics g)(Code)(Java Doc)
protected void processComponentKeyEvent(KeyEvent e)(Code)(Java Doc)
protected boolean processKeyBinding(KeyStroke ks, KeyEvent e, int condition, boolean pressed)(Code)(Java Doc)
protected void processKeyEvent(KeyEvent e)(Code)(Java Doc)
protected void processMouseEvent(MouseEvent e)(Code)(Java Doc)
protected void processMouseMotionEvent(MouseEvent e)(Code)(Java Doc)
final public void putClientProperty(Object key, Object value)(Code)(Java Doc)
public void registerKeyboardAction(ActionListener anAction, String aCommand, KeyStroke aKeyStroke, int aCondition)(Code)(Java Doc)
public void registerKeyboardAction(ActionListener anAction, KeyStroke aKeyStroke, int aCondition)(Code)(Java Doc)
public void removeAncestorListener(AncestorListener listener)(Code)(Java Doc)
public void removeNotify()(Code)(Java Doc)
public synchronized void removeVetoableChangeListener(VetoableChangeListener listener)(Code)(Java Doc)
public void repaint(long tm, int x, int y, int width, int height)(Code)(Java Doc)
public void repaint(Rectangle r)(Code)(Java Doc)
public boolean requestDefaultFocus()(Code)(Java Doc)
public void requestFocus()(Code)(Java Doc)
public boolean requestFocus(boolean temporary)(Code)(Java Doc)
public boolean requestFocusInWindow()(Code)(Java Doc)
protected boolean requestFocusInWindow(boolean temporary)(Code)(Java Doc)
public void resetKeyboardActions()(Code)(Java Doc)
public void reshape(int x, int y, int w, int h)(Code)(Java Doc)
public void revalidate()(Code)(Java Doc)
public void scrollRectToVisible(Rectangle aRect)(Code)(Java Doc)
final public void setActionMap(ActionMap am)(Code)(Java Doc)
public void setAlignmentX(float alignmentX)(Code)(Java Doc)
public void setAlignmentY(float alignmentY)(Code)(Java Doc)
public void setAutoscrolls(boolean autoscrolls)(Code)(Java Doc)
public void setBackground(Color bg)(Code)(Java Doc)
public void setBorder(Border border)(Code)(Java Doc)
public void setComponentPopupMenu(JPopupMenu popup)(Code)(Java Doc)
public void setDebugGraphicsOptions(int debugOptions)(Code)(Java Doc)
public static void setDefaultLocale(Locale l)(Code)(Java Doc)
public void setDoubleBuffered(boolean aFlag)(Code)(Java Doc)
public void setEnabled(boolean enabled)(Code)(Java Doc)
public void setFocusTraversalKeys(int id, Set<? extends AWTKeyStroke> keystrokes)(Code)(Java Doc)
public void setFont(Font font)(Code)(Java Doc)
public void setForeground(Color fg)(Code)(Java Doc)
public void setInheritsPopupMenu(boolean value)(Code)(Java Doc)
final public void setInputMap(int condition, InputMap map)(Code)(Java Doc)
public void setInputVerifier(InputVerifier inputVerifier)(Code)(Java Doc)
public void setMaximumSize(Dimension maximumSize)(Code)(Java Doc)
public void setMinimumSize(Dimension minimumSize)(Code)(Java Doc)
public void setNextFocusableComponent(Component aComponent)(Code)(Java Doc)
public void setOpaque(boolean isOpaque)(Code)(Java Doc)
public void setPreferredSize(Dimension preferredSize)(Code)(Java Doc)
public void setRequestFocusEnabled(boolean requestFocusEnabled)(Code)(Java Doc)
public void setToolTipText(String text)(Code)(Java Doc)
public void setTransferHandler(TransferHandler newHandler)(Code)(Java Doc)
protected void setUI(ComponentUI newUI)(Code)(Java Doc)
public void setVerifyInputWhenFocusTarget(boolean verifyInputWhenFocusTarget)(Code)(Java Doc)
public void setVisible(boolean aFlag)(Code)(Java Doc)
public void unregisterKeyboardAction(KeyStroke aKeyStroke)(Code)(Java Doc)
public void update(Graphics g)(Code)(Java Doc)
public void updateUI()(Code)(Java Doc) | Contact Us
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