Method Summary |
protected boolean | canPerformAutoRename() Returns whether this operation is able to perform on-the-fly
auto-renaming of resources with name collisions. |
IStatus | checkExist(IFileStore[] stores) Checks whether the infos exist. |
IStatus | checkExist(IResource[] resources) Checks whether the resources with the given names exist. |
protected void | copy(IResource[] resources, IPath destination, IProgressMonitor subMonitor) Copies the resources to the given destination. |
public void | copyFiles(URI[] uris, IContainer destination) Copies the given URIS and folders to the destination. |
public void | copyFiles(String[] fileNames, IContainer destination) Copies the given files and folders to the destination. |
public void | copyFilesInCurrentThread(URI[] uris, IContainer destination, IProgressMonitor monitor) Copies the given files and folders to the destination without forking a
new Thread or blocking using a WorkspaceModifyOperation. |
public void | copyFilesInCurrentThread(String[] fileNames, IContainer destination, IProgressMonitor monitor) Copies the given files and folders to the destination without forking a
new Thread or blocking using a WorkspaceModifyOperation. |
public IResource[] | copyResources(IResource[] resources, IContainer destination) Copies the given resources to the destination. |
public IResource[] | copyResourcesInCurrentThread(IResource[] resources, IContainer destination, IProgressMonitor monitor) Copies the given resources to the destination in the current Thread
without forking a new Thread or blocking using a
WorkspaceModifyOperation. |
IResource | createLinkedResourceHandle(IContainer destination, IResource source) Creates a file or folder handle for the source resource as if it were to
be created in the destination container. |
boolean | delete(IResource resource, IProgressMonitor monitor) Removes the given resource from the workspace. |
static IPath | getAutoNewNameFor(IPath originalName, IWorkspace workspace) Returns a new name for a copy of the resource at the given path in the
given workspace. |
protected String | getDeepCheckQuestion(IResource source) Returns the message for querying deep copy/move of a linked resource. |
protected IFile | getFile(IResource resource) Returns the resource either casted to or adapted to an IFile. |
protected File[] | getFiles(String[] fileNames) Returns objects for the given file names.
Parameters: fileNames - files to return File object for. |
protected IFolder | getFolder(IResource resource) Returns the resource either casted to or adapted to an IFolder. |
public String[] | getModelProviderIds() Returns the model provider ids that are known to the client that
instantiated this operation. |
protected String | getOperationTitle() Returns the task title for this operation's progress dialog. |
protected String | getProblemsMessage() Returns the message for this operation's problems dialog. |
protected String | getProblemsTitle() Returns the title for this operation's problems dialog. |
protected AbstractWorkspaceOperation | getUndoableCopyOrMoveOperation(IResource[] resources, IPath destinationPath) Returns an AbstractWorkspaceOperation suitable for performing the move or
copy operation that will move or copy the given resources to the given
destination path. |
protected boolean | getValidateConflictSource() Returns whether the source file in a destination collision will be
validateEdited together with the collision itself. |
protected boolean | homogenousResources(IResource source, IResource destination) Returns whether the given resources are either both linked or both
Parameters: source - source resource Parameters: destination - destination resource boolean true if both resources are either linkedor unlinked. |
boolean | isDestinationSameAsSource(IResource[] sourceResources, IContainer destination) Returns whether any of the given source resources are being recopied to
their current container. |
protected boolean | isMove() |
public void | setModelProviderIds(String[] modelProviderIds) Sets the model provider ids that are known to the client that
instantiated this operation. |
public String | validateDestination(IContainer destination, IResource[] sourceResources) Checks whether the destination is valid for copying the source resources.
Note this method is for internal use only. |
public String | validateImportDestination(IContainer destination, String[] sourceNames) Checks whether the destination is valid for copying the source files.
Note this method is for internal use only. |