| java.lang.Object org.datashare.client.DataShareConnection
DataShareConnection | public class DataShareConnection implements Runnable(Code) | | This is the client side implementation of our network connection (formerly called channels)
We use this to send data, and it is provided the object that will be given any received data
and the notification if something bad happens to this socket...
closeAll | public void closeAll()(Code) | | this will close all streams and connections, ignoring any errors
getRcvBuffSize | public int getRcvBuffSize()(Code) | | returns -1 if invalid, otherwise returns the max size of the UDP socket receive buffer
getSndBuffSize | public int getSndBuffSize()(Code) | | returns -1 if invalid, otherwise returns the max size of the UDP socket send buffer
getType | public int getType()(Code) | | |
sendToAll | public void sendToAll(Object object, boolean isControl)(Code) | | |
sendToClient | public void sendToClient(Object object, String clientUniqueName, boolean isControl)(Code) | | |
sendToOthers | public void sendToOthers(Object object, boolean isControl)(Code) | | |